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 Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross

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Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross Empty
PostSubject: Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross   Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 5:15 am

Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross Flare_Cross_zpsc81d97c0
Due: Friday, August 2nd
11:59 PM EST


Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross FJBloTX
Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross Rmt9lhM
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Age : 31

Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross   Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 11:13 pm

After the finish of the Razor Xtreme vs. Jhalc match that has the crowd excited, the competitors leave the stage and the crowd prepares for the next contest. The broadcast feed features from nice spiffy graphics that flash across the screen in preparation for the next contest: Dante Cross taking on Evan Flare. The crew needs to do some maintenance on the ring-area so there is a slight lull that brings the crowd down before the two competitors make their entrances.

Ted Cedar: Cross! Flare! 1 on 1!

Adam Dennis: Both of these guys are riding a wave of momentum coming into the start of the tournament, and neither one of them wants to start the tournament on the wrong side of the ledger.

Cross looks with awry smile at Flare, but Flare responds with nothing. They both do some last-minute stretching before the referee for the match calls them in to the middle of the ring to give his final instructions before the contest calls. He motions them away, back toward their respective corners, and turns to the side. He calls for the bell with a finger-pointing motion before signaling the start of the match to the competitors and to the crowd.


Both men make false motions toward one another as they each play their brand of mind games on the other. They dance around the ring and inch closer to the center with their arms hanging above their head, both looking for a lockup. Dante drops his arms and takes two huge jump steps away from Flare, drops to his stomach, and rolls out of the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans and a disgruntled look from Evan Flare. Evan takes a hard step toward Cross' location on the outside but takes it back, looking only with a smile as he motions for the referee to count him out. Dante looks back, with an unpleasant demeanor, as it appears Evan has won round one of the mind games.

1. 2.

Cross touches the apron and puts his left leg up on the apron like he's going to slide into the ring, but backs way again to more boos from the fans.

3. 4. 5.

Cross motions for the referee to get Evan to back away from the ropes so he can safely come in. Although he doesn't have to, by rule, Evan obliges and does so. Cross slides in but stays on hands and knees for a moment before looking at Flare again with disapproval. He uses the middle rope to help lift him back to his feet and gets up. They start moving around the ring, again, and inch toward each other in the center for a lock-up, and this time both make the attempt. Dante moves quicker and gets Evan into a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Evan dips his head below their arms and tucks it beneath Dante's. In the same motion, he begins to arch his back as if to attempt a suplex, but Dante has excellent defense and slides his legs backward putting downward pressure on the hold, forcing both men to the mat. Dante, who is on top, does a quarter-spin and turns the tie-up into a seated chin lock on Flare.

Ted Cedar: The mind games may have went to Flare at the opening, but Dante Cross is showing some excellent standard wrestling defense here.

Adam Dennis: I wouldn't expect either of those wins to hold up, though. For only so long can Cinderella be at the ball before the clock strikes midnight; these upsets won't last.

Evan tries to work his left hand through the lock of Dante Cross but can't find the room between his body and Dante's grip. Evan slides his lower body to the right to get a better angle, and reaches his right arm close to his body, through both of Dante's arms. He reaches forward and fires back with an elbow aimed at Dante's face that lands with authority, breaking the hold with ease. Evan slides out and to his left to get some separation from Cross as Cross uses his time to grab at his jaw. With his mouth open, his expression shows the pain he's in. He uses his other hand to push down on the mat to prop himself up.

Both on their feet, they move toward each other again and end up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Flare moves more quickly this time, working Dante's right arm into a standing Kimora lock. Dante tries to break the lock with his free hand but Flare won't let him. Dante backs Flare into the ropes and lunges forward, bring Evan with him. Dante drops to one-knee and swings Evan over him with the aid of his momentum, breaking the hold, sending Evan to his butt in front of Dante. Dante dives forward with both arms outstretched and puts Evan into another chin lock, this time from one-knee.

Ted Cedar: An interesting back-and-forth so far from these two.

Adam Dennis: The tactics so far from Dante Cross seem out of character.... I wonder what he's up to.

Flare breaks this chin-lock easier as Dante's grip wasn't nearly as tight. Both men rise to their feet together, with Dante still holding his chin. Flare throws a left-elbow into the midsection of Dante and he releases the grip entirely and jumps backward grabbing his stomach in pain. Flare turns and bounces off the ropes and charges toward Cross, who is in the middle of the ring. Flare tries for a clothesline but Dante ducks it and rushes toward the ropes in the opposite direction. Flare bounces off the ropes and charges toward Dante and tries for a running knee to the midsection, but Dante does a Swan-Dive flip over his knee and rolls to his feet and hits the ropes and comes back. Flare turns toward him in time to see Dante attempting a diving clothesline that Flare ducks easily. Flare rushes to his feet as Dante thuds on the mat. Flare runs toward the ropes Dante just came from and bounces off them, but Dante is quick to his feet and followed him to them and dives on the mat, forcing Evan to awkwardly jump over the top and head to the other side. Dante pushes off the mat and gets to his feet and quickly chases after him. Flare bounces off the ropes, and Dante is ready. Dante takes a gather-step and  jumps into the air looking for a jumping front-kick,  but Flare doesn't make it to the end of his feet, as he grapevines the ropes with his arms and stops his momentum. Dante lands awkwardly and stumbles forward out of control, right into position for the charging Evan Flare to land a  clothesline, sending Dante to the mat with a violent thud. Flare slides to Dante's side and drops down with one knee into the midsection of Dante. Flare picks himself up and tries to pick Dante up with him, but Dante counters it by reaching both hands behind Flare's head and dropping back down to both knees, connecting with a jawbreaker that sends Flare sprawling backward, with both hands on his jaw. Cross jumps to his feet and sprints toward Flare and with both hands pushes him into the corner. Flare's hands come off his jaw and his arms rest around the top ropes.

