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 M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero

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M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero Empty
PostSubject: M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero   M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 1:07 am

DUE: Saturday, April 26th at 11:59PM EDT.

This match is one of two opening round contests in a four man tournament to crown the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship.
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Ellis Morgan
Ellis Morgan

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M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero   M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 4:54 am

Laura Watts: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is one of two opening round contests in a four-man tournament to crown the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first: accompanied by Thomas Chamberlain; weighing in at 289lbs; from London, England, Ellis Morgan!

“Welcome to England” by Akala hits and Ellis Morgan appears on the stage with Thomas Chamberlain standing next to him instructing battle plan to Morgan. They both slowly walk down the ramp with Chamberlain continuing his instructions and Morgan staring at the ring. Morgan jumps on the apron and then vaults the ropes. Chamberlain walks round to the commentary table and takes a seat next to Ted Cedar. Ted Cedar passes him a headset. Morgan’s music stops.

Ted Cedar: It looks like Thomas Chamberlain will be joining us in commentary here.
Laura Watts: And his opponent: weighing in at 173lbs; from The Top of the World, Niko L. Genero!

The Voltron Theme starts and Niko walks quickly towards the ring and jumps through the ropes he walks straight towards Morgan who is leaning against the turnbuckles in the corner. The ref splits them up before anything happens.

Chamberlain: I must say, this Niko is completely off his head! He cannot intimidate Ellis Morgan in any way.
Joey Miles: Must agree with you there Tommy, Niko doesn’t stand a chance.
Chamberlain: It’s Mr. Chamberlain to you.

The bell rings *DING* *DING* *DING*
Both men go in for the collar and elbow tie up but Niko ducks down and runs behind Morgan. Then Niko weakens Morgan’s legs with a flurry of roundhouse kicks to the knees. Each kick sends Morgan closer to the ground. On the 8th kick Morgan collapses down to one knee. Niko grabs Morgan’s head and then grabs Morgan’s left arm. Niko then swings his left leg over Morgan’s head then wraps both of his legs around Morgan’s left arm. He then falls to the ground keeping Morgan’s arm locked in his legs. Morgan is laid out on his back with Niko pulling on Morgan’s arm with a Cross-Armbreaker. This doesn’t last long as Morgan grabs onto Niko’s neck with his left arm. He then turns over and gets to his feet pulling Niko up by the neck. He lifts Niko up into the air and uses all his force to slam Niko into the ground by the neck. Chokeslam by Morgan leads to a cover.
1, 2, kick out.

Chamberlain: That there is pure domination from Ellis Morgan!
Ted Cedar: It’s not over yet Chamberlain, he needs to get a 3 count before he can win.

Morgan stands up and places his boot on Niko’s head. He then raises it up and stomps on Niko’s head. Niko rolls to the apron clutching onto the side of his head. Morgan lifts him up and drags his head through the middle and top ropes. He wraps Niko’s arms around the top ropes. Morgan puts himself into an orthodox boxing stance. Left swing to the ribs, right swing to the ribs, left, right, left, right, then a final right hook to the face. Niko falls through the ropes and back to the ring. Morgan lifts him up and Irish whips him to the turnbuckle. He lifts Niko up by the legs in one hand and the chest in another. Three reps of a military press then drops Niko. Niko lands face first onto the top turnbuckle.

Chamberlain: Pure strength by Ellis Morgan, this is the power I was talking about earlier.

Niko stumbles about dazed but is then might by a clothesline from Morgan which sends Niko straight to the ground. Morgan goes for the cover.
1, 2, kick out.

Morgan walks towards the turnbuckle and gets onto one knee. He calmly waits for Niko to stand up. Niko crawls towards the turnbuckle on the opposite side. He uses the ropes next to the turnbuckle to get up. He stands up and turns around to see Morgan charge straight at him. Niko jumps out the way and Morgan crashes past Niko, through the top and middle turnbuckle, and into the corner post shoulder first. He slowly falls through there to the outside as Niko tries to grab him and pull him back for a pin. Chamberlain stands up and removes his headset.

Ted Cedar: Where are you going Chamberlain?

Morgan crawls towards Chamberlain but Niko climbs out of the ring and stops him by kicking him in the face. He turns around and looks at Chamberlain.

Niko: Sit down Tommy!

Chamberlain remains standing but does not look happy about Niko referring to him as “Tommy”. Niko lifts up Morgan and swings him into the barricade. He then lifts Morgan onto the barricade with his legs swinging down on the crowd’s side. Niko climbs to the apron. He lifts one arm up into the air and jumps pointing his legs towards Morgan. Missile Dropkick to a hung Ellis Morgan. His boot squashes Morgan’s shoulder against the barricade. Morgan rolls around on the outside mats grabbing his shoulder. Chamberlain stands watching. Niko then lifts up Morgan, drags him to the commentary desk and slams Morgan’s head onto the panel. Morgan stands there looking dazed. Then Niko grabs him and throws him into Chamberlain. Both Morgan and Chamberlain are on the ground. Morgan gets up, after a while, and Niko throws him back into the ring. Niko doesn’t notice that Chamberlain is also up with a steel chair in his hand. Ryu Sanu, the referee, checks up on Morgan, checking that shoulder. Niko is about to crawl into the ring but Chamberlain smacks the steel chair over the back of Niko’s head. Chamberlain throws the chair into the time keeping area and sits back down by the commentary desk. James Best and Robbie Reyes come running down the ramp and they both attack Chamberlain punching and stomping on Morgan’s manager. Ryu Sanu looks around, confused at what’s going on. He doesn’t know what to do. Ellis Morgan gets up and runs at the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, he bounces off them and jumps through the middle and top rope. Suicide Dive onto James Best and Robbie Reyes! Chamberlain lies there with his sunglasses still on and, somehow, still intact. James Best and Robbie Reyes lie on the floor, the impact of the big man has sent them both out cold.

