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 Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti

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Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti Empty
PostSubject: Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti   Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti EmptySun Jul 13, 2014 6:31 pm

Name:  Crystov Razetti
Age: 26
Gender:  Male
Hometown:  Shizuoka, Japan 
Nicknames: The Collector of Lost Souls, The Reaper

Height:  5'6"
Weight:  153 lbs
Character Base:  Jimmy Rave
Theme: 'Lovely' by Suicidal Tendencies

Classification:  Tweener
Fans Reaction: Mixed
Attire:  Black leather jacket(entrance and backstage only), black tights

Gimmick: Enigmatic. Razetti dances to his own tune, to say the least. He's a very playful and aloof star, who flaunts his feminine nature, often using his bisexual nature to make overly macho stars feel uncomfortable. Despite seeming to never care, Crystov nearly always has a ulterior motive for anything he does. He is sometimes persuasive, constantly manipulative, and always scheming. 

Fighting Style:  The Reaper is a very acrobatic star. He fights fast and takes to the air any chance he can get, using his ability to overwhelm and confuse his opponents and make up for his small stature.


Asai Moonsault
Shoot Kick
Knee Drop
Mushroom Stomp
Sunset Flip
Sitout Jawbreaker
Monkey Flip
Drop Toe Hold
Fujiwara Armbar
Fishhook Submission
Dragon Sleeper
Double Stomp
Shining Wizard

Signature/Trademark Moves: 
Toro - Standing on top of the turnbuckle, Crystov goads his opponent to come after him before somersaulting over them (Usually followed by a Super Kick)
Sickle Kick - When opponent is against ropes or in corner, Reaper runs next to them and grabs the top two ropes, spinning himself over and kicking them against the head with both feet (Like a 619)
Cross-Rope Dropkick - When opponent is in the corner, he runs across the top rope from adjacent turnbuckle and dropkicks them
Springboard Elbow - Jumping onto the middle rope, Razetti does a backflip, slamming his elbow into the mouth of his opponent as he comes back toward them.

T2D  (Time To Die) - Satellite DDT
Twist Ending - Running Shooting Star Press
The Pale Horse - Dragonrana

Notes (Optional): While from Japan, Crystov is Russian by heritage.[/quote]

Last edited by VladimirTStrife on Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Downward Spiral
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Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti   Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti EmptyMon Jul 14, 2014 8:11 am

Pretty sure Brian Kendrick's taken, being the XWA COO, Smoke Xtreme.
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Superkick Party
Superkick Party

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Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti   Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti EmptyMon Jul 14, 2014 9:03 am

Quote :
Razetti dances to his own tune, to say the least. He's a very playful and aloof star, who flaunts his feminine nature, often using his bisexual nature to make overly macho stars feel uncomfortable

Heh. You had me at bisexual... I could see Jimmy Rave fitting this character for some reason.
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Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti   Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti EmptyMon Jul 14, 2014 9:15 am

Ah, damn, forgot about Smoke. Okay, suggestion box has it again. I'll use Jimmy Rave
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Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti   Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti Empty

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Crystov "The Reaper" Razetti

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