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 Vendetta 82 grades

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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:10 am

MATCH Singles
Rob Chapman vs. Shade
Grader: N/A

Rob Chapman has won via no-show.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:44 am; edited 4 times in total
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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:11 am

MATCH Singles
Azrael vs. C5 Ion
Grader: RURO!

Azrael: Alright, since you were the one requesting me to grade, I’ll start with your match.  That and you posted first, so moving on.  You started your match with about 100 words of description about things that didn’t have to be said all at once.  Typically, this can be fine.  However, the length of your match says that’s 100 words that could have been focused on description of aspects of the match, as I feel it would have better used then. Moving on, I think you have a solid idea of how to write action in a match (this being the first time I’ve really read-read a match of yours.  However, I think you do have a lot of room for improvement in your description.  And I’d like to mention, it’s not directed towards how you describe your moves. You do that well enough.  But you literally had one moment dedicated to true selling, and that was the biting spot.  Which I’ll be honest, was my favorite spot in the match.  The thing is though, while you had good areas like that, then you have areas where you have both men continually no-sell things just to focus on your action.  A DDT off the apron to the floor is more than enough to threaten to end a match, yet you wrote Ion pretty much saying ‘lolwut’ and then doing a swanton out of the ring moments later.  That’s where your description, and a bit of the action plans, have a failing.  One of the most important aspects of any match, is how well you describe it at all times.  

Also, you don’t want to just make it seem like the pace is going high speed the entire time, which doesn’t really seem to fit the theme of this match.  Especially since, the highlights of your match were the mind games from Azrael, yet they didn’t really get time to stick in.  It just went move to move for the entire match, which isn’t a good thing.  You want the reader to read at the pace the match should feel like.  To me, it felt like Azrael was yelling at Ion as he was practically already up.  Whereas that would have been a great moment to sell how much pain Ion was in. That way it seems like he’s actually fighting against possible defeat.  This just seemed like Az was getting all upset for nothing.  

C5 Ion: Okay, so I understand the idea of wanting to sell that Ion’s on a losing streak, that’s fine.  However, nearly a hundred words before anything actually happens is not a good idea.  I also personally don’t like the idea of a face feeling like he isn’t going to win.  Maybe you’ll take it somewhere, but you’ll have to push for it hard to make it a fun storyline to follow.  

“But, the quickness of Ion comes into play as he wants to switch up the hold, but the strength of Azrael comes into play also.”  

You never, start a sentence with a conjunction, ever.  This immediately stood out, and it bugs the hell out of me.  Though, that’s not the reason I’m pointing this out.  While your idea of description wasn’t wrong, bringing up the speed, but then strength.  However, you didn’t use it effectively.  Nor should you write a sentence like this, because the reader will instantly do a double take, and the flow of the match is ruined.  

“Ion attempts to go for a different lockup, but Azrael swings Ion's body around with an headlock takedown.”

There are a couple things I want to bring up here.  For one, the word “an” is only before words starting with a vowel, specifically singular nouns.  However, the action is what I want to bring up here.  What kind of other lockup is there?  They never really broke it up, and if Az had Ion in a headlock, what kind of lockup could he have gone for?  As for the takedown.  You should take some time to describe the transition, as you never actually state that Ion’s stuck in a headlock until this moment.  Then you hold the headlock for one more sentence before Az just gets up and slaps Ion.  There is no logic in any of that.  For a character like Azrael, who has a size advantage, he'd hold the submission to tire down the smaller, quicker opponent.  Not just get up after he's slammed him.  

"Ion looks to go onto the offense, but Ion takes a mean knee to the face and keeps complete control."

Now this is why you should reread your matches before posting.  This sentence makes no sense, and was easily avoidable as far as error goes.  I don't think I need to explain what's wrong with it.  At this point it feels like you just rushed a post in to continue the losing streak storyline without no-showing.  At the very least I hope your reading and taking what I'm saying in for next time.

The next few sequences of moves don't go much better either.  The hurricanranna just seemed random and out of place.  I do like that your giving Ion a chance to stand out, but you don't do a great job of describing it.  You just have him throwing strikes and then suddenly he's sending himself and Azrael out of the ring.  I'm not going to continue beating a dead horse though, the biggest point to bring up for you is the entire lack of description and selling in your match.  Description will make you or break you.  If you legitimately want to break your losing streak, you need to work on it.  Going from move to move with little time to describe things isn't going to make things better for you.  The one thing I really do like is having Az do his typical talking to his opponents, getting in their head thing.  It's nice to see you took enough time to put that in there. I just wish you took more care in making sure some of the easily avoided mistakes in your match were not.  

