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 M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship   M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptyMon Oct 20, 2014 8:13 am

DUE: Friday, October 31st at 11:59PM EDT.

M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship MJFR42R
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship   M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptyFri Oct 31, 2014 12:47 pm

This match has been given a 24 hour extension.

M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship MJFR42R
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship   M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptySat Nov 01, 2014 11:00 pm


The bell rings and the atmosphere at King of Xtreme is astounding. The fans are in a frenzy of cheers as both the current World Champ, Danny Diamond, and the number one contender Razor Xtreme stand on opposite ends of the ring. Both men have intense eye contact with one another as each of them looks to win this tonight. The fans begin to loudly chant “DANNY DIAMOND!” followed by several claps. The smirk on Danny's face only intensifies as he eyes his vile opponent. Both men have been at each others throats for weeks now, and they finally crash here tonight. Razor smirks right back at the world champ, not one to ever show signs of intimidation. Despite the crowd taking Danny's side by a reasonable amount, Razor loves every bit of this. The big fight feel is in the air as both men walk towards the center of the ring to try and finally meet up. Quickly, Razor extends his hand, trying to offer Danny a handshake. Of course, the world champ is much too smart for this, and knows that Xtreme's sneaky antics are obviously at work here and the handshake is far from genuine. Danny quickly reaches in, and then counters Xtreme's sneakiness with some sneakiness of his own as he darts forward and hits Razor in the face with a hard forearm! Razor flinches for just a second and Danny is able to turn him around and roll him up for a school boy pin! The fans instantly go berserk!



“3!” - No!!

Razor manages to wiggle out of it at the last second!

Cedar: “Oh my god! Danny damn near just won the match right there, and it has just begun!”

Miles: “C'mon Danny. I love you and all, but what the shit, man? He was offering you a sign of respect!”

Razor rolls up to his feet instantly, a face of anger and shock protrudes him. Danny smiles as Razor rolls up angrily, both men instantly get into an aggressive lock of arms as Razor's anger allows him to push the man who is only 12 pounds lighter than him all the way towards the turnbuckle. However, as soon as they get close to it, Danny uses his expert technician skills to shift his weight around and it's Razor that lands against the corner. Danny releases his arms and then quickly begins to swing some hard left-legged roundhouse kicks to the sternum of Razor Xtreme. He hits 2 of them before Razor shoves his way out. As soon as Razor gets near the center of the ring, Danny quickly shoots his right leg up, trying to superkick Razor right in the throat – as he attempts a quick finisher early on in the match, but Razor shoots himself almost as fast as Danny shot his leg up and drops back on the mat before rolling out of the ring, much to the chagrin of the thousands of fans in attendance, and they are not afraid to show their displeasure with some loud boos! Danny smiles inside the ring as Razor angrily tries to compose himself outside the ring. Danny raises his arms in a show of adrenaline, causing the crowd to go berserk with cheers.

Cedar: “Razor dodged a bullet, almost literally!”

Miles: “Not literally, idiot. Learn what that means.”

Razor darts back into the ring and charges towards Danny, both men lock-up instantly once again and this time it's “The Greatest Of All Time” who uses his technical prowess as Razor Xtreme wrings Danny's right arm and quickly gets him in a hammerlock. Danny moans for a bit, but then he throws his free left elbow back and just barely manages to scrape Xtreme across the nose. That's enough for Razor to loosen his grip so that Danny can free himself, turn around, and spin out, catching Razor in the nose again, but this time with a spinning wheel kick, or as he calls it – the Towering Inferno! Razor rolls back up to his feet, not trying to let himself get picked apart this early on, and charges back towards Danny, only for Danny to quickly wring his head in a headlock and then take him over for a headlock takeover! The fans are once again on their feet! Razor presses his forearms against Danny's face but the world champ does not give way. Razor then begins to pull “The Rubix Cube's” hair back, forcing him to put a little less pressure on the headlock. Referee Jack Hammer tells Razor to 'watch the hair!' - but the damage has been done. The slightly lowered pressure allows Razor to roll up to two knees as Danny gets up on one. Both men are up now, but Danny keeps the headlock in place. Razor presses Diamond against the ropes and then shoves him to the other side, as soon as Danny bounces off, Razor charges towards him and drops him with a shoulder block! Razor laughs, as he finally has the upper hand for the first time. But not for long, Danny gets up on his feet quickly and he charges towards Razor, ducking a clothesline attempt. Razor is stunned momentarily, and Danny comes right back and counters Razor with a shoulder block of his own, dropping the number one contender to the mat! Danny stands over him and laughs, the crowd is right behind him.

Cedar: “Danny has just had Xtreme's number throughout this match so far!”

Miles: “You just wait, Razor's gonna come right back. I guarantee it, Theodore.”

Razor gets up to his feet instantly and charges back at Danny, Diamond quickly manages to wrap his arm around his head and drops him in yet another headlock takeover, making the crowd laugh at Razor's attempt to get one over on the World Champ. Xtreme – almost in a rage – quickly lowers Danny down enough so he can wrap his legs around his neck with a scissors lock. Diamond tries to not stay in it too much as he rolls to the side and ends up on both feet, with his head still between Razor's legs. Razor quickly shows technical prowess by turning himself all the way over onto his belly, forcing Danny to fall onto his back with his head still between his legs. Danny quickly kips up, escaping the scissors lock. Danny quickly darts over to the downed Razor's head and tries to quickly lock him in yet another headlock, but Razor rolls over onto his back and slides right back out of the ring, once again. Danny doesn't let Razor get away with this for the third time, as the world champ quickly drops down and rolls out of the ring, giving the chase to the sneaky number contender. Danny manages to easily corner Xtreme and he drops him with a hard lariat outside the ring. Razor's back hits the ground as Danny rakes him up quickly. Diamond slides Razor into the ring by the back of his head. Danny slowly tries to follow behind, but he takes a bit too much time, as inside the ring, Xtreme has gotten back up to his feet. Danny slides in, only to get blindsided by Razor, who drops two hard forearms on the skull of Diamond, dropping him down.

Cedar: “..and now it's Razor with the upper hand!”

Miles: “Told you he'd come back!”

