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 M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C)

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M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) Empty
PostSubject: M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C)   M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 5:38 pm

DUE: Friday, June 27th at 11:59PM EST (UTC -4 Hours)


M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) FJBloTX
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Motherfucking SETONIAN!
Motherfucking SETONIAN!

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M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C)   M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 8:31 am

The fans are hyped to see the Women’s Champion, Nicole Johnson go against the very eccentric Effy, who is accompanied by her therapist, Dr Stone. XWA’s Best Diva is wearing her grunge-ish like attire with the black tank top and baggy jeans. And of course, Effy has had a strange sense of fashion as of late. Now she’s wearing a sexy Santa attire, with a red had and revealing dress and short skirt slightly above the knee. And it isn’t even Christmas yet.

Ted Cedar: Isn’t it a bit premature for Effy to wear that Santa dress?

Joey Miles: I don’t know about you but I’m not complaining. Sexy Christmas on June? Hell yes.

Ted Cedar: Oh Joey, you never change. Now please regale us with your genius. What should our Champion have in plan, entering this match against arguably one of the most oddest women to enter XWA?

Joey Miles: Well thanks for asking me that, Sugar Tits. What Nicole needs to do is to understand that Effy is a weird bitch. Even though this hottie has a therapist, she could still play tricks on Johnson with her craziness. So with that in mind, Our Women’s Champion shouldn’t let Effy’s antics creep her out. Remember when Wolverina faced Effy? Even though Effy was less weird then because she was just dancing. Wolverina still went straight to pummeling her. And Effy was dancing and chewing bubble gum during her match with Wolfie. However she didn’t let that get to her and she won. So that’s what Nicole needs to do right now, don’t let Effy’s oddness stop or distract her.

Ted Cedar: See... Isn’t Joey smart when he talks about wrestling? Why can’t we have this Joey all the time?

Joey Miles: Haha... Shut up Ted.

The bell rings as the Women’s title bout goes underway. The Women’s Champion gets ready with her stance. However Dr Stone, Effy’s therapist stands up on top of the apron. Referee, Ryu Sanu tells Stone to not interfere in the match up and return to ringside. However the medical graduate ensures that he will do anything unfair, he will just have a quick chat with The Princess of Rave. The doctor and patient begin to have some sort of warm up exercise with inhaling and exhaling. Both of them are taking deep breaths with joint gestures as they inhale and exhale. The audience begin to boo because they would rather watch the match start instead of Dr Stone and Effy breathing back at each other. Ryu Sanu steps in yet again and tells Effy’s therapist to please step down. Finally Stone complies and steps down immediately. This fight is finally going to start. Both women start up with the traditional circling around the ring as they get closer and closer to one another. The ref watches closely to ensure there is no foul play. Dr Stone in ringside is yelling out instructions to his patient. As they get up close and personal, you could see there’s not much of a size difference between these two, so the playing field is pretty much equal. XWA’s Best Diva demonstrates how gutsy she by backhand slapping off the Santa hat from Effy’s head, knocking it down to the mat. She walks back and gives off a smirk that just screams “What are you gonna do about it? Hit me!”
But the Princess of Rave doesn’t remove her sight on her adversary. Dr Stone tells Effy to keep her temper. In most cases, losing your temper in a match could actually help you immensely, yet Dr Stone isn’t allowing her patient to lose it. Johnson gestures for her opponent to strike her down or anything. It looks like the Champion is the one getting impatient now. She turns her head to the crowd while shrugging like she’s saying “Whaddup with this girl?.” Effy looks on to her therapist who nods back at her with a smile, that could only mean one thing. XWA’s Best Diva Who Ever Lived kicks XWA’s Best Diva in the gut. Effy grabs the Champ by the hair and slams her face first onto the canvas, causing Johnson’s head to bounce back as her face lands on the mat. The Crazy Chick sits on top of her fellow combatant, pulls her by the hair, and starts ramming her opponent’s head to the mat. The match’s official tells the challenger to cool it with the hair pulling and thrashing her opponent against the canvas. Effy does complies but as she returns to her feet, she screams at the referee. Dr Stone suddenly calls for her patients attention. Effy looks back to see Stone raising an eyebrow on her. Next thing you know, Effy’s actually apologizing to the ref and uh..... Now she’s hugging the Ryu like she did last week. Nicole Johnson crawls from behind and goes for a school boy pin. She causes Effy to stumble backwards for the pin.




Effy kicks out to what seemed like a very close pin. Effy hastily stands back up. She sees the champion back to a vertical base yet again. Dr Stone instructs her patient to get closer to Nicole. The Mental Case complies and heads towards to Nicole. The Women’s Champ goes too. But not before picking up Effy’s Santa hat, waving it at her, then tossing out into the waves of fans beyond the barricade in the arena. The audience chants for their favorite which is the champ herself, Nicole Johnson. Both women begin to grapple each other and lock in a collar and elbow tie-up. The Champion and Challenger, both trying to gain some sort of upper-hand or leverage. Dr Stone cheers on for her patient, Effy. Both divas end up leading themselves to the corner with Eff pressing against XWA’s Best Diva, who’s backs against the turnbuckles. The ref begins to count and Effy lets go of the hold, just before Sanu could count to 5. Effy delivers a kick to Nicole Johnson’s gut, followed by her grabbing The Women’s Champion’s head and ramming her face-first against the turnbuckle pad. Nicole’s head bounces back and gets dazed a bit from that collision with the buckle. The Princess of Rave backs away from her opponent a bit. Her doctor in ringside points at Nicole Johnson, signaling for her to attack the Women’s Champ. The Princess of Rave charges at XWA’s Best Diva. As she gets closer to Johnson, she lifts her legs up for a running big boot to her opponent but the Champ catches Effy by the feet. After that she shoves her foe’s foot, causing Effy to tumble and roll backwards, but she’s able to get back to her feet. Both women focuses their sight at each other with. As they look at each other with intent, you could do nothing but guess at what they could be next. Before these divas began to move, The Women’s Champion decided to rally up the audience behind her first. She raised her arms up with her fist cuffed at one side of the crowd. The fans answer back with loud cheers. Nicole Johnson does the same to another side of the crowd and gets the same reception as Effy watches with her hands on her hips in impatience. The Champion moves closer to her challenger to extend for a handshake. The Crazy Chick raises her eyebrow as if she doesn’t want to do it, but as she looks to her Therapist, he instructs her to shake her hand in which she does. The fans clap and cheer on for that show of sportsmanship (whether Effy shaking Nicole’s hand was sincere or not)
Both women grapple each other again in a collar and elbow tie-up. They also end up with a clean break from it as Nicole was yet again backed against turnbuckle.

