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 2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller

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I am Batman
I am Batman

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2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller Empty
PostSubject: 2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller   2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 9:04 pm

Due: Saturday October 26th, at 11:59 PM EST


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2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller   2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller EmptySat Oct 26, 2013 10:36 pm

Once both men are in the ring the bell sounds. Jay backs a few steps away from his corner and then turns around, spinning his head off of his head and watching it fall perfectly onto the ring post. He smiles, and turns to his opponent, before he  calls for tie up. AJ meets him in the center of the ring, but as the two come together Jay drops his hands and violently slaps AJ before they can hook up. The referee steps between the two, not agreeing with JHalc's bullying tactics, but unable to cite a rule that he has broken. In a rage, AJ rushes into a tie up, with JHalc barely getting his arms up in time to defend himself. However, thinking fast, The Jack of Hearts turns on his heel and spins around, taking AJ around with him. With the rookie off balance Jay lets him go, and allows him to fall into the ropes. AJ is helpless as he rebounds off of them right into a second slap across the face from the San Diego veteran. The rage only continues to build in the rookie. He force of the slap propels him back into the ropes for a second time, and he rushes off of the rebound at full speed, but right into a drop toe hold that plants him on the mat face first. AJ immediately tries to push up off the mat but his opponent is on top of him, this time falling and bringing down an elbow to the back of AJ's head that sends him back down to the mat. At this point Jessica Summers leaps up onto the apron, drawing the referee's attention to allow her client time to recuperate. Not taking too kindly to that, JHalc pushes off the apron and pulls the referee out of the way, coming face to face with Ms. Summers. The female realizes that this is not going to be a man, or a situation for this matter, that she can control, and she drops off the apron. JHalc isn't going to let her get away so quickly though, and slides out of the ring after her. The female kicks off her high heel shoes and high tails it around the ring with the mad hatted superstar in pursuit. As Jessica reaches the ramp and starts to ascend, JHalc stops at the base of the ramp, staring up at her. Thinking the battle is won, Jessica keeps backpedaling away from the former world champion, until JHalc points behind her. She turns to see that the female member of D-Volution is once again face to face with her. Doing the only thing that she can, Jessica has security separate the gate into the crowd and she bails through one of the aisleways, away from D-Volution.

With one problem solved, Jay comes back down to the ring, but has made the mistake of giving his opponent too long to recover and eats a baseball slide to the shoulder as he tries to move away.  JHalc spins off the attack awkwardly, and ends up chest first against the side of the ring. He mounts the apron and slides back into the ring, tackling AJ as he gets up and throwing elbows at his face until the referee intervenes and separates the two based on their closeness to the ropes. AJ gets up to his feet and immediately calls for another tie-up. JHalc holds his hand up and waves the rookie forward, but once again, just as they come together, Jay drops his arms and then fires slap that goes undefended once again. This time instead of rushing in thinking only of rage, AJ follows with a safe kick to the gut that doubles JHalc over. Working quickly, he pulls Jay back up by his neck and fires a knife edge chop to his chest, drawing WOOOOOs from the crowd. Mounting some more offense, AJ follows with a second chop, and then a third, turning Jay's chest bright red in doing so. The Jack of Hearts has stepped back with each slap and now finds himself back against the ropes. AJ capitalizes by grabbing him by the wrist and whipping his across the ring. As Jay comes to the opposite side of the ring, he leaps into the air, bounces off the second rope and turns to face his opponent in the air before dropping him to the mat with a crossbody.


2! (Kickout right at 2, if not a nanosecond before)

Jay is up and sizes up his opponent, waiting for him to get to his vertical base. As the rookie rises, Jay holds his open palm up the crowd and then swings with all of his might only for AJ to duck and send JHalc spinning around from the momentum he had for the slap. Seeing his opponent off balance, AJ waits for him to turn to face him and then lights Jay up with another knife edge chop followed by an inverted atomic drop. As Jay comes down AJ hooks his legs and takes him down to his back. Jay falls hard on the back of his neck, and manages to free his left leg from his opponent's grip. However, AJ kicks the inside of the surgically repaired right knee before spinning around on it, going for the figure four in the early going. Jay kicks him off as his adversary turns his back to him and sends him chest first to the ropes. AJ rebounds helplessly right into a school boy roll up.


(kickout before two)

AJ rolls backwards and gets his heels on the mat as Jay pushes himself up from all fours. Wanting to turn the tables, AJ tries a slap to his opponent's face, but Jay ducks it and hooks AJ's arm as soon as it is clear of his face. JHalc wraps his free arm around the movie star's back and lifts him into the air before slamming him down with the side effect. Jay doesn't move his position and throws himself over his opponent for yet another pin.