Razor begins to pound away, not allowing Danny to recompose himself. He drops hard right blows, nailing Danny in the skull as hard as he can. Punch after punch after punch, and for the first time in this match, Danny is out of it. Razor quickly picks the world champ up to his feet before he can come back to life and he then he charges to the ropes and tosses him over the top, sending him flying to the outside. Razor 'cleans' his hands and clapping them, much to the anger of the fans, who respond with boos. Razor notices that the world champ is slowly getting up to his feet outside the ring, so he quickly begins to climb the turnbuckle. Danny is on his feet outside the ring, Razor is on his feet on the top turnbuckle! The number one contender is on top as he quickly jumps forward in a leap of faith and it pays off, as he manages to drop a single elbow right across the face of Danny Diamond, dropping him with a single axe-handle. Danny doesn't fall, but he bends over and drops to one knee. Razor grabs his long hair and begins to laugh at the crowd's loud boos. Razor grabs Danny by the back of the head and then smashes his face right into the steel steps. Razor doesn't stop there. He presses Danny against the steps, grabs a hold of his hand, and then whips him as hard as he can, sending him flying into the barricade! Jack Hammer has a count of “2!” as he urges both men to get back into the ring. Razor grabs a hold of Danny's arm and then whips him again, this time sending him flying back-first into the ring apron. Diamond cringes as his back eats ring apron. “4!” - Jack Hammer yells. Razor then eyes the steel steps and presses Danny on the opposite of the ring apron before trying to whip him across, attempting to fling him into the steel steps, but Danny jumps up over and tries to counter-whip Razor instead! Razor, smartly, flies over and whips Danny, despite the counter-whip, it's Danny that ends up flying into the steel steps! Danny, once again feels the sharp pain in his back as he leans against the evil steel steps. He tries to rest off the pain as Razor makes enough space between him and Danny to get a running start. Quickly, Razor sprints across the outside, leaps up, and catches the world champ right across the jaw with a powerful shining wizard/high knee! Danny lays across the steps in agony, as Razor keeps his knee up and holds the position for a bit.

Cedar: “Razor is finally on top of things, that sickening high knee right across the jaw!”

Miles: “This is a damn good match, just like I knew it would be!”

Razor finally drops down, but he has his right arm wrapped around the back of Danny's head, attempting to set up for the running bulldog! Razor begins to run forward, keeping the world champ in his position. He leaps up, but Danny has something else on his mind! He raises Razor up and drops him forward, back-first, right onto the ring apron! Razor moans as he lands on his feet. “7!” yells Jack Hammer. Danny hears the count and he quickly rolls into the ring, not trying to get counted out. He then rolls back out, but he stays on the ring apron. He makes his way up to his feet as Xtreme groggily bounces forward a bit. Danny charges forward at him, running on the apron, before doing a beautiful full 360-spin in mid-air as he then nails the number one contender in the face with a lariat, executing his signature discus lariat – which he calls “Die Tonight” - except this time he did it while flying in mid air! The crowd goes berserk! Both men are grounded outside as the fans begin to chant “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”

Cedar: “Wow! Just a beautiful move executed by the world champ! That was amazing!”

Miles: “Fucking sick, Theodore! We all know Danny's signature Die Tonight Discus Lariat, but in this case, he was running down the freakin' apron, did a full spin in mid-air, and hit it with full force! I am impressed!”

Danny is on two knees as he holds his back, showing obvious signs of pain back there. He works his way up to his feet as he looks to capitalize off his stiff lariat. He grabs a hold of Razor's hair and pulls him up to his feet before tossing him under the bottom rope and into the ring. The usually cocky and confident Danny Diamond is gripping his back in pain, as he has suffered quite a good amount in this match so far. He rolls into the ring and then instantly pulls up a single leg, locking in a pin.



-Kickout at 2!

Razor manages to get the shoulder up. Danny pounds the mat, he actually thought he had it for a sec! Danny Diamond slowly gets up to his feet. He pulls Razor back up to his feet, trying to capitalize on the damage he has already done. He quickly pulls Razor's head back and smacks him face first into the turnbuckle. He then turns him around and begins to pound away with hard right hands. One, two, three, four. He then climbs up onto the second rope and begins to pummel away again, this time the crowd counts along. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.... and it's done, as Razor quickly wiggles out under his legs! With Danny on the ropes, Razor quickly tucks his head under his legs, raises him up, and drops him back with a devastating Electric Chair! Razor takes some time to regroup, as he is ready to capitalize again. Razor sits Danny up on his ass and then wraps his arms around his neck while keeping one tucked under his left arm, locking in a seated, modified Dragon Sleeper. Danny begins to choke on his own spit as 'The Highest Level' might have just brought Danny down to his level with this submission. 'The Rubix Cube' doesn't hesitate to try and fight off any urges he has to maybe tap out and make this horrible pain go away.

Cedar: “Danny is in a bad position, no one wants to be in a sleeper hold, that's never fun!”

Miles: “Well... if you have the right amount of whores, it can be very fun.”

Danny uses his free left arm to throw elbows, not wanting to let the submission weaken him for too long. Danny throws elbow after elbow, and Razor weakens up a bit. Danny performs a move of pure athleticism as he quickly stretches his body up and gets up to his feet. Razor releases the hold and then quickly clubs the back with his forearm, keeping Danny at bay. He pulls him in and hits him with a forearm, directly in the small of the spine. Razor runs to the ropes behind Danny and Diamond quickly turns. He bends over and then flings Xtreme all the way overhead, hitting him with a back body drop... or so he thought. Razor does a full spin in mid-air and lands on his feet! Danny turns around, expecting a grounded body, and instead eats the full force of a Big Boot! The crowd goes into loud boos once again as Razor quickly goes for the pin.



-Danny kicks out at 2!

