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 Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get

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Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get Empty
PostSubject: Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get   Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 1:49 pm

On the Bryan and Vinny show, right after they went over the fatal four way from "Rival", Bryan mentioned getting a message from someone in WWE.

The main roster wrestlers are becoming increasingly agitated at how the NXT wrestlers are allowed to actually wrestle and put out all the stops when performing, while the main roster guys are forced to just "entertain" in nothing matches. Of course the main eventers get to sort of go all out on PPV, but the undercard is woefully limited in terms of match quality. While the money is too good to give up, most of the roster loves wrestling, and are pretty sad about not being able to show what they can really do.

This is said to be doubly true for the women. The women are pretty mad, because they get to do next to nothing on TV shows, building up to nothing matches on the PPV. The NXT women, however, are having outstanding matches that are presented as "co-main events" with the men.

As a note: nobody is upset at anybody from NXT. But this fits in with the story that for months now, it's been increasingly obvious to everyone in the company that NXT is operating on a higher level than RAW/Smackdown in terms of quality.



Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get FJBloTX
Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get Rmt9lhM
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Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get Empty
PostSubject: Re: Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get   Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 2:15 pm

thought they have been upset since December because of that?

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Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get Empty
PostSubject: Re: Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get   Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 2:32 pm

That's what happens when you focus more on entertainment and not the actual wrestling portion of a WRESTLING SHOW.
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Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get Empty
PostSubject: Re: Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get   Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 2:41 pm

NXT and the main roster are two different animals. NXT doesn't have to worry about what the stock holders have to say or answer to a board of directors or appeal to the sponsors.
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PostSubject: Re: Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get   Main roster upset with how much freedom NXT wrestlers get Empty

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