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 M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship

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M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship Empty
PostSubject: M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship   M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship EmptyWed Aug 19, 2015 1:16 am

Word Limit: 4,000
Deadline: September 1st, 2015 at 11:59:59 PM.
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M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship   M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship EmptyTue Sep 01, 2015 7:59 pm

A "Street Fight" Match in wrestling is characteristically defined as a No-Disqualification Match where pinfalls and submissions can take place anywhere. In addition to that, the wrestlers are allowed to wrestle in regular street clothes, even though some wrestlers already compete like that. Essentially, a "Street Fight" Match is another version of a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Greg Samuel is dressed in baggy shorts, green and black sneakers, and a shirt that reads "Did you know I'm from Maine?" on the front with a picture of the state of Maine on the back of it. He really wants people to know that he is from Maine because he is "The Maine Attraction" after all. Shade, on the other hand, is dressed in a suit. Samael is at ringside holding up a sign that says "Shade wears suits in public. #SuitUp" with the back of it saying "And I'm not interfering in the match". He parades around the ring like a damn card-girl in boxing events, which is intimidating in itself, but that's not what this is about. The bout starts off promptly with Greg trying to blindside Shade with rapid jabs to the face, but Shade blocks with no trouble. Now Shade is becoming irritated ALREADY because God forbid Shade's suit get ruined. Why on Earth would he wear a suit anyway to a wrestling match?! Shade retaliates with ferocious punches of his own, connecting to Greg's jaw. As Greg staggers back, Shade rapidly unties his tie and yanks his shirt off. Now he's shirtless. Great. Now he's going to give all these women (and gay men) in attendance some fun in their pants. People are probably wondering: when is the action going to start? The answer is: RIGHT NOW! Greg surprises Shade with a fast, but effective dropkick that knocks Shade back against the ropes. "Mr. Match of the Night" hurriedly stands up and charges at Shade with a cactus clothesline that sends both men to the outside of the ring!

Ted Cedar: "What a fast and exciting start to this match! Already on the outside of the ring!"

David Michaels: "It's not that exciting. Calm down, Ted."

Samael steps away from the two combatants, with the arbitrator yelling at him to back away. Does the referee not know that this match is contested under No-Disqualification? Samael could LITERALLY interfere and cost Greg the match. But he's not doing that. It even says that on the back of the sign. Who hires these officials if they can't even read signs? How do they know what the scripts say? What if they make the wrong person win?! It'll end up on Botchamania! Anyway. Greg is back on his feet first, and he does a minor bow to Samael, symbolizing he's thankful that Samael doesn't plan on interfering. But this allows Shade to gain the upper-hand by hitting Greg's feet with his arms, sending him crashing down. Shade mounts Greg, non-sexually of course, and starts pounding away, still non-sexually, at Greg's facial features. He gets in four punches before Greg manages to defend himself. Not wanting this match to be a random, pointless brawl and realizing some wrestling should actually take place in it, Shade gets off of his foe and pulls him up to a vertical stance. Still wanting to keep control though, Shade wraps his hands around Greg's throat and using his brute strength, lifts Greg up into the air with a two-handed chokelift. It also helps that Greg is only forty pounds lighter than Shade. Noticing the steel steps in close proximity, "The Terror of Death" takes a few steps forward and executes a thunderous two-handed chokeslam to Greg directly on the steps! Greg arches his back in immense pain as he rolls off and fumbles around the floor.

David Michaels: "Greg is going to be feeling that in the morning! And shouldn't the referee be outside of the ring if they're outside of the ring?"

Ted Cedar: "Yes, David. He most certainly should be."