Razor knew he would kick out, but decided to use the pin as a way to buy himself some time. Razor sits Danny up on his ass and then presses his knee against the small of his back, once again targeting it, as he pulls back on his arms with a Bow and Arrow! 'The Prized Gem' screams in agony as his hurt back is being violently wrenched. Razor laughs as he presses back as hard as he can, not giving an inch to his opponent. Danny begins to shake wildly as the crowd begins to clap, wanting Danny to get back into this match in an instant! Danny turns himself up and begins to work his way to his feet. He slowly gets up, Razor is on his feet but he is holding his hands back, almost out of panic. Danny quickly makes enough breathing room and slaps Razor in the gut with a hard back-kick. Razor bends over, hurting. Danny runs to the ropes in front of him and then bounces back towards the Rated Y2X number one contender, as he attempts to regroup. He bounces back and ducks under a clothesline attempt by Razor. He then jumps up onto the second rope and bounces back, attempting a Matrix Solution V2, AKA the springboard pele kick, however Razor sees it coming and ducks out of the way. Danny lands on his stomach, but he rolls onto his back. Razor quickly charges to the ropes, bounces up on the middle one, and does a full back-flip, attempting to hit an Xtremesault! Danny sees it coming and rolls out of the way, Razor lands on both feet, eyeing the counter at the last minute. Danny quickly hugs his back and then throws him over with a beautiful German Suplex! He then keeps the hold in place and rolls completely over, executing his signature Black Rose! Jack goes for the pin!



-Razor kicks out of it!

Cedar: “It was a battle of the signature moves and Danny came out on top!”

Miles: “This shit is getting intense!”

Razor rolls onto his side and works his way up to his feet slowly. Danny waits for him to stand up. As soon as “XWA's Savior” makes his way up, Danny is ready for him. Danny is anxious! As soon as Razor turns, Danny kicks his leg forward, attempting his signature Yakuza Kick! But Razor ducks under it! Danny turns around, astonished that that just happened, and he gets nailed in the skull with a devastating Roundhouse Kick, right to the face! The World Champ is groggy! Razor notices that he doesn't fall to the ground, so he quickly brings him up onto his shoulders! The crowd goes berserk! But Danny quickly throws elbows, not letting himself slip up. He drops down behind Razor and as soon as Razor turns, Razor's throat eats boot, as he gets hit with a picture perfect Sudden Death, AKA the Superkick to the throat! Razor drops to the mat as the crowd is blasting the arena with cheers! It's over!



“3!” - NO!

Razor manages to somehow kick out of the Sudden Death, Danny's finishing maneuver!

Cedar: “Oh my God! I thought it was over there, Miles!”

Miles: “These two men are just going to kill each other in there!”

Danny pounds the mat, how the hell did Razor Xtreme just kick out of that? He angrily works his way up to his feet, not knowing what to do. He notices that Razor is trying his best to stay awake despite having been hit with that powerful move. He helps him do that by raking him up to his knees. He brings up a little more, and it's enough for Razor to strike. He quickly lifts his body up onto his shoulders and quickly throws him over before kneeing him in the face! Razor hits his Razor's Edge, aka the Go To Sleep! Danny cripples to the mat as the crowd is berserk with boos now! Razor rolls Danny onto his back quickly, repeating what Danny did!



“3!” - NO!!!

Somehow, Danny does the same thing Razor just did and he kicks out!

Cedar: “This is getting out of hand! It HAD to be over there!”

Miles: “Don't doubt Danny Diamond for one second, Theodore!”

Both men are completely down and out of it as the crowd has only one thing on their mind. “This is awesome!” - and that's noticeable by the very loud chant they have created. Razor is on his back, Danny is on his back, and something's got to give. Referee Jack Hammer has no choice but to begin the count.


Neither man moves.


Still, no movement.




Both men begin to get up to their feet.



Razor is on his side, Danny is as well.


Razor is up on one knee, Danny follows suit.


Both men are up! And the first thing on their mind... is to attack each other. Razor throws a big right fist. “Booo!” - Danny responds with a roundhouse kick “Yaaay!” - Razor responds with his own roundhouse kick. “Boooo!” - Danny responds with an elbow to the face. “Yaaay!” - both men are talented in many aspects, and brawling is one of them, as they attack each other with all sorts of strikes. From a roundhouse to the stomach “Booo!” - to a rolling elbow - “Yaaay!” - to an elbow to the forehead - “Booo!” - to a European Uppercut - “Yaaay!” and then... Razor hits Danny with a good, old-fashioned, right punch to the face. Danny backs up... and then swings his leg up for another Sudden Death! But Razor catches his foot in his hand! Razor then reaches for his other leg and trips him down before quickly turning over, locking in the Xtreme Walls!!

Cedar: “Ohhh no!!! Danny's locked in that dreaded submission!”

Miles: “Holy shit! I never see people get out of this one!”

Danny screams and roars, as his hurt back is being flattened on the mat. The crowd is in a frenzy of mixed reactions. Partly because they marked for the submission, partly because they hate Razor. Razor is laughing as he pulls back on the legs as hard as he can. Danny is frantic. Danny knows that in his position, there isn't much he can take right now, so he needs to find a way out of this. He notices that Razor's arms are tucked around his legs, and knows the perfect way to counter this. He quickly rolls up a little bit, ignoring the excruciating pain in his back, and he throws him completely over onto the mat, before rolling up, scissoring his legs around Razor's left arm, and then locking him in that devastating Silencer, AKA the LeBell Lock! The fans begin to rage with cheers! Danny has him in his own finishing move submission, and he is not being nice with it. He is wrenching Razor with everything he has! Both men have hit each other with everything they have! But after it all, it is Danny Diamond who is on top, as Razor is grounded and he is locked in that submission! Danny is giving it all as every single ounce of hate within him is wrenching back on that hold. Razor looks to be passing out, but Danny isn't ready to loosen up just yet. He is pulling, he is pulling. He is giving it all! Razor is clawing and gasping, but he can't seem to make it to the ropes. It might be over here for Rated Y2X, the so-called “Greatest Of All Time”! Danny knows he has this, Danny knows he has this! Razor is clawing, and dragging. Razor slowly makes his way to the ropes, he can't give up. This is his chance to win a second world title and add it to his impressive resume! He drags, and drags, very slowly, but surely.

Cedar: “Danny Diamond countered the Xtreme Walls in a beautiful fashion, unlike one I've ever seen, and now he has the number one contender in that devastating Silencer!”

Miles: “Is Razor gonna tap?? Is Razor Xtreme really about to tap out to this? C'MON RAZOR, FUCK!”

