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 MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship

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MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship   MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptySun Mar 16, 2014 7:24 pm

DUE: Friday, March 28th at 11:59 PM EDT


MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship FJBloTX
MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship Rmt9lhM
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Age : 31

MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship   MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptyFri Mar 28, 2014 4:19 pm

This match has been extended 24 hours. I aint bothered


MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship FJBloTX
MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship Rmt9lhM
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MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship   MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptySat Mar 29, 2014 8:18 pm

Three men, three careers, one huge metallic structure.

All for the XWA World Heavyweight Championship

Ted Cedar is heard on commentary.

“Dominik Diveraz and David Michaels, two of XWA's biggest stars have been fighting back and forth to keep this title in their own grasps.

A clip of Dominik beating David Michaels is shown as Diveraz gets the pinfall victory over the current champ. Dominik raises the title above his head.

A few weeks later, David Michaels has laid claim to the title by using the help of JHalc to defeat the Revolucion Hispana and claim his prize once again

“These two men won't stop their battle, their tenacity, their war over this coveted title!”

Smoke Xtreme appears on the titantron as a clip of David Michaels and Dominik Diveraz stand inside the ring is being shown.

“You two idiots have been back and forth with that title for months now, ruining me and my company's prestige. So I'm not going to leave it in your hands. I'm adding another competitor to your match. Someone who I feel will be a great world champion if he wins... at Chain Reaction, it will be David Michaels defending his XWA World Heavyweight Championship in a steel cage triple threat match against Dominik Diveraz and... this man!”

Maddox Paine and Eric Badman appear on stage as Paine's theme song booms throughout the arena. Joey Miles is on commentary now.

“Maddox Paine?! This dude is a monster!”

Various clips of Paine dominating opponent after opponent no matter who they are. Spear to Luis Claudio through the barricade, powerbomb through a flaming barbed wire table to Dante Cross – ending his career, Titan Bomb to Paddy Perry.

David Michaels: “Listen to me, I don't care who you are what you are, you don't scare me.”

Maddox and David stand eye to eye.

[color=red]David Michaels: “And if you want to be in the match, fine by me, but don't come crying to me when you end up with your balls in a notch like every other rookie. Because whether it's a 6'5 monster or a 4'11 Mexican midget, I will walk out of Chain Reaction the champion!”

David suicide dives onto a pile of bodies including Dominik and Paine on the outside during the tag match.

Dominik Diveraz: “Todos ustedes estan empesando a molestarme! I'm starting to get real annoyed! You all keep getting in my way. You know what happens to people that get in my way? ...I end them, cabrones!”

A clip of Diveraz ending the career of his longtime friend, Takumi Sanu is shown.

Maddox Paine: “I don't like to talk. I let my actions do the talking for me. And my actions have spoken loud and clear lately.”

Maddox hits the Titan Bomb on David Michaels flat across the body of Dominik Diveraz, winning the match for his team.

All Three: “None of you will get in my way. After Chain Reaction, I. Will. Be. The Champion!”

The promotional video ends with all three men inside the ring staring at each other with Michaels holding his world title above his head.

“Woooooooooooo!” The video comes to an end as the camera pans back into the arena for the coveted Chain Reaction main event!

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” The demonic laugh of Disturbed's “Inside the Fire” hits as crimson pyros explode upwards into the sky. Smoke covers the stage and after a few seconds, a dark outline of a huge man on one knee can be seen on stage. Next to the outline, another outline of a man but this man is standing up. Loud mixed reactions can be heard, ranging from cheers to boos, depending on who they are. It's evident a lot of people don't like him, but there also those that are impressed by his abilities and cheer anyway. The smoke clears out as Paine is one one knee with his hand palm-first against the ground. Paine then leaps straight up, lands on his feet, and throws both fists to the side, causing another big crimson pyro explosion.

Joey Miles: “I don't know about you, Cedar, but this guy scares me. I'd rather see Dominik win, but if it means David not winning, I'm ok with this big motherfucker taking it!”

Ted Cedar: “Yes, there is no doubt that this is one impressive specimen. Regardless of that, neither of his opponents have proven to be weak, and Paine has a lot on his plate tonight. It will be harder than any other challenge he's ever had!”

Maddox and Eric Badman walk down the ramp. Paine with a serious, angry look and Badman with a smug cocky grin on his face. They ignore high five offers as they near the ring. Paine leaps up onto the apron with ease and then steps into the ring through the middle rope. “The Titan” marches over to the turnbuckle, climbs up, and begins to flex in a manner that makes him look intimidating. He then drops down and heads to the opposite corner before standing near it, waiting for his opponents to make their entrances too.

“Nana nana nana nana na” “Rompe” by Daddy Yankee hits the speakers as the crowd suddenly goes into a barrage of boos for the Mexican born superstar. Dominik Diveraz appears almost instantly on stage wearing his usual attire. Dark blue jeans, black wrestling boots, black elbow bads, and black gloves. But the most peculiar item is the Taco Bell burrito in his hand, unwrapped and being eaten by the Mexican midget. Diveraz takes a big chomp, not intimidated at all by the huge man, and the reason is evident. Behind him walk the entire Revolucion Hispana! From his wife Samantha to her cousin Luis Claudio to the enforcers Martin Garcia and Gabriel Vega. Inside the ring, Eric Badman begins to get uneasy at the idea that he has to share the outside of the ring with those men.

Ted Cedar: “And here is Dominik Diveraz and his notorious Revolucion Hispana!”

Joey Miles: “He is THE man! My man Dominik, he's got this shit in the bag!”

Dominik marches down the ramp, his men following closely behind. Dominik continues to munch on that burrito as the unforgiving fans continue to boo this borderline racist stable. Diveraz marches down and chomps away before reaching the bottom of the ramp. He finishes his burrito before tossing the wrapper aside for some poor ref to have to clean up. Dominik then leaps over the ropes and lands inside the ring. He quickly climbs up to the turnbuckle before making an “M” with his hands, to give a shoutout to Mexico. Not that it gives Mexico any cool points, seeing as Diveraz isn't very well liked. He then leaps off and begins to stretch for a bit while they wait for the champion.

Almost every hand in the arena flies upwards as just about every fan present begins to cheer loudly for the XWA World Heavyweight Champion! His loud rock theme of the name “Bang Your Head” begins to wildly play throughout the arena. David Michaels appears on stage with the XWA World Heavyweight Title flung over his shoulder. He wears a colorful red heart-patterned jacket to match his colorful red ring tights. He marches down the ramp as the fans are explosive with their cheers! David high fives every fan he can possibly get his hand on. David doesn't look the least bit intimidated either, as he never has been of any man. Although his fancy cowboy hat sticks out a lot, the one thing most noticeable about his entrance is that no member of D-Volution is out there with him!

Joey Miles: “Hah! Look at that, Ted. None of his little D-Volution buddies are out here to help him! He's all on his own, he's screwed!”

Ted Cedar: “David has proven time and time again that he doesn't need anyone's help to win his matches, and the XWA World Champ is ready for whatever comes his way!”

Joey Miles: “Yeah, right! Time to fight your own battles you little bitch!”

David continues down the ramp. Even Nova isn't out here with him, as she also had a match tonight. David quickly climbs up onto the apron and steps into the ring through the middle rope. He begins to dance around the ring wildly, twirling his arms around every which way. The fans give another rousing pop for the XWA World Champion as Michaels is eating it up! Michaels heads to the center of the ring before dropping to one knee while extending his right leg to the side and then flexing both biceps, causing huge red and silver pyros to erupt behind him for a picture-perfect moment! Michaels leaps up to his feet after a few seconds of showboating. He then takes off his hat and his jacket and tosses it aside for the refs outside to pick up. They clean up the ring as Michaels' theme dies out. All three men stand on opposite sides of the ring as they begin the ceremonial announcements and lowering of the cage!

(Best video I could find of it...)

The fans begin to cheer again as the haunting steel cage begins to lower over the ring. All three men, Laura Watts, and a single referee remain inside the ring as referees everywhere outside the ring run around to make sure everything goes nicely. The cage finally hits into position as all three men are now surrounded. Laura Watts begins to speak.

Laura Watts: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is your main event of the evening and it is a triple threat steel cage match for the XWA World Heavyweight Championship!”

The fans begin to cheer as Laura stands in the middle of the ring with a huge smile on her face.

Laura Watts: “Introducing first... from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 200 and 65 pounds... 'The Titan', Maddox PAINE!”

Very loud mixed reactions but mainly boos for the big man. One of the biggest positive reactions comes from his manager outside the cage who simply claps on for his client, pretending he isn't about to crap himself from the Revolucion Hispana being a few feet away. Paine simply ignores it all and stands there, trying to look scary.

Laura Watts: “Introducing second... from San Luis Potosi, Mexico... weighing in at 100 and 57 pounds... Dominik... DIVERAZ!”

Loud boos as the angry midget begins to point around the arena and yell obscenities. His Revolucion Hispana and especially his wife, are really the only ones clapping and cheering him on. And that's all he needs.

Laura Watts: “And introducing third... hailing from San Antonio, Texas... weighing in at 200 and 27 pounds... he is the XWA World Heavyweight Champion... David... MICHAELS!”

As soon as she said “World Heavyweight Champion”, the crowd began to cheer loudly as they knew he was coming. A very partisan crowd as almost every fan in the arena is here to see David. Though there are “Maddox Paine” signs with creativity and Mexican flags for Dominik, almost every fan sign in the audience is aimed towards David Michaels, with various logos and all sorts of neat stuff.