Adam Dennis: See, that is where Dante wins. He wins not with force, but with tactic. He's a genius in there.

Ted Cedar: That was indeed a savvy move from Dante Cross, but Evan Flare isn't exactly a rookie in the ring.

Cross grabs the middle ropes on either side of Flare and lunges forward pushing his shoulder into Flare's stomach. Flare's arms come off the top rope as he hunches forward and grabs at the spot of impact. Dante lets go of the ropes and stands straight up. He reaches backward and open-palm smacks Evan in the chest with so much force it echos through the arena. Flare screams out in pain with a sour look on his face, but doesn't defend himself in time to stop Dante from a second slap that again echoes through the arena, but this time there is no scream from Flare, who gains his emotional composure and demands Dante do it again. The camera quickly zooms in on Evan's welted chest and zooms back out. Dante does it a third time but there is no reaction from Flare, who immediately responds with a counter open-palm slap to Dante's chest. The crowd rises to it's feet as Dante staggers backward. Flare motions for him to do it again and Dante obliges, breaking the blood vessels on Flare's chest. Again, though, Flare immediately responds with his own, but Dante doesn't take the move as graciously as Evan did, quickly lunging forward and hitting Flare in the temple with a right-elbow, before pushing him back into corner-control where he works his feet into position and unleashes a left-handed chop to Flare's chest.

With the same arm, Dante grabs the top rope to Flare's right and uses it as leverage as he leaps into the air and pulls his right leg into the air connecting with a jumping kick to Flare's head, sending his head backward before it snaps back forward and his momentum brings him out of the corner. Dante pushes his right leg up again, this time connecting with a knee to the stomach causing Flare to bend over completely. Cross turns slightly and wraps his left arm around Flare's head before leading him a step away from the corner. He stands Flare up and positions himself for, and connects with, a side-Russian leg sweep that throws Flare's head into the middle rope as Dante catches himself before he falls to a similar fate. Flare lands on his back-side and leans forward, grabbing at the back of his head.

Adam Dennis: What SAVVY (he says with inflection as if to insult Ted Cedar's previous use of the word.)

Cross once again pulls himself up to his feet. He looks at Flare with curiosity for a brief moment before unleashing a right-legged swinging kick to the back of his head, which was partially blocked by his arms being in the way. Dante reaches down with his right hand and grabs him by his hair and pulls him up to his feet. Dante pulls him in close and says something to him but the camera doesn't pick it up. He throws Flare back into the corner where his arms grapevine around the ropes. Dante backs away and walks with some pace toward the opposite corner. He charges back and leaps into the air, pulling his knees into his chest before smashing them into Flare's chest. Dante falls hard on his back, but still Flare obviously took the most of the move. Flare drops to both knees and grabs his chest with both hands. The move might have knocked the wind out of him, as he's gasping for air. Dante looks up and sees Flare grabbing his chest and takes advantage of his lack of wherewithal and front-kicks him in the face from his back.

Ted Cedar: Dante Cross is walking the walk right now. He's so cerebral out there.

Adam Dennis: That kick HAD to hurt Evan Flare, and the attacks to the chest have to hurt Flare's core strength moving forward.

Dante turns to his stomach and the camera zooms in on him as he's overcome with a maniacal look of confidence. He pushes himself up and almost struts toward Flare with confidence exuding off of him. He reaches down and picks him up once again and pulls him toward the middle of the ring. He picks him up in power-bomb position, but while dropping him to the mat, he pulls both of his knees into Flare's back, connecting with Hell Bound!  The crowd pops for the maneuver. Flare rives in pain on the mat, grabbing at his back with one arm and the back of his neck with the other. Dante looks at the crowd, and there are some boos, but less than normal. The offense he's mounted so far has excited the fans, so they've softened their stance on the entirely heel Dante Cross. Cross looks out at the crowd and mouths some comments again not picked up by the camera, but the crowd close enough to hear the comments start booing very loudly. Cross calmly walks to the corner and turns to look at Flare to confirm he's in position. He looks back at the corner, exhales, and uses both hands to push himself upward as he jumps to the middle rope, and then to the top rope, before diving backward attempting his DME moonsault maneuver, but Flare slides out of the way. Flare tries to sprawl to his feet but can't get a grip on the mat with his boots. He sort of does a Scooby-Doo-slide where there is a lot of movement but he doesn't get anywhere. He gets some traction finally and dives at Dante, connecting with a 12-to-6 elbow to the back of his head, pushing it into the mat. The crowd explodes as the crowd favorite gets some offense in.

Flare does gets his legs underneath him and continues his assault with elbow after elbow to Dante's head. After the first few bounce Dante's face off the mat, he is able to get his hands over his head to defend himself as he tries to back away. Flare lets him go as he gets up to his feet. Dante gets to the ropes and calls for the referee to make sure Evan doesn't attack him while he's in the ropes. Flare doesn't move toward him and motions for him to come toward him instead. Dante gets up to his feet, careful to avoid exposing himself to being legally attacked. The softened position from the crowd has disappeared as less than a handful of the capacity crowd doesn't rise to it's feet to boo the less than reputable tactics of Dante Cross.

Adam Dennis: Dante Cross has that unique relationship with the fans that often is on display: on one hand, when he wants to be, he's exciting. On the other, he wants nothing to do with appeasing the crowd.

Ted Cedar: It's difficult to handle the load of battling your relationship with the fans while you battle someone else, but night in and night out, Dante Cross successfully does; it's amazing to watch.