All the optimism in the world doesn't do much for Joey, as it looks like Razor is about to tap out! Or is he? He drags, and drags, as Danny pulls, and pulls. Diamond wants this to be over. He's tired of this. But Razor doesn't want it to be over just yet, as he drags on... and he is almost at the ropes! He is within fingertips of the ropes! The entire crowd begins to clap and slap the barricade, wanting to encourage Xtreme to tap out! But Razor is only centimeters away! ...and it's ruined, as Danny Diamond quickly releases the hold, drags Razor back to the middle of the ring, and then locks in that Silencer once again, in the middle of the ring, forcing Razor to go through this pain yet again! Razor is screaming, there is no way he just allowed Danny to get the upper hand again! This might be it! The fans are in a frenzy! Everyone is on their feet, screaming! It has to be over here, there is just nothing else that can be done. Rob Chapman is outside the ring running around, frantic. He is urging Razor to tap out, he is urging Danny to be done here. Although he is confident in Danny's abilities, he wants to put Razor and this entire feud way behind him. The referee is eyeing Razor's arms closely, noting whether or not he has tapped out yet, as it has to happen! Razor is about to tap out, you can see it in his movement! And... he taps out! He taps out!! But... the referee didn't see it! Right before Razor tapped out, Jack Hammer was dragged out of the ring by... Eric Goodman??!

Cedar: “WHAT THE HELL?! Eric Goodman! What is that son of a bitch doing here?”

Miles: “Oh my!! Holy shit! Eric Goodman! Didn't he quit a few weeks ago?”

Eric Goodman is outside the ring and he has just nailed Jack Hammer in the face with a hard right hand, taking him out for good! The referee is out, and Goodman is smirking! The fans are in a frenzy of boos, those loud cheers from only a few seconds ago are now loud, aggressive boos! Danny releases the hold and looks up at what the hell is going on. Eric stands outside the ring with a big smile on his face as Danny is almost too weak to move. Rob is surprised, but not for long, and instead decides to take action. Rob runs after Eric Goodman as Goodman quickly sprints up and over the barricade, being slower than Chapman but having the head-start. Rob chases him as Eric is halfway up. “COME AND GET ME, BITCH!” - yells Goodman, as Rob does exactly that. Goodman disappears through one of the doors, but Rob gives him the follow up as he chases him to the back. Inside the ring, the referee is out of it outside the ring, and Danny Diamond and Razor are both inside the ring, pretty much out of it as well. Danny slowly gets onto one knee as he tries to get back up to his feet. He is ready to try and deliver more damage, but suddenly, the quietness of the shocked audience turns into loud mixed reactions. Half of them are boos, half of them are people who are completely shocked at what they're seeing. Because a man is running down the ramp. A man who is more than a man. A man who calls himself a God. Danny groggily gets up to his feet, and he turns around, only to get flattened into the mat by a devastating STRIKING SPEAR that almost tears him in half, literally! It's Maddox Paine!!


Miles: “Holy shit!! It's Maddox Paine!!”

The crowd is in the loudest possible frenzy of boos as Maddox has just decimated all of Danny's hopes of retaining his title. Maddox Paine is on his feet off that charging drill that he calls a spear. Maddox looks down, his hair covers his eyes as he stares at the man that he just destroyed. A completely serious and intimidating look covers his face as Danny lies in the ring, completely motionless. Maddox Paine then, almost as if he was hit with a brain wave, quickly pulls Danny up and presses him between his legs before lifting him up onto his shoulders, and in the most decimating way possible, driving him straight into the mat with a devastating Titan Bomb! Maddox rolls up and lands on his feet. He doesn't waste any time as he exits the ring quickly and then walks over to the downed and groggy referee. He quickly pulls him up, by grabbing him by the pants, with one arm! Maddox lifts the referee like a damn superhuman and shoves him into the ring intensely. He then goes back into the ring, walks over to Razor, and pulls him up on top of Danny Diamond. He drags the referee right next to both men and then slides out before he is noticed. Maddox Paine stands at the bottom of the ramp as Jack Hammer has just come back to life. The fans let everyone know their displeasure as they begin to go into an enormous frenzy of boos!







As far as Razor is concerned, their tears are delicious, as he has just won this match! Maddox is inside the ring again, as he pulls Razor up to his feet slowly. A much harder task than he thought it'd be, as Razor is completely out of it. Razor is up now, and he is celebrating.

Watts: “The winner of this match, and NEW XWA World Heavyweight Champion... Razor... XTREEEEEME!”

The fans are in a frenzy of boos as Razor is on his feet, Maddox Paine beside him with a serious face, as Razor just realized what happened. Rob Chapman stands up on the stairs behind the barricade, a look of shock on his face. Eric Goodman has found his way around and he is running down the opposite stairs. Goodman almost sprints down as he then leaps over the barricade and then runs to the timekeepers' area. He grabs the World title away from the caretaker as he then slides into the ring. He has a look of pure excitement as Razor is chuckling like a mad man. Rob stands on the stairs and he knows he can't do anything right now, there is no way he can take on both men, especially with Goodman there to annoy him. He stands on the stairs, defeated.

Miles: “Holy shit, I did not expect that! I still can't believe what I just saw!”

Cedar: “This is horrible! Razor Xtreme used his resources to sneak a win over on Danny Diamond and now he's the new world champion!”

Razor raises the title high above his head as he strikes a pose with Maddox Paine and Eric Goodman. Everyone is in disbelief, and that is an understatement. All three men exit the ring and begin to work their way up the ramp, as they disappear to the back, letting the next match come into play.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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Love Bites
Love Bites

Posts : 9667
Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31
Location : Arlington, Texas

M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship   M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship EmptySat Nov 01, 2014 11:28 pm

