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 Microsoft announces Forza Rewards

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Microsoft announces Forza Rewards Empty
PostSubject: Microsoft announces Forza Rewards   Microsoft announces Forza Rewards EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 12:11 pm


Earlier this week, Microsoft announced Day One Edition versions of some of its major first- and third-party software, including Forza Motorsport 5. While early adopters will receive bonus vehicles, livery, and tuning, today the publisher announced plans for a longer-term system with benefits for fans who have already, and will continue to invest time playing the series, called Forza Rewards.

"By playing Forza games, you earn points in Forza Rewards. The more points you earn, the higher your Tier level, and the higher your Tier level, the better rewards you can earn," the post on the Xbox blog says. "Each month, you can redeem rewards in games like Forza Motorsport 4 and Forza Horizon, including cars, in-game credits, tokens, and more."

Players will be able to monitor their progression on the Forza Rewards website. Forza games dating back to Forza Motorsport 2, as well as the upcoming Xbox One exclusive, Forza Motorsport 5, will support the system. Also available will be the option to compare your success against others on your friends list.

Forza Motorsport 5 will launch alongside the Xbox One console this November.
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Microsoft announces Forza Rewards

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