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 PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit"

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PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit"   PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 5:34 pm

DUE: Friday, June 27th at 11:59PM EST (UTC -4 Hours)


PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" FJBloTX
PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" Rmt9lhM
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit"   PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 3:43 pm

Following the typical fireworks and other good Pay Per View opening happenings, the Big Ass American Bash begins.

Ted Cedar
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Big Ass American Bash, live on Pay Per View! I'm here with my commentary partner, Joey Miles, and what a night we have to come."

Joey Miles
"First of all, I'm your commentary superior, not partner. Second of all, shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about what you have to say. They want to hear my brilliant play-by-play commentary."

Ted Cedar
"Oh, really?"

Joey Miles
"You bet your fat ass, really. We're in 'Murica!"

"Give it all you got, shorty, make an impacto!"

Ted Cedar
"Wait a minute!"

Joey Miles
"Fuck yes ferret!"

The audience erupts into a highly mixed reaction as Daddy Yankee's "Impacto" hits the PA System and Dominik Diveraz makes his way out, hand-in-hand with his wife Samantha!

Ted Cedar
"Dominik Diveraz is here! What the hell is he doing here? He quit!"

Joey Miles
"Don't question it, you fat shit. Just bask in his Mexican goodness."

Dominik and Samantha make their way to the ring, soaking in the mixture of cheers and boos from the fans all throughout the arena. Upon reaching the squared circle, Dominik helps his wife in and then follows after her, quickly asking for a microphone. Dominik waits for the crowd to quiet down for a bit before trying to speak, only to be cut off by dueling chants of "We Don't Want You"/"Yes We Do".

Joey Miles
"Well, at least half of this crowd isn't fucking retarded."

Dominik grins before putting the microphone to his mouth and speaking.

Dominik Diveraz
"St. Louis, Missouri...Please...Shut. The. Fuck. Up,"

Any cheers Dominik just had went down the drain with that statement.

Dominik Diveraz
"This disgusts me. I leave XWA and this is what happens? Me and mi familia leave and this is what is left behind? The Big Ass American Bash? What the fuck is this? I'll tell you what it is, it's racist! First a show for those in the United Kingdom and then one celebrating you fat pedazos de mierda here in America? Patético."

By now, the entire arena has turned against Diveraz.

Dominik Diveraz
"Where's the Mexican pride? When do us Hispanics get ours? I'm sick and tired of the way this company treats Latinos! Down in Mexico, we've got the most talented wrestlers in the World. Puerto Rico? Amazing stuff happening there. Yet, you choose to celebrate such mediocrities as the United Kingdom and America? Tonterías. Where's the equality? And you people choose to boo me for trying to stand up and put an end to this racism? This is why I left XWA. You people. You and you and you. Definitely you, standing there in the neon green shirt, with your man boobs damn near reaching your huevos. All of you Americans make me sick. You fat, greedy cerdos.  I hope when you all go home tonight and you look yourselves in the mirror, you see what I see. Disgusting!"

Joey Miles
"He's got a point, Theodore. I mean, look at you. You're fatter than holy hell."

Ted Cedar
"Oh, you can't possibly be buying into this crap. What happened to all that 'Murica stuff before?"

Joey Miles
"Hey, I'm as Patriotic as the next man. But, I mean, we kinda are neglecting our Spanish viewers. What about the Asians? What about the Africans? What about those terroristy people that all look the same? It's dumb to have a Pay Per View pandering to one group of people."

Dominik Diveraz
"So, let me get to the point. Why am I here tonight? Simple. I'm here to take over this shitty Pay Per View, in the name of Mexico! I'm going to stand out here, in this ring, until somebody forces me out of here. Para México!"

As the audience continues booing Dominik heavily, he drops the microphone, ready for someone to come out and force him out of the arena. He waits for a bit, nothing heard but the jeers of the audience, until suddenly, Fort Minor's "Petrified" instrumental hits the PA System and the fans go crazy, Danny Diamond stepping out with his girlfriend Skye Sapphire. Dominik clearly doesn't appear to pleased, as Danny has a microphone in hand.

Joey Miles
"Not this jackass."

Danny Diamond
"Uhm, hello there, chap. Remember me?"

The fans continue to cheer, a brief "Danny" chant going off.

Danny Diamond
"See, these people get it. I'm Danny Diamond. Although, I'm quite sure you knew that. I mean, I was the one that beat you in 2WWF and forced you to quit the company, just like your old partner Takumi did to you here in XWA. Man, you've got some shit luck with betting your career in matches, don't ya?"