With the bell tolling to signify the beginning of this World Heavyweight Championship co-main event, the two men walk in towards one another. With the amount of ego in the ring right now, to be officiated by Ryu Sanu, it's no surprise that the trash talking is what starts this match. "Thanks for keeping my baby warm for me," Razor arrogantly says to Danny. The Englishman smirks at his opponent, responding, "Arrogance looks much better on me." Razor lets out a light laugh, before taking a very serious turn and slapping the taste out of Danny's mouth! Danny rubs his cheek, whilst looking down at the canvas. He turns his attention to Razor before responding with a slap of his own! The audience lights up with cheers at Danny's slap and the battle is on. The two begin exchanging very stiff slaps. In a slap-fest that would make even the Japanese jealous, they hit fast and they hit hard, Ryu watching from behind them. The battle of slaps is put to an abrupt halt as Razor lifts his knee into the mid-section of his opponent, catching him off guard. As the audience boos, Razor grabs Danny by the wrist and pulls him into an Irish Whip, aimed at the turnbuckles. Danny showcases his incredible athletic ability by jumping high into the air and landing on his feet on the top rope! Seeing this, Razor rushes forward, with an intent to trip his opposition, but Diamond quickly leaps into a back flip, landing on his feet behind the challenger. Razor turns around and rushes towards Danny, only to be taken off the ground with an Arm Drag. The two superstars shoot back up to their feet and "The Prized Gem" lands a second Arm Drag. Once again, they jump back to their feet as, this time, Danny goes for a Roundhouse Kick. It's ducked by Razor, whom quickly applies a Waist Lock and attempts to pull his adversary backwards into a Release German Suplex Releasing it proved to be a bad decision, however, as Danny does another full back flip and lands on his feet behind Xtreme again! The impact of the land caused Danny to stumble backwards, into the corner of the ring, where he stands, kneeled down, holding onto the top rope. Razor rushes at Danny, but he jumps into the air, kicking Xtreme in the jaw whilst rolling backwards and pulling himself onto the top rope! As Danny stands upright on the top rope, he sees Razor regaining his composure. He leaps into a Diving Cross Body, but the World Heavyweight Champion is surprised to find himself caught by the deceptively strong Razor Xtreme! Razor, holding Danny horizontally, goes to toss him over-head with a Fallaway Slam, but Danny - again - manages to land on his feet behind his adversary! Whilst Razor turns around to see where Diamond landed, all he sees is a foot coming in his direction as Danny attempts a Spinning Heel Kick. Fortunately for the challenger, he manages to duck it just in time, lifting Danny onto his shoulders ala a Fireman's Carry as he does so. With Razor setting up for the Razor's Edge, his Go To Sleep finisher, he pushes Danny's upper body into the air, but the speedy Diamond transitions during this period into a Hurricanrana, landing in a pin attempt! One! Two! Thr—The surprising pin almost had Razor, but he kicked out at two and a half! Danny shoots back up to his feet as Razor quickly gets to a knee and stops, as he the two lock eyes. The audience cheers wildly at the back and forth that just went down, as Danny grins at his opposition, liking what happened in the early going, whilst Razor appears a bit taken back..

|CEDAR| "It looks like a game of one-upmanship so far in this match, with Danny taking the early lead. Will the Champion be able to keep that going throughout the match, though?"

|MILES| "If you think this match is gonna be one-sided, you're more doped up than my friend Crackhead Sean. These two are fucking warriors. Besides, this is for the World Heavyweight Championship! These motherfuckers will go ham."

Razor gets back to a perpendicular base, as the two men begin circling, an ever-so-arrogant grin still plastered on Danny's face. They jump forward towards one another, both men meeting in a Collar-and-Elbow Tie-Up. The two men try to battle over the advantage right now, as Diamond slowly pushes his opponent back, towards a corner of the ring. At the last moment, Razor spins the two around and shoves Danny in the corner. Keeping the Collar-and-Elbow Tie-Up applied, Xtreme begins landing knee shots to the ribcage of his opponent. Ryu begins a count to five and actually gets physically involved at four, not wanting to end this match so early by disqualification. He pushes Razor back and demands he abide by the rules. Xtreme sarcastically nods, before turning his attention to Danny, whom slaps him even harder than he did before! Angered, Razor jumps forward at the still-cornered World Heavyweight Champion and lands punch after punch. Again, Ryu gets involved and pulls Razor away from Danny. With the Englishman groggy in the corner, the upset challenger isn't done yet. He rushes forward and raises his foot into Danny's face to land a ferocious cornered Big Boot! Danny immediately drops to the canvas, as Razor pulls him away from the ropes and goes for the early victory via pinfall. One! Tw—Kickout at one and a half! Razor doesn't stop his onslaught for a second, as he pulls Danny back to his feet and begins pounding away at his face with MMA-like lifting knee strikes. Once he's done tenderizing the meat that is Danny's face, Xtreme pushes him back into the ropes. He then grabs a hold of his wrist and attempts an Irish Whip, but Danny reverses into one of his own, sending Razor to the opposing set of ropes. "XWA's Savior" rebounds off of the ropes and returns to duck under a leap frogging Danny Diamond. He continues running, ricocheting off the next set of ropes. As he returns, he once again ducks under Danny, whom leap frogs him once more, this time with his back to the challenger. Continuing to run, Razor bounces off of the ropes one more time. This time, he runs directly into a Dropkick straight to the jaw that echoes throughout the arena! Razor stumbles backwards into the ropes, but as he hits them, he abruptly springs back to life and practically decapitates the champion with a huge Lariat that flips him inside-out, causing Danny to land on his stomach!


|CEDAR| "Oh my God! What a Lariat by Razor! It's as if all Danny's Dropkick did was piss him off to the point where Razor wanted to take his head off!"

|MILES| "Fine, just ignore my beautiful Japanese commentary."

With Danny downed and on his stomach, Razor stomps on his lower back a few times, before pressing his knee against that very area of Diamond's back and wrapping his arms around "The Shine's" face, pulling back in a modified Camel Clutch! The audience boos as Danny is trapped in the center of the ring with the challenger not only applying pressure to his neck, but also his lower back with his knee. "Tap, you son of a bitch!" yells Razor, wanting the champion to give up in the early going. Of course, he should expect by now that that won't happen. Danny tries prying towards the ropes, but his adversary has a four inch height advantage on him, giving him some extra leverage. Realizing he's not going to make it to the bottom rope before some serious damage is done to him, Danny resorts to dirty tactics, reaching back and grabbing Razor's hair. Sanu yells at Diamond to let go and he does so at the count of four. That didn't work, so Danny begins to think of what he can do to get free. Finally, in a last chance effort, "The Rubix Cube" grabs Razor's hands and begins prying them apart, showcasing surprising strength of a man of his size. Razor, realizing Danny is about to get free, quickly lets go of the hold and repeatedly drives the point of his elbow into Diamond's lower back, a good six times. He rolls the champion over onto his back and goes for the cover. One! Two! Kickout at two! Not fretting, Razor quickly gets back to his feet, pulling Danny with him. He kicks him in the abdomen before raising him onto his shoulders in a Powerbomb-like position. He then rushes towards one of the corners of the ring and tosses Danny off of his shoulders, sending him crashing back-first into the turnbuckles, creating a whiplash-like effect as Danny's head bounces back! The audience lets out a loud "OOO!" as the move connects, Diamond's arms entwined in the top rope and that being all that's keeping him up. Not done just yet, Razor backs up to the opposing corner of the ring. He then runs forward, leaping into the air and looking to crash into the champion with a Stinger Splash! Somehow, Danny manages to move out of the way, however, as Razor crashes stomach-first on the top turnbuckle, the impact causing him to flip straight outside of the ring and crash onto the floor! With the audience now cheering, Danny takes a moment to regain his composure and recover a little bit. Once he sees Razor starting to get back to his feet, outside of the ring, Danny runs in the direction opposing his American challenger. He rebounds off of the ropes and then changes direction, rushing straight towards Xtreme. He leaps through the ropes, stiffening his body and putting his arms by his sides as he goes for a No-Handed Suicide Dive, but Razor side-steps him and Danny goes crashing head-first into the security barricade! Another loud "OOO!" is heard as Danny lies on the floor, his arms covering his head.

