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 Mattingly voices worry over threats to Puig

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Mattingly voices worry over threats to Puig Empty
PostSubject: Mattingly voices worry over threats to Puig   Mattingly voices worry over threats to Puig EmptyThu Apr 17, 2014 6:40 pm


SAN FRANCISCO -- Yasiel Puig has presented Don Mattingly with plenty of managerial challenges since arriving in the major leagues last June, but the latest news about the outfielder's perilous escape from Cuba has taken the relationship into new territory.

According to two reports, including a lengthy ESPN The Magazine story detailing its five-month investigation, Puig has received death threats from human traffickers who orchestrated his 2012 defection from Cuba to Mexico. Mattingly said he read the first of those articles Wednesday and has gained a more nuanced view of his talented, sometimes reckless outfielder.

"If you care about Yasiel, you worry about it," Mattingly said. "There's some serious stuff that he has to deal with. I think you have to worry about it if you care about him as a person. You worry about what he's going through."

The Dodgers' front office, including president Stan Kasten and general manager Ned Colletti, has declined to comment on any of the newly revealed details of Puig's defection. The team hired a security detail that has been traveling full time with the Dodgers since mid-June of last season, days after Puig arrived from Double-A Chattanooga.

Because of their silence, it's unclear how much of Puig's saga the Dodgers knew when they signed him to a seven-year, $42 million contract shortly after he defected. According to the reports, Puig owes a Miami businessman and small-time criminal 20 percent of all his baseball earnings after the man orchestrated his escape to Mexico's eastern coast with the help of a Mexican drug cartel.
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