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 Dappy guilty of assault

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Dappy guilty of assault  Empty
PostSubject: Dappy guilty of assault    Dappy guilty of assault  EmptyFri Sep 05, 2014 8:14 pm

Former N-Dubz singer Dappy has been found guilty of assault.

The 27 year old is alleged to have attacked Devonn Reid at the Evissa club in Reading on October 6 last year.

Reading Magistrates' Court heard that the star punched Mr Reid during a fight on the dance floor.

The court heard Dappy had his arm around Mr Reid's female friend and the fight broke out after a confrontation between the men.

Mr Reid said of the alleged attack: "He had just turned and hit me straight with his right hand... Bouncers came and grabbed him, I have gone to the toilet to clean myself up. He had popped my nose.'

Dappy appeared in court under his real name, Costadinos Contostavlos.

The case comes three months after the rapper was fined £800 for slapping a man outside a nightclub in Chelmsford, Essex in February.

He also received a six-month suspended sentence last year after a jury heard he sparked a "mob-handed attack" when he spat at Grace Cochran and Serena Burton, both aged 19 years, at a filling station in Guildford, Surrey, in February 2012.

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Dappy guilty of assault

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