Why is the referee still in the ring, by the way? David was right. The ref hasn't left the squared circle. He should because pinfalls and submissions could take place ANYWHERE and he should know this. Samael grabs the official's attention and informs him to leave the ring. Shade... isn't going for the victory yet, though. Only a fool would go for a victory attempt this early in the match. "The Ultimate Synner" instead grabs Greg up by his shoulders and Irish whips him against the corner of the ring, further inflicting pain into Greg's back! As Greg steps forward to ease the pain, Shade follows up with a powerful spear that practically gives Greg whiplash! And of course, more damage to Greg's back. Now Shade goes for a pinfall attempt. ONE... TW - NO! Too soon and Greg's back isn't damaged enough. Shade plays it off as it being fine; he's not worried in the slightest. He's still in control after all. He stands back up and decides it's time for a weapon. He digs around under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Unbeknownst to him though, Greg has returned to his feet and is looking pissed off. Greg connects with a brutal superkick as soon as Shade turns around! The force of the move causes Shade to drop the chair as Shade slumps against the ring's edge. Greg picks the chair up and rams it into his enemy's abdomen, causing Shade to bend over. "The Maine Atraction" then drops the steel chair in front of Shade, just to perform a straightforward DDT to Shade against the chair!

Ted Cedar: "Weapons already? These two men are quick to give the crowd what they want!"

David Michaels: "It could have used more build-up."

Greg could go for a pinfall, but he knows it takes a lot to keep Shade down. So he doesn't do that. Nor a submission either. He takes the steel chair from under Shade's face and places it on Shade's back. He then steps on it to apply his entire bodyweight on Shade. But he's not nearly big enough. Somewhat jokingly, but also somewhat seriously, Greg invites Samael over. Samael looks around, not believing Greg is doing this. He gingerly comes over as Greg starts gesturing his arms to get Samael to step on it. The audience starts cheering fanatically at this, as the official is having a hissy fit, but it doesn't matter what he thinks. Samael grins and teases the crowd by placing his boot on the steel chair, but he doesn't apply any pressure. Shade yells out "SAMMY, NO! BAD!" but Samael isn't a dog and Shade shouldn't talk to Samael like that. So Samael steps on the chair fully, applying the two-hundred and eighty pounds against Shade. Shade shouts in agony as everyone else, with the exception of the referee, is loving this moment. Although now Samael broke his rule about interfering. So to make it more fair to Shade, "The Behemoth of Destruction" knees Greg in his abdomen and lifts him up, just to execute a powerbomb! Samael takes his sign, which he placed on the side before lifting Greg up, and rips it up into a bunch of pieces before throwing them everywhere and walking to the back, leaving both men down on the ground.

David Michaels: "So that just happened."


The mediator is bored out of his mind. He can't even begin a count-out because there are no count-outs. This is just not the referee's night. Shade returns to his feet slowly, and he places his hand on his back as the chair slides off while he stands. He cannot believe that Samael did that. And all because of what? The crowd wanted it? Well if the crowd wants mindless violence, they'll get mindless violence! With Greg on the floor, Shade drags him by his arm to the steel ramp. He starts stepping on Greg's hands, then legs, then hands, then legs, then hands, then legs, and people begin to wonder why Greg is not doing anything about this. As Shade gets to Greg's hands again, the Maine-native moves his hand in the knick of time and grabs hold of Shade's boot. He twists it to yank Shade down, and the back of Shade's head cruelly bounces off the steel ramp. This doesn't keep Shade down for long though, and Greg has already returned to his feet. Both men groggily walk up the ramp and to the back, as Greg tries to stay away from Shade. They enter the back and the idiotic cameramen haven't begun to follow yet, so one of them runs up the ramp to the back to see what's going on. When he arrives, the two are exchanging fists and walking around, passing numerous backstage staff employees. They reach a door that reads "Women's Locker Room" and Shade gets excited. He predicts one of Greg's oncoming punches and grabs his arm, just to yank him and throw him into the door, causing it to fly open! YES! It's time to see some lovely ladies! As Shade enters he remembers... THERE ARE NO WOMEN WRESTLERS IN XWA ANYMORE. SO THIS LOCKER ROOM IS POINTLESS FOR THIS EVENT. Sorry folks, no getting to see Nova naked or anything.

David Michaels: "RIP, XWA Boobs, 2K15."

Ted Cedar: "I can't believe this crowd has started to chant 'WE WANT BOOBS!' and that the referee is still here. Someone's getting fired later."