Laura Watts exits the steel cage through the open door as the referee inside the ring takes the world title and raises it high above his head. He turns it for all the fans to see before following Laura and exiting the ring. Before he leaves, David eyes his title one more time before this match begins. This is what it's all about. The World title. The referee gives the title to the refs outside before talking to them a bit. One of the referees locks the door and takes the key for himself, not wanting anyone to get their hands on it. All three men are dead set in the ring as the main referee, Jack Hammer, is inside the ring and the match is ready to begin.


Almost instantly, all three men dart out of their respective corners. David quickly goes for Maddox... and so does Dominik! Both men have a score to settle with the big man and it is on! Dominik swings a big right leg, catching Maddox's left calf with a low roundhouse kick as David quickly throws a big right elbow to the big man's face. Paine tries to fight back as he throws a huge right fist to the skull of Michaels, but it isn't enough to fight back the onslaught from both men. He is forced into the turnbuckle as both men begin to stomp away at him. The fans don't cheer nor boo due to the fact that jumping someone is a dirty move, but at the same time, it may be acceptable in this case, as Maddox is not a competitor that you can take lightly.

Ted Cedar “...and both men on the attack! Both men trying to take out the bigger man early on in the match!”

Joey Miles “Normally I'd say it's cowardly of David to do something like this, but if Dominik is doing it too, he must have a reason for it, so I'll let it slide!”

David and Dominik continue the kicks and stomps and elbows, taking out all their rage on the large man. Eventually, the Mexican Midget decides to hightail it out of the cage as he thinks David is too distracted to notice. Diveraz quickly runs towards the cage wall and leaps up onto it, using the ropes as an aid. Michaels realizes this before every memory of his rivalry with this man is suddenly brought back to life. Michaels darts towards the short man and pulls him off the cage wall by the boot! Diveraz lands inside the ring as the XWA World Champ begins to attack. David swings a hard right hand and nails him between the eyes before swinging another, and another. David then tucks his arm under the Mexican warrior and easily raises him up before dropping him square on his knee for an inverted atomic drop! Whether or not that hit him in the balls is irrelevant as this match is no-DQ! David then swings a big back chop, dropping Diveraz square onto the mat.

Ted Cedar: “And now it's David on top of Diveraz, Dominik tried to be sneaky and that didn't end up working out for him!”

Joey Miles: “Dominik's got this, he's just taking it easy for now, just you watch!”

Diveraz rolls back up to his feet before he gets nailed by another back chop by Michaels to the chest. This one grazes him and forces him back into the ropes. Michaels attempts to whip the little man, but the “Taco Bell Warrior” counters with a whip of his own. Michaels goes into the ropes but comes back with a big back elbow! Dominik gets right back up, trying to use the adrenaline to ignore the pain. Michaels is ready to attack again, but he is unable to. Out of the corner, Paine sprints forward and drops both men with simultaneous lariats! A very small amount of fans cheer but most of them boo, as they were enjoying Michael's momentum. Maddox breathes a bit deeply, but not out of being tired, he is just angry. He quickly bends down and picks up Dominik Diveraz. He scoops him up between his hands before charging towards the cage wall and tossing him straight backwards over the top rope, back-first into the steel cage wall! Dominik falls onto the ring apron between the ropes and the cage as the powerful Maddox shows off how powerful he really is.

Ted Cedar: “Ouch! I could hear that from here! The entire cage shook and rattled!”

Joey Miles: “Poor Dominik... that sounded real fuckin' painful! This Maddox guy should not be allowed to compete!”

Dominik moans on the ground as Paine begins to shout wildly. David is up behind him, however, and all that yelling didn't do Paine any good. He turns around and David quickly hits him with a hard back chop to his spandex-covered chest! Maddox flings his long hair back to show how much it hurt. David swings another, and another. Paine lays against the ropes and David tries to whip him. Whipping isn't going very well for Michaels in this match, as The Titan counters his whip with his own – something David is getting used to. David bounces off the ropes and tries to hit Maddox with a running crossbody, however the 260+ pounder catches him in mid air between his hands! But before he can do anything, the cunning XWA World Heavyweight Champion begins to swing hard elbows, catching the point of each right on the side of the big man's forehead. Paine drops him as Michaels then instantly bounces back on the ropes behind him and runs right back towards the big man. David bounces up, catches his legs around the head of Paine and attempts a running headscissors takedown! However, Paine holds his ground and grabs David's legs with his arms before raising him up onto his shoulders, setting him up for a Titan Bomb! Maddox drops him, looking to maybe end this early, but the Chap uses the momentum of the spin and his leg strength to toss Maddox all the way over for a Hurricanrana, which then follows by keeping his legs wrapped around Paine's neck after his back hits the mat and then he begins to pummel away with hard, quick, right hands to the skull of Maddox!

Ted Cedar: “Such back and forth action between these two men. I'm starting to get dizzy.”

Joey Miles: “Why isn't Maddox going as hard as he did on Michaels as he did on poor Dominik, huh? Is it cause he's Mexican?”

David gets right back up, forcing the big man to roll off to the side. Unbeknownst to Michaels, Dominik is ready for him. Diveraz has stood up on the apron between the cage and the ropes and he has used the cage to his advantage to get himself up on top of the ropes in the middle. Michaels turns and Dominik leaps towards him, does a full frontflip, and then catches his legs around the Champion's neck before doing a backflip and executing a perfect “Impacto!” Or as normal people call it, a Dragonrana! David goes flying backfirst onto the mat and Dominik continues his attack, except on a different opponent. He notices Maddox making his way up to his feet and he doesn't like that one bit. Dominik quickly waits for Paine to work his way up a little bit more and as soon as he is on one knee, Dominik wraps his hands around Maddox's neck in a cutter position before leaping straight up, doing a backflip, and dropping him on the mat with a hard “Cortador Tolerancia,” (Asai DDT/Standing Sliced Bread.) Paine is knocked down once again and Dominik covers him, trying for a pin.




Diveraz didn't expect that to end it, but he is angry at the kickout anyway.

Joey Miles: “There you go, Dom! Keep em down, Amigo!”

Ted Cedar: “Dominik with an impressive comeback!”

Joey Miles: “Never doubt the power of the Taco Bell!”

Diveraz then turns his attention back towards David and he knows how he can take him apart. David's moves are always leg-based, so that is what he will target. Michaels begins to work his way up to his feet using the ropes, but from behind, Dominik stomps him as hard as he can right in the small of the back of his right knee, David curls over as Diveraz jumps him. Michaels leans against the turnbuckle and then Dominik pries the right leg of Michaels over the middle rope and begins to pull as hard as he can on it, causing Michaels to scream in pain. The referee pleads with Diveraz to let him go, however there isn't much he can do, since this is all perfectly legal! Michaels pinches Dominik's nose, which pisses the midget off. That was Michael's intention as Dominik then begins to punch away at Michael's sternum angrily, completely ignoring the hurt leg! Diveraz begins to yell a bunch of obscenities at David, threats and typical angry responses. Doesn't do him any good. David sees what's coming. From the other side of the ring, Maddox charges towards his opponents, hoping for a huge Stinger Splash! He leaps while he is about mid-way to the corner. Dominik doesn't see it coming, but David does. David grabs a hold of the Midget's head before pulling him into the corner and then darting out of the way, forcing Maddox to hit MexiMelt with a huge Stinger Splash!

Ted Cedar: “Oof! Once again, I could feel that one from over here!”

Joey Miles: “Why does this big son of a bitch continue to go all ruthless mode on poor Dominik?”

Maddox felt the effects too, as he expected a double-cover but hit only one of the men. Paine bounces out of the corner and so does Dominik. Michaels quickly runs at Maddox, but the monster is more than ready. Paine quickly hugs the Champion in mid run, spins him over and hits him with a side Belly-To-Belly Suplex! Maddox gets right back up to his feet as Diveraz is still a bit groggy and moving forward. “The Titan” scoops up the little man for a Sidewalk Slam, but Dominik uses his athleticism to quickly spin all the way up and catch his legs around the neck of the huge man. He uses his leg strength to spin around wildly, his legs wrapped around the head of Paine. In a sort of headscissors, he flings Maddox forward and Paine goes face-first into the unforgiving steel cage wall! Dominik lands on his left knee a bit nastily but he tries to ignore the pain. Diveraz then half-limps over to Maddox as Paine lays between the ropes, busted open! A small line of blood trickles down his forehead from the sickening face-first impact into the wall. Though he's bigger, both of his opponents are veterans and he is not, and this is the part where that comes into play. Dominik quickly presses his good right leg against the back of Paine's skull and then he grabs the top rope before pulling himself up and forcing Paine's face into the cage while pressing on it as hard as he can with every bit of his weight!

Joey Miles: “Whoo! Look at that mean streak! I'm starting to feel bad for Maddox now, Dominik is an ass-kicker!”

Ted Cedar: “and the cage is starting to get stained a bright red with Paine's blood!”

