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 PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..."

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PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..."   PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." EmptySun Feb 23, 2014 11:26 pm

Due: Saturday, March 1st, at 11:59 PM EDT


PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." FJBloTX
PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." Rmt9lhM
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I am Batman
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PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..."   PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 3:29 pm

The crowd gives a very mixed reaction at the beginning of “Animal” by Disturbed. Eventually, the guitars kick in and red and crimson pyros blow up around the stage. Smoke covers the arena and the entire stage is blocked. After a few seconds, the smoke begins to clear up and an outline of a large man kneeling on stage can be seen. As the smoke clears up fully, Maddox Paine is revealed. He kneels down on one leg and his palm is against the ground. He looks down as his long hair covers his face all the way.

Ted Cedar: “This is one intimidating man… and these past few weeks we’ve seen perfect examples of what he is capable of.”

Joey Miles: “I love this dude! I love watching him split those fucking pussies in half!”

As the main vocals of his theme kick in, he leaps up and gives a big roar, causing more pyros to blow into the air. He now stands still on the stage as he looks to his right. Fans give loud mixed reactions. They know he doesn’t like them, but they also like him for his destructive attitude. He marches down the ramp, completely ignoring everyone around him. And behind him… is a man? Yes, a man. Out of the slight cloud of smoke comes a middle aged white man in a tuxedo. His tuxedo is striped gray and black, to match his dark gray hair, and he has a bunch of colorful rags underneath. A violet undershirt, a pink tie, and light blue dress socks. He marches down the ramp with a chuckle on his face, not matching the much more serious Maddox Paine.

Ted Cedar: “Now who the hell is this character?”

Joey Miles: “And what the fuck is he wearing?

Maddox marches down the ramp angrily as the character behind him follows. He leaps up onto the apron with relative ease and then inserts himself into the ring through the ropes. The suited man behind him follows somewhat nonchalantly and enters the ring too. Maddox’s theme dies out and he holds a mike in his hand as he begins to speak.

Maddox Paine: “Last week… I was disgraced when I was bested by that filthy specimen of a man known as Robert Hope.”

Maddox Paine: “But to hell with that. I didn’t lose to Robert Hope last week. Last week, I lost to Robert Hope AND that sneaky wannabe Cerberus. Even then, they needed to sneak attack me because they knew they couldn’t handle the sheer power of The Titan. I am a man evolved… nonetheless. Even Superman had a weakness. I don’t like to put my trust in mere men, but sometimes exceptions have to be made.

Maddox Paine: “See, I don’t like to brag about how I’m the strongest of the strong. The fastest of the fast. The toughest of the tough. I let my actions speak louder than words. I don’t brag. I let others do that for me. And that is why I have brought in this man. Now, I wouldn’t trust any ordinary man with this, but this man is no ordinary man. He can introduce himself, I am done wasting my time speaking to you undeserving clowns. So, ordinary cretins. People below me. Put your tiny, scrawny, weak hands together for Eric Badman!”

Due to the nature of his request, Eric is met with boos right off the bat!

Eric Badman: “Thank you Maddox. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Eric Badman. My story is simple. I have multiple legal degrees, I used to be a high class lawyer, and I am a professional at whatever I do! I have followed Maddox Paine from the beginning of his career. I have managed him from day 1. When he came to me asking for help getting booked around the world, I was there. And due to that, I have witnessed first-hand what Maddox Paine is capable of. He is a dominant species like no other. He said it himself, he is the fastest of the fast! The strongest of the strong! The toughest of the tough! And in the past, anyone who’s tried to challenge that has been left a flattened mess. Just ask Riley Williamson, or Paddy Perry, or Dante Cross, or Niko… whatever his name was. No one can stand up to the barbarous strength, agility, and resistance of Maddox Paine!”

Maddox smiles as his old friend praises him inside the ring.

Eric Badman: “But see, that is only the beginning. Maddox hasn’t been given a chance to show how truly devastating he can be. Last week, he suffered an unfortunate mishap when he failed to destroy both Robert Hope and that satanic Cerberus, like we all know he could. If it wasn’t for their sneakiness, they both would’ve been left a bloody mess like everyone else! Now, when Maddox joined this establishment, I told him he wouldn’t need me to go out there. Instead, I handled the legal aspects of him brutally injuring the likes of Dante Cross and Niko as well as dealing with Smoke Xtreme when negotiating Mr. Paine’s contract.”

Badman looks around for a bit.

Eric Badman: “But when I saw what happened last week, I was APPALLED! How could XWA be so foolish as to hire a referee that was too blind to disqualify Robert Hope on the spot for having that cretin Cerberus interfere? The referee is incompetent and should have been fired. But unfortunately, the workplace is a complicated matter, especially when we take into consideration Mr. Paine’s recent victims injuries. Nonetheless, there was nothing I could do...”

Eric Badman: “Backstage, anyway. From here on out, I will be out here looking out for my client Maddox Paine. Not that a man of his ability and efficacious strength would need me to look out for him, but as I told him, better safe than sorry. Maddox is far too good to have to come out here to you people alone. I will be in charge of everything that is Maddox Paine. From legal aspects to speaking for him. He shouldn’t have to waste his time speaking to anyone, that’s what he has me for. I’m part of his uhh.. what do the kids call it nowadays? His clique!”

Paine slightly rolls his eyes for his vaguely comedic manager.

Eric Badman: “But enough of the humdrum. Maddox doesn’t like to waste his time. He apparently has a match right now, so I will exit the ring and let him do what he does best… dominate.”

Eric chuckles and drops the microphone as the strangely-dressed man begins to exit the ring. He slips out through the middle rope and seats himself near the timekeeper area. Maddox stands inside the ring with a completely serious look on his face. He looks back at the stage, waiting for his opponent, Luis Claudio, to make an appearance!


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

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Your dad
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..."   PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 3:35 pm

Short but it was just to introduce Eric Badman.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..."   PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 4:31 pm

This was good but I can't stop laughing at how horrible a name Eric Badman is.

PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." MJFR42R
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..."   PROMO | Maddox Paine - "Introducing..." EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 4:34 pm

That's the point. Funny


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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