Verdict:  So it comes down to one big thing, as both of you have some description work that needs helping.  You should both read matches from the current main eventers.  I know you've been reading Kani's work Decep, so you have a solid area there.  Ion, you could do well to read matches from any body (aside from Hitman Alex, not a shot, it's just not his strong point) and you'd improve.  I do hope you read these gradings, as that is the only way you'll advance in the fed.   So this match goes to Azrael as he put a lot more into his description, and had a nicer flow to his match as a whole.  Not really close either to be honest.  You have potential Ion, I may seem harsh, but everything I've said in this grading is for you both to improve on.  So hopefully I see you advancing further someday soon.  Thanks to the both of you for putting the time in to show. 


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31

Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:11 am

MATCH Singles
Greg Samuel vs. Tyson Smith
Grader: Riley

Tyson Smith: The opening bout of your match was energetic. Both Men lock up before Tyson pushes Samuel against the Turnbuckle before he throws him across the ring, but Samuel delievers an Elbow towards Tyson's Jaw causing him to move back and Greg goes for a quick School boy boy. - Very fast paced action going on here and I am liking it. Smile A few Paragraphs down, and I see there is a lot of good action going on. One part, to where I thought you did a really awesome job on, "Tyson turns to where Samuels is perched and at that point Samuels springs off and wraps his legs around Tyson's head and tries to flip him over with a hurricanranna but Tyson blocks the move, then puts his hands on the back of Greg Samuels lifting him up, Mr. Match of the Night realizing what is about to happen begins to punch down onto Tyson's head trying to get free, but before he gets his third punch to land he feels himself flying into the turnbuckle"- I thought this made the match really awesome to Read. The fighting on the outside of the Ring was nice. Though, you did a Good Job on having Tyson not use the Chair when he brought it in as he were to get DQ'ed if he did. The Ending, was put up together nicely, with Tyson putted Samuel away with his Finisher. Your Match was a Nice read.

Greg Samuel: I thought it was pretty cool for you to bring the Fans Interactions with the Match as they chanted "Let's go Samuel" and when he would get taken into a Side Headlock, they would disapprove and get Vocal. The Spot where you had Greg hit the Pele Kick on Smith was nicely written. " Greg leaps into the air and delivers a double axe handle to the back of Smith, sending him toppling into the ropes. Looking to seize this advantage, Samuel begins wildly throwing fists, trying to wear down the bigger Smith. “Bulldawg” has had enough of the attack and with minimal effort pushes Samuel back 10 feet with one arm. Greg bounces off the mat a couple times before hopping back up and charging toward the debuting wrestler. Smith sees this attack coming on and is able to counter by picking up the 220-pound wrestler and slamming him down neck first on the mat with a powerbomb." - Was my favorite part of your match. good job The Ending where you had Greg Superkick Tyson then jumping up and down four times before putting Tyson away with The Fatal Atrraction was good and a Nice put away.

Verdict: With this being a Two Matches after the Show Opener, I thought both Men did a good Job on making this match a lengthy match for it's spot. Although I do believe that both men in the Future would make great Mid-Carders, though Greg is since he is already well known around here and has held the IC Title before, I can see Tyson being a Threat to the Title if he is entered into the Point Based Tournament. My vote goes to Tyson he Has great Action, Story telling, and Selling in his match where as Greg has the Action, keeping the match at a good pace making it interesting to read but, I just thought Tyson's was more fun to read. Greg, I know you wrote that in your Match Post, that the Match you written was crappy, but it wasn't. I thought it was a good read and can't wait to see where you go from here. Smile


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:19 am; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31

Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:12 am

MATCH Singles
Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter
Grader: Riley

Marquis Carter: No-Showed.

Drake Dysfunction: The little takedown that you had Drake performed on Marquis was a interesting start to start off your match, with both Men locking up in a Collar and Elbow tie-up, Marquis controlling Drake but Drake, quickly countering the Move into a Takedown, him leg sweeping Marquis off of his feet. The School Boy pin was a Nice Addon. Trying to keep Marquis off of his game. "Marquis quickly back strides his way into the ropes, bouncing off of them and breaking off into a sprint....that is until Drake catches him by surprise by leaping into the air and sending the soles of his feet into the mush, stopping Carter in his tracks with a perfectly placed dropkick."- Good back and forth action going on here. good job The Finishing of your Match was I thought, a potray of David Michaels as you mention it in your Match. as Drake gets up slowly, Marquis jumps from the Ropes and as he is in mid air, Drake kicks his left leg up hitting the Superkick. This was a nice Finish to put away the Match.