Ted Cedar: I think it’s too early to say who’s got the advantage here in the match-up, but I’ve noticed everytime Effy and Nicole lock in a tie-up, it’s Effy who gets to press her opponent against the corner. It must mean that she has the strength advantage.

Joey Miles: She lifts and throws fits, I wouldn’t want to be this girl’s husband. But you have no idea the things I’d do to her at ni--

Ted Cedar: Alright! Let’s get back to narrating the match please!

As Ted Cedar stated, Effy may have the slight power advantage. But don’t discard the fact that, that means Nicole Johnson may be a hair quicker than Eff. The Champion and challenger begin to interlock again, but this time Nicole Johnson was able to grab and wrench that arm of the Mental Case. That was short-lived though as Effy uses some of her technical expertise to spin herself as quick as a top to the right. This time, she’s got Johnson by the arm and wrist. She twists it to the point in which the Women’s Champ falls down to her knees. Nicole couldn’t do much but groan in pain. XWA’s Best Diva tries to get back up on her feet to try and counter that move. She twists towards the rear off Effy and does. She tries to carry Eff up for a back suplex. As she lifts her up in the air, Effy falls on top of Johnson. The Australian’s whole torso just dead-weighting as she was lifted high in the air, and falls on the Women’s Champ. The pasty diva’s already on top of XWA’s Best Diva. Referee, Ryu Sanu counts that as a cover and goes for the pinfall count.



Kickout by Nicole Johnson! The Princess of Rave doesn’t get back on her feet though, but instead goes wrapping her arms around Nicole’s neck in a side headlock. Johnson tries to yell out and struggle. XWA’s Best Diva counters by scissoring XWA’s Greatest Diva That Ever Lived by locking her legs around Effy’s neck. However Effy kicks out of her way of it with a kickout Both girls return to a vertical base but Nicole gets thrown down again with a side headlock takedown. Fans begin to chant Nicole Johnson’s name out loud with joint claps. This actually motivates The Women’s Champ to slowly get up. As she slowly rises up, her hands are clenching Effy’s hair. Nicole stands back up and irish-whips the Mental Case to the ropes. But as The Crazy Australian ricochets from the ropes, she takes down Nicole who was awaiting for her, with a shoulder block. Johnson falls to the canvas and stays down for a while. Effy raises her hand up in the air and starts shaking her rear for the whole male audience to cheer. After that she runs to the ropes and launches back. However as she runs towards Nicole, she gets tripped down by the champ. XWA’s Best Diva, not letting go of Effy’s ankles, stands back and raises them up. It looks like she may be going for a her finishing submission early. The Women’s Champion tries wrapping Effy’s leg around one another and her knee but The Princess of Rave uses her feet to push Johnson back. XWA’s Best Diva ends up rolling backwards and stands back up. The raven-haired Princess of Rave quickly stands back up and heads towards Nicole Johnson, pushing the champ against the corner. XWA’s Greatest Diva Who Ever Lived sticks her tongue out to the crowd then delivers a knife edged chop to Johnson, while screaming out “WOO!” she goes for another chop but the Women’s Champ ducks down, going under Effy, and shoving her to the corner. This time it’s Nicole Johnson who’s delivering her own brand of chops. After a few loud and killer chops, She rams Effy face-first onto the covered turnbuckle. She moves her pale-skinned challenger closer to the ropes and whips her to the opposite side of it. As Effy ricochets from the ropes, Nicole Johnson looking to hip toss her opponent, but no. The Crazy Chick flips around and goes for her own hip toss, but the same thing happens with her. Nicole lands on her feet and reverses the move with her own hip toss. They were so close to the ropes that Effy was tossed over the top ropes. Good thing The Princess of Rave grabbed ahold of the ropes before falling down, because she was able to land on her feet safely. The pasty-haired party girl turns around and pulls Nicole by the ankles, causing her to stumble and fall back-first onto the canvas. That wasn’t the end though, The Challenger drags her foe outside of the ring and rattles her with a wicked slap across the cheeks. After that, she grabs her by the hair and throws her towards the barricade. Johnson’s whole back clashes against the barricade. The poor Women’s Champ yelps out in pain and looks a bit teary-eyed from that, while her hand’s placed on her back because of the agony.

Ted Cedar: It looks like Effy’s finally letting some of her temper out.

Joey Miles: Well she should notice that the ref is counting her out. You can’t win the title by count-out.

Effy picks up her opponent and slides her back into the ring. She soon follows and begins to work on that back of her adversary. The Crazy Chick sits Johnson up, presses her knee against her back, while stretching Nicole’s arms. The Women’s Champion’s trying to find a way to escape this move but Effy really does have this submission locked in. Fans of the champ are cheering and urging for her to get out of this submission. Nicole Johnson’s biting her own teeth because of the unbearable pain she has to go through with this submission. Suddenly, the challenger lets go of her hold on the champion. Effy tales a minute to pant and take a breather. Johnson’s down with a painful expression on her face as she’s all curled up. Effy places her hands on her hips and then looks to her therapist for advice. Dr. Stone makes some sort of hand gesture, telling Effy to do a certain thing or move. The Princess of Rave preps her opponent up back onto her feet, after that she nails Johnson with a vicious punch to the gut, causing her to lean forward. She stretches one of Nicole’s arms. Both divas fall back as The Mental Case hits The Champion with a Russian leg-sweep. Johnson hits neck and upper back first from that move, and she looks like she could be down. Effy quickly capitalizes and goes for the pin.



Kickout by the champ. Effy pulls her hair back in frustration that the Women’s Champion kicked out of that move. Nicole barely sits back up, panting heavily right after she powered out of that pin. Her eagerness to stay in this match-up is very admirable but her opponent’s the one who has the momentum in this match-up. Effy gets back up to her feet while Nicole’s still looking very fatigued, laying down on the canvas. The challenger waits patiently for her opponent to return to her feet. As Effy waits for the champ to get up she begins to skip around inside the ring, happily and freely. Little did she know, while she was skipping around, she forgot all about Nicole Johnson. As she turns and stops to look at her opponent, she was already up. Before Effy could do anything to stop Johnson, the champ leaps up and surprises the whole arena with a devastating enziguri. The champ’s shins just collide perfectly at the side of Effy’s head that it knocks her out. Effy falls straight down to the mat after being caught at bad end of that hit. Nicole is also back laying down on the mat. The referee begins to count both women out, since they’re both down.