Diveraz finally stops pressing down and drops to the mat angrily. He starts yelling a bunch of obscenities towards Paine once again, trying to show how tough he is. From behind, David Michaels quickly charges forward and catches Dominik with a chop block right on his hurt left leg! Getting him back for doing the same to his own hurt right leg earlier. Dominik feels it as he sinks in the corner. The champion quickly wrings Diveraz's left leg in the exact same manner as Dominik did to his right earlier! The fans begin to cheer for the champion's witty turn of events! The Mexican Midget begins to scream as David is enjoying every bit of this payback! Finally, David shows some compassion – something Diveraz would not do to him – and releases the hold. Michaels, however, then decides to give him a big back chop to the chest, his favorite. David wraps his arm around the neck of Diveraz and easily raises him up, despite his hurt leg, and plants him in a seated position on the top turnbuckle. The champion follows him up, looking to do some serious damage with a move from the top! But Dominik fights back. Dominik begins to punch away the champion, and then manages to rake his good right leg up and kick David's bad left knee. David gives way a bit. But what stops him isn't Dominik, it's something else. From behind him, Maddox Paine has recovered and Maddox runs up to the champ. He quickly puts his head under Michael's legs and raises him for an Electric Chair! Dominik's leg hurts but he grabs on to the cage behind him for leverage as he quickly works his way up. Diveraz leaps off the top rope with a Diving Crossbody... to David Michaels! Forcing Maddox to fall back at the same time as he also hits Michaels with an Electric Chair!

Joey Miles: “Both men working together to take that whack-job David Michaels out... it's beautiful! It's like I'm dreaming!”

Ted Cedar: “A beautiful Crossbody/Electric Chair combination, one has to wonder how much these men have left, though!”

Both Dominik and Maddox take a few seconds to relax, but as quickly as they can, both men go for a cover on David... at the same time! The referee doesn't know whether or not to count, but his question is answered for him. Maddox gets off David and pulls Dominik off of him. He brings Diveraz up to his feet and shoves him aside. Maddox foolishly ignores the Mystic Midget and he goes for a pin on David.



Dominik breaks it with a double axe handle! Diveraz then pulls Maddox up a bit before swinging both legs forward and catching him in the face with a huge front dropkick! The cut on Paine's head feels a littler fresher after that. Dominik goes for a cover on Michaels now.



Maddox leaps up and breaks it! Maddox angrily begins to yell at Diveraz, who is also angry. Dominik doesn't take too kindly to it and he leaps up and slaps Paine in the face! Maddox's hair wildly flies around as his head spins. Paine turns around to a cocky Dominik. Maddox is enraged! The Titan pulls Diveraz up by his neck and tosses him into the corner! Paine begins to wildly swing right hands, catching the sly Mexican Warrior with many right hands. Dominik takes every one like a man as Paine unleashes his anger. Maddox then backs away to the opposite side of the ring before charging back towards Diveraz to attempt a Shoulder Thrust. Dominik jumps up out of the way, wraps his legs around the huge man and uses his momentum to spin him all the way over for a Sunset Flip Pin!



David Michaels breaks it! David is kinda groggy as he works his way up to his feet. He rakes Diveraz off Maddox, all men are a bit exhausted, but David is on his feet. Dominik quickly swings a big low roundhouse kick, kicking the side of Michaels' hurt right knee with his own right. Michaels cringes before tossing a low roundhouse kick of his own. Hitting Dominik's hurt left knee with his own left! Both men target each others hurt legs using their good legs, low roundhouse after low roundhouse. Neither man wants to give out, but their legs are starting to do that for them, so they may not even have an option! Out of nowhere, Maddox has returned to the fray. He quickly charges towards Dominik and hits him with a high Triple-H tribute knee to the face, hitting him with the side of his right knee! Dominik falls to the ground for a bit. Before Michaels can attack, Maddox grabs the back of his head with hands and drives him with a huge knee facebuster! Michaels leaps up but is only temporarily groggy! Dominik is back on his feet and Maddox quickly rakes him up onto his shoulder. Maddox runs forward towards the center of the ring before dropping him with a Running Powerslam! Paine springs right back up to David, who bounces over to him. The Titan raises Michaels up for his final move, and drives him spine first as hard as he can for a sickening Standing Spinebuster! Maddox Paine hits every single one of his signature moves on his opponents! He then goes for the pin of David Michaels!




Maddox angrily pounds the mat. He doesn't let himself get distracted however, he turns his attention back towards Diveraz and then tries to pin him too.




Ted Cedar: “Maddox hit every single one of his signature moves on his opponents and they still kicked out of it! You can see the frustration in his eyes!”

Joey Miles: “At least he's being fair this time, he wrecked both of em!”

Maddox stands up, not really knowing what to do at this point. From the outside, he hears his manager Eric Badman yelling in at him. Paine turns towards his manager and realizes what he's trying to say. Badman has a steel chair in his hands and he tosses it way over, throwing it inside the steel cage! He yells at Paine to use it. Paine loves getting hardcore and he does not oblige. He is about to pick up the chair, when he is suddenly distracted. Outside the ring, The Revolucion Hispana have something to say about Badman interfering in this match, despite knowing fully they would've done the same. Maddox sees the big group of three men, most specifically the biggest man of the three, Luis Claudio, intimidating his friend and manager. Badman tries to negotiate his way out of it, but those bulking men aren't gonna let him off. Until Paine starts yelling at them. Maddox begins to taunt Luis, yelling at him and arguing with him. But that proves to be a weakness. From behind, Dominik has begun to recover. Diveraz notices the chair and he picks it up as Maddox continues to protect his manager from the three Hispanic men looking to do him harm. But that ends up costing him. From behind, Diveraz slaps the chair as hard as he can to the back of The Titan, dropping him down to two knees. Dominik then waits for Maddox to turn his head before smashing him right between the eyes with the steel chair, once again, busting that hole in his forehead up! Dominik begins to get excited, having that steel chair in his hands. But as soon as he turns around, he gets hit with a wild Heartbreaker/Double Knee Facebuster by David Michaels! Dominik hits the ground and both of the challengers are down!

Joey Miles: “Oh no! This isn't good! This is NOT good! This is the opposite of good!”

Ted Cedar: “Bad?”

Joey Miles: “That! David Michaels is the only man up! Oh no. Oh no! FUCK!”

Michaels looks around with a big chuckle. He turns towards the area of the ring near the ramp and he begins to climb up. His right leg is hurt but he continues to climb. He has no one to stop him. Or so he thought. His hurt leg was more of a hinder to him than he thought it would be. And in that time, Dominik Diveraz has made it to his feet, slowly but out of pure adrenaline! David is near the top, but his leg is then pulled by the Mexican Midget! David turns around as Dominik is near the top of the cage as well. Both men are fighting it out! David is a little bit higher and he uses that as an advantage. He wraps his arm around Dominik's head and pulls him face first into the cage for a sort of DDT maneuver. Dominik phases out and David quickly shoves him back. The Mystic Midget goes flying backfirst right on top of the hard ring floor! Michaels may just have this won! The Champ climbs to the top of the cage and he is ready to climb out... but below him stands his biggest threat yet. All three members of La Revolucion Hispana, or at least the male ones, stand below the cage ready to attack Michaels! David looks down and knows he can't take on all of them. He stands on the top of the cage and looks down at them. He knows he really doesn't have any other option. He looks back inside the ring at Dominik Diveraz – who lies lifelessly on the ring floor. Michaels then quickly leaps forward as every single fan in the arena stands up. David Michaels goes crashing right down on top of Dominik Diveraz with an enormous Diving Elbow Drop! Every fan in the arena begins to cheer loudly at the move before they begin chanting “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”

Ted Cedar: “OH MY GOD! Michaels just destroyed Dominik Diveraz! And maybe himself as well!”

Joey Miles: “Oh no! Why couldn't he move? Why couldn't he fuckin' move? AHHH!”

Every single man is down. Maddox is still feeling the effects of the chair shot, David just took a dive, and Dominik was his cushion. All three men are on the ground as the referee checks if they're all okay. During this time, the camera cut to a replay of the huge move, David diving from the cage onto Dominik. Another replay, this one in slow motion. Showing all the camera angles. We go back to the regular screen as David has slowly but surely thrown an arm over Dominik, trying for a pin. Referee Jack Hammer hits the ground to count, ignoring whether or not Dominik is ok.



“3!” –

No! Maddox Paine breaks it up! Paine had also gotten up to his feet slowly and he broke up the pinfall! David rolls off to the side, angrily. Maddox is content but hurt. He bends over and picks the champion off the ground. He is out of ideas. He has done everything he can possibly do but neither of these men stay down! Maddox quickly grabs David by the head and shoves his head between his legs. He feels it is time for a Titan Bomb! Maddox raises David up and he is about to go for it, but David dead weights and rolls back onto his feet. Maddox is momentarily stunned and David runs back to the ropes behind him, bounces forward and dodges a lariat attempt. Maddox turns around and David bounces again before leaping into the air and hitting a huge Flying Forearm! Michaels is stunned for a bit but he then does his signature kip up, getting the fans riled up! David is on his feet. He has a hurt right knee but his right leg is more than fine considering his adrenaline. He drops a big elbow right to the chest of Maddox. He gets right back up and hits another. And another, and another, and another. The fans begin to count along. “6!” “7!” “8!” “9!” “---” David stops right before the 10th and does a quick “Suck it” pose, before jumping up and hitting an extra hard “10!” He then goes right back for the pinfall.




Ted Cedar: “Something's got to give. They've pretty much killed each other in this match. One of them has to give out! It's just not human!”

Joey Miles: “Please let it be Michaels...”