Shade leaves the locker room in fury, leaving Greg in there on the ground. It's not long before Greg exits and Shade is nowhere to be found. Dante Cross is nearby, attempting to flaunt off his Intercontinental Championship like it means anything on his shoulder. Greg asks Dante where Shade went. Dante replies with something stupid about how he's the greatest and there's no real competition in this company and Greg yells at him: "LOCATION, MAN. WHERE IS SHADE?" Dante, acting all offended, points in the direction Shade went, then continues to babble on about how great he is. Greg and the cameraman run away to where he pointed. The path leads to outside where Greg finally sees Shade again, chilling on top of someone's car. Shade opens his arms to invite Greg into the streets for a real street fight, all puns intended. But before they can fight, Dante is back. He's more offended that no one wanted to listen to him. Greg tries to politely inform Dante that he's currently in a match, yet Dante doesn't listen. So Shade takes the non-polite way by surprising Dante with a gruesome hit to the head with a trash can lid that he obtained from who the Hell knows where! He drops the lid as Dante falls and Shade encourages Greg to help him out. Greg positions Dante's face above his championship belt as "Hell's Pyromaniac" laughs manically and performs a brutal curb stomp to Dante! IT'S A GOOD THING DANTE ISN'T BLACK, ELSE IT WOULD BE RACIST!


David Michaels: "... ... ... ... ... Do it again."

Back to the actual match on hand, the two leave Dante alone on the ground as other backstage help come to tend to him. And the referee for the match is finally out here! Hooray... he's back... Whatever. Shade resumes where left off by stepping on top of the car again, as he invites Greg to join him. Still no clue who owns this car, but who cares? Greg hops up onto the car as the two begin to exchange fists once more. Greg gains control and shoves Shade back, causing him to lose his balance and stand on the ground. "The Maine Attraction" follows up by jumping off the roof of the car and nailing a diving crossbody. Shade once again hits the back of his head hard, except this time on the unforgiving concrete ground. Greg stands up and notices the production truck nearby. He's going to do it. Oh yes... he's going to do it. He first lifts Shade up and places him on top of the nearby car they were just on. Then, he carefully climbs the back of the truck, and stands on top of the roof and looks down at his opponent, positioning himself just right. With no fearful bone in his body apparently, he jumps off to execute his finishing move which is a shooting star press... but Shade rolls off of the car! Crash and burn, as Greg violently falls onto the car's top! Realizing that victory is mere moments away, Shade doesn't want to kill Greg with a rope-hung curb stomp, so he grabs Greg's head and uses his old finisher, his "SYN Drive" rope hung stunner except obviously not on a rope, but a car instead! Greg flops to the concrete ground as Shade goes for the cover. ONE... TWO... THREE!

The bell inside the arena rings, signaling Shade as the winner of this match and the new LionHeart Champion!

Ted Cedar: "Did they just damage someone's car?"

David Michaels: "XWA is not to be held liable for any damages sustained to that car. End of legal disclaimer."

One of the viewers from inside the stadium comes running out and says "MY CAR!". Shade looks down at Greg and points to Greg, indicating Greg did it.

(OOC: I had fun with this. Good luck, Greg. Total words: 2,238. Just action paragraphs: 2,060.)
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M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship   M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship EmptyTue Sep 01, 2015 11:49 pm

Upon the completion of Shade’s entrance, Samuel and Shade stand across the ring from each other, looking to kick off the street fight for the LionHeart Championship. Shade is backed into the corner having just dropped his robe off the side of the ring to Samael, wearing his normal ring attire consisting of black jeans and boots. On the opposite side of the ring, Greg Samuel is reaching down and adjusting his black kick pads that extend into his knee pads. Unlike his normal attire, Samuel is wearing a pair of blue jeans that are tucked into his knee pads. Referee Ryu Sanu holds up the LionHeart Championship, showing both men what’s on the line in this street fight.

Ted Cedar: We are about ready to kick off this street fight for the LionHeart Championship. In one corner we have Shade, who recently to the XWA. And in the other corner, Greg Samuel, who is making his in ring return from a slight tear in his rotator cuff. What do you see Samuel having to do to keep this match in his favor?

