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 PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."

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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 12:28 am

Due: Saturday, March 8th at 11:59 PM EDT


PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." FJBloTX
PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Rmt9lhM
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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:17 am

The night continues after Hitman Alex just had some harsh, lasting words for David Michaels. The show is now at ringside in anticipation for the rest of the evening and it is certainly another big one for the woman scheduled to make her way to the next - her fellow D-Volution stable mates, David Michaels and JHalc, will go head-to-head with the team that beat them last month, the Logging Crew, with their XWA Tag Team Championship on the line in their first official defence since winning the titles at the end of last year. Last week Nova played a key part in Michaels regaining the XWA World Heavyweight Championship for the third time, doing her up most to nullify Dominik's wife, Samantha.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight's main event is set to be another big one as D-Volution put their Tag Titles on the line against Logging Crew, two men who defeated the champions in a non-title bout only last month...but I guess this young woman may have something to say about that AND what happened last week!"

"Like I keep saying, Cedar, Nova is the ONLY thing that Michaels and JHalc have ever got right in their miserable careers. So she can can come out here and say whatever she wishes."

As Cedar and Miles were talking, Nova's new entrance theme hits the arena speakers and the deep, male cheers that suddenly occur make every woman next to them roll their eyes in annoyance! "The Wildcat" Nova struts out from behind the entrance curtain and stands in the middle of the stage. The male fans appear to be extra excited, when they realise that Nova is not wearing her usual catsuit...but is instead in a black robe, which leaves very little to the imagination!

"Well hellooooooooooooo sexy lady! She looks dressed for some action, Cedar!"

"I'm not sure 'dressed' is the correct term, Joey...I'm not sure any words would be fitting here!"

"Then stop talking and start staring!"

Nova looks...well...stunning. Her blonde locks flow down the tops of her arms, while her breasts are bursting from beneath the tiny robe. The robe itself is connected by one button below the chest region, which is just asking to be undone, with her belly button on show entirely. Her legs glisten in the light, as they have been ever so slightly oiled up beforehand, just like the rest of her delicious physique. Her white high heels make her look a rather imposing figure, while she stands at the top of the ramp with her hands firmly placed on her hips. The camera flashes go wild, as Nova looks around with a very confident grin on her face. She then begins to walk down the ramp, giving the fans in the front row a real eyeful of what she is all about!

The glorious sight makes its way up the steps and into the ring. Nova, being the attention lover that she is, makes a real meal out of getting into the ring. Lifting her right leg in first, she slowly bends over and pushes out her peachy rear. Needless to say, this receives the largest amount of camera activity of the show so far, before Nova gets into the ring entirely and smiles, loving the reaction from the audience.

"Well, if there is one thing you can never accuse Nova of, it's being shy!"

"Amen to that and lets hope we never can! She's the only reason I struggle with wanting Michaels gone from the company, Cedar."

Nova takes a wander around the confiends of the ring, waving to her adoring fans. She then turns to the ropes near the announce table and reaches through them, recieving a microphone from Laura Watts. Nova twirls it in her hand as she wanders back into the cnetre of the ring, ready to address the XWA Universe. She raises the mic to under her mouth and smiles, as she isn't allowed to speak due to the overwhelming amount of cheers she is getting. They eventually settle down, allowing The Woldcat to make her voice heard.

"Does anybody in the arena tonight like my robe?"

The male demographic yell "YES!" at the top of their lungs, as though their lives depended on it.

"Would any of you boys like me to...oh, I don't know...take it off?!"

The "YES!" chant from moments earlier makes a swift return, only this time it's repeated over and over again! Nova raises her eyebrow, feeding of the desperation the crowd seemingly has for her to remove items of her attire!

"Of course you all would, because I am the sexiest woman in the XWA going! I naturally have the XWA Universe's jaw dropping to their feet each time I am out here...it's called sex appeal and that's something a certain other Diva has no clue about. That Diva, of course, is Samantha Valentino Claudio."

Jeers circle around the arena, as her name is mentioned, Samantha's comments earlier in the night not going down well with the fans.

"I'm sure everyone saw our little Twitter battle the other week, where this...thing that classifies herself as a woman, challenged me...ME to a match at Chain Reaction! Can you believe the audacity of this hussie?!"

The classic "OHHHHH!" rings around the arena, as Nova is not mincing her words...

"She thinks that she has the advantage in this one because she's wrestled on a regular basis. Honey, don't let she fine looks fool you - yes, I have never been in an official wrestling match before, but don't believe for one second that I haven't beaten up every single woman that has tried to fight me! You may have in the in ring experience over me, but I can take you out whenever I want! But a normal steel cage match just wasn't me style, no. You see, I needed to level the playing field a bit...so I decided to have this match where we wrestle in our Lingerie. A little sex appeal, Nova style. Now THAT is something you know nothing about because honey, you ain't nothing but a tramp!"

"HOLY SHIT!" chant comically begin to be heard, as the male fans are on the edge of their seats!

"Oh my, Nova certainly doesn't appreciate Samantha in the slightest!"

"She talks dirty...I like my women to talk dirty."

"Shame she isn't your woman then..."

"Oh, that burned, Cedar...really burned..."

"All you do is come out here and stick your nose in business where it doesn't belong, like at CyberSlam where you cost David the World Title and last week in the rematch. But I assured David that I would make it my mission to keep your little sluttish paws out of D-Volution business and at Chain Reaction, I'm going to end you entirely inside that cage! What you need to do is get in line and let the REAL women do the action in this federation. So why don't you go to the nearest hardware store, by a lawn mower...and mow my lawn, bitch! Now, while I'm sure Samantha will be wearing something she found in a trash can at Chain Reaction, I on the other hand shall be the one getting all your attention come the Pay Per View...oh and that reminds me, I mentioned something when I came out here about taking all this off, didn't I?!"

That "YES!" chant returns with a new found belief and passion behind it!

"Well, I keep my promises. Samantha, you take a good look at this fineeee body. You take a good look at what I'm wearing here tonight because compared to what I'll be wearing at the Pay Per View, this will look like I'm dressing conservatively..."

Nova then drops the mic to the floor, giving a loud thud off through the speakers, as she reaches to the single button on the robe and drops it behind her. The XWA Universe in the arena goes wild, all scrambling for the camera option on their phones as Nova shows her stuff...and everyone watching at home is smashing the record button on their digital TV sets!


"Well...*coughs*...that certainly...errrmmm...lingerie!"

"Lingerie?! That is clothing sent by the Gods!"

Nova reveals a seductive white set of lingerie, top and bottom, which couldn't be any tighter or possibly smaller if it tried. The Sexual Equaliser begins to slowly raise her arm into the air and rotate slowly on the spot, giving everyone a chance to see what she's packing. Her theme music begins to play, as the XWA Universe are wishing this sight would go on for the rest of the show! Nova then stands in the middle of the ring, placing her hands back on her hips, posing beautifully down the hard camera before the show cuts to a quick commercial break.

(What she's wearing:)

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:24 am

Awesome. This should be a fun match.

PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." MJFR42R
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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:28 am


I've legit never written a female match before, so it's either gonna' be good or a total disaster for me Funny
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:31 am

Funny You're a great fedder, so I'm sure you'll put up a good match. I just hope it isn't gonna be three posts worth. nervous

PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." MJFR42R
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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:33 am


I can assure you it sure as hell won't be lol.
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 5:11 pm

I love Nova. I love Nova.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch."   PROMO | Nova "Mow my lawn, bitch." EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 7:34 pm

You've been writing this character for years. Itll be great.
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