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 PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew

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PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew   PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew EmptySun Nov 23, 2014 9:05 pm

Due by: November 29th, 11:59 PM EST
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Join date : 2013-12-16

PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew   PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew EmptySat Dec 06, 2014 9:08 pm

The sequence opens looking down an old logging road. Small saplings lean out over the ruts in the earth, while proud pines stand sentinel as far as can be seen. In the distance, approaching the camera, is a team of horses, drawing a high, canvas-covered, load. The tinkling of harness and rigging are heard and the steam rolling out of the beast’s nostrils is evident. As they near the viewer, the driver, a bald old man with one eye and a scruffy beard, comes into view. He hops from his perch to the ground, his belly flapping under a set of grease-stained long johns, and, taking the reins with him, he directs the mares around a bend in the road with a series of nonsensical interjections.


As the wagon turns, it is now apparent that Cletus and Big Jim were riding on the back of it. They disembark, and begin walking up the road, toward camera.

Jimmy, what's the difference between one of these frat boys and a dog?

Well Cletus, I’d swerve to miss a dog.

We tried to warn them, but they wouldn’t listen. They’re brave men, I don’t doubt it, but they don’t see that a live dog is better than a dead lion.

They would’ve done better to run, snuggle up with a warm, soft, sorority girl; we got no beef with him.

Do you think we like to hurt people? Do you think we’ll be happy when Jerusalem & Mecca are laying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out him? Do you think we’ll enjoy seeing those pretty Tr-Delts…

Tri Delts: I'm sure everyone else has

…crying their eyes out, praying to God that he’ll restore them?

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Hoping that what happened to him hasn’t warped their souls and changed them beyond what love can repair?

And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

Do you think that’s what we want?!

Well, don’t we Cletus?

Well shit, now that you mention it Jim, I suppose that’s exactly what we want!
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PROMO | "Burning The Woods" - Alpha Kappa Omega & The Logging Crew

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