2! (another kick out just at 2)

Jay pulls him back up to his feet, desperate to stay on offense. He grabs the rookie by the wrist and sends him on a whip to the opposite side of the ring. AJ rebounds, but has already regained his composure. As they come together, AJ throws his shoulder at the veteran and knocks the man to his back. The two men make eye contact and AJ immediately turns and runs to the ropes again. When the two come back together in the center of the ring, the result is the same. JHalc takes a stiff shoulder block and falls to the mat. AJ reaches down this time and pulls Jay up before hitting another knife edge chop. The veteran is now reeling back on his heels and the rookie whips him chest first into the ropes. When The Jack of Hearts rebounds with his back to his opponent AJ hits a huge back body drop and turns over the veteran for the cover.



AJ up first, acting slightly more confident now that the match seems to be in the palm of his hand, Jay starts to get up and gets his worked over leg under him only for AJ to chop block it out from under him. Jay reaches out for it in pain, but AJ straightens on the mat with a violent kick to the kneecap. If that wasn't enough to destabilize the knee, AJ steps on his opponent's shin, and with his other foot sends the tip of his boot into the side of the same knee so hard that it appears to dislocated. The referee tries to push him away to check of the veteran, but AJ is having none of it. Jay tries to roll away but AJ pounces into position, grabbing JHalc's leg as he rolls over onto his stomach. Miller hooks the ankle of the right leg under his arm, and then places his knee on the back of JHalc's neck before wrenching the leg backwards in a single leg liontamer. AJ tries to drop down to a knee to increase the pain because he notices that from his current position, JHalc cannot reach out and grab the ropes. He drops down, wanting to keep them in the same spot in the middle of the ring, but it allows Jay the opportunity to roll his shoulder under, and turn over onto his back. AJ refuses to let the leg go, but Jay raises up his good leg and pushes AJ away with all his might. The rookie regains his balance before he is thrust back to the ropes, and immediately rushes back in to stay on offense. Thinking quickly JHalc reaches up and grabs him as he rushes in, and rolls him into an inside cradle.




Jay is the first one to get a leg up under him and starts to push off the mat with his bad leg but hesitates, not knowing if it will support his weight. Just as he gets it planted, the rookie catches him from behind with a targeted kick to the back of his knee which sends Jay hobbling forward. AJ snaps forward, throwing JHalc's arm over his shoulder and lifting the man into the air before bringing his leg down on his outstretched knee for a shindreaker. Jay doesn't even get both feet firmly planted to the ground before he is hoisted back up into the air for a second back body drop. AJ follows again by floating over into the quick cover.




AJ picks him up, literally feeling that the end is within is reach, and takes a moment works the crowd up into strong boos. He hooks Jay up in a suplex position and then lifts him up into the air, stalling once his opponent is fully vertical. Camera flashes go off all around the arena but before AJ can take him down Jay kicks his legs and dead weights himself back towards the mat in front of AJ. Jay doesn't dare risk landing on his feet though, and instead drags the rookie down into a sit down jaw breaker that really brings the crowd to life. AJ doesn't fall, instead he shoots backwards against the ropes, holding his face. Jay pops up with lightning speed, only hobbling on one leg. Using the one good wheel he has, he waits for AJ to step towards him and then leaps onto the new star's shoulders, looking to lock in the flying triangle. AJ's hand goes immediately for the injured knee and he starts hammering on it with all that he has, not wanting to let the triangle get really locked in. Jay's strength in his right leg waivers, and AJ takes advantage, planting his feet to the mat and then wrapping his arms around Jay's quads. He lifts the slightly smaller man into the air a few feet and then powers him back down in a move that almost breaks the hold. Jay still refuses to let go of AJ's trapped arm, and the rookie decides to give it another shot. AJ lifts him with a second powerbomb attempt, this time rising nearly to his full height to do so. However, before he can bring him down, Jay drops his own body down and releases his hold of AJ's arm swinging the kid down with a hurricanrana that sends him face first into the middle turnbuckle pad.  Jay hobbles up to his feet with the crowd getting behind him with his flashy offense. AJ gets up and turns around into a kick by JHalcs bad leg. He catches it and drops the elbow onto it. Jay follows with a hard right hand that dazes him and causes him to drop the leg. AJ comes back and tries once again to match JHalc slap for slap, but the veteran ducks the first attempt and reaches down, hooking AJ's near leg and then crossing it with the other as he lifts him into the air. The crowd gets up on their feet as JHalc spikes his head on the mat with The Killing Joke and keeps his legs hooked for the pin.



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2.) No. 1 Contender to IC title: JHalc vs AJ Miller

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