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 PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness"

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PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness" Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness"   PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness" EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 5:37 pm

DUE: Friday, June 27th at 11:59PM EST (UTC -4 Hours)
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PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness"   PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness" EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 12:05 pm

After the dust has settled from a truly awesome Street Fight between Jared Jerusalem and Azrael, the crowd is allowed a few moments to get themselves back together and ready for the next bout of the evening. As they do, we cut to ringside where Ted Cedar and Joey Miles are ready and waiting.

"What a truly amazing match that was, Joey."

"Meh, I've seen better."

"Of course you have. Why do you always rui--forget it. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, later on tonight we shall see the climax to perhaps one of the greatest rivalries the Xtreme Wrestling Association has ever had. Tonight David Michaels and Robert Hope will step inside that demonic structure you see hanging HIGH above the ring, and after the events of this past week on Vendetta, one can only imagine what the pair are liable to do to each other. We now have standing by one of those two competitors. Take it away Jennifer!"

"Finally, some titties."

The feed cuts to the backstage interview area, which all decorated in the nation's colour of red, white and blue. In the background there is a giant flat screen TV with the Big Ass American logo flying around in a fancy looped video, alone with an even bigger old glory flag hanging above it. Standing just to the right of these lovely decorations is the lovely Jennifer Light, who has dressed up in an American themed dress, to which the male members of the audience appreciate. She stands there, looking as ditzy as ever, holding an XWA microphone up. She smiles to the camera for a moment before talking into the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, later tonight we shall bare witness to the deadly Hell in a Cell match between Robert Hope and, my guest at this time, The Showstealer...David Michaels!"

The fan instantly burst into a rapture of cheers, as David Michaels walks into shot already dressed in his wrestling gear and finishing off putting white tape on his right hand. Michaels looks to be already very focused on his match, though that is hardly surprising with all the built up frustration and hate he's been gathering for the better part of two months.

"David, tonight it has been well documented that you will step inside one of the most dangerous matches in professional wrestling history - the Hell in a Cell match. That, in itself, is a tough enough task but you have the unenviable stumbling of Robert Hope in order to gain victory here tonight. Can you gain that victory in such a hellacious environment?"

Michaels finishes pulling the tape he was tugging, angrily splitting it with his teeth, before pushing the loose end down onto the top of his wrist. After throwing the rest of the tape reel away, The Showstealer takes a deep breath and looks down at the floor.

"Answering that question, Jennifer, is not as easy as you'd imagine. I'm sure you'd expect me to come here and tell you about how I'm going to keep Robert Hope's teeth down his throat or how I'm going to stain the city of St. Louis with his blood, right? Oh, rest assured, I will but my version of victory tonight isn't the usual route of 'victory'. I don't care if I walk out of here with my hand raised high. I don't care if the referee counts the three for me or if Hope taps out in submission. All I care about is making sure that I am the only one able to walk out of that structure tonight."

"At the end of Vendetta this past Monday Night, you and Hope were left to brawl it out inside the Hell in a Cell structure. It was only after the show went off air did security actually manage to pull you two apart. With no security holding you back tonight, just how far will you go?"

"...this man hung me upside down from the rafters, sat underneath me with blood dripping from my face and sang singing in the rain. Then he went a kidnapped my wife for a month and even proposed to her. How far do you think I'm willing to take this?"

Not sure what to say, Jennifer just slightly shrugs her shoulders as Michaels stares at her...

"This has already got WAY past being just personal. I want to END this man. For generations, wrestlers have talked about that clichéd unwritten rule of not messing with another man's family. Hope crossed that line. He crossed that line so far, he's now looking back wondering if he can even see the line at all. And when he decides to turn back round, all he'll be seeing is my right foot hurtling towards his ugly ass face. Tonight I am willing to put my life on the line just to get the chance to end this man's career...and I am more than happy to go through HELL to do so."

Michaels pulls his hair back to his head and places it in a tight ponytail, as it's starting to get on his nerves waving around as he talks. Jennifer commences with the next question...

"Well, you are no stranger to Hell in a Cell type structures, having competed in several in the past. Hope has yet to be in any. Do you think this gives you the advantage tonight?"

"Let me see...I've been in two Hell in a Cell matches, one here one elsewhere...and the same applies for Tower of Doom matches...one here, one elsewhere. So yeah, I'm just a little bit familiar with what it takes to be in this type of match. Does it give me the advantage? Not in the slightest. I mean, have you seen this guy lately?! Robert Hope is one of the sickest SoBs I have EVER seen. But he has one big floor...just one. His arrogance. You see, somewhere in that warped mind of his Hope actually believes he is Kanimaniac...he believes he is the King of XWA. His little kingship charade a few weeks away cost him that fancy throne and tonight I might just stick that little weapon he made out of it's broken leg straight up his ass!"

The crowd really likes that one, popping massively for the potential use of the leg.

"Are you at all worried that Hope may attempt to get the rest of The Hopeful involved, just like he did this past week on Vendetta, making it essentially a handicap match?"

"What happened on Vendetta was a mistake. He tied me up in a chair the week before and was going to end my career right there and then. I lost it. I flipped. I didn't want to wait until tonight to rip this guy's head off. He knew I was acting rash and he played on it. Bravo. Hope is the master of the mind games, we all know that. That isn't news. What was news, however, was when I dodged the bullet and his little plan didn't work. Yeah, people say I got lucky and frankly...I did. But I'd rather have luck than just mere hope any day of the week. Tonight I know the rest of the boys have my back if the masked morons decide to get involved...but something tells me that that won't happen tonight. You can feel something in the air, Jennifer. You can feel that eerie presence that tonight, somebody is going to get brutally injured. If Hope wants to be a man for once in his life, if he wants to truly prove he is the better man, he'll fight me inside that cell one on one. If not...well...you know what they say about war - all is fair..."