Michaels pounds the mat. He disappointingly gets right back up to his feet, annoyed that it wasn't enough. He marches back towards one of the corners, knowing he has one major tool left. The Shattered Teeth Symphony! He pounds the mat with his foot. Once, twice, three times. Maddox begins to work his way up to his feet. Maddox is up! He begins to turn! David runs forward and launches a big Superkick, but Maddox catches him mid kick! Maddox pulls him in, raises him up, and smashes him with a second Spinebuster, this time right across the steel chair on the ground! The fans go “Oooh” as the chair makes a sick noise under him. Maddox is about to go for a pinfall, but he is unable to as Dominik has finally recovered and now he pounces! Dominik runs at him and kicks him in the face with the bottom of his foot. Maddox is stunned momentarily. Dominik then pulls his healthy right leg back and goes for another kick. This one of the buzzsaw variety. But as soon as he swings, Maddox ducks it! The speed of Paine catches Diveraz off guard. Diveraz turns around and Maddox jumps up before leveling him with a lariat! Maddox is enraged! Dominik is grounded. Paine quickly picks him up and almost with no effort, he raises him onto the top of the ropes in the middle. He's looking for some sort of top rope move, but with the cage there, he doesn't bother to even use the turnbuckle. Maddox begins to try and climb up next to him, but Diveraz fights back. Dominik throws a big right knee, not having to raise it too high to catch Paine in the face. Paine gives way a bit, and Dominik shoves him back with his foot. Dominik climbs up the cage with his back against the metal a bit. Meanwhile, Maddox lands on his feet before turning around... right into a Shattered Teeth Symphony by David Michaels! Maddox's head pops up nastily from impact and his hair wildly flutters everywhere! But Paine remains on his feet. Paine turns groggily, Dominik then pushes himself forward, does a full Shooting Star Press, and then catches The Titan with a huge Shooting Star Lungblower, or the variation his finisher, La Magnifica Matanza! Paine hits the mat!

Ted Cedar: “OH MY! Now both of THESE men working together to take out a similar opponent!”


Dominik slowly, taking his time, crawls over to Paine, who landed nastily. He drapes a single arm over his chest for a pin!




NO! Once again, it is broken up, this time by David Michaels, however! Everyone is out of it. But David and Dominik will continue their feud. Michaels picks Dominik up off the ground and is running out of ideas. David quickly knees him in the gut and then tries to raise him up for a vertical suplex. Dominik tries to fight back and he lands, except that's what Michaels wanted. Diveraz lands behind David, both feet planted on the ground, and Michaels quickly brings him in for a neckbreaker, hitting his signature Suplex-into-Neckbreaker transition! Michaels gets up, not bothering with a pin. He knows that it wouldn't work anyway. Michaels thinks... and he knows what to do! His other finisher, the Calf Killer! He quickly yells
“IT'S OVER!” as he then grabs a hold of Dominik's arm and turns him onto his belly. He turns over to his left leg, grabs it, wraps his own right leg around it, and then begins to pull, locking in his finisher, The Calf Killer! He pulls and tugs, Dominik is screaming as his left leg is being pulled right into... David's right? David's right leg is the thing keeping his left leg from getting any space. Both of these men's legs are hurt, so the question is, who is this taking more of an effect on? Michaels pulls and tugs, pleading for a tap-out, but Dominik knows better![/i]



Dominik screams and moans. He is inches away from just submitting to the damn thing and living to fight another day, but he knows what that would mean. Dominik doesn't wanna tap... and he won't have to. David Michaels releases the hold and begins to grip his hurt right leg, which was doing most of the submission for him. David is out of it. He holds his right knee in pain and shame, knowing if he kept it on, he may have just won this thing by now. Dominik is angry as he holds his hurt left knee, but he is relieved he didn't lose. Both men slowly, very slowly, begin to get up to their feet. As soon as they do, Michaels throws a big back-chop, receiving positive responses from the fans. Dominik throws a big right forearm to Michael's face, receiving boos. Michaels with a back chop, Dominik with a forearm. “WOOO!” “Boooo” “WOOOO!” “Booo!” “WOOOOO!” “Boooo!” “WOOO!” “WOOO!” “WOOO!” David has gotten the upper hand! And once again, Michaels leans Dominik into the ropes before he whips the midget across the ring, but like always, it is countered! Dominik decides to whip Michaels instead! Dominik drops to the mat as he uses all his weight to force David forward. David goes flying towards the cage wall and he hits it so hard, he rolls down under the bottom rope and lands on the apron near the announcers' table.

Joey Miles: “So glad Dominik didn't tap. Now teach this little shit a lesson, Dominik!”

Ted Cedar: “They're getting awfully close. I could feel the vibrations of that whip!”

Diveraz waits. And waits. And waits. He thinks he may know what to do. He waits for David Michaels to get up to his feet. David slowly does, grabbing the ropes for support. Michaels gets up to his feet, in between the ropes and the cage. Dominik quickly bounces off the ropes on the opposite side, charges towards Michaels at full speed, and then flies over the top rope, right into Michaels, sandwiching him into the steel cage with a nasty Zambullida Mortal, otherwise known as a no handed over the top rope Suicide Dive! But the cage doesn't give way, only weakens up a bit. Michaels and Dominik both land feet first on the apron between the cage and the ropes. Both men are groggy, unbeknownst to them... Maddox Paine is not! Maddox quickly sprints into the ropes on the opposite side, bounces back at full speed, and then dives as high as as he can through the middle rope, spearing both men at the same time, and collapsing the steel cage wall with a sick Double Striking Spear! The cage wall falls down as all three men are sent through it. Dominik and Michaels both hold their guts as the wall creates a bridge between the ring and the tables. Maddox rolls off to the side... and falls off that bridge... and wins the match!


Laura Watts: “The winner of this match as a result of escaping the cage... and NEW XWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.... MADDOX... PAINE!!!”

The fans are still cheering for that insane move. The cage wall fell down as every competitor was flung out, but Dominik and David were too dead to take advantage, but Maddox used the rest of his energy to crawl out! The fans are in shock, however most give a mixed reaction for the win. La Revolucion Hispana is in shock and anger that their man lost, but more in shock as they ask themselves whether or not he is okay! They check on him thoroughly to make sure he hasn't been killed, as David still doesn't know he isn't the champion anymore! Eric Badman leaps up and down giddy with joy! He runs over to the referee and takes the title before taking it to Maddox, who still has not moved. Maddox doesn't know he's champion yet either!

Ted Cedar: “MADDOX WINS IT! Maddox Paine took the title and my god, what a move! Show that on the replay cam please!”

Joey Miles: “Anyone but Michaels. I wanted Dominik to win, but I can live with this. Oh well. Better than David.”

Paine is now awake as the replay is shown on the monitor above. The Titan works his way up to his feet with the help of his manager. The part of the cage that wasn't destroyed is raised back up to the ceiling as Paine groggily takes a hold of his XWA World Heavyweight Championship. Maddox rolls into the ring holding his title as Badman follows behind him. Paine stands in the center of the ring as he raises the title high above his head in joy and victory! He has proven that he is the best of the best. He isn't all talk. He has ascended high above these other men. He raises the title above his head as crimson fireworks begin to explode around the stage and the ring! Confetti falls from the ceiling, crowning the new champion!

Joey Miles: “Look at it, Cedar. It's a thing of beauty!”

Paine cracks a huge smile on his face, possibly for the first time in his life. Even though many fans are booing, he notices some of the cheering fans too. Paine screams in celebration as Badman claps and claps. Both men then drop down and begin to march up the ramp! Back on the scene, the referees have dragged both Dominik and David into the ring to check on them. Dominik is slowly getting up as La Revolucion Hispana stands over him. They get him up to his feet and he is angry! Maddox's theme dies out as Dominik and La Revolucion begin to stomp away at David Michaels!


Dominik begins to stomp away at David and all three other men are too. Maddox notices and continues to walk away. He then stops and turns, feeling a bit of compassion. Badman pulls him and tells him to go to the back. Maddox can't take it anymore. Paine runs back into the ring! The fans begin to cheer! Maddox Paine charges at Gabriel Vega and splits him in half with a Striking Spear! The other three men begin to attack! Eric Badman has Maddox's title and he marches down to the ringside area. Maddox fights back but Luis and Dominik and Martin are too much for him. Suddenly, David Michaels is on the attack too. Michaels worked his way up and he turns Martin around before hitting him with a huge Shattered Teeth Symphony! Dominik charges Michaels, who drops him with a big right fist! Before Luis Claudio can attack, Maddox raises him up and slams him down with a Standing Spinebuster! The fans are ecstatic! Outside the ring, Samantha Claudio is worried for her husband, but the worry leaves her system when he rolls out of the ring towards the ramp. Luis begins to slowly get up. David Michaels taunts Dominik before kicking the big man with his Shattered Teeth Symphony! Luis groggily stumbles back before Paine nails him with his Striking Spear! Luis hits the mat hard and it is over!

Joey Miles: “What? Paine saved Michaels? THAT TRAITOR! I HATE HIM NOW!”

Ted Cedar: “In a turn of events, Maddox Paine saves David Michaels from an onslaught!”

Joey Miles: “What crap! Maddox Paine should be ashamed of himself!”

Maddox and David stare eye to eye. Eric Badman slides into the ring and gives Maddox Paine the title. Paine raises it high above his head and David simply nods. Both men show a sign of respect for each other rather than anger. Diveraz stands on the stage enraged as Michaels and Maddox stare eye to eye inside the ring. Maddox raises the title again as the fans cheer for both men.