Ted Cedar: What an enziguri from our Women’s Champion. Did you see Effy when she got hit by it? It was immediate lights out for her. Nicole needs to capitalize right now. If she does, the game could change very quickly.

Nicole Johnson tries to position her way back into this fight, while Effy’s rolled her way on top of the apron outside. Both women are trying their best to drag themselves back to a vertical base. Both Effy and Nicole would do anything to win the title. Nicole’s already up on one knee, and Effy’s sitting and taking a breather outside and on top of the apron. Dr Stone tries to motivate his patient in odd ways such as fanning her with his own hand, and even giving her a foot massage..... Yes he’s massaging her feet. Let that sink in. And to make matters even more weird, it’s actually working. The pasty looking girl in eyeliner and a sexy Santa Claus suit, is actually gaining energy from Dr Stone’s odd motivational techniques. As Effy returns to a vertical base though, Johnson who’s back on to her feet, sprints right at the challenger and knocks her off the top of the apron with a running forearm. Stone moves as the way as his patient lands on the top of the barricade. The camera didn’t get a clear shot of that, but it looked like she landed either chin or neck first on the concrete floor. Johnson, who’s in the ring, bends over  with her hands on her knees to take a short rest. It’s obvious that Nicole didn’t expect that Effy would take her to her limit and more, in a fair fight no less. Normally she’d cheat by now. It may be because of Dr Stone or not, but Effy’s giving her everything to Nicole. Fair and square. The Women’s Champion decides to get back into the match and roll her way outside of the ring. Dr Stone tries to move closer to his patient and help her back up, but Nicole Johnson glares intimidatingly at Effy’s therapist. He raises up his hands like there’s a gun pointed at him while saying “Don’t hurt me!”
Johnson carries The Princess of Rave back to her feet and slides her into the ring. Referee has no choice but to stop his countout. The Women’s Champ follows in the ring. Effy however’s laying on the mat, with her head and neck facing outwards on top of the apron while the rest of her body’s inside the ring. Nicole gets back up onto her feet, with some hesitation due to pain. XWA’s Best Diva grabs the legs of the Pasty Maniac. She falls back while her knees against Effy’s back pushes her upwards in a slingshot, Eff’s neck gets choked by the bottom ropes. Johnson goes for the pin.



Kickout! Effy kicks out barely at the last second, which is amazing because it looks like she can’t breath anymore from that fall earlier to the barricade.

Ted Cedar: Both of these women have brought the intensity to each other! I’m proud and honored to say that this is a great women’s title bout. Both divas would do pretty much do everything and anything to be able to stand tall at the end of the mat, and to bring that title home.

The Women’s Champ slowly gets back up onto her feet, looking exhausted already. Johnson waits patiently as The Pasty Maniac, who’s also tired, tries to return to her toes. Stamina is a luxury that these women don’t have right now. XWA’s Best Diva leans and rests against the corner, awaiting for here pale challenger to come back to vertical base. As Effy reaches her feet, still a bit dizzy and unaware of her environment, The champ comes running after her. Johnson goes for a clothesline, yet The Crazy Chick ducks and dodges it. The challenger turns around to get whacked at the bridge of her nose and forehead, with a rattling dropkick to the face. Johnson jumped up and hit her opponent with that dropkick, sending them both down to the canvas. That dropkick by Johnson was more higher and more impressive than any dropkicks she’s done before. The Women’s Champ goes for the pinfall again, but it wasn’t enough because Effy kicked out of two. The Champion’s starting to feel some frustration setting as she argues with the ref about the count, while she’s kneeled down and sitting on her heels. Nicole then quickly crawls away from her opponent. As she nears the ropes, she returns to her feet. Johnson begins to absorb some of the energy of the audience as she hops from the momentous cheers from the crowd. The arena begins to shake from the heated electricity of themselves and Nicole Johnson herself. The noise of the surroundings even wakes up Effy, but little did she know is that she’s headed for another trap. She gets up on her knees to see Nicole Johnson running at her. Johnson suddenly slides and drives shin so hard against her opponent’s face, sending Effy back down to the mat. The Princess of Rave looks like she’s done for and Johnson goes for the cover, one more time.