David Michaels: It’s no secret that Shade is very comfortable with weapons, so in my mind, the best thing Greg can do in this match early on is to keep the foreign objects out of it and rely on his speed!

Sanu walks to the side of the ring where he hands the belt off to a stage hand. The veteran referee then backs into the center of the ring before checking with both competitors, making sure they are ready to compete. After both wrestlers agree to start, the bell tolls three times, starting the match.

Ted Cedar: And we are underway here. It’s Shade and Samuel, Street Fight and the LionHeart Championship is up for grabs!

The two men take a few steps out from their corners before beginning to circle around the ring. The crowd is waiting with bated breath, ready to see this match get going. After complete a circle and three-quarters, both men slow to a stop before Shade charges at Samuel and lifts a boot into the air. With excellent foresight, The Maine Attraction ducks down and does a combat roll forward, evading the big boot attempt. Using his speed, Samuel recovers and charges at his back to opponent before dropping down to his knees and swinging his left arm through the right knee of Shade, ground him momentarily with a Chop Block. The Ultimate Synner is right back up, only to be met with a boot to the midriff. With the advantage seemingly swinging in his direction, Samuel sprints toward the ropes. Mr. Match of the Night charges back at his doubled over opposition before grabbing Shade across the shoulders and leaping into the air, doing a corkscrew and driving Shade neck first onto the mat. The 250 pound New Yorker kicks the mat and grabs for the back of his neck, as he is shaken from the back of his neck meeting the mat. Samuel gets back to his feet before driving a stiff boot into Shade’s midsection, causing the downed wrestler to sit up. The former Intercontinental Champion takes a few steps back before immediately running back at Shade. Samuel leaps forward and rotates his hips, driving his booth through the back of Shade’s head with a devastating Shining Wizard. The Ultimate Synner immediately lays out on the mat, clutching the pulsing portion of his head as he tries to crawl to the corner. Shade gets stopped by the Maine resident who lays him out flat on the mat before approaching the corner. Samuel puts both hands on the top before pulling back, then leaping into the air and bouncing off the top rope with his hamstrings. Samuel then lays out flat while doing a backflip, landing on his opponent with a Split-Legged Moonsault. Without hesitation, The Maine Attraction grabs the outer leg, looking for the pin. Sanu is only able to get a one count before Shade pushes a shoulder off the mat. The crowd is not disappointed in this kick out, as they are not ready for this match to be over. Samuel gets back to a vertical base, and is immediately off into the ropes. Once darting back to the center of the ring, the former Million Dollar Champion leaps into the air and sticks out both legs, dropping both down on the midsection of the former Hardcore Champion. Shade’s arms instinctively reach down to his abdomen, looking to alleviate the pain. Samuel gets back to a vertical base, and hops from one foot to the other, feeling solidly in the groove. Shade rolls on to his stomach and begins pushing back to his feet, refusing to let the pain keep him down. The Maine Attraction cuts Shade off as his reaches his knees, pulling him back up to his feet, then pulls him into a Standing Headscissors. Greg locks his hands around The Ultimate Synner’s waist before lifting him into the air and all the way over his back, with Shade’s legs bent around the outside of his own and Shade’s head on his shoulder. Samuel then secures his hands under Shade’s chin, locking him into the Gory Special submission hold. The crowd is impressed by the submission from a man who is not known for his submission wrestling, but growing impatient for the weapons to come into play.

Ted Cedar: Gory Special from Samuel. Not the usual suspect to be pulling out a submission, but he’s making it work.

David Michaels: Here’s the thing Ted. Samuel, like myself is a former Million Dollar Champion. In being a Million Dollar Champion, you are inherently a step above the rest when it comes to game planning. On top of incorporating the strategy I mentioned earlier, Samuel is also being a smart wrestler, using the Gory Special to continue the wear down of Shade’s midriff. That’s the squared circle intelligence of a Million Dollar Champion, and tonight we will see the crowning of someone with that same level of intelligence.