Ted Cedar: “What an amazing night! We hope you enjoyed it too. Good night ladies and gentlemen! Join us next time on Vendetta 75!”

Joey Miles: “I don't know how I'm gonna get over this...”

The show comes to a close as a final image of David Michaels and Maddox Paine staring eye to eye is shown on the screen and the XWA logo appears on the bottom right.


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Love Bites
Love Bites

Posts : 9667
Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31
Location : Arlington, Texas

MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship   MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptySat Mar 29, 2014 11:18 pm

Coming back from a quick commercial promoting XWA"s next Pay Per View, fans in attendance are roaring as we draw near the main event of the evening.

Ted Cedar
"Ladies and gentlemen, up next is our main event of the evening. David Michaels looks to defend the World Heavyweight Championship inside the same steel cage that has already seen some great wars tonight."

Joey Miles
"He may look to defend the title, but all he's gonna find is disappointment when my boy Dominik Diveraz takes home the gold."

Ted Cedar
"What about Maddox Paine?"

Joey Miles
"I love Maddox, but he's new. He hasn't learned the ins and outs, yet. That guy is a future World Heavyweight Champion, no doubt, but it's La Revolución Hispana's time tonight!"


Laura Watts
"It is now time for the World Heavyweight Championship Match and tonight's main event."

The audience immediately bursts into cheers.

Laura Watts
"The match will take place in steel cage rules. The first man to gain a pinfall or submission, or escape the cage itself, will be declared the winner and will walk out tonight as the World Heavyweight Champion."

"Nana nana nana nana nana nana na. Nana nana nana nana nana nana na. Nana nana nana nana nana nana na. You know!"

The cheers soon turn to jeers as Daddy Yankee's "Rompe" hits the PA System and Dominik Diveraz makes his way out, accompanied by his wife Samantha. Dominik quickly kisses his wife on the lips and he sends her to the back, apparently not wanting her out here for this match.

Ted Cedar
"Here comes the first of the two challengers to David's Championship, Dominik Diveraz."

Joey Miles
"Awww, Samantha's not staying out here? Boo!"

Dominik makes his way down the ramp, not taking his eyes off of the steel cage structure that he's about to be locked in with two other very hungry men. By the time he reaches the ring-side area, he touches the steel, just to feel how cold and solid it really is. The small man smiles.

Ted Cedar
"Dominik seems ready for the task at hand, but can anybody really ever be ready for something like this?"

Joey Miles
"Dominik can. You know why, Theodore? Because he's Dominik fucking Diveraz! The guy's a boss in every way!"

Dominik walks around to the steel steps and climbs up them as the door to the cage is being held open by the outside official for this match, Ryu Sanu. Upon entering the ring, Dominik heads to a far corner and kneels down, not showing any signs of being glamorous or show boating tonight. It's all business for the man from San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Ted Cedar
"I don't think I've ever seen Dominik as intense as he is right now."

Joey Miles
"I have. A couple times. And it's never good for his opponents."

"Rompe" begins to die down, as does the crowd. There's a moment of silence before "Animal" by Disturbed hits the PA System. Again, the audience roars with boos as Maddox Paine makes his way onto the stage.

Ted Cedar
"Here comes Maddox Paine. This guy may be a rookie, but he's not showing it. He's one of the most impressive new superstars we've ever had."

Joey Miles
"Fucking right, he is. Like I said, future World Heavyweight Champion. But not tonight. It's Dominik's night."

Maddox heads to the ring slowly. It should be noted that Eric Badman is not with him tonight. The reason for that is unknown. Perhaps Eric wants Maddox to prove to the World that he can win this thing by himself. Nevertheless, Maddox makes it to the ring and heads up the steps, entering where the door will soon be shut and locked. He looks across the ring briefly at Dominik, but he turns his attention to the entrance way soon after, awaiting the arrival of the World Heavyweight Champion.

Ted Cedar
"Maybe not the wisest move by Maddox to pay attention to the entrance ramp when Dominik's in the ring with him."

Joey Miles
"What, you think Dominik would attack him from behind? Please, Theodore. Dominik is a man and men don’t do that shit."

As Maddox's theme dies down, again so does the crowd. After a brief moment of silence, the final combatant's theme song plays; the cover of "Metal Health" by Emphatic. The audience erupts into cheers as David Michaels steps onto the stage. He raises his hand into the air, whilst tapping his foot along to his entrance music. Much-like his two opponents, David is out here alone tonight.

Ted Cedar
"Finally, the World Heavyweight Champion is out here."

Joey Miles
"Without Nova? Are you fucking serious?! First Dominik sends Samantha to the back and now this? Fuck, man. These guys sure know how to kill a dude's boner."

Ted Cedar

David takes the World Heavyweight Championship off of his shoulder and holds it in his hand as he walks down to the ring. Upon reaching the squared circle, he tosses the title in before getting in after it, picking it back up, and raising it high into the air. Fans continue to cheer as David looks around at both opponents, whom stare back at him without blinking.

Joey Miles
"Don't get used to holding that title, you fucker. Once the referee takes it from you, you're never holding it again."

Ted Cedar
"Do you seriously have a boner right now?"

Joey Miles
"Shut up."

Jack Smith, the inside referee for this match, takes the Championship off of David and holds it high in each direction towards the crowd to let them see the belt. He then hands it to Ryu on the outside of the ring, through the still-opened door, and Ryu gives it to the time keeper. Laura Watts steps into the center of the ring, as each wrestler (and even Jack) occupy a separate corner.

Laura Watts
"Introducing first, one of the two challengers. From San Luis Potosi, Mexico and weighing in tonight at one hundred and fifty-seven pounds, he is "The Mystic Midget", Dominik Diveraz!"

The audience boos for Diveraz.

Laura Watts
"And the second challenger. From New Orleans, Louisiana and weighing in tonight at two hundred and sixty pounds, he is "The Titan", Maddox Paine!"

Again, the audience jeers heavily.

Laura Watts
"Finally, the defending Champion. Born in Manchester, England and residing in San Antonio Texas and weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty-seven pounds, he is "The Showstealer", David Michaels!"

The audience cheers heavily for the introduction of the World Heavyweight Champion. Laura exits the cage and ring as Ryu, on the outside, closes and locks the cage door. Jack Hammer calls all three men into the center of the ring to go over the rules of the match before calling for the bell, signaling the official beginning of this match.


In the ring stands the three competitors of this main event contest, as well as XWA senior official Jack Hammer. The reigning Champion David Michaels looks around the ring at the man whom defeated him for the belt over a month ago, and whom he regained it off of a few weeks back, Dominik Diveraz. He then looks over at the newcomer to the game, Maddox Paine. The stakes are as high as they'll get in this contest, as the three battle it out inside a steel cage to decide the XWA World Heavyweight Champion. Dominik Diveraz and Maddox Paine immediately go after David Michaels. The two much-disliked wrestlers beat down on the well-praised Champion, as the audience jeers heavily at how this contest starts. They beat down on David for a little bit, throwing him into the cage wall numerous times and pounding on his body with vicious punches and stomps. Dominik and Maddox apply a double Front Chancery, with their backs to the cage wall, before lifting David off of the canvas and Suplexing him straight into the steel! Following this, Paine tells Dominik to stand back as he takes care of the Champion. Being perfectly fine with letting his two opponents fight for the time being, Dominik stands back as Paine puts David in a tree of woe in the corner of the ring. He takes a few steps back and rushes forward, looking to land a running Shoulder Thrust to the upside down Champion, but David uses all the strength he can muster to pull himself up and out of the way, causing Maddox to crash into the steel post and cage walls! The audience cheers as David sits on the top turnbuckle, taking a moment to regain his composure as his back is to the ring. Maddox pulls himself out of the turnbuckle, holding his arm in pain, but Dominik is done sitting by as he rushes forward, leaping into the air and springboarding off of the bent over Maddox's back, flying into a Reverse Hurricanrana that takes David straight off the top turnbuckle and sends him crashing head-first on the canvas! The audience lets out a mixed reaction with jeers for Dominik taking down David, but cheers for the innovative and beautiful maneuver.

Ted Cedar
"This match is already off to a hot start! Maddox and Dominik double teamed David for a little bit, but when Paine tried to take control, things went wrong for him. Dominik made up for that, however, with an amazing leap into that Reverse Hurricanrana! Incredible!"

Joey Miles
"Para fucking Mexico, Theodore."

Dominik rolls David onto his back and goes for the cover. On—But Maddox immediately breaks it up! The big Samoan superstar grabs the small Mexican luchador and viciously throws him into the cage wall, taking him out of the equation for the time being. Turning his focus to the World Heavyweight Champion, Maddox stomps down on David's mid-section and chest a few times before pulling him back to a vertical base. He lands four closed-fist punches directly to the face of the Champion before Irish Whipping him towards the ropes. As David ricochets off of the ropes, Maddox ducks down looking for a Back Body Drop, but instead he receives a sharp kick to the chest from David! David turns around and runs into the ropes for a second time to gain speed, but this time things don't go so well for him as he runs directly into a Big Boot from the angered Samoan. Suddenly, Dominik makes his presence known once again as he lands a punch directly to the back of Maddox's head. Unfortunately for the self-proclaimed Mexico Champion, it didn't have much effect on the brick house-like Maddox Paine, whom turns around and stares down the small man. Swiftly, Maddox lifts Diveraz onto his shoulder. He then targets the cage wall, which he runs at, before slamming Dominik spine-first into it with a powerful Oklahoma Powerslam that does damage. After the move, Maddox simply tosses Diveraz to the side and takes a moment to rub his chest, trying to relieve some of the pain in it after it was so sharply kicked by David Michaels a few moments ago in this match. He looks at the downed men and begins to think of what to do next in this Championship match, every move being crucial.