Everybody in the arena must be shocked at Effy’s resiliency. After having the tables turned on her and being beaten repeatedly by moves and attacks from The Women’s Champion, she still doesn’t back down. Some fans are now switching gears to The Princess of Rave. The audience is having some sort of inner struggle with some of them chanting “Let’s Go Johnson” and the others chanting “Let’s Go Effy” , they are obviously torn between the two now since both of them have won their hearts in this match. Nicole’s up on one knee while the challenger’s trying to force every inch of her body to return to her feet. Effy tries but she falls back to the canvas. She is in a world of trouble if she can’t get up. It’s too late though as her opponent’s already up and heading towards her. Johnson pulls her challenger by the hair to prep her up on her feet. A big mistake because Effy sneaks away with superkick-like kick to the gut of the champ, Causing XWA’s Best diva to be taken down a peg and to clench her abdomen. What an amazing counter that Effy pulled out. Both of these women stand stall again, and now it’s enough of the technical grappling stuff. Both divas have resorted to striking each other with punches and forearm shots. Hitting each other with hard right shots. Effy tries to hook Johnson with a right, but Johnson dodges and heads behind the Pale chick for a sleeper hold. XWA’s Best Diva locks in that sleeper hold, taking advantage of Effy’s breathing problem from earlier. Effy’s absorbed a lot of damage and punishment to the throat and other parts throughout the match, but she’s still fighting back with all fiber of her being. She’s still trying to work her way out of the hold, but it looks all set and done, because Effy’s losing oxygen. Nicole realizes that if Effy struggles even more, she’ll lose her grip. So she decides to whip her towards the ring ropes. Johnson runs at Effy as she ricochets from the ropes. The Princess of Rave tries to rock the champ with a clothesline but Nicole dodges. Both women continue to run to the ropes in the direction their running at and as they launch back and reach each other, they both lunge at each other with flying crossbodies. Both get taken down. Both women are all curled up like a ball, with their arms and hands wrapped on their stomachs in pain. These competitors, with the same idea, get the same result and now they’ve both fell to the mat as an effect. Ryu Sanu begins to count both of these women, who are down, and it doesn’t look to good for both divas. The referee is up to a four count and these beautiful ladies are still down. Effy’s made some movements. Nicole would soon follow and at the count of seven, Johnson would make her way back to her feet with the help of the ropes to drag hoist her back up. Effy’s on one knee, but doesn’t look to good with her repeated panting. The Women’s Champion paces towards her challenger, who’s made her way to a vertical base. These girls look like they could collapse at any seconds, yet they still go head to head and trade blows again. Each strike to the face, the fans scream “OH!”
That’s how loud and how much of an impact those shots make. Each punch they deliver is harder from the last one. The last hit Nicole makes actually sends her foe down a peg, and she starts to drill Eff with a barrage of strikes to her cranium. Nicole races to the ropes again, launching back and going for the clothesline. But The Princess of Rave ducks down as soon as the champ extends her arm for a clothesline. Johnson’s arm’s now on top of Effy’s arm as the Crazy Chick lifts her opponent high up in the air, and lands them both down with a deadly Side-Effect. XWA’s greatest, and probably palest diva that ever lived’s starting to get energetic with her one hand shaking repeatedly. She gets up on one knee and then kneels back up onto her two feet. Despite the pain she’s went throughout the match, she still finds it in her to shake that booty with a dance to rile up the crowd. The Princess of Rave waits patiently for her opponent to get up. And as soon as Johnson returns to her feet, she goes for another clothesline yet Effy ducks and catches her arm yet again. She may not be going for another side effect because she’s popping and locking her one arm, calling for her Rock Bottom move called “Total Social Suicide.”
She lifts heaves opponent as high as she can, high up in the air and lands her down to the mat, hitting her finishing move. The audience screams from the top of their lungs because this may be it. Effy goes for the pin again.




Ted Cedar: Wh-What!? Johnson kicked out of that? A one more second and that could have been over!

Joey Miles: That’s why she’s the Women’s Champion! Mess with her, and you get the best out of her.

Ted Cedar: This match is still going on. Out of the frying pan and into the fire! When will someone give!?

Effy can’t believe at Nicole Johnson kicking out, and it looks like she’s finally lost it. For someone to kick out of your finisher, it would make anyone regret the thought of ever winning. But Effy’s taking it worse than probably anyone has taken it before. She’s screaming at the referee as if it’s his fault that Johnson was able to power out of that pin. Even Dr Stone can’t calm her down. The negative reactions from the fans finally usurp again. Effy might not fight fair and square anymore with her frustrations now.

Ted Cedar: Oh no...... She’s going crazy again.

Joey Miles: Hell yes!

Ted Cedar: Hell yes? She’s being insane right now! Look at her, she’s laughing even though nothing’s funny again! I thought we’d see the end of this. So much for the therapist.

Joey Miles: Crazy is the new sexy, Ted! Don’t you know that?

Ted Cedar: Does that make me sexy?

Joey Miles: Oh what the fu--

Effy’s going out of control again. Her therapist wants to enter the ring but Referee, Ryu Sanu doesn’t want any interferences. Even if Stone claims that he won’t attack Johnson. Eff’s all in a crossed legged sitting position, rocking back and forth. Suddenly she reaches inside of her short skirt, trying take some thing from under. Sadly the camera can’t get a clear shot of the inside. From the right side of her leg, she pulls some thing out. She pulls it out and waves at the entire arena to see. Doctor Stone, the ref, even the broadcasters especially Joey Miles can’t believe at the sight of it. It’s her black laced panty.


Ted Cedar: Calm yourself Joey!

Effy keeps waving it around the place and the male audience goes crazy for it. She finally tosses it to a lucky side of the audience, and even a luckier person’s the one’s going to catch it. Creepy laughs of insanity come from Effy as she skips around, this time like a mental patient. She’s not called a Mental Case for no reason. She screams at Nicole Johnson to get up on her feet, luring into what ever crazy idea she has on her mind. As Nicole Johnson gets up, Effy pushes her to the nearest corner and lifts her up, on top of the turnbuckle. The Princess of Rave follows up on the turnbuckle. She wraps Nicole’s arm over her head and on top of the back of her neck, going for a superplex. But the champ counters with some shots to the gut. Finally Johnson gains the strength to push her opponent down and back to the mat. Effy falls down and was sent rolling towards to the center of the ring. The Women’s Champ patiently waits for her opponent to return to a vertical base. Though exhausted, Effy’s getting back up slowly and..... She’s laughing maniacally up. As she reaches her feet, Johnson leaps up in midair and hits Effy with a missile dropkick to the challenger, however she misses by an inch. She may end up paying the ultimate price for that as she yells out in pain from that and remains down. The Mental Case sits her opponent up and pinches her cheek. Johnson looks confused.... And maybe a bit annoyed from crazy Effy. Now Effy’s kissing the women’s champ in the cheeks repeatedly. Is that really her paying her opponent a compliment or respect? Or is it adding insult to injury? The Women’s Champion tries to reach back and pull the hair of Effy, so that she’s able to get off of her. The craziest diva XWA’s probably had pushes Nicole to the side and gets back to her feet. As Nicole returns to her feet, Effy runs towards her and lunges at her, but the champ catches her and throws her down with a painful spinebuster. The moves causes a loud thud, joint by Effy’s groans of pain. XWA’s Best Diva goes for the pin yet again.




Nicole Johnson had the perfect answer for Effy’s attack but still it wasn’t enough! Johnson returns to her feet and buys herself some time and space to breathe. After that she headed towards the Crazy Chick and picked her up. She whips her towards the corner and follows. But The Champ lost balanced on her way there and fell down on one peg. But her fatigue didn’t stop her. She still went to that corner with intention. While The Princess of Rave was leaning against the post. The Women’s Champ decided to climb up the corner and rains some hard shots on the challenger. The audience happily get involved with those punches as they count along until the tenth strike from Nicole. After that she goes over Effy’s head and turns her around. She wraps her underarm over the Pasty Maniac’s neck and leaps from the top of the turnbuckles. Johnson spins around once before landing a tornado DDT to Effy, head-first onto the hard canvas. She goes for another cover. One, two and a kickout! Nicole Johnson pulls her hair back in disbelief.