Dante moves away from the ropes and inches toward Flare, who does the same. Dante ducks down and shoots for a single-leg, but Flare's defense is excellent as he let's Dante get in on his upper-body so he can grab a hold of him from the top, but also keeps his lower-body far enough away that he doesn't compromise control. Flare reaches for Dante's and positions it behind his back with his left hand holding his wrist to keep it in position. Flare reaches his right arm through the open area near Dante's elbow and slides his body into side-control. Flare uses his legs to push down on the mat, and uses that momentum to create a neck-bridging arm bar on Dante Cross. Dante screams out in pain but knows how to counter. He pushes down on the mat with his right palm and slides his arm underneath to relieve the pressure, and while he's entirely more vulnerable now, there is nothing Evan can do to put enough pressure on Dante to force a submission without releasing the hold. Flare realizes this too, and lets go of the hold and motions for Dante to get up. Dante does and quickly dives at Flare again, apparently looking for another single-leg, but doesn't make it all the way there, instead landing on one-knee in front of him. The motion has Flare on his toes and off balance and Dante shoots up for an uppercut attempt which is dodged by Flare who beats him to the punch with a quick left-jab before Dante can swing his arm up all the way.

The punch wasn't significant enough to do damage, but it knocked Dante off balance as Flare takes a forward gather-step and connects with a swinging right-legged kick to the temple of Dante Cross, sending him down to his back in a quick motion. He grabs at his head in pain as Flare moves toward him. Flare grabs him by the head and the shoulder and lifts him to his feet, while Dante's hands rest on his head to sell the kick. Flare uses both hands to throw Dante into the corner and in the same motion, takes two steps to gather his feet as he spins toward Cross and connects with a Spinning Back Fist to the unprotected face of Dante Cross to a huge response from the Louisville fans. Dante's head snaps back and his lower-body flies into the air to sell the move as he lands on his ass on the mat. Flare picks him up by his head and connects with multiple knees to the face as he uses his hands to move his head into either knee. After the third knee and pushes him back into the corner and hits him with an open-palm slap to the chest that echos throughout the state of Kentucky.. Dante awkwardly stumbles out of the corner grabbing his chest. Flare runs to the opposite corner and charges back, trying for a horizontal one-legged dropkick, but the move is dodged by Cross who dives out of the way at the last second. Flare's calves bounce of the top ropes as he's propelled backward and toward the mat where he lands shoulder first before his head smacks the canvas. His legs fall awkwardly to either side as Dante looks out at the crowd and points to the side of his head.

Ted Cedar: Nothing that happens in this match is on accident. What we're watching transpire is third-and-forth counters ahead from two master chess players. They're both thinking way down the line when they do something sometimes the other one wins when they've looked even further. This is amazing!

Adam Dennis: If Flare was looking three moves ahead like you claim, I'd like to think he would have seen him head smacking into the mat like that.

Ted Cedar: Flare might have a concussion from that contact his head made with the mat. If this match is going to be won by tactic, Dante Cross may have just took a commanding lead.

Evan is moving some but shows no particular attempt to get to his feet. Dante walks toward him and grabs him by the hair again, dragging him away from the corner into the middle of the ring. Dante reaches down underneath Flare's arms and lifts him up off the ground with the same hand-placement you'd use for a Full Nelson. Dante drops to the ground with Flare and moves his legs around Flare, locking them in place for a body-scissors around his injured chest and back. Flare screams out in pain as Dante uses the palms of his hands to press down and lift himself up to create a higher degree of leverage thus inflict more pain on Flare. Flare struggles to try to break the lock, but can't budge Dante Cross' legs. Dante pushes up again to create more leverage which once again brings a  scream of pain from Flare. Flare looks out at the crowd, as they start to make some noise. Flare plants his feet into the ground and leans back so Dante's shoulders go to the mat. The referee slides into position.



Dante uses his leg strength to turn Flare to his left, while maintaining the hold. Flare uses the turn as an opportunity to slide against it, as the grip was slightly awry, successfully getting chest-to-stomach with Cross. Flare uses his right arm to push backward so that Dante is on his back once again, this time with Flare facing him. Dante reaches out to try to stop Flare from landing strikes, but can't hold him off for very long as Flare gets his right arm free from Dante's left and leans into a right-forearm shot to Dante's face that breaks his hold. With both hands, Flare work his left-leg out from control and over the top of Dante's right leg, simultaneously sliding his body into half-guard. With his left arm, Flare grabs a hold of Dante's left arm completely leaving his body exposed. Flare unleashes 12-to-6 elbows into the side of Dante Cross one-right-after-the-other as the crowd explodes with cheers. Dante screams in pain but has no way of softening the blows aside from freeing his hand, which is where he quickly turns his focus. Using both hands Dante frees his left arm from the grip of Flare, but not before Flare landed 6 elbows into his ribcage on his left side.

Adam Dennis: Flare has really focused on the left side of Dante Cross. First that bridging armbar, and now with those 12-to-6 Elbows to the ribs... Is there something in Dante Cross' offense that Flare is trying to prevent?

Ted Cedar: I'm not sure whether this is tactical defense from Flare or tactical offense. Could Flare be looking to go for a submission later on in this match?