Verdict: Drake Dysfunction Wins.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:13 am

MATCH Singles
Big Jim vs. The Pirate
Grader: Snoopz
Big Jim: I felt your description was good, but not good at the same time. You have great vocabulary and writing, but at the same time, you don't add enough description to really let the reader feel the pace and vibe of the match. What I mean is your writing seems quick. I don't know if I'm making any sense with this, but whenever I want someone to understand what their description should be like, I tell them to read a Robert Hope match, because that guy is golden with descriptions. Moving along, your action is really good. I'd add names to commentary, because I kept getting confused, but you won't lose any points for that because commentary doesn't matter. I liked your ending. Using a submission into a pin was pretty cool. Although, like I said, your description there seemed quick. In a move that seems like it should slowly cause the Pirate to pass out, your description made it seem like he was instantly out cold. Good post, though. I'm really impressed.

The Pirate: This was a good effort. Good descriptions, action, all-around a good post. You also didn't include names for the commentators, but like I said to Big Jim, commentary doesn't matter. Still, I'd add names in the future just so you don't confuse the reader. One thing I didn't like was the holy shit chants for a Suicide Dive. Granted, it was a nice move, but with all of the stuff XWA has seen, I don't think that'd get a holy shit chant from the crowd. Still, a good post all throughout.

Verdict: This was a really good match to grade for me. I enjoyed both posts very much so. There wasn't much I could find wrong with either post. My main problem with Jim's was what seemed like rushed descriptions and I didn't have any big problems with the Pirate's post. That said, Pirate is taking the win in this match. Congratulations TJ. I look forward to seeing where you take this character and I also look forward to seeing the eventual Tag Team Championship match between the Champions and Logging Crew in the future.

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:14 am

MATCH Singles
The Nightmare vs. David Michaels
Grader: Ian

Michaels: I loved your opening few paragraphs. David Michaels becomes the audience, unsure of what they're seeing, but because it doesn't fit a mold they're used to seeing, they take it lightly. Then, the audience, as represented by Michaels, is attacked by the monster. Any doubts of the characters legitimacy ends there. Brilliantly done on your part as I wouldn't have thought to do it myself. I'm not sure who brought the commercial bit to XWA but in my head it was me back in 09. I wanted to write long matches so bad. It's realistic, yes, but at this point I'm not a fan of it as it breaks the flow of the match IMO. You have to work twice as hard to build up your tone. The action in the middle of your match, the meat of the sandwich so to speak, was pretty standard. It certainly wouldn't be an area I looked to as a strength in this match. I thought your finish was pretty good. Your match wouldn't cement Nightmare as a main eventer, but I think it brought credibility to the character; something that appeared to be a goal of yours.

Nightmare: "grabbing him by his top half while he was in the mid air, and falling backwards to send him face first into the mat for the PHOBIA" is pretty good description but it's a little ambiguous. I'd like to see you be more thorough with your descriptions. I got what you were going for with the second finisher on Michaels -- You were trying to put him over -- but for me that doesn't really work. It does very little to establish your finish because the first time someone seen it, it didn't get the job done. For a monster heel that just seemed like a poor idea to me. I think you could have made Michaels look strong without that. Characterization in the match was pretty standard. Your character didn't have much going on, which is in line with his mysterious nature, and you went through the motions with Michaels. There was nice, basic action but nothing too exciting. I thought the style you explored worked early on but I would have liked to see more with the babyface counter run. Not a bad effort all together. I'd work on being more thorough in your descriptions and spending more time working the babyface overcoming the monster angle, as it will really help illuminate your character when they ultimately can't overcome the odds.

Verdict: I'm going with David Michaels, who I think was better in character-building and overall entertainment value. At the end of the day, two good efforts. Thank you both for such quality efforts.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:43 am; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 31

Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:14 am

MATCH Singles
Nicole Johnson vs. Polly Pocket
Grader: Snoopz
Polly Pocket: Immediately, I'm impressed by your descriptions. Very nicely done. One thing I'd suggest about your layout is to make your paragraphs a tad bit smaller. Mine are also pretty big compared to most, but even mine aren't that big. It just starts making the reading seem like a chore when you're looking at these giant blocks of text. That said, it's only a small thing so it won't really effect the outcome of this match. Your action was good. Nothing amazing for a relatively short match, but good. My main thing I was impressed with was your description. You did an amazing job there. This was a really good effort, given it was your debut match and where it was on the card. I'd love to see what you could do given a title shot.