Samuel pulls down on the neck of Shade, putting stress on all of Shade’s abdominal muscles. Sanu checks on the former Hardcore Champion as he cringes in pain. The Ultimate Synner is not ready to give in yet, and he tells Sanu exactly that when he asks. After doing all the damage he sees fit with the Gory Special, Samuel releases Shade’s neck and grabs onto his feet, driving Shade stomach first onto the mat. Shade rolls onto his back, hoping to find some pain for his midriff. Samuel looks to keep the pressure on with a Lionsault, springboarding off the middle road. Having scouted The Maine Attraction very well, Shade rolls out of the ring as soon as Samuel leaps up to the second rope, causing Samuel to collide with the mat. The Maine native gets on his elbows and knees to avoid his now sore midriff from making contact with the mat. Fighting through the pain as he now sees an opportunity, Shade pulls the ring apron up and reaches under the ring, looking for weaponry. Shade pulls out two chairs and throws them into the ring, nearly making contact with Samuel. The crowd gets excited and briefly cheer, as they know that business is about to pick up. Next into the ring is a kendo stick, followed shortly by a trash can; lid and all. Shade stands up with a stop sign in hand and slides that into the ring as well. Samuel has made it back to his feet and is ready to regain momentum in the match. He bounces off the ropes and then towards Shade, looking to suicide dive through the ropes. Samuel doesn’t even make it off his feet before Shade turns and drives a fist through his face, stopping him cold in his tracks and sending him down to the mat. Shade thinks he is satisfied with the amount of weapons in the ring, until he sees someone in the front row with a crutch. The Ultimate Synner then turns to the audience member and walks over, forcibly taking the crutch from him. Shade then throws the crutch into the ring before sliding back into the ring. In throwing the trash can into the ring, the lid fell off, and that lid is the first thing Shade grabs. Samuel has made it back to his feet, staggering a little after the stiff blow to the forehead. Upon reaching his feet, The Maine Attraction is met with the trash can lid over his head. Samuel falls back into the ropes, which are the only thing keeping the former Intercontinental Champion vertical.

Ted Cedar: And with that hard lid shot, your strategy is now out dated. Where should Samuel go from here?

David Michaels: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

With his opposition on the ropes, Shade charges in and delivers another shot to the head with the trash can lid. Samuel drops to his knees, still grasping onto the top rope as his head hangs backwards. Shade drops the lid down to the mat, before reaching down and picking Samuel. After getting the Maine native back to a vertical base, Shade puts him in a front facelock, then hooking both the former Intercontinental Champion’s arms back. Shade then drops to his back, driving Samuel face first onto the trash can lid with a Double Underhood DDT. An audible shout is heard from Samuel as his face collides with the steel, and he immediately begins kicking around in pain. Shade looks to capitalize on the offense, pinning Samuel. Sanu doesn’t quite get to a two count before Samuel powers a shoulder off the mat. Shade stands up and backs into the corner, confidently in control of the pace of this match. Samuel pushes back to his feet, fighting a throbbing headache. Out of instinct, The Maine Attraction grabs the same trash can lid that was used over his head, and is holding it as he gets back vertical. In a continuation of his well laid plan, The Ultimate Synner dashes at Samuel before lifting his left leg up, then his right, driving a bicycle kick into the trash can lid, which meets Samuel’s face again. Greg falls to the mat and releases the trash can lid, which goes flying to the corner of the ring. The former Intercontinental Champion is kicking the mat, doing anything in his power to fight through the pain. Shade takes a few steps backwards, lining up his next attack. The New York native then charges forward before leaping into the air and dropping a knee down on his opposition’s forehead. As if Samuel’s head hadn’t taken enough before the knee, the 212 pounder rolls around, feeling as if his head is split open. Looking to keep the momentum rolling in his direction, Shade darts into the rope that Samuel’s feet are point at. With all his speed built up, The Ultimate Synner charges toward Samuel. Out of desperation, Samuel is able to down his opposition with a Drop Toe Hold, sparing himself from whatever offense Shade was about to dish out. The New York native drives both fists into the mat, looking to fight off the pain he is feeling in his nose. Groggy and with blurred vision, Samuel is undeterred as he pushes back to his feet slowly and looks to get back on the offensive. While Samuel is making it back to his feet, the former Hardcore Champion reaches over and grabs the crutch that he previously threw into the ring. The Maine Attraction stumbles toward Shade, which proves to be a mistake as the New Yorker turns to his back and swings the crutch at Samuel, cracking him over the head. Greg staggers back, dropping to a knee and clutching his forehead with both hands. Shade pushes through the pain in his midriff to get back to a vertical base, as Samuel pushes up from the knee to his feet. The Ultimate Synner takes a few shuffle steps forward before driving the wider side of the crutch into Samuel’s abdomen, doubling over the former Intercontinental Champion. Shade grabs the bottom of the crutch and with a swift motion, Shade lifts the crutch over his head and swings it down over the back of Samuel. Greg falls to his stomach and arches his back before putting his hand on his back, rubbing up and down, trying to stop the pain.

