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 SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom"

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" Empty
PostSubject: SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom"   SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" EmptyMon Aug 25, 2014 2:54 am

DUE: 11:59 PM Saturday the 30th of August

SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" MJFR42R
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" Empty
PostSubject: Re: SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom"   SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" EmptyMon Aug 25, 2014 12:30 pm

Following the opening video package and fireworks display, XWA Vendetta officially begins. In front of a roaring crowd of 19,899 fans in Denver, Colorado, the XWA commentators welcome everyone.

|CEDAR| "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Sunday Night Vendetta! We're just three awakes away from Endure, where current World Heavyweight Champion Danny Diamond will defend against the winner of tonight's main event between Riley Williamson and newly returned Ace Andrews!"

|MILES| "What a shitty main event. Neither of them deserve to face our God at Endure."[/color]

Fort Minor's "Petrified" instrumental hits the PA System, accompanied by a barrage of jeers from the fans in attendance.

|MILES| "Speaking of God, hello lord!"

|CEDAR| "Oh, give me a break!"

Gold fog covers the stage area, with a silhouette appearing in the midst of it. In a sudden burst, Danny Diamond pops out from behind the fog, revealing himself to the intensely booing crowd. Not quite dressed to wrestle, Danny is seen in black faded jeans, a pink Danny Diamond v-neck, black and pink sneakers and pink sunglasses. He has a microphone in his right hand, as the XWA World Heavyweight Championship is wrapped around his waist. With an ever-so-arrogant grin on the face of the Englishman, he begins making his way to the ring.

|CEDAR| "I'd imagine Danny is out here to address what went on last week as Vendetta came to a close. He was scheduled to have a match against Rob Chapman, to determine whether or not Rob would join his new, uhh, group with Azrael, but Rob never showed."

|MILES| "I heard he had Canadian things to do."

|CEDAR| "What in the hell are Canadian things?"

|MILES| "Y'know, Canadian things. Hockey, Tim Hortons coffee, saying 'eh', apologizing when they've done nothing wrong. That kind of stuff."

As Ted Cedar sighs, Danny walks up the steel steps and enters the ring through the ropes. With his signature smile still gracing his face, the Champion raises the microphone to his lips and begins speaking.

|DIAMOND| "Man, it's been a hell of a week for me. Photoshoots, autograph signings, press conferences, red carpets. I'm a busy man ever since I won this World Heavyweight Championship. Of course, all of this should've belonged to me a long time ago. I should've been the poster child for this company since the first day I step foot in an XWA ring. But since I joined with XWA, it seems management has been out to get me. I've been fired and rehired, fired and rehired, fired and rehired. The last time I won the this Championship, I was bullshittingly stripped of it due to an 'injury', which I proved wasn't enough to keep me from wrestling when I donned a mask and began fighting under a new persona. Yet, we have people here who don't deserve to clean my boots, given shot after shot after shot. You want an example? How about Ace Andrews?"

The audience bursts into cheers at the mention of Ace's name. Danny nods.

|DIAMOND! "Exactly. The man hasn't done a damn thing to earn your admiration, yet you cheer for him. He came into this company and was instantly given a World Heavyweight Championship match against a man who shouldn't have been in the main event scene anyway, Greg Samuel was it? That had to have been the easiest fucking World Championship win I've ever seen. They practically handed the belt to him on his first day with the company! Now, Ace has come back and, surprise surprise, he's being given another chance at the gold. And who does he have to go through to get that shot? Riley Williamson.

Again, the fans cheer for the name of a much loved wrestler.

|DIAMOND| "Riley Williamson is, well, a fucking joke. He's the longest reigning Hardcore Champion of this company. Okay. So, he can't beat anyone in a clean wrestling match? Hell, I'm as much of a fan as hardcore wrestling as the next guy. I was the first ever UltraViolent Champion of XWA after all. But, shit, at least I've proven I can handle myself just fine without the use of weapons. Of course, Riley was also the longest reigning Rising Star Division Champion in XWA history, but is that really much of an accomplishment? That Championship isn't even around anymore, because it was worthless and its Champions were just as worthless. Riley has already been given a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship and he's proven that he can't get it done - not even against someone as pathetic as Hitman Alex! So, why in the fuck am I going to go up against either a has been in Ace Andrews or a never was in Riley Williamson? How do they deserve to even be in the same ring as me? I won this Championship expecting challenges. But hey, if they want to feed me easy opponents and watch me rack up the longest Championship reign in XWA history, fine by me. I'll tell you what, though. Just because I'm so confident in my ability to succeed against these losers, I'm leaving the stipulation up to my opponent at Endure. Whoever wins tonight can pick any stipulation they want."