|CEDAR| "Danny went for the Suicide Dive, but Razor moved! By God, he went head-first into that security barricade! He may have a damn concussion after that!"

|MILES| "I never got why he does his Suicide Dive like that, putting his arms to the side and shit. It looks cool, but if your opponent moves, as we just saw, you're pretty much fucked."

After Ryu demands Razor get back in the ring, he begins a count to ten. With this going on, Razor notices Danny clutching at his head. He's just found something to target. Xtreme rains down stomps on the back of Diamond's head, before pulling him back to a vertical base and dragging him over to the security barricade. The confident challenger slams his adversary's head into the thinly-padded barricade repeatedly, a grand total of seven times, before noticing the official at a count of six. With "The Rubix Cube" feeling groggy, Razor rolls him into the ring. He then grabs a hold of the middle rope and pulls himself onto the apron. Latching onto the top rope, "The Rated Y2X Superstar" readies himself for flight as Danny leisurely gets back to his feet. Once the timing is opportune, Razor leaps into the air, springboarding off of the top rope and driving both of his feet into the back of Danny's head with a Dropkick! As Danny slams face-first into the canvas, Razor rolls him onto his back and goes for the pin. One! Two! Th—Kickout! Still not quite getting upset by the kickouts, Xtreme gets back to his feet, pulling Danny up with him. The challenger latches onto the champion's wrist and pulls him into an Irish Whip, sending the Englishman straight into a corner of the ring. He follows this up by rushing towards him and drilling him with a Cornered Clothesline! As Danny stumbles out of the corner, Razor clubs him over the back of the head with a forearm shot that takes him down. Conceitedly, Xtreme puts a foot on the back of Danny's shoulder as he raises one of his hands into the air, closed into a fist. The fans respond to this with heavy jeers, which Razor takes in with a smile on his face. Getting back to the task at hand, "XWA's Greatest of All Time" pulls Danny back to a vertical base before kicking him in the mid-section and applying a Front Facelock. Setting up for a Suplex, Razor is surprised as Danny wraps his arms around the body of his foe and lifts him off of the canvas, taking him over-head with a beautifully executed Northern Lights Suplex in a bridged pin! The audience cheers as the official goes for the count. One! Two! Th—Kickout just before two and a half! The two men quickly get back to their feet, but Danny is almost instantly drilled with a second Big Boot to the face from Razor to take him back down!

|CEDAR| "Ever since that missed Suicide Dive, Razor has been going after the head of Danny. This could get real dangerous real fast."

|MILES| "He's playing it smart. You notice a weakness in your opponent and you go after it. Danny sure as fuck can't win a match if his brains are all scrambled, no matter how good he is."

Taking a moment to regain his composure, Razor wipes the hair out of his face and gets back on the attack. He yanks Diamond by his hair, despite a warning from the official, back to his feet before drilling him repeatedly in the face with closed fist punches. Ryu admonishes him for this, but who ever gets disqualified for closed fist punches? Following five punches straight to the face of his adversary, Razor goes for yet another Irish Whip, this one aimed at the ropes. Danny ricochets off of the ropes and returns to duck under a Clothesline attempt. He continues running, this time leaping into the air and springboarding off of the middle rope into a back flip, looking to take the standing Razor down with a Moonsault! Unfortunately for the Englishman, he ends up getting caught on his opponent's shoulder! Acting quickly, Diamond shakes his legs to take Razor off of his equilibrium and then slides down his back. As Xtreme turns around, he's met with a brutal Roundhouse Kick straight to the side of the head! The impact of the strike sends Razor dropping to the canvas, but Danny can't capitalize with a pin because Razor, perhaps on instincts alone, rolled out of the ring. Not intent with letting his challenger just get away, Danny hops onto the apron and begins climbing the turnbuckles nearest to Razor, whom simultaneously gets back to his feet. Once he's reached the top rope and gained full control over his balance, Danny stands straight up. He looks out at Razor, whom has just reached his feet, before somersaulting in his direction! Danny straddles his legs around the shoulders of his foe, looking for a Diving Dragonrana, but somehow Razor manages to catch his adversary on his shoulders and keep his feet planted firmly on the ground! As Danny is upside-down, after the attempt to flip his foe off of his feet, Razor pulls him back up into a Powerbomb-like position, much-like he had Danny in earlier. The first Powerbomb sent Danny into the corner of the ring. This one aims for something a little more sinister. Razor rushes forward, tossing Danny off of his shoulders and sending the back of his head violently crashing into the steel post! Danny bounces to the floor, unable to even hold his head in pain as Razor looks on, clearly impressed with what he just did. He grins as the audience jeers heavily at what just happened, aside from a few of the more blood-thirsty fans who loved seeing it, even if it was to someone they like.

|CEDAR| "Oooh! I'd be surprised if Danny doesn't have a damn concussion after that!"

|MILES| "Son of a whore."