Flare still has control of Dante from the side-control position, but Dante Cross once again has both hands to stop strikes from Flare. They tangle around a little bit but it's an exercise in futility as neither makes any significant headway. The crowd starts to boo after a few seconds. Flare yells at the referee to stand them up and he agrees. Cross releases his leg's positioning on Flare's, and Flare slowly backs away from Cross. Cross lies on the mat for a brief moment before complying with the official's wishes. After the pause, Cross looks back and grabs the ropes to push himself back to his feet. He motions at both competitors that he's about to resume action, and makes another motion to let them know he's done so. Flare and Cross once again dance around the ring looking to for the other to make a mistake. They end-up in another collar-and-elbow tie-up, this time with Cross moving quickly to Irish Whip Flare into the corner. He follows, but Flare puts both hands onto the top ropes and jumps into the air, trying to get Cross to run underneath him. Cross stops before he does, and catches the legs of Flare. Cross slides his feet outward to create a wider base, as he maneuvers Flare's legs into position, resting on his hamstrings. He pulls Flare's right arm from the rope and then his left, putting him into a Full-Nelson position with his legs up. He throws Flare backward, connecting with the Drago Buster suplex. Flare's head narrowly misses colliding with the mat as he lands chest first.

The backward momentum actually helps Flare get to his feet, although it may not be where he wants to be. Dante charges in with a front-kick that Flare catches. Dante tries for a leg-feed inziguri, but Flare ducks it. Dante jumps back and connects with his Return to Sin Kick, sending Flare to the spinning to the mat. Flare lands in exactly the position Dante was hoping for, as he steps over his carcas toward the corner. With both hands, he grabs the top rope and jumps on to the second rope, bouncing up to the top rope, before jumping backward connecting with the Deadliest Moonsault Ever. A huge breath of air leaps out of his mouth but his eyes never open. The referee slides into position.



Kickout from Flare at 2 1/2

Cross doesn't bother to argue with the call and quickly gets back to his feet and goes to the corner again. This time he steps between the middle and top ropes and head to the apron. He climbs to the top rope, which brings a few cheers from the crowd. He leaps off the top rope, spinning in the air, as he tries for The Crucifixion. Flare slides out of the way as Cross lands on his back and upper-body comes off the mat so that he's in a seating position, grabbing at his lower back. The crowd pops for the dodge from Flare. Flare lies motionless on the mat breathing heavy as the camera zooms in on Dante Cross who looks a tad frantic.

Ted Cedar: For the life of me, I don't have the slightest idea whether Evan Flare meant to do that. (he studders through the sentence awkwardly) … If he knew what he was doing, what was coming... when he slid right then.

Adam Dennis: There is no way he knew. That was blind luck.

Flare gets to his feet with the aid of the ropes. He looks completely gassed and every slight movement looks like a chore. Dante notices this and, despite the pain he's in, moves quickly. He grabs Flare and tosses him into the corner. He backs away from the corner and charges forward looking for a Corner Splash. Flare falls down and avoids the attack. Dante's momentum leads him into the corner where he hits his head on the metal post, but doesn't fall away. His left leg is caught over the top rope and his upper-body is supported by the turnbuckle and the surrounding. The crowd once again pops for what seems like dumb luck from Evan Flare. He rolls to the apron and slowly picks himself up. He sees Dante in position, and grabs the top rope with both hands, using the momentum of backward-and-then-forward pushing and pulling to catapult himself over the top rope and over the left leg of Dante Cross. While passing him, he reaches out with both hands and wraps them around Cross' legs, pulling him backward into a Springboard Sit-Down Power Bomb just inches from the corner. The crowd erupts with cheers. As the referee slides into position, Flare reaches his left arm through Cross' legs and pushes down on his shoulder creating a single-leg-hook of sorts.



Dante Cross reaches his right hand out and grabs the rope at 2 ½, much to the chagrin of the Kentucky fans.

Adam Dennis: What the hell was that? I've never seen that in my life!

Ted Cedar: The resourcefulness of Evan Flare is on full display. When Cross has gotten close to ending the match, twice now, Flare has pulled the rabbit out of the hat.

Dante breathes in and out, seemingly trying to catch his breath, as his eyes remain closed. Flare gets out of the position and moves away from Cross. Flare struggles to get to his feet, as does Cross. Flare has his back-turned to Cross, so Dante walks toward him. Flare throws a turning elbow into Cross' midsection when he's close enough sending Cross backward grabbing his stomach. Flare grabs Cross and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Dante bounces off the ropes and runs back into a Back Body Drop from Evan Flare that sends Cross 8 feet into the air before he lands on his back with a sickening clunk. Flare goes to the outside and climbs up the ropes. The entire crowd is on their feet as Flare jumps into the air looking for the Southern Arrow double-foot-stomp, but Cross slides out of the way. Flare lands awkwardly on his legs and they collapse from underneath him. Flare struggles in his attempt to his feet and doesn't keep an eye on what Dante is up to. Meanwhile, Dante gets to his feet and waits for Flare to be in the right position. As Flare gets to one-knee, while grabbing the other in pain, Dante charges forward and connects with a Shining Wizard, immediately making Flare's body go limp as he collapses like a popped water balloon onto the ground below. Cross gets to his feet, seemingly with a second-wind, and drags Flare by the ankles into position so he can try for his Crucifixion finisher again. Cross doesn't waste time going to the apron, instead electing to jump to the top rope from the ring using his arms to push the ropes down to create more upward momentum. Dante gathers himself on the top rope and once again jumps backward, corkscrewing on the way, attempting for the Crucifixion. Flare again slides out of the way, only this time Dante seen it coming and lands on his feet. Dante uses one hand to gather himself on the mat and charges forward and kicks Flare in the ribcage, knocking Flare on to his side, causing him to grab his ribs in pain.