Ted Cedar: I think Nicole’s losing all hope. I mean how many times has a pin taken place during this match and failed? Both of these women refuses to let up.

Joey Miles: Any sooner and Johnson’s going to go crazy like Effy here.

Ted Cedar: Will this match even come to a close? This bout might go on forever!

Johnson’s signature Tornado DDT was still not enough to end this match. Effy’s down again, kicking the mat while her hands are on her neck in agony. It almost seems like this match won’t end. But it has to. Someone has to be crowned the women’s champion by the end of the night. Nicole Johnson looks frustrated. But her rage actually inspires more energy out of her. It looks like she’s got another move she could pull out of her play book. Johnson slithers and crawls away from her pale adversary, who’s crawling on her knees and hands. The champ hoists herself to a vertical base thanks to the ropes in the corner. She would then climb up the turnbuckles, not facing her opponent. XWA’s Best Diva’s up on her feet. Before she does anything she lets the fans know that she still has faith that she’ll win, with her raising both of her arms in the air. Nicole Johnson flips backwards for another one of her signature moves, the moonsault. She lands successfully on her opponent, but it was a bad landing. She lands on Effy with her knees, so her torso took a not so good fall on the mat. Nicole Johnson, when she landed, didn’t even move in pain. She looks dead from that. It may look like that Nicole’s done. Effy however’s bent backwards while laying in the mat, because of Johnson’s knees landing on her back. Whether if Nicole did that intentionally or not, it’s no traditional landing. Intentional or not it was vicious. The ref begins to count a few seconds, right after Johnson drove her knees against the Women’s title challenger. The referee begins to count both of these women out. But it looks like the fans don’t want this to end by a double knock out. The people watching in this jam-packed arena are chanting “This is Awesome” , paying their respects to these really talented women. Do these women have anything left? They’ve taken each other to the limit. Both girls are trying to stand back up, The Women’s Champ’s ahead of the challenger though. When it looked like Johnson was able to struggle her way back onto a vertical base, she falls back down to a knee. That’s how exhausting this match’s been for her. Effy’s put her to the limit. Plus she’s clearly got the wind knocked out of her because of the moonsault. Both of these women finally return to their feet. Nicole quickly jumps up and delivers an enziguri yet again. Johnson with that enziguri shocks the world. She hit that from out of nowhere, causing Effy to fall back down. XWA’s Best Diva returns to her feet despite all the exhaustion. That’s how bad she wants to win. She walks slowly towards her Australian opponent in a Santa outfit and tries to pick her up. However Effy reaches with one on her arms, Johnson’s pelvic area. She carries her up with that arm and lifts the upper part of the champ’s body with her other arm and shoulder in a fireman’s carry. The Princess of Rave throws Johnson back down, not without driving her knee hard against the forehead of the Women’s Champion. She hit her finishing move, “T.P.O” A.K.A. The Party Crasher. That G.T.S.-like move hit Johnson so hard that instead of falling backward, the champ falls down forward. Effy goes for the pin and she may win the title.





The bell rings and the crowd can’t help but feel shocked. We have a new Women’s Champion and her name’s Effy. Dr Stone enters the ring very excitedly to hand the Women’s title to her Patient. Honestly, he looks more happy than Effy is. But then again Effy’s pushed herself way past her limit. She’s very tired but she’s able to pull off that maniacal laugh of hers.

Ted Cedar: Effy’s our new champion! We have a new Women’s champion!
What a match! The crowd is surprised with a mix of cheers and boos. Wow... I can’t believe it. Nicole Johnson shouldn’t be disappointed because she gave her all. But most of all, she put on a great show with Effy, for the fans.

Joey Miles: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now somebody get a shot of under Effy’s skirt! Please!
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Riley Williamson
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Riley Williamson

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M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C)   M5 | Effy vs. Nicole Johnson(C) EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 11:55 pm


the ring bell does chime three times in quick symbolic succession as XWA Senior Official Ryn Sanu calls for the start of The XWA Women’s Championship match. Nicole and Effy slowly begin to circle the ring, tension building quickly within the ScottsTrade Center as the challenger and champion lock eyes; neither Diva trusting the other. As the two finish a half rotation of the squared circle, it is Effy who suddenly leaps forward; The Princess of Rave dropping to one knee as she wraps both of her arms just underneath Johnson’s waist. Showing off a great amount of upper body strength, the challenger scoops Nicole off her feet and twisting her in midair, Effy driving the champion down to the canvas with authority. Nicole tries her best to scurry away from her opponent but The Princess of Rave quickly shifts her grip to a rear waistlock, the hold keeping Johnson grounded, if only for the moment. Leaping over Nicole’s head without the champion ever expecting it, Effy modifies her grip to a hold over Nicole’s head and left arm, the challenger swiftly rolling left and then right as she treats Nicole like a ragdoll. But The Women’s Champion refuses to allow Effy to control her as such, forcing herself to her feet and blindly pulling herself back to the near corner, Ryn Sanu stepping in to quickly call for the break. Effy initially retains her grip on the champion, Sanu reaching a count of two before The Princess of Rave slowly steps back with a broad smile. Holding her arms out in innocence with such a smirk, the challenger playfully slaps both hands against the cornered champion’s chest. Nicole stepping out immediately and slapping the hell out of Effy in annoyance. Advancing against the challenger before Effy can even gather back up his wits, Nicole drives a powerful right hand squarely into her jaw, the punch driving Effy back into center ring as Nicole unleashes a second powerful strike upon her jaw. The second punch lands home easily as well, Johnson shoving The Princess of Rave back in the ring ropes before sending her across the ring with an irish whip, Effy managing to reverse the roles of such whip at the last second. Stepping forward as Johnson returns to add just a little more power to her attack, the challenger is caught off guard as The Women’s Champion baseball slides between her legs and avoids the attempted clothesline. Effy spinning around quickly as Nicole leaps toward her. Spinning her body as she flies through the air, Nicole’s right legs crashing against Effy’s chin as the champion connects with a stunning spinning wheel kick out of nowhere. Nicole, hardly hitting the canvas before she quickly returns to her feet. Nicole making her way to the near corner and leaping up to the second rope as Effy struggles to right herself. Eff has hardly had a chance to even stand straight upright before Nicole leaps, the champion catching Effy perfectly with the diving European uppercut from the second rope before moving quickly into the early cover.


