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 CM Punk Was Worried AJ Lee Would Shut Down His UFC Deal

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CM Punk Was Worried AJ Lee Would Shut Down His UFC Deal Empty
PostSubject: CM Punk Was Worried AJ Lee Would Shut Down His UFC Deal   CM Punk Was Worried AJ Lee Would Shut Down His UFC Deal EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 3:37 pm

- CM Punk recently spoke with Rolling Stone about his UFC deal and more. Here are the highlights…

On Being Worried Wife AJ Lee Would Shut Down The Deal: After I spoke with Dana and Lorenzo, that’s when it got serious and that’s when I brought it to her attention. Trust me, whatever nerves I’m gonna have stepping into the Octagon will pale in comparison to the nerves I had when I had to bring this up to my wife. I was honestly terrified. I was like, ‘She’s gonna shut it down, and I’m gonna have to figure out a way to smooth it over so I can do this, because I don’t take no for an answer, she doesn’t take no for an answer, and this is something I really wanna do.’ Right off the bat she recognized that. She’s been around me long enough to know that, ever since the first day I met her, this is something I talked about doing, and she’s not somebody that’s gonna step in front of her husband trying to accomplish something that he dreamed about.

On People Pre-Judging His UFC Career: For sure. I’m not gonna sit here and make bold predictions about first-round head kicks and beating ranked opponents. This is about me and my journey to get there. I understand other peoples’ point of view about, ‘Oh, there’s great fighters out there like Ben Askren.’ My only point on that is, ‘Don’t be mad at me, Ben. Be mad at [UFC President] Dana [White].’ I’m sure Ben Askren’s a nice guy. If he’s mad at me, I understand. But if the Blackhawks came to me before Dana and Lorenzo did and were like, ‘We’re gonna put you in goal,’ I’d be like, ‘That’s great. I played a little hockey when I was a kid.’ You know what I mean? I’m not gonna deny myself some opportunity because somebody on Twitter thinks I shouldn’t have it.
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CM Punk Was Worried AJ Lee Would Shut Down His UFC Deal

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