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 S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World"

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Love Bites
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S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World" Empty
PostSubject: S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World"   S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World" EmptyMon Oct 20, 2014 8:11 am

DUE: Friday, October 31st at 11:59PM EDT.

S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World" MJFR42R
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Riley Williamson
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S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World" Empty
PostSubject: Re: S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World"   S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World" EmptySat Nov 01, 2014 1:09 am

S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World" Amy-Lita-Dumas2

Coming back from a Commercial Break which shows the amount of days left before XWA Invades Fort Field with it’s successor, XtremeMania 6. We now get a Black Screen. Darkness. Not a Fly, scream well, several coming from the Crowd as they are in a Buzz wondering what is bound to come next, but that soon dims down and suddenly we get a Text in white bold letters.

“last May….”

A Few seconds later, We hear Audio begin to play in the background.

Ted Cedar:

What a counter made by Nicole Johnson! Nicole counters Candice’s move and turns it into a Finisher of her own. Now if only Nicole can go for the cover, we may have a New Women’s Champion here in just a matter of moments.

Joey Miles:

These girls are really taking it to each other here Tonight, and I am enjoying it!

*The Video package begins to be shown*

United Xtreme 2014 wrote:
“Nicole rises to her knee, hooks her arms around Love’s head and pulls her up onto her feet, unleashing with a vicious European uppercut, staggering Candice Love and dropping her down onto one knee. Nicole then goes and grabs a handful of Candice’s hair and pulls her up onto her feet. Grabbing a good amount of Tight’s, Nicole wraps her arm around the back of Love’s neck before placing Love’s arm around the back of hers as Nicole then lifts her up and drops her down completely with a Suplex. Candice sits up and places a hand over her back as her back cringes from the move while Nicole now stands tall and begins to run towards the ropes that Candice is facing. Rebounding off of them as she drops down with her feet touching Candice’s Jaw as she connects with a Shining Wizard! If the Suplex didn’t knock her out, the Shining Wizard totally did it. Nicole gets back up to her feet and looks towards the corner. She walks over to the corner not wasting anytime and proceeds to climb up the Turnbuckle.

Ted Cedar:

It looks like Nicole is getting ready to put the Current Women’s Champion away with the move that has put her many other Victims with.

Joey Miles:

Not this Stupid move…

With her back turned against the ring. And against her opponent, Nicole now stands tall and looks at the Crowd briefly before taking a deep breath and lunging herself, her body, backwards as she does a Backflip in Mid-air Nicole lands on Candice’s body as she connects with her Signature Move, The Moonsault! Nicole who is already on top of Candice hooks the leg and goes for a immediate cover as Ryn Sanu slides down into position for the count.

Ding, Ding, Ding!!!


Here is your winner, and the NEW XWA Women’s Champion, Nicole Johnson!!

Laura’s Voice echos  throughout almost screeching out in a high pitch before we see the video cut off. A Classical Black and White color can be seen, with an old western color scheme as the background we get a close up view to the side of Nicole’s face. Her Hair, in a black color  as it sits on her Shoulders and her skin in regular color. Her eyes, looking down to which we see Black eyeliner.

“This was my Moment…”

*The Video switches back to Nicole receiving the Womens Championship for the very first time. The Official, handing Nicole the Belt and tears begin to roll down from her eyes and onto her cheeks, looking at the Belt with full emotion.  The Video flickers and now we see Nicole standing on the Top turnbuckle raising the Belt over her head*

Ted Cedar:

Good god what a match. Both Divas showed  great will and determination, risking there Bodies and showing alot of Endurance.- All for the Women’s Title. This match was just pure awesome.

“A Defining Moment for me.”

Vendetta #72 wrote:
“Kaylenna shoots in with a boot but the XWA’s Best Diva catches it, but the Kaylenna makes her think fast as she swings her other leg for the Enzuigiri, but Johnson does and ducks it, but Parks gets the last word in the matter as she nails a mule kick to Nicole’s gut and somersaults back up to her feet. Parks quickly sprints into the ropes and rebounds, coming in boot sailing high for a Yakuza Kick, but Nicole sidesteps out of the way and catches her in a waistlock, hurriedly switching up to a full nelson but Kaylenna slips down and out a shoots up a leg to kick her AJ style, but XWA’s Best Diva catches the foot. XWA’s Hottest Diva sends up her other leg to push her opponent back, but she cranks back the foot she caught and rolls back on her feet, pushing her into the ropes and whipping her across the ring. Johnson charges in right after her and makes sure there won’t be any funny business this time, taking Parks down with a hard shoulder tackle as soon as she hits off the ropes.  Nicole quickly runs up towards the corner, using the ropes as a stepping stone, goes backwards and hits her Signature move, The Moonsault!”

The Video Package quickly switches over to another..

Vendetta #73 wrote:
“Nicole kicks out and both ladies quickly stagger to their feet. But Wolverina is the first one up as Nicole  gets up and turns around, she is met with a “Kick In The Teeth!” (Superkick)  Both ladies fall down onto the mat.

Ted Cedar:

Wolverina had the power to hit her finisher but, didn’t go for the cover!

Joey Miles:

Wolverina has Nicole beat here, but doesn’t seem to have the strength to go for a cover.

After a few seconds pass by, Wolverina crawls toward Nicole and puts a hand over her belly.


Wolverina gets up and drags Nicole up to her feet. She then throws her against the corner of the ring, but as she does Nicole hops onto the middle rope and does a backflip on the rebound catching Wolverina as she lands on her and hits her signature move again, The Moonsault.”