What an Uppercut by our XWA Women’s Champion!


Effy better kick out Dammit! I want more Diva Action!



Kickout by Effy.

Attempting to keep the pace of this match solidly in her favor, Nicole wastes little time in pulling Effy up to one knee, Johnson locking the stunned challenger in a side headlock right in the middle of the ring. The Mental Case remains upon her knees for several moments, slowly summoning up the strength to push herself to her feet against the champion’s grip. Finally returning to a vertical base, Effy presses Nicole back into the ring ropes before sending Nicole Johnson across the ring with a shove, Effy driving Nicole to the canvas as she returns with a powerful shoulder block. Shaking the cobwebs away after the damage she had sustained, Effy looks down at Johnson still with a gaze of confidence as Nicole crawls away from her foe. Whatever games Effy may have been playing with Nicole seem to finally have come to an end as Effy quickly returns Nicole to her feet before sending her across the ring with an irish whip. The Mental Case charges after her foe, Effy sending Nicole back down to the canvas with a second shoulder block nearly the instant Johnson repels off the ring ropes. The champion struggles to put some distance between herself and Effy, the challenger catching Nicole once again and returning her to her feet once more. With a grip on both the back of Johnson’s head and around the waist of her Black Jeans, Effy thrusts Nicole toward the ring ropes, Effy throwing Johnson up and over the ropes with authority rather than through them. Nicole soars through the air a few feet before crashing to the padded concrete floor below, Nicole left lying in a heap of her former self. Making her way outside the squared circle before Ryn Sanu can even begin his ring out count, Effy moves quickly to the dazed figure of Nicole Johnson, Effy stepping atop the side of Johnson’s cranium. Pinned against the ring barricade just inches from her head already, Nicole Johnson has little she can do other than to simply endure the force crushing her skull as the official begins to count both Divas out.



Knowing all the factors in this match, Effy understands that if either Diva gets counted out the title will not change hands, Effy bringing Johnson back to her feet and tossing her into the ring before Sanu can even reach the count of four. Nicole tries to increase the distance once again as she is returned to the squared circle but Effy is quickly atop her, hooking the far leg as Sanu slides in for the count.



Like a shark smelling blood in the water, Effy takes notice of the fact that Nicole isn’t able to thrust her shoulder off the canvas until just after the two count, Effy going quickly back on the attack as she forces Johnson back to her feet yet again. Pressing XWA’s Best Diva back to the ring ropes, Effy follows Nicole as she whips her across the ring with an irish whip Effy maintaining a grip on Nicole’s left wrist as she drives a knee straight into Nicole’s midsection after she repels off the ropes. The Floridan doubles over, clutching at her stomach with her right hand though Effy doesn’t relent just yet, The Greatest Diva Who Ever Lived backing Johnson into the near set of ring ropes before repeating the same process. But this time, as Effy forces the tip of her knee straight up into Johnson’s gut, Effy releases Nicole entirely, Nicole Johnson sent spinning as she drops heavily to the canvas.


Effy taking Nicole down with that high knee, now it is Effy who is looking to regain control.


That High Knee was fucking beautiful.

Effy’s actions within the squared circle shown absolutely no signs of stopping down, Effy utilizing her mat based style of competition to her advantage as she locks a rear waistlock upon a seated Nicole Johnson. The champion struggles instantly, pushing her way to her feet against the wishes of The Mental Case. Nicole managing to force her way to her feet only for Effy to turn the tables on her. Scooping Nicole off the canvas with relative ease, Effy spins The XWA Women’s Champion in midair before driving her back down to the canvas with a belly to back suplex. Chaining together one move straight into the next like a true master of mat based wrestling, Effy rolls to her right and props Nicole up on her shoulders as Sanu quickly slides in without missing a beat.



Kickout by Nicole

Johnson Forces her shoulders off the canvas quickly after two, Nicole rolls out into a seated position once more, The Floridan unable to shake off Effy’s grip however, the challenger hanging on like a leech. Feeling the energy slowly being drained from her body, Nicole fights harder against The Self-Proclaimed “Greatest Diva Who Ever Lived” Johnson shifting her body to a kneeling position before forcing her way back up to her feet against Effy’s locked grip. Continuing to refuse the champion any sort of offensive opening, Effy scoops Nicole Johnson off the canvas and slams her back down to the mat with a second belly to back suplex, Effy attempting another quick pin attempt but Nicole rolls through and foils such a plan. Instead, like a sucker for punishment, The XWA Women’s Champion grinds her teeth as she forces her way back to her vertical base a third time. And, for a third time as well, Effy scoops Nicole from the canvas but fails to find purchase with another belly to back suplex, Johnson swinging her legs wildly and throwing Effy off balance. The moment Nicole’s feet find the canvas below she throws her left elbow backward, the tip of the joint connecting with Effy’s temple. The Crazy Chick seems quite dazed but her grip remains strong, two more viciously precise elbows to Effy’s temple forcing her grip and allowing Nicole her first moments of freedom in nearly two minutes. Looking to quickly turn the tide in her favor Nicole attempts to irish whip Effy into the near corner, Effy seeming to keep control in her favor as she reverses the attempt and instead sends Johnson into said intended corner. Johnson’s back hits the corner hard but Johnson still has enough sense about her to throw her legs out through the top and second rope and pull herself out of the way as The Crazy Chick charges in after her. Effy stops herself just short of hitting the turnbuckle and turns quickly as Nicole drops back along the ropes, Effy catches Johnson’s legs as she attempts the pendulum kick! Nicole seems stunned temporarily, allowing Effy the opening to leap up and drive her shin across Nicole’s chest as she drops Johnson driven down into the canvas by her weight of force upon her upper back and torso. Nicole rolls away as Effy leans back against the ring ropes, a broad smile upon her face as she takes a moment to catch her breath, Effy enjoying the sight of Nicole Johnson rolling about in agony upon the canvas near center ring. The Crazy Chick refuses to waste too considerable an amount of time as she quickly steps over and drops down, Effy hooking the leg as Sanu slides in to make the count.



Kickout by Nicole.

