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 PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo

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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo Empty
PostSubject: PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo   PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo EmptyTue Dec 17, 2013 12:52 am

Due: Sunday December 22nd, at 11:59 PM EST


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Love Bites
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PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo   PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo EmptyTue Dec 17, 2013 1:06 am

The lights simmer down to a dark blue color, as "Aqueous Transmission" begins to play. White smoke forms of the ring stage in a small quantity until the song gets into full gear; Takumi walking out through the smoke. The fans cheer wildly for the Tag Team Champion, whom holds both tag titles draped over his shoulders. Takumi has a few stitches in his head.

Ted Cedar
"Here comes Takumi Sanu, getting much respect from this crowd. It's amazing he can even be here tonight after that grueling match he had with Dominik two weeks ago at XtremeMania."

Adam Dennis
"Dominik did a number on this guy for sure."

Standing on the stage, Takumi turns to the right and bows down to the fans on that side before turning around and doing the same in the other direction. After showing his respect for the fans, Sanu begins to strut to the ring. Upon reaching the squared circle, Takumi walks up the steel steps and enters through the ropes. He asks for a microphone.

Takumi Sanu
"Hello friends. At XtremeMania, I fought biggest battle of career. It was incredible match but in end I lost. It's okay though. I'm not bitter. Dominik earned victory. He earned his job. I'm not out here to dwell on that. I'm out here to announce who my new tag team partner is. I thought long and hard about this. I need someone I can trust, but more importantly, someone I can respect. I've fought this man before in one of my most memorable matches. Ladies and gentlemen, my new tag team partner…Giselle Von Wolf!"

The fans cheer at the announcement of the new half of the tag team champions!

Adam Dennis
"... Dominik should have killed him."

"Well that's not very nice!"

Both commentators jump to the side as they get a rather unexpected visit from the recently announced tag champion!  Giselle sits upon the barricade, in full attire as his crazy blonde hair is covering his face.

Adam Dennis
"I hate you."

Giselle barely takes any time to contemplate the commentator's clear disdain for him.  Although to be fair the German nearly gave him a heart attack, so you can't blame him too much at this point. Anyways, Wolf slides into the ring from here, already back in the mood that made him so popular during his last tag team run.

Giselle Von Wolf
"My friend!"

Giselle instantly hugs Takumi, who doesn't seem to be completely prepared for this, before Giselle grabs the microphone from his new partner!

Giselle von Wolf
"Thank you everyone!  It's good to be back in the tag team scene, and even better to be with my friend Takumi!  But we have more important things than me being announced!"

This seems to confuse everyone, particularly Sanu who appears to be wondering just what he's gotten himself into with the Wolf of Germany.

Giselle von Wolf
"We don't have a team name!"

Takumi Sanu

Giselle von Wolf
"I vote for Guys With Masks!"

Takumi seems to remain speechless, which is understandable, as neither man is wearing a mask, and of course, that tag team name is already taken regardless.

Ted Cedar
"Well Giselle is certainly taking to the spotlight very well right now."

Adam Dennis
"I can't wait till these two get those titles taken away from them by people deserving..."

Takumi Sanu
"Um, Giselle, we're no wearing masks."

Giselle von Wolf
"True!  Then how about The Guys Without Masks!  Genius!"

Takumi simply nods, unsure of what is transpiring.

Takumi Sanu
"Right, well, now that we have team name, only one more thing take care of. I have partner now so I ready to defend tag titles. We want match to defend belts, tonight!"

The audience immediately erupts in cheers as Takumi says he wants to defend the Tag Team Championships tonight. Those cheers are shortly drowned out by the sound of "Let The Madness Begin" by Fozzy. The fans instantly turn to jeers as XWA General Manager Razor Xtreme steps onto the stage. His music fades.

Razor Xtreme
"Hello Takumi, Giselle. First of all, Takumi, I'd like to say kudos on the match at XtremeMania. I know you lost, but it was sure as hell fun to watch. Especially the part where Dominik crushed your windpipe. That little guy's feisty, isn't he? Now, as for the reason I'm out here. You say you want to defend those tag titles of yours? Well, I'm all for that, seeing as we haven't had a Tag Team Championships match since you and Dominik got lucky against me and Rellim. So, tonight you WILL defend your belts."

Takumi nods, liking what he's hearing.

Razor Xtreme
"As for your opponents? Well, it'll be a match full of Champions. Tonight, you defend those pretty little straps against the Intercontinental and World Heavyweight Champions, D-Volution!"

Despite their hatred for Razor, the audience bursts into cheers at the blockbuster tag team match set up for later tonight. Takumi smiles, clearly looking forward to the challenge.

Ted Cedar
"Wow! What a match made for tonight! The Tag Team Champions Takumi Sanu and Giselle Von Wolf will defend against David Michaels and JHalc!"

Razor Xtreme
"Good luck, you two."

Razor grins as his theme music begins to play again, before heading to the back. The camera pans in on the excited Champions before the show cuts to a commercial break.

PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo MJFR42R
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo   PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 1:06 pm

Sweet promo. Fairly short but it did its job. You portrayed Razor very well too, so kudos on that. good job


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo Empty
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PROMO: "My New Tag Team Partner" | Takumi Sanu Promo

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