Nicole Johnson: Holy fuck, a post from you that isn't 8k words or more. I am shock. You called Nicole by "his". Disqualified. Nah, but seriously, some decent description from your end as well. Your action was also good. Paragraphs were a bit big, like Polly's, but not as big. I didn't take any points off of it for her and I won't for you either, just making a note. This was also a good effort from you. Good action, good description, an all-around good post and it wasn't assfucking long.

Verdict: I'm happy with how close this match ended up being. Both of you did good. Nicole, I felt just edged it in action, but Polly had much better description, despite Riley doing good there too. I'm gonna have to give it to Polly in this match. Congratulations and I hope you stick around.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:18 am; edited 2 times in total
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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:15 am

MATCH Singles
Danny Diamond vs. Spyro
Grader: Riley

Spyro: I love the little reference that you made between Danny and Spyro, explaining the huge Height between the Two men as David and Goliath. It really helps give the Reader a visual of what the Stand down is like. The First offense that you had Spyro do with the Roundhouse kick to the Chest was a Interesting start to say the least. I don't think I've ever read a Match that had a Match start off with Roundhouse Kicks. But for this match. With these two giants going at it, I understand. A Second Paragraph down and at the last sentence, where you had Spyro lift Danny up, almost like he was nothing, up and above his head before he threw him back onto the Mat with force was absolutely crazy to me. Since both of these guys are about the same height.The Brunette Woman standing in the Crowd was also a nice touch. With Spyro giving her a stare before laughing out, thinking that this may have been Danny's doing so he could get back into it. Looking down at the Rest of your match, I could tell that you are building Spyro into a Hardcore Type of Character. With the Clubbing to the Skills, arms, and legs on Danny. The Ending, was alittle bit unexpected but joyful to read. With Spyro going for the 1.2.. And then ends up lifting him and Spinning him around like a Rag Doll was just crazy. This was a good match from you Meth.

Danny: What a fast start to your match. Having Danny sprint across the Ring to Spyro and landing a Dropkick on him, pushing him back against the corner and beginning to work on his bigger adversary was pretty cool. Spyro stalking down Skye was also cool. As it just letted Danny enough time to regroup and then jump on him, saving his Girlfriend. "Suddenly, Danny springs back to life, as he runs up the ropes from inside the ring and drills Spyro with an elbow shot to the head! With the big man now a bit groggy, still trying to maintain his balance atop the turnbuckle, Danny leaps into the air, straddling his legs around the shoulders of his foe and taking him off of the turnbuckle with a humungous Hurricanrana!" - was I thought the Best part of your Match. The Ending was a Nice tie-up or Finish off to a great Match with Spyro.

Verdict: Wow, is this match really close between the two of you. I thought Spyro had great Entertainment, or sound we say "Spots" in his match and some of them were even Brutal. His also had a great Flow but not to shy away from Danny as he had the same thing going on as well. Danny had great description and good back and forth action. Both did well in the Selling department and had great Story telling of these two Beasts. In the end, however, I thought Danny Diamond had the better overall match. Just by an Inch.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:15 am

MATCH Singles
TK vs. Robert Hope
Grader: Ian

TK: I didn't like the start of your match. It never really got into a flow of action. Some paragraphs in I got the impression that was a theme you were going for... but I still didn't enjoy it. Your flow got better as the match went on. I thought you did well as far as entertainment goes, but nothing really stood out. There was definitely effort to build the characters but it was hit or miss for me too. Your finish was strong, putting the program over as unpredictable, kept everyone strong, and helped to build up to your match at BAAB, but did not do the same for Hope.

Robert Hope: I really enjoyed your start. You created the tone you desired and you worked in some subtle characterization. Your writing is really thorough, to say the least. I thought how you built to the finish was quite ingenious as you were put in an odd situation. Going clean over TK doesn't really do much and I think it was better you didn't, not just for his character but for your own. Description was fantastic as always.

Verdict: Neither one of you turned in a perfect effort. TK flashed everything but was lacking in flow and action/entertainment, especially early on. There were things TK did better, but Robert Hope supplied the better overall match.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:16 am

MATCH Singles
Hitman Alex vs. Riley Williamson
Grader: N/A

Riley Williamson has won via no-show.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM
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Age : 31

Vendetta 82 grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vendetta 82 grades   Vendetta 82 grades EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 12:16 am

MATCH Singles
Maddox Paine vs. Shade
Grader: N/A

Maddox Paine has won via no-show.


Vendetta 82 grades FJBloTX
Vendetta 82 grades Rmt9lhM
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