Nicole Johnson forces her shoulder off the canvas quickly after two and rolls away to her left once, Nicole trying to pull herself up to her hands and knees but failing to accomplish such a goal. Instead, Johnson falls back onto her side, Nicole’s back and chest burning with pain as Effy returns to her feet and steps overtop of her foe. Reaching down, and with a hand on either side of Nicole’s neck, Effy forcefully brings Nicole back to her feet, The Crazy Chick shoving Johnson back to the ropes and striking quickly after Nicole repels off of them. Nicole’s momentum leaves her with nowhere to go but forward, right into Effy’s waiting arms as she wraps both around Nicole’s ribcage and lifts Nicole Johnson nearly a foot off the canvas, Effy locking Johnson in a quite evidently devastating bearhug!


Effy got Nicole in a Bearhug!


If there is something that I love the most then two beautiful Divas destroying the hell out of each other, it is two beautiful Divas hugging together in a tight submission hold.

Nicole cries out as Effy pulls tighter upon the bearhug, her grip crushing the ribcage of The Floridan Native in the process. Nicole grinds her teeth as she shifts her arms, moving her hands close to Effy’s face for a potential punch, Effy clamping down tighter upon her hold, temporarily distracting Nicole from her plans of escape. But Johnson digs deep, trying to push herself past the pain as she moves her hands toward the head of The Crazy Chick once again, Effy going for more drastic measures this time around. Planting her feet and bending over forward, The Australian drives Nicole into the canvas with a modified spinebuster of sorts. Effy pinning Nicole’s shoulders to the mat while she maintains the bearhug.



Kickout by Nicole.

Nicole refuses to lose in such simple fashion, thrust her right shoulder off the canvas in unique fashion as she utilizes the propellant behind her kickout to drive a powerful right hand into Effy’s jaw. The punch dazes The Australian but only just, Nicole desperately trying to break her Effy’s grip with a series of third consecutive rights to no avail, Effy pulling Nicole back up and holding her above the canvas in the bearhug once again. Her mind somewhat fogged by the powerful punches thrown by The Women’s Champion, Effy attempts to cut herself a break as she swings Johnson back and forth, Nicole’s ribcage rocked by the swaying motion. But The Pasty Manic falters slightly, her grip loosening just enough for Nicole to plant her feet upon the canvas. Her teeth clenched tight and only one eye open, Nicole pushes herself with all her strength back from Effy. Johnson driving a powerful forearm into the side of Effy’s skull. The first forearm stuns Effy, her grip loosening upon the champion, the second and third only serve to further the effects. Effy releases the bearhug as she slowly steps back, but not far as she quickly drives a boot into Nicole’s midsection before XWA’s Best Diva can retaliate. With the champion doubled over, Effy scoops Nicole up to her shoulder for a scoop slam but Johnson wriggles her way free of the challenger’s clutches. Waving her feet back and forth quickly, Nicole manages to slide backward off the shoulder of The Pasty Manic. Nicole repelling off the near ropes before charging straight at Effy. Effy reacts quickly however, Effy stepping forward and driving the point of her knee straight into the midsection of The XWA Women’s Champion. The impact doubles Nicole over and Effy quickly capitalizes, scooping Nicole up just off the canvas and driving Johnson down upon her outstretched knee with a gutbuster, Effy following it up quickly with yet another pin.




Effy quickly wipes any hint of frustration from her face as Nicole forces her shoulder off the canvas once again, The Pasty Manic swinging her body around before Johnson can react and once more locking in a rear waistlock. The crowd begins to Boo at Effy. the Australian ignoring everything but the champion while Nicole seems to find some energy from the chants. They may not be chanting his name yet, but that is soon to change. Johnson utilizing such feelings that the Crowd is giving Effy as fuel regardless as she slowly but surely forces her way back to her vertical base. Just as Nicole looks to break Effy’s grip once again, Effy spins around her and drives a knee up into Johnson midsection, Effy following up quickly with a stiff forearm across the shoulder blades. With Nicole doubled over from the stiff strikes, The Pale Weirdo whips Nicole off into the far corner, Effy wasting little time as she charges in, Effy only a few steps behind Johnson. Those few steps are enough however, as Nicole just manages to slide her legs through the top and second rope and pull herself out of harm’s way, Effy finding nothing but the turnbuckle to greet her. And unlike last time, Nicole’s upper body drops toward the canvas and both her boots make contact with Effy’s skull as she connects with the pendulum kick! Weakened by the long physical match thus far, Nicole’s return to the confines of the squared circle are indeed slow, Johnson propping herself up in the corner as Effy quickly recovers. Unable to scale the ropes in time, The Women’s Champion simply charges forward with a desperate plan in mind, said plan evaporating quickly as Effy drives her knee into Nicole’s midsection. The Floridan Native rolls to the far side of the ring and Effy dawns a wide grin as she begins to stalk her prey, The Pale Weirdo stunning all as she casually steps up to the second rope. Leaping from the second rope and shifting her body for an elbow drop, Effy suddenly finds herself in somewhat serious pain as Nicole manages to pull her knees up just before the impact. The Australian Native rolls toward center ring as Johnson rolls onto her stomach, Nicole Johnson attempting to will herself to her feet before Effy is able to recover. Her eyes burning with intensity even as the fans show her love, The XWA Women’s Champion ignores the burning pain coursing throughout her torso and forces herself to her feet just as Effy makes it up to a kneeling stance. Nicole fires off her first right hand as Effy manages to pull herself to her feet, the ferocity behind Johnson’s punch rocking Effy like an old oak tree. Another two right hands leaves The Pale Weirdo in a daze and a vicious slap to the face nearly sends Effy to the canvas, Nicole repelling off the near set of ring ropes and charging at Effy, Johnson driving her opponent to the canvas with a cross forearm charge.


What a Takedown by The Current Women’s Champion!


Effy is in trouble here and not in a good way, come on Effy!

Effy quickly staggers to her feet, the Pale Weirdo dazed by the sudden offense of Nicole, yet Effy still coherent enough to reverse Johnson’s irish whip attempt. The champion finds herself crashing into the corner she’d planned to drive Effy into, but Nicole steps out as her foes charges in and drives an elbow into Effy’s jaw. Nicole leaps to the second rope and waits for a moment as Effy staggers forward to her, Johnson applying a front facelock before leaping from her elevated position and spinning her body toward center ring. The Pale Weirdo remains wise to Nicole’s plans and tosses the Floridan away, Johnson landing upon her feet around center ring before charging forward as she looks to keep the pace of this match quick. Ducking a clothesline attempt by Effy, Nicole leaps up to the second rope before quickly leaping backward without even looking, Effy ducking what she assumes to be some kind of high impact aerial maneuver only to find herself caught by a sunset flip, Johnson turning the flip into a pin!




