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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 6:11 am

Do you prefer writing as a Heel or as a Face?
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 8:04 am

Face. I prefer to have white meat babyface characters who get the shit kicked out of them and keep coming. Heel also seems too easy to do in a writing sense. It's not hard to make a character you're writing unlikeable but it takes talent to make them likeable.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 8:17 am

Face. I've always found it more fun to be a face, but one with some attitude. Generic "smile for the fans and fight for them!" type faces bore me to tears in efedding. DM sort of turned into that when I had him as the GM, which deflated him a lot for me at the time. A character needs an edge to it and many think that can only be done with a heel, which is wrong.

I think I'm one of the few in XWA's history to have a character that has been predominantly face (bar one, very short heel run) over the years along with Caleb.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 8:36 am

Heel because I'm a nice guy in real life and it sickens me. It's nice to be evil every now and then.
I'm the same way in video games.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 8:57 am

Depends on the character. Minkaro is a face character, Jeise is a heel character. It just doesn't feel right using them any other way.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 9:00 am

Agreed with Minkaro, with Giselle face writing was so fun and easy, and for T.K. until recently I found it pretty much nigh impossible to write him face and enjoy it.  His current run is going well so far though.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 11:18 am

I agree with Mink, however I haven't had any face characters. But I'd never make Razor a face again. Geez that was a fail. Funny

Anyway, in general, I think writing matches as a face is easier than heel (as a heel, you have to find a way to make the FACE look good, even if I'm a veteran heel vs. a newbie face, while still winning the match. As a face, you get to win the match and blow off the heel's dirty tactics, etc.) So match-writing itself I find a bit easier if you're a face. Whereas writing promos, I find it a lot easier as a heel.

In general, I prefer writing as a heel. Simply cause that's all I've done my entire e-fed life bar that one failed face run as RX (though I had the world title so it wasn't all bad), but I'd still have to say that writing as a face isn't bad at all. I would do it if I had the right character for it, but my evil mind only likes to create heel characters. Funny


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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 6:51 am

Honestly, I find it hard to write as a face. I originally intended Almandine to be heel this time around but there wasn't a face at the time. I feel like she has more material as a heel.

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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 7:33 am

Chilly wrote:
Face. I've always found it more fun to be a face, but one with some attitude. Generic "smile for the fans and fight for them!" type faces bore me to tears in efedding. DM sort of turned into that when I had him as the GM, which deflated him a lot for me at the time. A character needs an edge to it and many think that can only be done with a heel, which is wrong.

I think I'm one of the few in XWA's history to have a character that has been predominantly face (bar one, very short heel run) over the years along with Caleb.

But yeah, I've almost always been face. I think I find it easier writing OTHER people's heel characters. Lawson just doesn't work as a heel very well. He's just a nice guy, ya know? I aint bothered
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 9:38 am

*Shoots Lawson*


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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 9:56 am

I preferred to write as a face. When I fedded, Emerald was always a face. As I loved writing the promos, it was enjoyable to write stories as a liked character. There was during my time fedding, already many heel divas so I think I slotted very nicely into the whole thing.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 11:15 am

I said "one of the few" mother fucker, meaning more than than Mad as hell
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 11:35 am

I have no clue how to make a real babyface promo. Funny


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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 11:45 am

I've always preferred writing as a heel, ironically enough since I'm currently fedding with two faces in XWA.

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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 12:28 pm

Writing as a face is difficult.  If you ever read some of the autobiographies from real wrestlers, a lot of them, Jericho and Guerrero in particular both preferred to be heel because it was so much easier to make people hate you than it was to get them on your side.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 1:58 pm

^ I agree that in ACTUAL wrestling it's infinitely easier to be a heel than a face. If you're a heel and get booed, you're doing your job. If you get cheered, you're just "that" good (I find that to be complete bullshit, by the way.) As a face, if you get booed, you automatically suck. The only way to survive is to get loud cheers, because even a few cheers won't get you anywhere.

That said, in e-fedding there really isn't a "fans cheer a little bit" for one person, someone could say "The fans EXPLODE with cheers!" even if it's some new wrestler, so getting "the fans behind you" isn't an issue in efedding, only in actual wrestling - since we don't have control of the fans in actual wrestling.


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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 2:22 pm

I would disagree there.  If you're a terrible face, you won't advance in fedding.  Of course just anyone can have the fans 'explode' but say a GM or anyone else reads it and it's a terrible promo, they aren't going to go anywhere.  A good storyline typically requires a good face, and a good heel.  That's what leads to some fun stuff to read.  A plain babyface won't advance through because there isn't anything interesting about them. 

That and just like in real life, you shouldn't have a character ignore the fact that people hated them, that it hasn't been so long since they were enemies with those that are also fan favorites.  Hence why I'm not just going to have T.K. be friends with just anyone.  He's still that guy who made more enemies than friends in his early years.  If I forced through and just made T.K. that generic face, it couldn't work.  It's also probably one of the reasons you had trouble with Razor.  He's been a heel and enemy for so long that you can't have Razor just turn and make him a man of the people.  

The idea of making yourself is very difficult to master.  I noticed with Giselle he worked simply because he was a character who simply did as he wished, and he was a favorite among imaginary fans and people as well.  Hence why I think it's the character.  It's simply finding the right character, or right ideas with a character that's been previously a heel, to make it work.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 2:32 pm

That's not what I meant though. Funny
That has more to do with character itself, what you said. My argument was about "getting the fans behind you." - I realize that when I have read things like a brand new member saying "All the fans are behind him", I take it a lot less seriously, but this discussion is more about characters themselves.

If I turned Razor face, I wouldn't even HAVE to use a creative gimmick for him (though I would cause I'd get bored if I didn't), because he's a huge legend already. One of the biggest people turning face would be easy to get the fans behind, but I agree with you that I had a very hard time with face Razor because the Razor character is meant to be a heel.


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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 3:51 pm

All this self hype Shaking Head
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 3:54 pm

What are you on about?


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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 5:48 pm

Believe it or not, since Caleb has been a face the ENTIRE time in the 5 years he has been in XWA, I enjoyed writing as a heel more. But I've adapted Spires into just being a super cocky face and it works for him. Someday it would be nice to turn Caleb heel again, since he has not been a heel in any fed since late '08-early '09.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptySat Oct 19, 2013 5:24 am

Razor wrote:
What are you on about?
His efedding career.
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Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing As A Heel Or As A Face?   Writing As A Heel Or As A Face? EmptySun Oct 27, 2013 10:08 am

I dunno which I prefer. For Sabbath, it was fun both ways because I did it in a very old-school way whereby there isn't really that noticeable of a difference. As a heel, he was very slithering and conniving, trying to find a way to win so he can come out unscathed but still making it clear he's the better man. Then as a face, I just turned it on it's head and began inventing clever ways for him to win with his initiative, but instead of "ugh, look at this conniving git" it was "wow, look at this clever superstar".

As for Whisper...oh I love writing for Whisper. It's nice to be the heel again, particularly such a scary one.

I think it really depends on the character.
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