"The Highest Level" picks Danny back up and rolls him into the ring, proceeding to slide in after him. He then goes for the cover. One! Two! Thre—But Danny manages to kick out just in time! Razor holds up two fingers to Ryu to confirm it was just a two count and the Japanese referee nods. Surprised, Xtreme grabs Danny by the head and begins pulling him back to an erect base. Without warning, Danny comes to life, wrapping his arm around his opponent's head and yanking him backwards, sending him face-first into the canvas with a Reverse STO, that he then transitions into a Koji Clutch! With the Excellence In Motion applied, Razor is in the center of the ring with seemingly nowhere to go! The audience jumps off of their feet, as they witness what may be the final moments of the contest. At first, Razor flops about, desperate to get out of the hold, but after a bit he becomes more calm and determined, realizing that freaking out won't get him free. He puts all of his focus on getting to the bottom rope, a task much easier said than done during a submission hold like this. Nevertheless, Razor is determined to make it, actually pulling himself backwards instead of forwards, so he can get to the rope with his feet. Slowly but surely, he makes it, just barely being able to get the tip of his foot on the bottom rope. As Ryu tells Danny to let go of the hold, he does just that, before Razor rolls out of the ring to recuperate. Diamond doesn't give him much time to rest, however, exiting the ring after him. Razor tries stumbling away from the champion, but he's going much slower than Danny. Diamond grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around, only to catch a punch straight to the face that stumbles the World Heavyweight Champion! Razor immediately follows this up by wrapping his arms around the body of his foe, clasping his hands together and flipping him onto the thinly-padded mat with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex! The fans boo as Razor notices the referee at a count of four. He appears to have something set in his mind, as he begins peeling back the padding on the floor! The fans look on, confused as to what's about to happen. Once he creates a bit area free of padding, Razor slides into the ring and then back out to force Ryu to restart his count, much to the official's chagrin. Back on the outside, Razor pulls Danny back to his feet and places his head in between his legs, whilst standing atop the concrete floor. The challenger pulls Diamond upside-down, his arms wrapped around the body of the champion to keep him up. He then leaps into the air, dropping down into a Belly-to-Back Sitout Piledriver onto the exposed floor! The audiences bursts into a loud, yet mixed, reaction at the huge move!

|CEDAR| "Oh my God! Razor just Piledrived Danny onto the concrete floor!"

|MILES| "Is it Piledrived or Piledrove? Either way, holy fuck."

With Danny seemingly out cold, Razor pulls him back up to his feet, using the ring apron for help, before sliding him into the ring. Instead of following in and going for the cover, however, Razor has other plans to make certain, once and for all, that Danny is down and he can win this contest. He pulls himself onto the apron and enters the ring. He then begins ascending up the turnbuckle from inside the ring, his back to Danny. Xtreme takes his time, sure that Danny is likely out cold after that Piledriver, but he soon finds that this is a mistake. By the time Razor reaches the top rope, Danny has gotten back to his feet, perhaps running on adrenaline alone. He runs up the ropes, quickly wrapping his arms around his opponent in a Waist Lock, before pulling Razor off of the top rope with an Avalanche German Suplex that flips the challenger and causes him to crash stomach-first onto the canvas! The fans erupt in cheers for the huge maneuver, as both men are now down, that last bit having taken a lot out of Danny. Nevertheless, the World Heavyweight Championship is dead-set on retaining his championship tonight as he slowly crawls on top of Razor, not even hooking the leg due to his exhaustion, but getting the pin regardless. One! Two! Thre—Razor kicks out just in the nick of time! Danny looks up at the official with exhaustion seen on his face. He gets back to his feet, slowly, whilst asking Ryu if that was just two to make complete sure he didn’t just win the match. After Ryu assures him that it was, indeed, just two, Danny sighs, before pressing his hand against his head, still feeling tremendous pain. He turns around only to receive a surprising Spinning Heel Kick from Razor that sends him falling through the ropes! What Razor doesn't notice is that Danny managed to land on the apron, however. He pulls himself back to his feet and then leaps into the air, springboarding off of the top rope and going flying straight into another Big Boot from Razor that catches him flush on the jaw out of mid-air! The audience let out a mixed reaction at the move, mostly consisting of boos, before Razor goes for the cover. One! Two! Thr—Danny kicks out at two and a half, again!

|CEDAR| "Another devastating Big Boot from Razor, this one catching Danny in mid-air!"[/color]

|MILES| "But it wasn't enough to keep Danny down. Fuck, man. He's gonna have more brain damage than Chris Benoit by the end of this match."

Exhausted and desperate for this match to finally end, Razor gets back to his feet and calls for the end. It's time for his second shot at the Razor's Edge, otherwise known as a Go To Sleep! The audience boos heavily as the Californian pulls Danny onto his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry, ready to land the move. However, Diamond begins fighting back, landing stiff elbow shots to the side of the head, allowing him an opportunity to slide down Razor's side. As Xtreme turns, he ducks under a Roundhouse Kick attempt and quickly transitions into a Waist Lock! This exact situation happened earlier in the match, but this time, Razor doesn't release when he goes for the German Suplex, landing it devastatingly on the back of Danny's head, in a bridged pin! One! Two! Thr—Kickout at two and a half, yet again! The two men, running on adrenaline some more, rush back to their feet and Danny quickly lands a low Dropkick to the leg of his opponent, dropping him down to a knee. "The Prized Gem" takes a few steps back to gain some running speed before rushing in and jumping off of Razor's knee, raising his leg high into the air and causing it to come crashing down into a Shining Axe Kick! Razor drops to the floor, but Diamond isn't going for a pin. Instead, he wants to make sure the final nail is in the coffin, as he heads to the nearest turnbuckle and begins ascending to the very top. Each step feels like it's taking an eternity due to the tremendous pain in Danny's head right now, but he eventually gets there. Upon reaching the top, Danny stands erect, making sure to keep his balance just right. Once he's ready, he leaps into a somersault, rotating four hundred and fifty degrees as he looks for his 450 Headbutt! All he finds is canvas, however, as Razor rolls out of the way just in time to cause Danny to go head-first into the ring! The audience lets out a mixed reaction to the missed move, as Danny flops about on the canvas like a fish out of water, the tremendous pain in his head really getting to him now.

|CEDAR| "Danny went for the 450 Headbutt, but Razor moved! My God, that had to hurt! With all of the damage his head has taken in this match that may have just sealed Danny's fate."

|MILES| "Why would you go for a Headbutt of any kind when your opponent's been targeting your head for the entire fucking match, anyway?"