Some fans boo for Danny's arrogance, but others cheer for the news that the winner of Riley versus Ace will choose the stipulation to their Championship match at Endure.

|CEDAR| "Danny is giving control to what the stipulation will be in his first ever title defense to his opponent? I don't think that's a very wise idea, but the audience seems to love it!"

|MILES| "Danny isn't going to lose to either of those two. It doesn't matter what the stipulation is. Unless it's, like, an ugly contest. Then there's no way Danny will win!"

|CEDAR| "You're really running out of material, aren't you?"

|MILES| "Shut up!"

|DIAMOND| "Now, onto more important matters. Last week, I challenged my dear friend Rob Chapman to a match. Or he challenged me. It really depends on who's telling the story. But then, see, I came out here, ready to fight. I stepped into the ring in my trunks and boots, kneepads and elbow pads, all fired up. I was ready for a battle. Then what happened? I came out, ready for the main event of the evening, and...Nothing happened. Rob's music hit, but nobody was there. He didn't appear on the stage. He didn't make his way from the crowd. He didn't even appear from under the ring and sneak attack me! Rob just pussied out. I want to know why. Why, Robert, would you accept my challenge only to deny me my match when I came to the ring. I want to know why and I want to know why, face-to-face, right now. So come on, get out here. Let's hear your explanation. Come on, I won't bite."

Danny pulls the microphone away from his mouth, motioning for Rob to make his way to the ring. A few seconds pass and nothing happens. No music, no Rob, nothing. Danny clearly begins to get impatient as he waits for "The Silent Protagonist". He starts pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself as he does so. After some more time passes and Rob doesn't come out, Diamond stops pacing and begins speaking again.

|DIAMOND| "Come on, Robert! We're waiting for yooou! You owe me an explanation, buddy! Don't be shy!"

Danny continues pacing back and forth, now a tad faster bit than before. He mumbles to himself some more, before bringing the microphone back up to his face, whilst continuing to pace.

DIAMOND| "I'm getting a little impatient, chap! Where, oh where, are you, Robert!?"

Danny stops pacing abruptly, as if he had heard a noise. However, there was no noise to hear aside from the chatter amongst the fans. Danny taps his foot as he tries to contain himself, clearly becoming very upset with the lack of Rob Chapman. After a few more seconds pass, he violently throws the microphone onto the canvas, it bouncing off of it and flying out of the ring. "Come on, damnit!" shouts the Englishman, breathing heavily as he does so. He stands still, his shoulders slowly moving up and down as he continues deeply breathing, until the Champion finally exits the ring. He makes his way up the ramp, muttering to himself some more. "Fuck!" he yells, before the camera switches back to the commentary table. Both Ted and Joey look a bit thrown off.

|CEDAR| "...Well, uhm, I'm sorry for that, folks. I think Danny must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

|MILES| "Now I'm angry!"

Miles swipes all of the papers off of the commentary table in an angry fit. Ted sighs, once again.

|CEDAR| "Ladies and gentlemen, don't go anywhere. We'll be right back."

The show cuts to the first commercial break of the evening.

SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" MJFR42R
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The Downward Spiral
The Downward Spiral

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SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" Empty
PostSubject: Re: SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom"   SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" EmptyMon Aug 25, 2014 12:40 pm

"A lack of Rob Chapman" Funny

Really interested on where you two are going with this.
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SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" Empty
PostSubject: Re: SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom"   SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" EmptyFri Aug 29, 2014 5:43 am

Nice work Big Grin!

I like the idea of giving Riley/Ace the choice of the stip, but at the same time, I think that works better for a Face Champion. A Heel Champion should be leveraging the belt for every advantage they can get.

Unless, of course, your opponent wins. Then you have the out of 'I got over confident. I won't make that mistake again'.
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" Empty
PostSubject: Re: SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom"   SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" EmptyFri Aug 29, 2014 7:42 am

Yeah, the whole reason is because Danny is very arrogant. He feels he can win any match, in any situation.

SEGMENT 1.) Danny Diamond | "My Kingdom" MJFR42R
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