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 Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE

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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 1:14 pm

Think about everything that makes Dean Ambrose awesome.

Now think about him becoming kiddyified. Think about Vince turning him into a Corporate, kid friendly, lame shell of his former self.

The only reason why it would be a good reason to not make Dean the face of the company is because WWE will pretty much ruin his aura. The Dean Ambrose you love will become a something you will hate once Vince gets ahold of him.

You think Vince and WWE won't do that? Just look at what they are doing to Reigns, trying to recreate John Cena. Just think what they would try to do to Dean.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 1:29 pm

With Ambrose, they should follow more the Austin model than the Cena (if, indeed, a model must be had). Keep Seth in the role he's in now, and you'd have a Rock/Austin feud for the new generation who probably won't even realize they're watching a rehash.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 1:34 pm

That would be awesome. However WWE has no one breathing down their necks to make them do something like that. The family friendly aspects is what Vince has always wanted his company to be about. I mean look at the new gen era and how crappy and kiddyish it was. The attitude era only happen because of WCW. If it wasn't for that, would Rock and Austin even have become the faces of the WWE at the time? Would WWE even be around anymore?
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 1:44 pm

Ambrose wont be dumbed down at all.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 2:05 pm

They already have. In the Shield he was a loose cannon psycho. Now he's way more over the top, and you've got stuff like him beating up dolls, putting Nikelodean slime in the briefcase, coming out with a hot dog cart etc, while doing the most outlandish facial expressions he can. That, and he hasn't won clean on PPV since the Shield broke up, as far as I can remember, so he looks like a complete chump.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 2:45 pm

Nearphotison wrote:
With Ambrose, they should follow more the Austin model than the Cena (if, indeed, a model must be had). Keep Seth in the role he's in now, and you'd have a Rock/Austin feud for the new generation who probably won't even realize they're watching a rehash.

Exactly what I was about to say.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 3:56 pm

The Big Hulkamaniac Guy wrote:
That would be awesome. However WWE has no one breathing down their necks to make them do something like that. The family friendly aspects is what Vince has always wanted his company to be about. I mean look at the new gen era and how crappy and kiddyish it was. The attitude era only happen because of WCW. If it wasn't for that, would Rock and Austin even have become the faces of the WWE at the time? Would WWE even be around anymore?

You're right, in that there's not a rival company breathing down their necks. However, we've heard repeatedly how WWE stock has gone down, how the network is under-performing, and how generally the WWE seems to be on a downward slope. There's still the risk of failure, even without real competition, which could (and should) push them to try something new.

Whether that's enough remains to be seen, but I should hope that the numbers will at least speak for themselves. WWE does seem to be testing out some edgier characters, with Wyatt and Lesnar (though Brock may not count, since the rules don't seem to apply to part-timers, see: The Rock).

I think the idea of having one top guy is kind of dumb and outdated, anyway. I'd much rather see five-to-six guys that can all headline the way Cena does, rotated around so that we never get tired of them (the way most have with Cena). Reigns can fit in that Cena mold if they really want him to, but I see no reason why Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt, and maybe Ziggler or Bryan (depending on how many years he's got left) can't all be on relatively equal ground. One guy at the top just buries everyone else and puts the company in a tough spot if they're injured or the fans get bored with them, both of which are very likely for someone put into a role like Cena's. WWE is on TV too many hours a week to make that model viable today.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE   Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE EmptySun Dec 21, 2014 12:54 pm

It worked for the attitude era. When Austin was hurt you had so many other guys who could fill the spot. Taker, Rock, Mick, HHH, Kane. Today when Cena is even gone for a week they hit panic mode.
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE Empty
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Just really think about this: Why Dean shouldn't be The face of WWE

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