David Michaels: Samuel has not gotten any sort of momentum since the introduction of weaponry in this match.

With the ctutch all bent out of shape, Shade discards it and looks around the ring for a new weapon to use. The Ultimate Synner sees the trash can and immediately heads over to it and picks it up. Meanwhile Samuel has sat up, feeling the pain through his head. Shade walks over to the former Intercontinental Champion and places the garbage can over his head. After a few steps back, Shade charges forward and leaps into the air before sticking out both of his boots and dropkicking the trash can into Samuel’s face. Samuel falls to his back and the trash can falls off his head as he rolls around on the mat in agony. Upon inspection of the trash can, you can see a dent in the trash can from where Shade kicked it. Shade stands up after the dropkick and readjusts his pants, taking a second to regroup as he is firmly in control. Samuel lays on the mat, trying to take some time to recover from the heavy onslaught. Shade walks over to Samuel and begins to pick him back up to a vertical base. Upon reaching his feet, Samuel pushes away Shade’s arms and swings his right arm up through The Ultimate Synner’s jaw with an Uppercut. Shade stumbles backwards into the ropes. Feeling the momentum shift, Samuel takes a few steps back before charging forward, sticking his arm out and Cactus Clotheslines Shade over the top rope. Both men tumble to the floor outside and the crowd gets excited, cheering for the danger and excitement. Shade and Samuel lay in a heap outside the ring, and Samuel is the first one to push back to his feet. Greg reaches down and pulls Shade back to his feet, looking to dish out some more punishment. Samuel drags the former Hardcore Champion towards the guardrail, and then releases his grip on the back of Shade’s neck. Mr. Match of the Night leaps up to the barricade, then jumps off and does a turn midair, locking Shade in a front facelock and then driving him head first on the ground with a Tornado DDT from the barricade. The momentum from the DDT causes Shade to do a front flip, landing on his back. Samuel arches his back after hitting back first on the ground. The crowd again begins to get loud following the big DDT. Samuel slaps his hands down on the mat, trying to cope with the pain. Shade is motionless, trying to recuperate. Samuel slowly pushes back to a vertical base, and then staggers around, trying to regain his wits. Shade comes to a little bit, and begins crawling towards the side of the ring. Greg stumbles over to the side of the ring adjacent to the side he DDT’d Shade on, reaches in and grabs the kendo stick that was earlier thrown in my Shade. Out from under the ring, Shade pulls another kendo stick. The Ultimate Synner slowly pushes to his feet as Samuel begins rounding the corner of the ring, back at Shade. In harmony, the two combatants swing their respective kendo sticks. Samuel blasts Shade in the midriff while Shade hits Samuel over the head. Both men fall to the ground, The Ultimate Synner holding his midriff and kicking around, while Samuel hold his forehead, facing downward.