Ted Cedar
"Maddox is man-handling both men like I've never seen before! Whether you love him or hate him, you gotta know that this guy is for real."

Joey Miles
"Of course he is. Why the fuck do you think he's in this match? He's one of the most impressive new guys we've ever had. The way he wrestlers, you'd think he was in XWA since it began. Guy's a fucking beast."

Maddox finally decides on what it is he's going to do now. With both men down, what better course of action to take than to win the match early by escaping the cage? That's exactly what Maddox has in mind, beginning to climb the cage wall, because nobody ever just uses the cage door in these damn matches. He doesn't make it very far, however, before he feels someone tugging on his foot. That would be David Michaels, whom quickly got back up after seeing Maddox heading for the cage wall. He pulls Maddox back down and starts punching away at the rookie XWA wrestler. After a couple of shots, one punch is blocked by the long-haired man and he retaliates with some punches of his own. He lands shot after shot after shot to the Champion's bearded face, as he looks to take as much of the fight out of him as he can right now. Once he feels he's done enough damage with the punches, which can be made evident by how groggy David is right now, Maddox lifts the World Heavyweight Champion onto his shoulder. He looks out at the cage wall, again thinking of an Oklahoma Powerslam straight into it. He rushes towards the cage, but David hurriedly slides down Maddox's back and pushes him into the cage wall! The fans in attendance cheer, but David's not done yet. He quickly grabs Maddox by his head and yanks it back and forth, grinding the newcomer's face on the steel of the cage wall. Maddox lets out some pants of pain as David tries to take him out of the match with this wall grinding, eventually causing a small cut just above Maddox's eye. He finally lets go of Maddox, whom stumbles away from David and into the corner of the ring, where he wipes some of the blood off of his face and tries to recuperate.

Ted Cedar
"It seems Maddox is bleeding a little bit after that brutal grinding against the cage wall. David is showing a very tough, remorseless side tonight, which he really needed to if he expects to come out of this with the win."

Joey Miles
"David ain't tough. He may try to act tough, but he's a fucking pussy. That's why he has to hire back up like that big bald faggot to help him. Unfortunately for that shitbreath, he can't get any help tonight because he's locked inside a steel cage!"

With Maddox hurting for the time being, David decides to turn his attention to Dominik. He turns around, but it seems Diveraz was one step ahead of him as he instantly drills David the second he turns around with a Busaiku Knee Kick to the mid-section! The impact of the move causes David's lower half to bounce back, as he falls forward, going face-first into the canvas. Quickly, Dominik stomps on David's back twice before rolling him onto his back. He then leaps into the air, rotating his body backwards whilst moving a tad bit forward to land a standing Shooting Star Press! Following the very athletic move by Dominik, he goes for the cover. One! Two! Kickout just after two! Dominik looks up, noticing Maddox out of the corner of his eye. In the corner of the ring, Paine is still trying to recuperate, unaware that Diveraz is now focused on him. Getting back to his feet, Dominik follows this up by running at his adversary. He leaps into the air and lands a big Stinger Splash straight onto Maddox! As Maddox stumbles out of the corner of the ring, Dominik begins climbing the turnbuckle. He reaches the middle rope, before looking back and seeing Maddox continue to stumble around. Once the timing is just right, Dominik jumps up, springboarding off of the top rope into a back flip, executing a picture perfect Double Jump Moonsault that lands directly on the standing Maddox Paine! After taking the big man down, Diveraz instantly goes for the cover. One! Two! But, much-like David, he kicks out just after a count of two!

Ted Cedar
"Beautiful Double Jump Moonsault by Dominik right there, but it wasn't enough to keep the big man down!"

Joey Miles
"Beautiful? Nah, that shit was a fucking work of art. That Moonsault belongs in a fucking museum somewhere, on display! Gorgeous!"

Dominik gets back to his feet and shakes off the cobwebs from that big Moonsault he just did. He looks around and notices that both men are now down, deciding it's his turn to attempt to escape the cage structure, since he couldn't pin either opponent yet in the match. Diveraz heads to one of the cage walls and begins climbing, first using the ropes for a bit of leverage to help him get up. He climbs steadily up the cage wall, but David is getting back to his feet. Dominik looks back and sees this, trying to climb faster, but it's to no avail. David climbs up the wall next to Dominik, trying to stop him as he did Maddox. Diveraz made it roughly three quarters of the way up the cage wall before a speedy David caught up to him. He grabs his opponent by the shoulder and yanks on him, trying to pull him off the cage wall. Dominik tightly grabs the wall, but Michaels is able to pry him off and sends him flying back down towards the canvas, where Diveraz managed to land on his feet. David, looking back and seeing this, decides to go for a big risk. He leaps off of the cage wall, from nearly three quarters of the way up, rotating his body in air and going for a Cross Body! Diveraz quickly jumps into the air, bringing both of his feet together and Dropkicking his opponent dead on in the mid-section whilst he was still airborne to reverse! Again, the audience lets out a mixed reaction as Diveraz leisurely gets back to his feet whilst David rolls around on the canvas in pain, pressing his arms tightly against his stomach.

Ted Cedar
"David went for a huge risk, but it didn't pay off!"

Joey Miles
"You leave the aerial stuff to the professionals, David. Like Dominik. Let him handle that shit."

By now, "The Titan" Maddox Paine has reached his feet. He sees Dominik getting back to his feet after that brutal mid-air Dropkick to David, so he heads over to him and drills him in the stomach with his knee. He follows this up by landing a few clubbing forearm shots to his back as he's bent over. The big man continues to work over his smaller opponent, trying to drain every bit of energy he has out of the Mexican's body. If Diveraz has no energy, he can't possibly stop Paine climbing out of the cage. Plus, with David in the shape he's in right now, it doesn't look like he can either. Once done with the forearm shots, Maddox latches onto Dominik's arm and powerfully Irish Whips him into the corner of the ring. As Dominik turns around, last second, to cushion the blow by landing back first into the corner, Maddox rushes forward, crushing the small man with a Splash! Immediately following this, Maddox tosses Dominik away from the ropes and positions him just right on the canvas, a few feet away from the corner. He then begins to ascend the turnbuckle, perhaps looking to land his signature Diving Leg Drop from the top! The audience looks on in anticipation of what's about to happen next, as Maddox finally reaches the top turnbuckle. He stands up, erect, on the top rope, whilst looking down at Dominik. Suddenly, something moves out of the corner of his eye, but by the time he can see what it is, it's too late. David trips the big man, causing him to painfully land in a seated position on the top turnbuckle! The audience bursts into cheers as David begins to climb the corner of the ring, applying a Front Chancery. Maddox is too busy dealing with the pain from that slip to fight back, as David takes him off the top turnbuckle, flipping him onto his back with a beautiful Superplex! Not only does the Superplex do damage to Maddox, but the big man lands directly on top of Dominik! Maddox rolls off of Dominik and David quickly crawls onto the Samoan superstar for the cover. One! Two! Thr—Kickout at two and a half! Wanting to retain his Championship, David quickly rolls over, onto Dominik. One! Two Thr—But it's another kickout at two and a half!

Ted Cedar
"What a Superplex by David Michaels! Not only did he take down the big man with it, but they landed right on top of Dominik! It wasn't enough to pin either man, however."

Joey Miles
"I didn't expect it to be. Maddox and Dominik got the will of warriors and the heart of lions. It's gonna take much more than that to keep them down, as painful as that may have been."

David crawls away from the two downed wrestlers, over to the opposing corner of the one he just did the Superplex off of. He uses the ropes to help pull himself back to his feet until reaching a vertical base, where he latches onto the top rope and starts stomping away; signaling for the Bitter Sweet Symphony! It's unclear who his target is. Anyone would have to assume it'd be the first person to get back to his feet. As It so happens, the superstar with that unfortunate title is Dominik. David keeps stomping away, paying homage to his brother Shawn Michaels, as he gets ready to land the Superkick that could put this thing away and shut Dominik up for good. Diveraz finally reaches his feet, stumbling around towards David as "The Showstealer" goes for the move, but Dominik has the wherewithal to dodge it just in time! He quickly leaps into a back flip, following this, crashing his boot into his opponent's head with a Pele Kick! Michaels stumbles backwards from the move, finding himself being grabbed from behind. The man grabbing him is none other than the recently-footed Maddox Paine, whom applies a Waist Lock before lifting David into a German Suplex! The German Suplex causes David to flip, landing on his stomach, instead of his back! Quickly, Diveraz rushes at Maddox and leaps into the air, looking to take him down with a Cross Body. Unfortunately for "MexiMelt", Maddox is able to catch him with ease. A smirk comes across the face of the Samoan wrestler, as Dominik panics, for good reason. Maddox takes a few steps back, standing near the steel cage, which he faces away from. He then, seemingly with ease, tossing his opponent over-head, into a Fallaway Slam that sends Dominik crashing into the cage wall! Maddox continues smirking as the audience lets out a mixed reaction for the big man doing damage to Diveraz.

Ted Cedar
"Very impressive Fallaway Slam by Maddox. The strength of this guy is absolutely incredible. Did you see how high he tossed David Michaels with that German Suplex? He made him do almost a full flip!"

