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 Poopy Reviews: Doodle Jump Adventures (3DS)

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Poopy Reviews: Doodle Jump Adventures (3DS) Empty
PostSubject: Poopy Reviews: Doodle Jump Adventures (3DS)   Poopy Reviews: Doodle Jump Adventures (3DS) EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 5:16 am

Doodle Jump Adventures
Nintendo 3DS

Poopy Reviews: Doodle Jump Adventures (3DS) Large

Doodle Jump Adventures is a import from cell phones games but The 3DS version has an exclusive Adventure mode. In Adventure Mode your goal is to get to the top of the level, getting as many points as you can by killing monster and getting coins the fastest you can. Plus there are keys to unlock secret levels. You get a verity of monsters and obstacles like mines, black holes and space ships.

It may take a bit to get a hang of it but if your goal is to just get to the top you'll wiz though a lot of the levels. Until you get to space. That shit will give you a heart attack. Also at the end of worlds on Adventure Mode you get to faces bosses. These are disappointingly easy... Until you get to space. Than that shit gets hard.

You need to unlock Endless Mode by beating the final boss on Adventure Mode. I question that decision, since Endless Mode is basically the version of Doodle Jump you get on mobile phones. Whatever. That mode just looks like the first world in Adventure Mode. Boring.

So the point of Endless Mode is to keep going up and up until you can't anymore and you die and you cry yourself to sleep thinking to yourself why you couldn't will yourself any higher.

I think it's really cool that the game saves your top 5 score, showing you on the right hand side of the screen when you're passing them.

Doodle Jump Adventures is a good game if you have a few minutes to kill.

I give this game a 7/10.

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