Razor gradually crawls onto Danny for the cover. One! Two! Thre—But Danny somehow manages to kick out, yet again! Angrily, Razor pounds his fists off of the canvas numerous times to let out some frustration, before shooting back to his feet. He yells at the official briefly, but keeps his eyes on the goal. Stomping once on Danny's face, Xtreme proceeds to pull the champion back to his feet before nailing him with numerous elbow shot straight to the cheek, each one hitting with more power than the previous and each one backing Danny up into a corner of the ring. Once Diamond's back is against the turnbuckles, Razor sends the Englishman across the ring with an Irish Whip. Danny spins around just before hitting the opposing turnbuckle, back-first. Ready to capitalize, Xtreme rushes forward, but all he's met with is a boot to the face from Danny! This sends the challenger stumbling back as Danny pulls himself onto the middle turnbuckle. He looks straight out at Razor, whom finally regains his composure, only to be Dropkicked straight in the chest! The impact of the Dropkick sends Razor flying backwards, rolling over towards the ropes, as his head ends up lying on the apron. Seeing this as an opportunity for something big, Danny heads towards the corner of the ring closest to where Razor is and begins climbing. His last trip to the top rope didn't go so well at all, but he's determined to do something big and change the tide of this match-up completely. Once he's reached the very top rope, Danny stands, balanced, before pointing down at Razor's face, much to the crowd's excitement. He leaps into the air, flying all the way towards Razor and violently slamming his feet into the face of his opponent, catching him with the Diving Double Foot Stomp he calls Crushed, crushing Razor's nose as it begins to gush blood! Danny lands on the floor after the move, as Razor pulls lies completely still, blood pouring from his nose. Even Diamond appears a bit surprised at all the blood.


|CEDAR| "Danny just damn near stomped Razor's head flat right there! The challenger is now bleeding from the nose!"

Danny pulls himself back into the ring and yanks Razor away from the ropes so that he can go for a cover. One! Two! Thre—But Razor showcases his resiliency by kicking out, even after having his face stomped into from a great height! Some fans actually cheer the kick out, but mainly because they're just glad this match is continuing. It may not be for much longer, however, as a determined Danny gets back to his feet and shouts out loud "Sudden Death!" Calling for his finishing maneuver, a Superkick to the throat, that was made famous by Danny's father in the early 80s, Diamond waits for Razor to get back up. Once the timing is just right, he goes for the kick, but Xtreme manages to duck under it, pulling Danny onto his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry and then tossing his head forward and drilling him in the face with his knee; Razor's Edge! The audience explodes with boos as Razor lands his finishing maneuver and goes for the cover, a smile covering the face of the potential new World Heavyweight Champion. One! Two! Thre—Danny kicks out of the Razor's Edge! Xtreme can't believe it, a look of shock covering the face of the challenger as he shoots back up to his feet and begins yelling at and berating the official. This doesn't do anything for Razor except let him unleash some of his anger, however, as Ryu is not changing his decision. Realizing this, Razor turns back to Danny, only to receive a Superkick straight to the throat; Danny landed the Sudden Death! Cheers erupt throughout the entire arena as the World Heavyweight Champion drops on top of Razor for the cover. One! Two! Thre—But Razor gets the shoulder up! Just as Danny had kicked out of his finisher, he kicks out of Danny's! Diamond doesn't throw a fit like Razor did, however. Mostly because he's too exhausted to do that. Instead, he just rolls off of his opponent and slowly starts pulling himself back to his feet, as does Razor. Once the two are finally standing, albeit staggered, the exchanging of shots begins. A punch from Danny garners a "YAY!" from the crowd as a response from Razor gets a "BOO!" This repeats with each slow, yet hard shot the superstars throw at one another, until one of the punches is caught; Danny managing to grab Razor's hand, trip him and apply the LeBell Lock that he likes to call the Silencer!

|CEDAR| "The Silencer! Danny kicked out of Razor's finisher, Razor kicked out of Danny's finisher, but now Danny has the Silencer applied! This may very well be it! Will Razor tap?!"

|MILES| "Nooo, I have money on Razor! DON'T TAP YOU FUCK!"

The audience is completely losing it, cheering as loudly as they have all night. Razor is stuck in the center of the ring, feeling all of the pain and fatigue that has built up throughout the match, as he looks around as far as his eyes will let him, trying to figure out what he can do. It seems his safest bet is to make it to the bottom rope, like he did with the Excellence in Motion earlier, but does he have enough in him to do it this time? He slowly tries to inch and crawl his way towards the ropes, but with every little bit closer he gets, Danny applies more and more pressure! Razor stops crawling and raises his hand into the air, it shaking back and forth as the challenger desperately tries not to give up. The audience isn't encouraging his resilience, however, as a chant of "Tap, tap, tap!" begins circulating throughout the arena. The World Heavyweight Champion pulls back hard on his opponent's head, causing serious pain in his neck as Razor tries to fight the pain, no matter how bad it gets. He continues crawling towards the ropes, pulling Danny along with him, but the excruciating pain appears to be just too much. Xtreme manages to get close to the bottom rope, almost within a fingertip's reach, but he's not quite there. He goes to get that last little bit, when suddenly Danny pulls back, rolling with his opponent, and flopping them both back into the center of the ring whilst keeping the Silencer applied! The audience's chant stops briefly as they cheer loudly at what Danny just did, but it begins again. Now back in the center of the ring again, Razor realizes there is just no way he can get out of this hold without serious injuries. He decides it's better to live to fight another day and finally the challenger taps out as the fans go wild!


|CEDAR| "Razor taps! Danny retains! What a match!"

|MILES| "Fuck, man."

As Avenged Sevenfold's "Bat Country" hits the PA System, Danny releases the hold and rolls onto his back, taking some time to recover after a hard fought victory.

|WATTS| "Here is your winner, by submission, and STILL XWA World Heavyweight Champion, Danny Diamond!"

Ryu helps Danny back to his feet before handing him his championship. "The Prized Gem" raises it into the air with one hand, whilst pressing his other hand against his forehead as he continues to feel tremendous pain in his head.

|CEDAR| "What a battle we've just witnessed! And to think, the night isn't over yet! Up next, we’ll see which man Danny will defend his Championship against at next month's XtremeMania!"

|MILES| "The rematch of the fucking century is coming up. I've never been this excited for the finals of a King of Xtreme tournament."

The scene fades out to a brief commercial promoting the newest line of XWA action figures.

M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship MJFR42R
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M4.) Razor Xtreme vs. Danny Diamond © - XWA World Heavyweight Championship

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