Joey Miles
"Of course I fucking saw it. I'm sitting right next to you, watching this match just as you are. You dare fucking question if I'm doing my job? I oughta get you fired for that, cunt. But yeah, Maddox is strong as fuck."

Maddox proves he isn't done with Dominik just quite yet, as he raises the small man back to a vertical base and proceeds to Irish Whip him towards the ropes. Dominik rebounds off of the ropes, running back in Maddox's direction, but he soon wishes he was able to stop himself as Paine swiftly lifts him into the air and drills him hard onto the canvas with a spine-shattering Spinebuster! Immediately following this, Maddox goes for the cover. One! Two! Th—But David makes the save, breaking up the count before Paine could win the match. As Paine is getting back to his feet, David doesn't give him an easy time getting up, nailing him with punch after punch. Eventually, however, the big an is able to make it back to his feet, still continuing to eat shots from the World Heavyweight Champion. He quickly pushes David back a few feet, but the XWA legend isn't ready to give up so easily. He rushes back towards Maddox, but the "Mad Ox", as David called him, wraps his arms around David's body before again Suplexing him; this time in a Belly to Belly variation! The powerful man lets out an almighty roar, as the fans mostly boo, but there is some cheering for the war machine known as Maddox Paine. Noticing out of the corner of his eye that Dominik is getting back to a perpendicular base, Maddox quickly runs at him, looking for his Spear finisher! Dominik side steps him, however, but Paine stops himself before crashing like he did earlier when he went after David. He turns around, out of the corner, but walks straight into a leaping Diveraz, whom presses his knees together and against the chest of his foe, whilst grabbing onto his shoulders and taking him down with a Front Lungblower dubbed the Matanza! The audience lets out a surprising amount of cheers following the finishing move by Dominik, as he took out the hated Maddox, but it seems he doesn't have the energy just yet to make the cover after everything he's endured thus far in this match.

Ted Cedar
"Matanza! Matanza! Matanza! This could be it! Dominik can be our new World Heavyweight Champion if only he could make the cover!"

Joey Miles
"Fuck yes! Get it, Dominik! La Revolución Hispana for the fucking win tonight!"

As all three men lay down on the canvas, Dominik slowly turns onto his stomach and begins crawling towards Maddox. Thankfully, the big man wasn't very far away from him, but he still did have a tough time pulling himself towards the XWA rookie superstar. Eventually, however, Dominik manages to make the cover. One! Two! Thre—But David makes the save, keeping the match alive as the audience bursts into cheers! Leisurely, Dominik and David get back to their feet and they begin exchanging punches. Each shot comes slow, due to the fatigue settling in, but they still hurt a hell of a lot. After landing a few punches, both men seem to have the same thing in mind, as they turn around and run to opposing ropes. After rebounding off of the ropes, they return towards each other and both men leap into the air, looking for a Cross Body; an excruciating collision happening as a result! With the current and former World Heavyweight Champions down, Maddox gradually begins getting back up to a vertical base. Seeing the two opponents laid out, Paine decides it's time to crown a new Champion as he begins climbing the steel cage, using the ropes for help, once again. He makes it much farther than he did the first time, but Dominik and David see this happening and start forcing themselves back up to their feet, despite the pain they're currently in. David says something to Diveraz and the Mexican wrestler nods. It seems that, for the first time in their careers, these two are on the same page, if only to prevent Maddox Paine from winning the match. They head over to the corners of the ring to the left and right of where Maddox is climbing, Dominik taking the left and David taking the right, and they ascend to the very top. By the time they've reached the top turnbuckles, Maddox is three quarters of the way up the cage wall. He isn't going to make it any farther, however, as the two men leap off at the same time, both landing a Dropkick to the mid-section of their opponent from both sides! All three men crash down to the canvas following the big double team maneuver, as the crowd bursts out into cheers.

Ted Cedar
"Dominik and David working together? I never thought I'd see the day! Of course, if they didn't, Maddox may have very well had the match won there."

Joey Miles
"Shit, Dominik, don't work with that British Cowboy cunt! You're better than that!"

The first two men to make it back to their feet are the World Heavyweight Champion and Dominik, whom get up after taking a few seconds to rest. It seems their partnership is over as quickly as it began, as the two men again begin exchanging shots. This time, David gets the upper hand, as he manages to land unanswered shot after unanswered shot, taking it to the small Mexican luchador. Once he's finished punching away at the skull of Diveraz, Michaels latches onto his wrist and goes for an Irish Whip, but Dominik reverses into an Irish Whip of his own that sends the World Heavyweight Champion rushing towards the ropes. He ricochets off of those ropes before leaping into the air and landing a Forearm Smash to the face of the self-proclaimed Mexico Champion, taking both himself and his opposition down. A few seconds pass before David kips up, back onto his feet, as he jumps around the ring in excitement, the audience cheering wildly for the Champion as he appears to be pumped up. He heads to the corner of the ring, grabbing a hold of the top rope and stomping his foot into the canvas again, setting up for the Bitter Sweet Symphony once more. His target again appears to be Dominik, although David is hoping for a better conclusion this time. Once Dominik is standing, David gets ready to go for the move, but he's suddenly drilled in the head with a Big Boot from out of nowhere, courtesy of Maddox Paine! The audience's cheers turn to heavy booing as Maddox looks at the downed David, before turning his attention to Dominik, whom he practically turns inside-out with an absolutely devastating Clothesline! The big man looks at his two downed opponents, snarling at them as he raises one of his hands into the air to pose for the booing crowd, soaking in the jeers as if they were praise.

Ted Cedar
"Just when it looked like David had this thing in the bag, Maddox makes his presence known once again with a Big Boot that practically took Michaels' head off!"

Joey Miles
"David isn't walking out of this thing Champion, Theodore. Mark my fucking words."

With both of his opponents down, Maddox calls for the end. He signals for his finishing maneuver, the Titan Bomb; a Sitout Powerbomb! Who will be the victim? Just like David's earlier Bitter Sweet Symphony attempts, the target is Dominik. After all, he's the smallest guy in the match so he's probably the easiest to keep down? Right? Maybe. Regardless, Maddox waits for Dominik to start getting back to his feet, whilst stalking him like a rapist ready to pounce on some thirteen year old pussy. Suddenly, someone runs down the entrance ramp. Maddox doesn't notice this person, but Ryu certainly does as he decks the outside referee, before taking his key to the cage. The man, now confirmed to be Luis Claudio, unlocks the cage door and enters the ring. As Maddox puts Dominik's head in between his legs, Luis attacks the big man from behind. The two behemoths brawl in the ring, as Dominik drops back down to the canvas, seeing his teammate doing all the work so he can relax for now. The two men whom faced off a few weeks ago, where Luis was victorious, go at it, exchanging shot after shot after shot at a quick pace. Maddox goes for an Irish Whip to the almost equal-sized man, but Claudio returns from rebounding off of the ropes to duck under the Clothesline attempt from Maddox. He spins Maddox around and lands a few uninterrupted punches, but Paine manages to catch the fifth punch. He responds with some shots of his own, although Luis was able to duck under one, popping up behind "The Titan". He quickly spins into a Rolling Back Chop, drilling Maddox in the back of the head with one of his two finishers, the Carrera de la Muerte! Luis lets out a mighty roar, perhaps trying to out-do Maddox's roaring abilities, as the Samoan man drops to the canvas.

Ted Cedar
"Luis Claudio is in the cage and he just drilled Maddox with the Carrera de la Muerte! Somebody get him out of there!"

Joey Miles
"Awww yeah, Luis for the fucking save. Go after David though, not Maddox!"

As if he heard Joey's request, Luis sets his sights on the English cowboy, whom is now slowly getting back up to a perpendicular base. With a grin across the face of "El Diablo", he kicks the World Heavyweight Champion in the gut before placing his head in between his legs, setting up for his other finisher, the Potencia Bomba; a Powerbomb into a Lungblower! Suddenly, the audience begins cheering heavily. Not for Luis, but for another man rushing down to the ring. Carnage quickly enters the squared circle just as Luis gets David onto his shoulders and lands a Big Boot to the back of Claudio's head! This knocks Luis over, causing him to drop David as he does so. Trying to help secure Dominik the victory in this match, Luis quickly gets back to his feet, but he turns around directly into a Bitter Sweet Symphony from David Michaels! The move surprisingly doesn't knock down the big man, but it does cause him to stumble around and walk straight into a Spear from Carnage! With the fans loving every moment of this, Carnage lifts his hand in the air, signaling for the Jackhammer and making the audience cheer even louder. "Total" Carnage lifts Luis back up to a vertical base before applying a Front Chancery and then hooking his arm over his shoulder. He lifts the two hundred and sixty-four pound man into the air, vertically, holding him there for a good few seconds to demonstrate just how strong he is before pulling him down and crossing his arm over the chest of the Puerto Rican wrestler to land the Jackhammer! With fans cheering wildly, Carnage drags Luis out of the ring, through the still open door, and drops him on the floor outside of the cage. He helps Ryu back to his feet and hands him the key, which Luis had dropped after unlocking the cage before. Sanu shuts the cage door again and relocks it, leaving just Jack Hammer and the three contestants in the ring once more.

Ted Cedar
"Luis tried to take out David too, but Carnage was having none of that!"

Joey Miles
"Fuck man, get that bald headed cunt out of here. Fucker creeps me out."