Cross grabs Flare by the hair and picks him up. He positions Flare's arm behind his back, as if to suggest he's going to attempt the Sinner's End Craddle-Hammerlock DDT, but Flare pulls out from his grasp and falls backward into the corner as he pushes Cross away. Cross charges back toward him but is caught in the fact with a boot from Flare. Flare grabs both top ropes with his hands and pushes down as he jumps up. His feet catch the middle ropes as he uses them to catapult himself toward Cross, landing a diving shoulder tackle to his previously hurt left rib cage. Both men fall to the ground but neither is their long as they're quickly to their feet to continue. Flare moves toward Cross who is taking steps backward grabbing his side. Flare tries for a front-kick which is caught by Dante using both arms. Flare leaps into the air with a leg-feed kick to the under-arm of Cross the send him backward and to the side screaming in pain as he props himself against the ropes. Flare follows and grabs him by the shoulder and the arm and Irish Whips him into the ropes, but Flare does not wait. He follows him and catches him quickly off the bounce with a deep arm drag that sends him flying into the middle of the ring, but Flare follows that up quickly with a running punt-like kick to the hurt ribcage of Dante Cross. Flare goes to the outside and quickly climbs the ropes. The crowd once again erupts with cheers as he leaps off and connects with the Southern Arrow double-foot-stomp to the exposed chest of Dante Cross. Flare once again lands awkwardly as he grabs at his legs for a brief moment. He crawls on hands and knees toward Cross and goes for the pin.



Kickout by Dante Cross at 2 ½

Flare turns away from Cross grabbing at his knee. Cross lies motionless for a moment while the referee gawks at the wreckage. He debates starting the ten count but neither man is unconscious and thinks better of it. They both slowly get to their feet, but Flare can't use his right leg so he's hopping around and using the rope as a crutch. Dante sees the opportunity to strike and does. He moves in on Flare, who is trying to defend himself as best he can. He takes a few sheepish swings at Dante, but none that pass as threatening. Dante fakes with a right hand but instead comes hard with a left-legged leg-kick to the injured right leg of Evan Flare, which brings forth a sound that sounds like clapping in a crowded theater. With both hands, Dante throws Flare into the corner. He takes a quick step toward him and bring his left knee into the air, smashing it into Flare's ribs. Dante climbs to the middle rope and goes for the ten punches.

Ted Cedar: Evan Flare put up a hell of a fight, but it seems like he lost the battle with the opponent that never loses, luck. Flare hurt his knee on one of those moves and he can't fight back.

Adam Dennis: You can't say that. If that injury causes him to lose the match it's his own fault for having such a risky maneuver in his repertoire.






Flare works both of his arms through and around Dante's legs. The camera shows the panic on Dante's face as he looks down at Flare. Flare takes a half-step with his hurt right foot and plants. He takes a decisive step with his unhurt left leg and plants. He takes another half-step with his right leg and the crowd pops because it looks like Dante Cross was about to get hit with a second Power Bomb. Cross  leans backward and drops down for a Hurricanrana that connects. Flare winces and grabs at his leg in pain as Dante looks out at the crowd grinning ear to ear. He turns toward Flare and rises to his feet. He slowly walks over at Flare and picks him up by the hair again. With Flare hopping around to try to find a base to stand on, Cross puts Flare's head into a headlock position and tries to hook his arm behind his back, looking for the Sinner's End. Flare pushes him away and continues to awkwardly hop around to try to keep balance. Cross comes back and connects with a front-kick to Flare's stomach, causing him to lean over again. Again Cross hooks Flare's head and attempts to hook his arm, but again he's pushed away.

The look on Cross' face evolves from bothered to enraged, as he rushes toward Flare again with his hands at his hips. Out of nowhere, Flare takes a decisive step toward Cross, while spinning, and connects with a huge Spinning Back Fist that catches Cross so off-guard he's unable to defend himself as Flare's fist comes flying into his face and sending him to the mat unconscious. Flare drops to one-knee from the momentum of the blow, but quickly gets back up. He walks over to Dante and picks him up and puts him in gut-wrench position, and lifts him up on to his shoulder, before dropping him toward the mat and connecting with a right-legged high-knee to the back of his head. Cross' upperbody folds toward his knees like an accordion as he has lost all control of his body. The crowd explodes with cheers. Flare turns him over and hooks the inside leg.





Laura Watts: Here is your winner … EVAN FLARE!

Adam Dennis: That damned lucky Evan Flare did it again!

Evan has no time to celebrate as Kris Kross comes charging from the back with Steel Chair in hand and he slides into the ring.

Ted Cedar: Oh no, what's going on here?

Dante gets to his feet and Flare looks around with a worried expression on his face. The crowd is booing loudly the two heels as they inch closer to Flare. Suddenly, something drops from the rafters. Flare grabs the handles on either side and it pulls him into the air out of danger. The crowd explodes with cheers once again, but Flare is stopped about fifteen feet in the air. There is a brief pause, as Dante and Kris look up at Evan,Urging him to fall. Another cord drops from the rafters next to where Flare is suspended above the ring. He carefully transitions to the new cord. With one hand on the handle and the other hand waving to the Cross',  Flare zip-lines toward the the top of the stage at about twenty feet in the air or fifteen feet above the ring.  Flare drops onto the ramp to the cheers of the fans. He gathers himself and turns to look at Dante Cross, but let's nothing out but a smile, as he slowly backs away.

Ted Cedar: After seeing that, I think we're left with more questions than answers from this match.

Adam Dennis: Yeah! Where the hell did that zip line come from?

Ted Cedar: Not just that … If Evan had the wherewithal to plan his escape from the ring ... Isn't it possible that all of those times that we thought he was simply lucky... that he planned that too? Did we just see the greatest ruse in history?

Adam Dennis: I... I don't....

The announcers sit in silence as the feed transitions to material for the next match.


Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross FJBloTX
Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross Rmt9lhM

Last edited by Ian on Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross   Evan Flare vs. Dante Cross EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 12:56 am


From his sitting position in the corner, Dante grabs the middle ropes and pulls himself up while his opponent Evan Flare steps out from the opposite corner. Instead of going forward to meet Flare in the center of the ring, Dante motions for a mic. Once in his hand, Dante turns back to Flare.

“Two weeks ago,” he begins, “I was sitting at home while my brother was watching none other than XWA Vendetta.” He gestured to himself, “Now I’m not the same type of man is, I don’t care what goes in this company if I’m not in it, but…” he pauses for a moment as if to contemplate his next words, “but when I heard Evan Flare cut that promo on Vendetta, I knew I had to come back, I knew I had to see for myself what this guy was all about.”

Flare gives Dante an appreciative nod. Dante comes forward and steps closer to Flare, placing himself in front of Evan. His next words coming out low and firm, a frown on his face as he glared eye to eye with Flare who now shared a matching face of serious intent.

“But you know what else?” Dante asks. “I knew I had to beat him.”

The two men have a stare down in the center of the ring. Each man tense, each man ready for the next to make a move—and Dante does. He smirks and steps backwards from Evan, taking his time to turn around and hand the mic off to the ringside staff before turning around to face Flare once more. Flare gets in position, raising his arms to offer a clench as Dante returns to the center of the ring. Dante wipes his hands on his black tights before accepting the hold, bringing both men into the Elbow-Collar Tie Up.

Both men being almost identical in size, they struggle as one tries to overpower the other. They pull at each other until Dante goes to a knee only to come back up quickly. He pushes against Flare, trying to move him backwards but Evan holds firm, able to bring Cross to a knee once more. Dante breaks the lock and pushes Flare in frustration before placing his hands on his hips as he looks out to the crowd who seem to be cheering Flare on. Dante shakes his head and bends forward as he and Flare prepare to lock up again. Flare brings his arms up to initiate the lock and Dante does as well, but jumps forward with a quick feint instead causing Flare to take a step back. Dante bares his teeth, a sly grin on his face now. The two men begin to encircle each other in the middle of the ring, Dante itching forward just slightly with each revolution.

With sudden motion, Dante feints forward but this time, upon seeing Flare remain, he dives forward to the mat, sliding on his knees as he grabs the leg of Flare and knocks him forward onto the mat. With Flare on his stomach, Dante rolls along the back of Flare and takes ahold of Evans neck as he keeps Flare on the mat with a Front Facelock. Dante wrenches upon the neck as Flare begins to struggle against the hold. He rises to his knees for better leverage against Flare, who in turn, wraps his arms around Dante and does the same. Dante continues to pull upon the neck as he rises into a one knee kneeling position. Flare uses this to his advantage as he pushes his weight forward and knocks Dante onto his back while he rolls into the move, freeing himself from the hold and grabbing Dante’s legs in turn, going for a pin. The referee dives down to the mat to make the count but Dante pushes against the back of Flare, freeing himself from the pin.

Flare rises to his feet quickly and backs a few steps away as Dante gets to his feet. Now it is Cross’s turn to offer the clinch. Flare hesitates for a moment, weary of Dante’s antics before accepting the lock up. Almost as soon as he does, Dante pulls Flare’s arm, wrenching it behind as he swings to get behind Flare. Just as fast, Flare rears back his head and catches Dante with a Headbutt square in the nose and follows it up with a pair of Elbow Strikes to Dante’s face for good measure. Dante holds his nose as he stumbles backwards. Flare looks back once before running to the opposite ropes and rebounding as Dante looks up only to be met with a vicious Lariat that sends him head over heels.

Ted Cedar: By god Flare almost took his head off with that clothesline Lariat!

Wasting no time, Flare rushes over and hooks Dante’s leg.

1…2…Dante is up at two.

Dante kicks out and rushes to get to his feet before Flare. When he does, he sends a kick to Flare’s midsection, doubling him over before grabbing his arm and whipping Flare to the ropes. Flare reverses momentum and sends Dante to the ropes instead. As Dante rebounds forward off the ropes, Flare goes for the patented Spinning Back Fist, but Dante ducks and spins on his heels. He whips Flare around and strikes out with a resounding Knife-Edge chop to the chest of Flare followed by an Irish Whip into the corner. Flare hits the corner hard and Dante follows with a Corner Splash that is quickly avoided by Flare who moves out of the way causing Dante to hit the corner. Flare turns Dante around and answers his earlier chop with a Knife-Edge chop of his own, and another, and another, following with a series of fast chest strikes in succession. Dante winces in pain as his chest goes red from the attack but this soon turns into a frown as Dante blocks the last strike from Flare, grabs his head and reverses positions, with Flare now in the corner. The strikes resound throughout the arena as Dante lays out shot after shot of stiff Forearm Strikes to the skull of Flare. Evan’s head goes back and forth with each strike, but he isn’t lulling. With just as much intensity as Dante, Flare brings his arms up and blocks the next shot from Dante before reverses their positions once more. Before Dante can make a move, Flare swings out a wind breaking kick to the chest, his shins catching Dante in his upper torso. In quick succession, Flare begins to bring forward stiff kicks to Dante’s chest until Dante begins to slump forward, unable to hold himself from the strikes. Flare takes Cross and rolls him forward into the center of the ring with Dante ending up in a sitting position. Flare begins to climb the ropes.

Eric Bull: For a moment it looked like this would be a back and forth match but Flare has really taken control now.

Ted Cedar: He looks like he’s going for the Southern Arrow here folks.