Some fans laugh at what Danny says, as he makes his way to the ring, Dominik taking his shirt off and preparing for a fight, whilst saying something to his wife.

Danny Diamond
"Now, before I step in that ring and take you up on your offer to let me kick your arse again, I do want to say that I agree with you. It's unfair for one group of people to get their own Pay Per View. That said, coming out and having a little hissy fit isn't the way to go about things. Then again, that seems to be the only way you know."

By this point, Danny has made it to the ring and walked up the steps. He enters through the ropes, as Samantha follows closely behind. Danny gets in Dominik's face, as Skye gets in Samantha's. The audience gets loud for this confrontation.

Danny Diamond
"Here's a little tip, mate. When you don't get what you want, don't go bitching about it on live television and try to ruin the fans' good evening. Because when you do that, you'll have to deal with my boot pressing up against your throat. Now, are you ready for this?"

Danny drops the microphone and tears his pink V-Neck shirt off. He also takes his pink sunglasses and tosses them to the side. The two men continue to stare each other down before Dominik says something to Samantha and she nods. The Spanish couple begin to walk around Danny and Skye, making their way to the ropes to exit the ring as the audience jeers heavily.

Ted Cedar
"Well, it looks like Dominik and Samantha don't want any part of Danny and Skye right now. Cowards."

Joey Miles
"They're cowards because they're taking the high road and choosing not to fight when Danny already has a match? Fuck off, you tubby cunt. It's called being decent."

Danny and Skye look at each other, grinning, when suddenly Dominik and Samantha spin around and attack the two English wrestlers from behind! The audience's boos get even heavier as Diveraz and Claudio go after Danny and Samantha, following the cheap shot.

Joey Miles
"Haha, yes!"

Ted Cedar
"Of course you condone this."

Joey Miles
"Oh, shut up, Theodore. You were just bitching about them walking away from the fight and now you're upset because they're fighting? Go fuck yourself."

The audience continues jeering as Dominik and Samantha beat down the English wrestlers, landing blow after blow to their heads. Suddenly, in a sudden burst, Danny and Skye begin to fight back! The audience's boos turn to cheers as the couple lands numerous shots to Dominik and Samantha. Skye tackles Claudio, taking both of them through the ropes and hitting the floor outside of the ring. They continue their fight outside of the ring whilst Danny and Dominik exchange punches inside the squared circle. Eventually, Danny Clotheslines Dominik over the top rope, sending him flopping to the outside of the ring near the commentary table. The Englishman lets out a loud scream, before looking out of the ring at Diveraz with a grin on his face. Suddenly, the cheers from the audience turn to very abrupt boos as Marquis Carter hits the ring, his manager Demetrius Marshall running down to ringside as well. Danny turns around just in time to receive a big Clothesline from the muscular man.

Ted Cedar
"Here's Marquis, attacking Danny from behind!"

Joey Miles
"I'd tell you to eat a dick, but you've eaten enough food already."

Dominik slides back into the ring and he helps Marquis in stomping on Danny. Samantha, having taken out Skye for the time being, joins the fray. As all three stomp down on the Englishman, the audience boos heavily. Eventually, a couple of officials hit the ring to pull the three of them off of Diamond. After a short period of struggling, Samantha and Dominik are escorted out of the arena, leaving Danny and Marquis in the ring to begin their match. XWA referee Ryu Sanu checks on Danny, whom is now pulling the ropes to help himself back up, to see if he's okay to compete. Danny nods, reaching his feet, ready for a fight.

[I wanted to do a promo for this show and felt the Marquis/Danny feud had all it needed, given how small of a feud it is, so I decided to do this. Hope you all enjoyed.]

PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" MJFR42R
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PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit"   PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 4:47 pm

HORY SHIET! Mad as hell (<-- pretend the smiley depicts an Asian)

Dominik Diveraz is back! Kudos on the shout-out to Puerto Rico and awesome use in his slander as always. I enjoyed reading it in a accented voice. Big Grin! I liked this promo.

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Learn Maturity
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PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit"   PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 6:18 pm

Is Dominik actually back, or is this just a one-off cameo for him?
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit"   PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 9:08 pm

Just a cameo. I've not got time to write with him while using Skye and Danny. I figured it might be a bit fun to have Dominik make a make cameo at an American patriotic PPV to bitch.

PROMO | ??? - "Fuck this shit" MJFR42R
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