Both ladies take a moment to themselves before returning to their feet, Effy managing to beat Johnson to her vertical base by roughly half a second. Effy utilizes this advantage well, driving a powerful kick right into Nicole’s midsection before locking The Floridan in a front facelock and taking hold of the Nicole’s left leg. Hoisting Nicole up into the air above her head, Effy quickly sends Johnson down to the canvas with an impressive fisherman suplex, The Australian unable to follow up as she meagerly rolls away from her opponent. Ryn Sanu quickly checks upon both Divas before beginning to count, reaching only a count of two before Effy finds herself standing over Nicole Johnson once again. The smile upon Effy’s face slowly begins to creep its way back onto her face as she applies another front facelock and catches Johnson’s leg once again, Effy ready to swing herself toward the canvas for a distinctive move. Eff looks to swing the hips and send Johnson crashing into the canvas with an Takedown but Nicole Johnson manages to block the obscure move. Catching her free hand around Eff’s left leg and dropping to one knee, Effy can’t manage the leverage necessary to complete her set-up move, Eff trying a second time and finding the same results. Frustrated by Nicole Johnson’s resilience, Eff releases the facelock and drives two stiff forearms down across Johnson’s back before reapplying her grip and looking for the staple move a third time. Eff nearly manages to connect, Effy hoisting Nicole off the canvas but still The XWA Women’s Champion maintains the grip with her free arm. Near infuriated now, Effy forgoes her attempts and releases Nicole before charging forward and dropping her shoulder, Eff driving Nicole straight back into the near corner. Johnson clutches at her lower back as Effy steps partially out from the corner, the challenging applying a low grip around Nicole’s legs and hoisting him up to the second rope. But as Effy attempts to ascend the turnbuckle after her, Nicole fights back, Johnson throwing a string of three powerful right hands into Effy’s skull and forcing her to step back to the canvas before staggering backward all together. Effy proves to be just as resilient however, attempting once more to scale up the turnbuckle only to receive a well placed kick to the jaw from the seated champion. The kick doesn’t cause Eff to drop back however, instead the challenger staggering forward in a daze and right into Nicole Johnson’s waiting grip. Johnson applies a front facelock once again and leaps from the turnbuckle, swinging her body toward center ring in the process, Effy struggling desperately to throw the champion off but Nicole holds on, planting The Princess of Rave face first into the canvas with her Signature Move, a Tornado DDT! Slowly pulling herself over and forcing Effy over from her stomach to her back, Johnson pulls herself atop of Eff with a slight hint of desperation. Nicole hooks the outside leg and waits as slides in quickly to make the count.





My god was that close. Nicole hitted her Signature Move, a Tornado DDT and almost knocked Effy off.


It was close Ted. But Effy is not gonna allow such a Fluke Win to happen here tonight over her.

But Eff forces her shoulder off the canvas just a second before Ryn Sanu manages to count three. Effy’s kickout seems to mean nothing however, Nicole pulling herself off the canvas with a fire burning brightly in her eyes, Nicole Johnson clapping her hands together once before forcing her weary body back to its vertical base and holding her arms out wide, Johnson stalking Effy as The Princess of Rave slowly begins to rise. Effy returns unsteadily to her feet only to have her hair pulled by Nicole. Nicole, looking to Bodyslam Effy only for the pasty manic to force her way through, wiggling out of Nicoles arms free and shove Effy straight ahead into the ring ropes. Johnson hits the high tension ropes hard and staggers backward, spinning towards Eff as she moves in a daze, Eff kicks her leg up Taking one quick step toward center ring, The Australian Native leaps as high as she can into the air before driving Nicole straight down to the canvas with her Signature Move a Bicycle Kick! Effy shifting position and hooking both legs as she seems confident that she’s won!

Ted: That’s it! The Match may be over here!


We are gonna have a New Women’s Champion!




Slamming her right fist into the canvas over and over again, Effy looks at Sanu with a look of disbelief upon his face. Effy unable to believe that Nicole has once again managed to kickout. But the official only gives Effy two fingers, The Pasty Manic climbing to her feet to argue with the referee, before looking back at Nicole. looking with even further pleasure as Nicole Johnson slowly begins to work her way back to her feet, Eff moving to the corner, and turning her attention once more to the Crowd. As they begin to Boo her Effy gets abit annoyed by this, screaming loudly at the Top of her lungs, “SHUT UP!!” before she hoists her right leg a foot off the canvas before driving it back down with authority, The tension between the two increases strongly as the time between stomps decreases significantly, Eff turning her attention back to the ring just as Nicole reaches her feet. The Women’s Champion takes an unsteady step as she begins to turn to locate Effy, The Princess of Rave stepping forward and thrusting her foot straight toward Nicole’s jaw. Perhaps her body just giving up momentarily on her, Nicole Johnson drops to her knees just a millisecond before Effy’s foot manages to make contact with her jaw, Johnson reaching up quickly and locking her arms around Effy’s outstretched leg. With the instincts of being in the ring abit more than Effy, and being The XWA Women’s Champion for a reason, Nicole rolls forward and drags Eff along with her by default. The Princess of Rave throw forward by her caught leg, Nicole reaches out and grabs onto the other leg that Effy was hopping on and pushes her down. With both her feet now in Nicoles grasp, Nicole puts her right foot right next to Eff’s side, wraps both of Eff’s legs around her leg, turns around and just as she does, rolls Effy over onto her Belly as she applies her Finisher Move, The SharpShooter! Ryn Sanu now slides down onto position and asks Effy if she wants to give up but the Australian refutes, nodding her head back and forth as yells out the words “NO!” And now begins to use her remaining strength and tries to crawl forward to the Ropes which could be only seen so far as the Submission Move is locked in the centre of the ring. Effy crawls using only her hands. Nicole moves along with her still applying the hold. A few more seconds in and the Pressure being applied on Effy’s legs can be felt more. Effy yells and just about as she gets near the Ropes and touches them only by a Finger tip, Nicole turns her head and see’s this before walking forward back into the center of the ring. Effy’s face can now be seen turning Red and just about a few seconds, taps out.

Ding, Ding, Ding!!!
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