Indeed Flare ascends the top rope and positions himself to strike as Dante groggily begins to rise, holding his chest as he does. Flare leaps from his perch for the Southern Arrow’s diving double foot stomp on an unsuspecting Cross. As Flare comes down with his legs spring loaded to stomp into Cross’s back, without a glance back, Dante spins out of the way, grabbing Flare’s leg in the process. Imbalanced and full of momentum, Flare hits the canvas face first while Dante swerves and around and locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab on Flare. Evan cries out in surprise at the predicament he is now in as Cross has full control of the position.

Eric Bull: You know the old saying of hearing footsteps, but Cross felt ‘em coming and had the where withal to move out of the way.

Ted Cedar: Not only that but in one motion he now has Flare in a submission hold.

Flare has his hands in his hair as he clenches his teeth in pain from the hold. Dante looks back once before tightening the hold, seeing Flare struggling and failing against the move. Flare places his hands on the mat and with his strength, pushes up, but Dante rears back on the leg, sending him to the mat in pain once more. Struggling now, Flare crawls around, trying to get to the ropes. He edges forward and sees the ropes in sight, and reaches out to grab it. Dante rises up and drags Flare to the center of the ring. He interlocks Flare’s leg around his own and lays on Evan’s back, wrapping his arms around the face of Flare, locking in the STF. Flare cries out in pain as Dante wrenches back on his head.


The referee dives down and asks Flare if he wants to quit, to which Evan shakes his head vigorously. Desperate to remove himself from the hold, Flare reaches up amid his flailing and grabs a handful of Dante’s hair. Dante cries out and releases the hold while the referee calls for Flare to stop the pulling of hair. Flare stumbles to his feet as he moves to get away from Dante. Flare leans against the ropes to catch his breath and looks over to see Dante running forward. Thinking fast, Flare ducks and sends Cross up and over the top rope and crashing down onto the floor. Flare looks down and sees Dante quickly picking himself up. Capitalizing, Flare runs to the opposite ropes, rebounds, and clears the top rope with a Crossbody to the outside—and right into the steel guard rail! Dante had pulled out the railing before Flare caught sight of it. All the wind was knocked out of him as he lay on the floor holding his torso. Dante looks on as he leans against the guard railing, a superior grin on his face all the while.

The referee is making the count while Dante watches from the outside, watching and waiting as Flare slowly gets to his feet following the failed attack. Near the count of 8, Dante rushes forward and grabs Flare by the hair and rolls him into the ring, not wanting to finish this with a count out victory. Dante takes a few steps back, allowing Flare room as he gets to his feet. Cross goes to the opposite corner as Flare, seeing this, takes his time to rise, wanting to be fully ready for he knows Dante is only doing this to savor the possibility of a prolonging the match and bolster the victory. The pain subsiding now, Flare rises to his feet and steps to the center of the ring to meet Dante, who gives a smug smirk before coming forward.

The two men begin to circle each other. Flare stretches out his left hand in the air, his fingers wiggling, waiting for Dante to grasp it. Dante slaps it away and Flare reaches out again, only for Dante to slap it once more and continue encircling the opponent in front of him. Dante and Flare stare eye to eye, and with no sign, the two lock up. Their strength evenly matched, they end up having their hands clasped outstretched beside them and their chests touching, each trying to get the upper hand sometime soon. Flare brings his right leg behind Dante and puts it behind Dante’s knee and presses down. Dante slowly goes to a knee and Flare is gaining the upper hand. Dante is trying to push up with his hands as Flare stands over him. Dante rolls the right, his hands still clasped to Flare, and the two are on the mat now. Still holding onto each other, Flare and Dante do a sort of cartwheel in unison ending with both men on their knees facing the other. Dante looks at Flare, and frowns this is followed by a vicious Headbutt that makes Flare let go of Dante’s hands. Dante, with both men still on their knees, puts Flare in a Reverse Chinlock, with Flare’s head on the shoulder of Dante as he facing away from Flare and begins to squeeze Flare’s neck, this is short as he flips Flare overhead with a Snapmare into a Chicken Wing submission hold and begins to swing Flare back and forth on the mat. Flare winces and bites his bottom lip from the strain on his injured torso. Dante remembers this injury and goes to exploit it even more. He lets go of the hold on Flare and gets to his feet. Dante reaches down to pick Flare up by his hair, Flare, still on one knee, begins to punch Dante in the stomach with his right hand, his left is holding his ribs. Dante doubles over after a gut shot, and Flare grabs his head and drops Dante’s jaw on his head for a Jawbreaker. Dante pops back up and holds his mouth and stumbles backwards. Dante is standing by the ropes and holding the tope rope with his left hand as he wipes a trickle of blood from his mouth, where he bit his lip, and looks menacingly over at Flare. Flare runs at Dante, who rolls out of the way, and Flare bounces off the ropes and rebounds to Dante, who then jumps over Flare’s head. Flare rebounds off the opposite ropes, and Dante slides out of the ring. Hot off the ropes, Flare runs to the ropes and clears them with a Split Legged Senton Dive to the outside. Dante reaches out to protect himself but Flare gets full impact and rolls on the floor and back to his feet. Flare holds onto the guard railing as he catches his breathe and is holding his ribs, the fans in the front row pat Flare on the back, and Flare moves away, with a polite wave, without saying a word as they hurt his torso. He walks slowly over to Dante, who is getting to his feet. Flare gets up to Dante from behind and puts his left arm under Dante’s left armpit and his right arm around his neck, locking in the Sleeper. Dante, still on one knee, has his hands, outstretched, rubbing his fingers on his palms, as he struggles to get back to his feet. Flare tightens the hold and Dante begins to fade. He wrenches Dante’s neck left and right and Dante’s arms are beginning to slump. The fans are hoping that Flare can choke Dante out as they begin chanting:


Dante gets a frown on his face, and with a swift movement, grabs the back of Flare’s head and drops down for a Stunner. Flare bends over with the move and pops back up to his feet before falling to the floor, on which he falls on his back and begins to hold his torso, wincing in pain. Dante, partially sweating from the choke, is sitting on the floor, with his mouth open, panting, looking around before slowly getting to his feet. He picks Flare up, and wraps his arms around Flare’s midsection, squeezing hard in a tight Bear Hug. Flare yells out in pain and looks down at Dante, opens is arms out, and hits Dante in the side of his head with both hands so that Dante’s head is ringing. Dante lets go of the hold and Flare falls to the floor. Dante is holding his head and leaning on the ring apron. Flare, meanwhile, is getting to his feet, still holding his back, and gets on the ring apron. Dante looks up and reaches out to grab Flare, who does a pair of cartwheels on the ring apron to avoid Dante. Flare runs on the ring apron and drops down on Dante with a Diving Knee Strike. Dante is on his back and Flare is sitting on his chest. Flare looks down at Dante before rolling forwards and off of his chest. Flare rolls back into the ring, wanting to bring the fight back in the ring. Dante slowly gets to his feet, shakes his head clear, and gets back on the ring apron. He looks across at Flare, points to him, and goes for a Springboard Crossbody, but Flare jumps up and catches Dante midair and hits a Codebreaker! Dante’s body swings around to the left as his head catches the knees of Flare. Flare drops down on his back, still holding Dante’s head, to increase the impact but this also hurts his back. As soon as he hits the mat, he lets go of Dante’s head and rolls over on his stomach on the mat, kicking his legs and wincing at the pain. Dante is laid out in the middle of the ring and Flare has yet to capitalize from it. He sees his opportunity and rushes over to go for the pin. The referee begins to count.  1…2…Dante gets a shoulder up!

Flare rolls off and gets to his feet. He looks to the crowd, picks Dante up and grabs him in a gutwrench, placing him on his shoulders to go for his finisher, The Blood Reign. He points to the crowd as he has Dante in position, but he has wasted time playing to the crowd and Dante has regained his senses. He begins to elbow Flare in the side of his head to get free of the hold. Flare lets go and Dante runs to the ropes, rebounds and comes back with an Enzuigiri that misses, Flare ducks it, stands back up, and Dante comes around again with another Enzuigiri, pulling of the Return to Sin Kick! Flare stumbles forward, holding his head, and Dante runs from behind him and hits a Backstabber! Flare’s eyes grow wide as his back arches and he yells out in pain. The impact from the move has Flare holding his back and opening and closing his mouth. Dante flips Flare over and, putting his forearm in Flare’s face, goes for the pin. 1…2…Flare gets a leg on the ropes.

Dante gives Flare a couple of shots to his head before dragging Flare to the ropes. Dante climbs the top rope and looks down at Flare, before jumping off of the rope and hitting, the Crucifixion!!!! It’s got to be over now! Flare’s mouth forms an O and his begins to cough, rolling back and forth, holding his torso and stomach with his eyes closed. Dante gets on his knees and rolls Flare flat on the floor; and goes for the pin. 1…2…Flare gets a shoulder up! He kicks out of Dante’s finisher!

Dante lays his head on Flare’s chest; his eyes wide in shock and his mouth open in amazement. Flare rolls over and pushes Dante away, he begins to beat his hands on the mat and gain cheers from the crowd, and to show is not done yet. He uses the ring ropes to roughly get to his feet. He motions for Dante to get to his feet, ‘Come on! Come on!” he yells, his other hand holding his side. Dante, tired from all of the work and not still amazed at having not taken Flare out yet, slowly get to his feet. He turns around to see Flare go for the Spinning Backfist! Flare connects! But it’s not on Dante! Flare has knocked out the referee, as Dante has ducked out of the way. Dante comes from behind Flare and pushes him to the mat; he gets on top of Flare’s legs and locks in the Boston Crab! Flare’s eyes grow wide and he begins beating his own head, trying to keep himself in this. Dante sits down on Flare’s back and Flare yells out in pain.


With the cheers ringing in his ears, Flare gets his arms and pushes upwards off of the mat, he then twists his legs and Dante drops the hold. Flare rushes over to Dante who is still on the mat and in one swift movement, locks in the Sharpshooter! Dante is trying to fight it, he is trying so hard, but Flare’s legs are stronger than his and his will to win is defiant. Dante tears at his hair and screams in pain; he begins beating his hands on the mat, tapping out but the referee is knocked out still.

Ted Cedar: Is that…Kris?

Kris Cross comes running to the ring with a chair in hand. Kris comes through the ring behind Flare. He comes from behind Flare and hits him in the back with the chair. Flare yells out and falls forward. Dante squirms to the ropes, looks back to see why Flare released him, and a devilish grin crosses his face. He licks his lips and tells Kris to hold Flare still. Kris stops beating Flare in his back and grabs him from behind by his arms. Flare is on his knees and looking up at Dante. Dante gets the chair, looks at it, as he twirls it in his hand, and with one foul swing, busts Flare open with the fatal chair shot to the head. Flare goes down like a sack of potatoes as the crowd boos Dante’s antics. Kris rushes over and shakes the referee awake to make the count while Dante has lies over Flare nonchalantly. The referee makes the count…1…2…3!

Ted Cedar: Oh what the hell!


The boos from the fans fill the arena as Dante is on his hands and knees looking down at Flare. His eyes are alight and in perhaps his most prolific moment, he licks the blood off of Flare’s face with joy.
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