"Well earlier tonight Robert Hope claimed that hell shall be in that ring, when you both face inside Hell in a Cell. He also stated he is a man without regret. Can you defeat such an individual when that person clearly has nothing to lose?"

"That little...trip down memory lane was awfully touching, I have to admit. Poor little Robbie, growing up with no parents and hopping from one foster parent to another. It was a truly heart breaking story. I was especially touched by the part where he asked God to show him the light...but the Big Guy was too busy taking a toilet break to listen. He then went to Satan himself, where he was almost tempted into his fateful hands...but the almighty Robert Michael Anthony Judas Caesar Damon Lex Luther McRib Sandwich Buff Hopewell told the devil to get lost, like the true warrior he is! Truly...TRULY touching. Hope, you think your little 'cry me a river' upbringing has prepared you for what you have to face tonight? I'm not God. I'm no Devil. I'm no empty vodka bottle. I'm just a man. I'm just a man that is perceived to be a 'good guy'. Personally, I've never been comfortable with being labelled as a 'good guy'. I'm not a good guy...I'm a guy with a distinct attitude problem, an attitude problem that you succeed in making twice as bad when you kidnapped my wife. I told you several weeks ago that we are doings thing my way...and my way is that twenty foot steel hell that's hanging at the top of this arena. Your little threats of the apocalypse are weak in my eyes. You want to play with fire? Well congratulations, because I'm the guy with all the matches. You think Hope has nothing to lose, Jennifer? Look into my eyes right now and tell me I'm not capable of bad things in that ring. Tell me I can't go out there and rip Hope's head off tonight. Tell me that I can't make his blood stain the walls of that cell. Tell me I can't do it. Tell me."

Michaels looks dead into the eyes of Jennifer, as she returns the stare and just gently shakes her head, knowing that Michaels isn't playing around.

"Exactly. Robert Hope isn't the only man with nothing to lose here tonight. I'm not afraid of him and I'm not afraid of anybody. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have wrestled and beaten everyone that there is to beat in this company...but I have also fought those people too, with my fists. Tonight is no apocalypse - tonight is the grand opening to 'Shattered Teeth Productions' and the showcase piece is one that I composed myself. I call it 'Shattered Teeth Symphony, in H minus'...H standing for Hope and minus being the descriptive about how many teeth he'll have left!"

The crowd cheers, as a "LETS GO MICHAELS!" chant breaks out around the arena. Jennifer then goes onto her last question.

"Well David, the past two months have indeed been hell for you and you certainly seem confident about your chances here tonight. Will you be glad when the whole ordeal finally comes to an end here tonight?"

"Jennifer, for the past two months I have been unable to think about anything that I have wanted to. Ever since I lost the XWA World Heavyweight Title at Chain Reaction, I've had nothing else on my mind. That night...that fateful night after Chain Reaction...it seems like forever ago, doesn't it? Two long months. Two long months of having to fight for your life...fight for your loved one's life. Two long months of not understanding why one single, deranged individual has a vendetta against you. Two long months of wanting to rip a man's head off all in the name of exacting revenge. Two long months later and it all comes to a head. Tonight, Jennifer, I walk into a structure known to shorten careers...and walk out knowing that I just ended one. Welcome to Hell, your Highness....for tonight I am not The Showstealer - I'm your Careerstealer!"

With a parting grunt, David Michaels walks out of shot to a ovation from the fans inside the arena. The Showstealer...or Careerstealer at least for tonight...looks to be in fine condition, despite the brutality this past Vendetta, and also looks to be mentally ready for a colossal battle inside the Hell in a Cell structure. The cameraman, rather unexpectedly, follows Michaels down the hallway how looks back and shakes his head. Not sure as to why the cameraman is actually following him, Michaels half looks back as he walks and states:

"What? You want to go watch me undress of something?!"

With a light chuckle from the audience, Michaels turns his head back around and his pacey walk comes to a gradual halt as a familiar figure is leaning on the wall to his right. Michaels tilts his head, not quite believing what he is seeing. Is that...surely not? I mean, there was a rumour he was returning tonight...nah. Then, one line pretty much confirms it is him...

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time that piece of hardware has been the talking point now would it?"

Michaels and the cameraman draw closer, until they are right next to the voice. Of course, no one else could have that head of blonde hair and make it look that...well...Phenomenal! DC Hennig pushes himself from the wall and his face comes out a small shadow. That cheesy, yet lovable, grin quickly takes over his face as he sees his old friend for the first time in two years. DC, wearing his ring gear and a generic XWA T-Shirt up top, holds out his arms and wraps them around David Michaels, hugging him in delight. Michaels, however, doesn't share the sentiment. Detecting something is not quite right, DC relinquishes the hug and pulls back a foot, lowering his smile as David looks him up and down.

"You know, your timing was always terrible. Go ahead. Be that goofy guy corporate wants you to be...I've got better things to do."

Michaels then turns away and walks off down the hallway, back to D-Volution's dressing room, as DC is left stunned that his best friend of nearly six years just brushed him off. DC looks off into the distance, rubbing the back of his neck, wondering what he did wrong...

"Well, well, well...that reunion didn't go down so well, if you ask me. I think Michaels may have been a little preoccupied with the whole wanting to end Hope's career thing..."

"Wow, this DC guys seems more of a moron than Michaels. Now that's fucking talent..."

"Well ladies and gentlemen, up next is the XWA Women's Championship match as Nicole Johnson puts her title on the line against Effy!"

"FINALLY some fucking titties."

"You already said that at the top of this segm--nevermind..."

The show then cuts back to the ring, for the entrance of the first competitor.
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PROMO | David Michaels - "Welcome to Hell, Your Highness"

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