David looks out of the cage, thanking Carnage for his help in taking care of Luis. However, he should've been focused on the match at hand, as Dominik quickly rolls him up from behind, looking for the win, whilst grabbing a hand full of David's tights! One! Two! Thr—But David kicks out at two and a half! Both men get back to their feet quickly, following the kickout, as Dominik rushes at David, only to be taken down with an Arm Drag. He shoots back up to his feet and runs at the World Heavyweight Champion again, but he's taken down with a second Arm Drag. Once more, he gets back up to his feet swiftly, but this time he's drilled with a Dropkick from David that knocks him straight back down. Now, Dominik is a bit slower to get back up. Whilst he's trying to reach his feet, David quickly goes for the Fameasser, but Dominik pulls himself out of the way and leaps into the air, snapping his boot into David's cheek with a Gamengiri that's heard all throughout the arena! With both men down, Dominik smiles and heads to the corner of the ring. He ascends to the top turnbuckle before jumping up and grabbing a hold of the top of the cage, trying to pull himself out to win! As he slowly tries climb out of the cage, Diveraz doesn't notice Maddox getting back to his feet. Paine sees his opponent try to escape out of the corner of the ring and he quickly heads over there, climbing the turnbuckle. Upon reaching the top, he turns so that he's facing the ring and then reaches up, grabbing a hold of Dominik by his thighs. He pulls with as much power as he can, as Dominik desperately tries to hang on for dear life, but Maddox finally yanks him off, taking the small man all the way down to the canvas with a humongous Titan Bomb! The audience cheers, despite their hatred for Maddox, at the huge maneuver, as he goes for the cover. One! Two! Thre—But David makes the save just in time!

Ted Cedar
"Titan Bomb off the top rope! Wow! David just barely made the save! If he hadn’t, I have to believe this match would've been over!"

Joey Miles
"Love him or hate him, Maddox Paine is one of the most impressive motherfuckers in the company. Ever, Theodore. Ever."

All three men are down. It truly is anyone's match to win right now. Leisurely, two men begin getting back to their feet. Those two are David Michaels and Maddox Paine, with Dominik incapacitated for the time being. Paine goes for a punch to David, but the World Heavyweight Champion blocks it and responds with a punch of his own. Maddox goes for a second punch, but again it’s blocked and countered into a punch from Michaels. This happens a third time before David starts landing unanswered shots to his adversary, drilling him a good seven times in the head before attempting an Irish Whip. Maddox reverses his own Irish Whip, sending David towards the ropes. Maddox ducks down, looking for a Back Body Drop, but David latches onto the top rope to keep himself from returning to disaster. He then quickly runs up to the side of Maddox, leaping into the air and pressing his leg against the back of Maddox's neck, pushing him down to the canvas with a Fameasser! The fans cheer, as David almost instantly looks at the cage wall following the move. He points to the top, fans continuing to cheer, as Michaels nods. He begins his climb to the very top of the cage. Slowly but surely, he makes his way to the tip of the wall, pulling himself onto it. He stands up high on the top f the cage wall, looking down at the outside of the ring, but he doesn't escape. Instead, he looks back in the ring. He has the victory in the palm of his hands. Should he take it? He's called "The Showstealer" for a reason, though. He steals shows. That's just what he does. What kind of stolen show would it be if he took the easy way out and climbed out of the cage to win? David looks down at Maddox Paine, whom is still laid out on the canvas. He points down at him before looking up at the crowd and yelling, "Should I do it?" The fans burst into cheers, as a "Yes" chant begins all throughout the arena. David grins and nods, saying, "Okay, then," before leaping off the top of the cage and crashing down on top of Maddox with a huge Elbow Drop! A few seconds after the move lands, in the midst of many cheers from the crowd, a "This is Awesome" chant begins.

Ted Cedar
"Oh my God! David lands the Elbow Drop off the top of the cage! Can he capitalize?! Can he win it?!"

Joey Miles
"He could've fucking won if he just climbed down the other side of the cage wall! Fucking glory hog."

Steadily, David crawls on top of Maddox, looking for the pin that can retain him the World Heavyweight Championship. One! Two! Thre—But Dominik makes the save just in time! The fans boo heavily as David was a small portion of a second away from leaving this arena as the Champion, just as he entered it! Diveraz doesn’t give David a chance to get up before stomping on him multiple times to wear him down and damage him even more, as David is already feeling tremendous pain after that huge leap. Diveraz eventually finishes his stomping and pulls David back to his feet, before landing numerous elbow shots to the face, all the while backing Michaels up into the corner of the ring. Once Michaels' back is against the turnbuckles, Dominik heads to the opposing corner of the ring and readies himself. He rushes full speed ahead at David, he David quickly ducks down, Back Body Dropping Dominik straight over his head and sending him crashing into the cage wall! Dominik slides down in between the cage door and the ring ropes, landing on the apron, as David takes a moment to catch his breath. Focused on Dominik, he walks out of the corner, turning his head around to see Maddox rushing at him; Paine drilling David with a huge Spear! The entire ring, and even the cage itself, shakes from the impact of the Spear, but Paine doesn't go for the cover. Instead, he notices Dominik on the apron, where he's slowly using the ropes to pull himself back to a vertical base. Maddox grins and takes a few steps back, waiting for his chance to attack. Once Dominik is standing, Maddox rushes at him, and lands a second Spear this one actually pushing Dominik into the steel cage door so hard that it busts the door open and sends Dominik flying to the outside of the ring! The referee calls for the bell to be rung, as Maddox looks on in disbelief.


Ted Cedar
"What?! Maddox just accidentally Speared Dominik straight through the cage door! Dominik is the new World Heavyweight Champion!"

Joey Miles
"Oh my God, this is fucking beautiful! Long live La Revolución Hispana!"

"Rompe" by Daddy Yankee hits the PA System. Dominik lays outside of the ring, seemingly unaware of what just happened, as Ryu brings the World Heavyweight Championship to him. Dominik looks at it and then stares briefly at Ryu. "I won?" he asks, dazed and confused. Ryu nods and lays the belt across Dominik's stomach, as he simply drops his head back down and lays on the floor in pain. The cage wall rises as the fans continue to jeer heavily.

Laura Watts
"Here is your winner, and the NEW XWA World Heavyweight Champion, Dominik Diveraz!"

Ted Cedar
"I don't think Dominik has any idea what just happened! He's out of it!"

Joey Miles
"Who gives a fuck, Theodore? He won! He's the Champion again!"

Carnage pulls David out of the ring, under the bottom rope, and assists him in walking to the back, whilst telling him what happens. Meanwhile, Maddox continues to stare blankly in the middle of the ring, completely shocked at what just went down. Luis tries to help Dominik back to his feet, having a bit of trouble in doing so as Diveraz can hardly stand right now. Suddenly, the blank expression on Maddox's face turns to one of pure anger. He exits the ring and grabs Luis Claudio by his hair, slamming him into the steel steps. Dominik's theme song stops abruptly, as Diveraz leans against the barricade, holding the World Heavyweight Championship, and still confused and dazed as all hell. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Dominik, Maddox is beating the living hell out of Luis.

Ted Cedar
"Well, he's not too happy about the outcome of this match. It was his own fault that he lost. I guess he doesn't know his own strength."

Joey Miles
"He has every right to be upset. As happy as I am that Dominik won, that WAS bullshit. Don't take it out on Luis, though!"

Once Maddox has taken out enough frustration on Luis, whom lays next to the steel steps, he turns his focus onto Dominik. Dominik, finally letting it all sink in and standing upright, looks at the World Heavyweight Championship with a smile on his face. He looks up just in time to see Maddox running at him, as he's taken down with a second Spear! Not done yet, Maddox grabs Dominik and throws him into the ring. He grabs the World Heavyweight Championship as well and slides in with it.

Ted Cedar
"Okay, this is getting a little out of hand. I don't like La Revolución Hispana, but this is just unnecessary."

Joey Miles
"This is no way to treat a Champion, Maddox! Unless that Champion was David."

With Dominik laid out in the ring, Maddox gets on top of him and starts pounding away with punches to the face. Both Jack and Ryu try to interfere, but Maddox takes care of them within seconds with a Big Boot for Jack and a Clothesline for Ryu. He then goes back to beating the everloving hell out of Dominik. After he's punched him enough, Maddox picks up the World Heavyweight Championship and yells at Diveraz to get up. Slowly, Dominik does so, but not because he was told to. More-so because he can’t just lie on the ground forever. Once standing, he stumbles around directly into a Championship shot directly to the face! Maddox lets out a grand roar as Dominik begins to bleed profusely from his head. Unfortunately for the Mexican Champion, Maddox isn't done yet. He lifts Dominik back to his feet before putting his head in between his legs. With Dominik hardly able to stand, Maddox has a bit of a difficult time getting him in position, but he still does none the less. He then raises Dominik onto his shoulders and slams him hard onto the canvas with a beastly Titan Bomb! Finally, Eric Badman makes his way to the ring to try and calm down his client.

Ted Cedar
"Jesus, Maddox is mad."

Joey Miles
"Poor Dominik."

Maddox stares down at Diveraz, still visibly angry, but he's not attacking anymore as Eric seems to have talked some sense into him. Nevertheless, he grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and raises it into the air. The camera gets a nice shot of Maddox holding the title up with both hands, Eric by his side and Dominik laid out, a bloody mess, before the show fades away to the logo for XWA.

MAIN EVENT | Diveraz vs. Paine vs. Michaels(C) | XWA World Heavyweight Championship MJFR42R
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