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 S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness"

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" Empty
PostSubject: S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness"   S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" EmptyWed Aug 19, 2015 1:14 am

One post by the Kvlt of Azazel.
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Methylated Spirit
Methylated Spirit

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S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" Empty
PostSubject: Re: S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness"   S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 1:19 pm

The titantron cuts to the back of the Toyota Center. In fact, it’s what looks to be the generator room for the arena. Standing by are the Kvlt of Azazel; Lord Azazel and Reverend Dolmeth. Jakob is wearing his signature “mask of Azazel” concealing his face and a leather trenchcoat whereas the bigger Dolmeth wears his religious uniform – a simple polo shirt and dog collar. Wielding his staff, Azazel leans toward the camera and begins to speak

Lord Azazel
“You know… no one person was ever born inherently evil. You do know this, do you not? Even the Morningstar was an angel before he was cast out of Heaven. Can you imagine that? Fighting for what you believe to be right only to be cast out of your home, cast away from your brethren and labelled evil. Well… I want you all to know this one thing. This single thing that rings truer than anything else that has ever been said or will ever be said. And it is simply this; evil is all your fault.”

Jakob steps back, his mask can be seen to be stretching suggesting that his mouth is open behind it. The Shining Superstar raises his fingers up to wear his mouth should be on the mask feigning shock. His associate remains stone faced with his arms folded in front of him.

Lord Azazel
“It’s true. It’s all your fucking fault. Every single last one of you have contributed to the existence of evil. And do you know why? Because you’re all selfish fucks that’s why. Every single one of you are only out for yourselves with no consideration for anyone else around you. You all want people to fit into your warped conception of society and what a human being should be. You’re all your own personal Gods making up your own bullshit morals and rules that you believe everyone else should abide by! Well I’m here to tell you all that only a devil loves someone for who they truly are. Only a devil allows the human mind to be free of all these regulations placed upon it by the bullshit propaganda of a false idol. And that’s what I preach; self-indulgence. I know what you want because it’s what everyone truly wants. I am the devil himself and I am here to set you free from the tyranny of moral ambiguity.”

The Warlock spreads his arms out wide to the sides, inviting all the love and/or hatred that the world has to embrace him. He doesn’t care which, he desires only the sweet embrace of passion, negative or positive. He approaches the camera lens and raises his hand, his thumb and index finger touching at the tips, the other three fingers on his hand sticking up above it.

Lord Azazel
“Doesn’t that sound simply marvellous? Doesn’t that sound like happiness itself?!”

Lord Azazel proceeds to rip off his mask, his hair revealed to be a mess and his intense stare piercing through the screen into the hearts of every XWA fan watching him. He smiles as he addresses everyone.

Lord Azazel
“No? Then I’ll do you one better. You see, tonight… Five other men are going to be locked inside of a chain structure with the man on my left here. The difference between these five men and my friend here is that these men fight for a prize: the Million Dollar Briefcase which in turn allows them to compete for another prize. A bit like winning tokens at the arcade and cashing them in for a piece of plastic shit that you really want at the time but soon realise it’s dull as all hell. Chris on the other hand; he wrestles for another reason. He wants to spread the light of Azazel through force. And I’m okay with this. You see; these people can only be saved through their suffering. Only through learning to indulge in their most carnal desires can they hope to survive such a torturous structure – that of the Million Dollar Chamber. It’s the way of Azazel. Chris thrives of causing bloodshed and you all desperately crave it. You all need Chris, and you all need the Cult to feed your basest of desires and to satiate your bloodlust. Chris will stand tall among the fallen and the decimated in that very ring and he’ll laugh. That’s right; laugh. Laugh at all the anguish that he caused and laugh at the hypocrisy as you all cheer on the destruction and barbarity of it all whilst you label us evil. For tonight you all must ask yourself; who’s responsible?”

Jakob steps off screen as the big man who has been unflinching thus far in the promo finally uncrosses his arms and places his hands on his thighs as he leans into the camera.

Reverend Dolmeth
“You fucking are.”

The Inglorious Bastard exits the screen in the opposite direction to his associate and the titantron fades from the electricity generator pumping away to black as XWA’s Revolutionary Wars 7 continues.
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The Downward Spiral
The Downward Spiral

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S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" Empty
PostSubject: Re: S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness"   S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 11:34 pm

I just realized how similar are characters are right now
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Methylated Spirit
Methylated Spirit

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S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" Empty
PostSubject: Re: S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness"   S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness" EmptyMon Aug 31, 2015 5:47 am

Join the Cult.
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S1.) The Kvlt of Azazel - "Happiness"

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