“One by One…”


Ted Cedar:

I think we all know what’s coming up next Joey!

Joey Miles: God dammit! Not now! Not sooner! Not anytime sooner! I don’t want them to leave!!

Nicole places a right foot inbetween Elektra’s midsection and ties both of Elektra’s legs around hers. whilst, she then turns around as Elektra rolls onto her belly, The End! (Sharpshooter) is performed! The fans cheer as Nicole yanks the hold on tightly, not willing to letting go for any reason, Elektra raises her hand while she squabbles and scratches her way over to the rope, dragging Nicole with her. Nicole still refuses to let go. Elektra searches with her free arm, feeling around for...for it and just as she has it Nicole who still has Elektra’s legs wrapped around hers, gets up and drags her back into the centre of the ring. After a few minutes, Elektra gives in and taps out.”


Vendetta #76 wrote:
“She then turns around and as she does Alexis turns onto her belly as she starts to yell in pain.  Ryn Sanu slides down into the position and asks Alexis if she wants to give it up but Rose refuses.   Trying to use what is left in her tank, Nicole reaches out towards the ropes but it is to no use as the move is being applied in the center of the ring. The Ref asks her again and she yells back at him “NO!” all in while grabbing onto her hair and pulling it, trying to ignore the pain that is not only being applied to on her legs, but also her lower back.  as her face now turns into solid red. Nicole begins to apply more pressure as she arches back more with her Butt almost touching Alexis’s head! her body is almost being Bent! Nicole screams, feeling the amount of pressure she is putting onto the move and Alexis screams louder feeling it. The Ref asks her again, and she omits tapping onto the mat”


Vendetta #51 wrote:
“As she turns around Blair jumps up and tries to take Nicole down with her Finisher, The Blond Buster but Nicole counters, As Blair jumped up Nicole hooked both her arms around both Blairs legs, causing the diva to fall head first onto the mat. Nicole places a leg out, wraps both Blairs legs around hers and turns around. The Ending!(Sharpshooter) is executed in the middle of the ring!

Ted Cedar:

This may be all over Adam, Nicole got her Finisher locked in and theres no one to go for Blair Matthews.


She better tap out or else she will be leaving this arena in an ambulance.

Almost immediately Blair knows that she is in trouble. She attempts to break the hold by trying to turn herself around but to no avail. She tries to take Nicole with her to the ropes but can't as Nicole applies more pressure. More pressure, That almost Nicole’s bum is almost laying on Blair head! Lacey  ducks in close, asking Matthews if she wants to tap out and she does, hitting the mat with her bare hands furiously”


Chain Reaction 2014 wrote:
“she then flips Rogue onto her back as she locks in her Finisher The Sharpshooter! After a few minutes of trying to break out of the hold, Rogue taps.”


American Bash 2014 wrote:
“Nicole puts her right foot  right next to Eff’s side, wraps both of Eff’s legs around her leg, turns around and just as she does, rolls Effy over onto her Belly as she applies her Finisher Move, The SharpShooter! Ryn Sanu now slides down onto position and asks Effy if she wants to give up but the Australian refutes, nodding her head back and forth as yells out the words “NO!” And now begins to use her remaining strength and tries to crawl forward to the Ropes which could be only seen so far as the Submission Move is locked in the centre of the ring. Effy crawls using only her hands. Nicole moves along with her still applying the hold.  A few more seconds in and the Pressure being applied on Effy’s legs can be felt more. Effy yells and just about as she gets near the Ropes and touches them only by a Finger tip, Nicole turns her head and see’s this before walking forward back into the center of the ring. Effy’s face can now be seen turning Red and just about a few seconds, taps out.”

The Video Feed goes blank for a couple of seconds before we get a close up of Nicole Johnson’s face. Her eyes, directed towards the Camera in an angry manner. It then cuts to her now sitting down, looking down with a Smile on her face.

“One Hundred and Sixty Eight Days…”

*The Camera closes up on the Womens Title that sits on her shoulder before the Video cuts again and switches back onto Nicole’s face*

“It’s isn’t just a Number. It is a Symbol. A Symbol, to which tells that I Am The Best.”

*The Feed switches over and now the Camera is on the floor, facing up to Nicole.*

“Nobody can take this away from me…”

*The Feed switches over again and now back onto Nicole whom is comforting her Title moving her hand slowly up and down onto the Belt whilst, looking at it*

“Not even Polly Pocket.”

*Nicole now looks straight into the hard camera*

“Tonight, I put an end to this nonsense. Tonight, I make sure that I am the Winner and NOT, the Loser.

*The Feed switches and now we are looking up at her from the Floor again. the Screen now is kind of like the Antenna TV Signals when you lose your signal, but only you are able to see her and hear her voice, but in a low manner*

“Losing is not in my vocabulary.”

*Goes back to normal 21st Century Standard view*

“Tonight it is my time to shine. My time, to show the world why I, Am the XWA Womens Champion.”

*Clenches her fists*

“No other Diva can be compared to me”

“Tonight, I will CRUSH! the Tu-tu wearing, Glitter Sparkle, Tinkerbell wanna be and I will show to the World Why I….”

*Nicole looks down with a Sickening Smile*

“Am The Best…”

*We now get numerous clips from before being Replayed in a fast pace motion before it comes to an end and we now see Nicole Raising the Belt from a Stage*

“In The World.”

*The last few words echo throughout and we see Nicole like this for a couple of seconds before the Scene now fades to Black and now shows a panned out view of the arena as we get ready for The XWA Womens Championship Match*
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S3.) Nicole Johnson | "Best Diva In The World"

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