Samuel rolls over and reveals a drop of blood rolling down his forehead. Shade on the other hand begins to push back to his feet, clutching his midsection the entire time. After reaching a vertical base, Shade reaches down to pick Samuel back up. Upon getting The Maine Attraction back up, Shade grabs him by the wrist and Irish whips him into the ring steps. Samuel goes flying over the ring steps and onto the other side. Samuel arches his back, cringing as he lays on the ground. Shade walks around the ring steps, and grabs Samuel around the neck. The Ultimate Synner lifts up the slightly dead weight of Samuel. Once getting the former Intercontinental Champion back to his feet, Shade pulls Samuel into a standing headscissors. Shade then locks his arms around Samuel’s waist and then lifts the Maine native into the air. Shade leans forward and drives Samuel down back first on the steel ring steps with a very rough powerbomb. Immediately, the bloodied Maine Attraction screams in pain and rolls off the ring steps and onto the ground outside, rolling back and forth looking for any solace possible from the pain courses up and down his spine. While Samuel is rolling around Shade sees an opportunity to get the victory, so he picks up Mr. Match of the Night, against his will. The Ultimate Synner then rolls Samuel in the ring, following him in soon after. Without getting back to his feet, Shade crawls over and hooks a leg on Samuel, looking to get the victory and claim the LionHeart Championship. The crowd believes this match is over as Sanu begins the count. After the two and a half count, somehow, Samuel wills a shoulder off the mat. Shade, Ryu Sanu and every single person watching this match are astonished.

Ted Cedar: WHAT?! How in the world did Greg Samuel just kick out!

David Michaels: I’m speechless Ted…

The Ultimate Synner looks around in shock, as if he had just been pranked. Samuel shows no signs of life after kicking out. After the shock wears off, Shade gets up and then lifts Samuel back to his feet. Samuel is out on his feet, and it seems like only a matter of time before Shade is holding the LionHeart Championship. With his left hand, Shade grabs Samuel’s left hand and holds it above his head. The former Hardcore Champion then rears back, looking to deliver the heart punch. Out of pure instinct alone, Samuel lifts his right boot up and drives it into the injured midriff of Shade. Both Shade’s hands immediately rush to his midsection as the boot re-aggravated a previous injury as he doubles over. With his survival in this match on the line, Samuel powers up and finds the energy to lift a knee up and through the forehead of his opposition. Shade’s body snaps up and he stumbles backwards. With distance, Samuel sees opportunity, and turns so his left side is facing Shade. The Maine Attraction then takes a few shuffle steps toward the former Hardcore Champion and then lifts up a boot, connecting right under the chin with a superkick. Even though Shade got the worse of the exchange, both men fall to the mat, with Samuel’s body just refusing to stay in it. Shade clutches his jaw in pain, and on instinct alone, Samuel rears his legs back and then kips up to his feet. Immediately after reaching his feet, Samuel reaches to his back, trying to aid the pain that is still coursing through his muscles. Determined to fight through the pain, Samuel charges into the ropes and leaps up to the second rope, before doing a backflip and landing down on Shade with the Lionsault, hitting it successfully the second time. ¬-Shade’s legs shoot into the air, and Samuel immediately hooks the outside leg, looking to get the victory. Sanu gets two and a half, but Shade is able to push the shoulder up. Looking to keep his momentum before his body gives in, Samuel gets up and brings Shade with him. Samuel takes Shade into a headlock and then walks over to the stop sign that Shade threw into the ring and then snaps his body forward, driving Shade face first on to the stop sign. Shade lays on his stomach in pain, relatively lifeless. Samuel slowly pushes to his feet, ¬and then looks down at Shade, seeing an opportunity. Greg rolls his opposition over, revealing a bloodied forehead. With as much speed as he can, Samuel slides out of the ring and up to the top rope. Samuel leaps into the air and does a back flip, landing down on the midriff of Shade with a Shooting Star Press. Samuel hooks a leg, looking to get the win. Sanu counts. One! Two! Three!

(OOC: I procrastinated. I never really got into the groove of this match. I really don't care too much for it. Best of luck Myke.)
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M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship Empty
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M3.) Shade vs. Greg Samuel - Street Fight for the XWA LionHeart Championship

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