Joey Miles: All this because of Tommy Chamberlain over here! Good job Tommy, this was supposed to be a fair match.

Morgan gets up and brushes himself down with his hands. He sees Niko L. Genero on the floor, knocked out. He lifts Niko up and rolls him into the ring. Morgan climbs into the ring and pushes Niko into the middle of the ring. He goes for the cover.
1, 2, kick out!

Ted Cedar: How did Niko kick out of that! Chair to the head, the possibilities of a concussion and he still kicks out!

A look of concern slightly appears on Morgan’s face, but it is completely wiped off after a second and Morgan gets up to continue the punishment on Niko. He lifts Niko up from the ground and then lifts Niko onto his shoulders. Niko wakes up and elbows the side of Morgan’s head. He reverses and grabs Morgan’s head. Niko swings himself round and plants Morgan’s head into the mat. The DDT keeps Morgan down for a while. Niko climbs onto the top rope in the nearest corner. He leaps for a flying double foot stomp, but Morgan rolls closer to Niko’s corner. Niko lands on the mat and does a forward roll to break the fall. Morgan gets up. Niko turns around and Morgan charges right at him. Morgan’s shoulder impacts straight into Niko’s ribs. Massive spear by Morgan. Morgan quickly pulls up Niko and puts Niko onto his shoulders. He throws Niko around and Niko’s face lands straight onto Morgan’s left shoulder.

Ted Cedar: Shoulder Facebuster by Morgan! This could be it!

Morgan goes for a cover hooking one leg.
1, 2, 3, match over. *DING* *DING* *DING*

Morgan jumps out of the ring to help Chamberlain up, while his music plays in the background.

Laura Watts: The winner and the first finalist of the Intercontinental Championship #1 contender tournament: Ellis Morgan!

Morgan and Chamberlain both walk up the ramp without paying any attention to the booing crowd. Neither one looks back at the destruction caused by Morgan. Meanwhile, James best and Robbie Reyes check up on their teammate.
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Superkick Party
Superkick Party

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M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero   M4 | Ellis Morgan vs. Niko L Ginero EmptySun Apr 27, 2014 12:04 am

Ding Ding Ding!!!

The bell rings three times and the match is underway, with Niko L. Genero stepping forward and reaching out to Ellis Morgan with a handshake in the name of good sportsmanship.  The Englishman takes a moment, staring at the hand left hanging, then up at Niko, glancing at the fans around him then to his manager by the ringside, who authorises it with a single silent nod, Morgan going ahead and answering Niko with a handshake, only to steal beneath his arm and rip Niko from his feet into a standing fireman’s carry!  Niko wriggles free of the pending destruction and slips to the floor behind Ellis, driving him toward the ring ropes yet Ellis grasps the ropes in front of him and simply bucks backwards, throwing Niko into an off-step stumble back into the middle of the ring Ellis Morgan bursting forward on impulse, tackling Niko around he legs and heaving him high, into a running double leg slam across the mat, wasting no time in throwing forearms down upon Genero like ice-picks to an block.

Ted: “An absolutely brutal takedown, Ellis Morgan is a monster.”

Joey: “He looks like a bleached eyebrow rapist, but he’s built like a fucking tank!.”

Niko cannot block them all, star-struck as the business end of Morgan’s forearms (which may as well had been baseball bats) slip through the Ginger’s defences, cruelly knocking his head about with stray  strikes but Niko still manages to put up a half-decent guard.  “DON’T GIVE HIM AN INCH!” screams Morgan’s new manager Chamberlain from the sidelines, and Morgan lands a dizzying left hook which seems to shut Niko down completely, scooping him up as he stumbles and holding him in place for a Gutwrench, turning it around into a fireman’s carry with a seemingly effortless thrust of the hip and glaring into the camera with a grin and a glint in his eye, looking the end things early right back at his devastating match-ender, the camera cutting to Chamberlains big grin of approval only Niko elbows his way to escape for dear life, falling right over the top rope and onto the ring apron.  As soon as he finds his feet Niko reaches over the ropes and belts an advancing Elis with a forearm, hoping to springboard yet Morgan is there to wrench the ropes from right underneath him, tripping Niko up into a drop on the mat and the English tank simply grabs hold of the ginger star and throws him into the turnbuckle like a basketball.

Joey: “STTTRRRIKE!! That’s a bowling reference, not baseball by the way… playin with balls not sticks.”

Ted: “Thank you for your clarification, Joey.”

Ellis Morgan doesn’t wait for the proverbial basketball to bounce back, charging and drilling Niko right in the abdomen with a tremendous spear, producing a dull groan from the crowd.  Niko stumbles from the corner clutching his gut, gasping on what air he can as he turns back to Morgan only Ellis flips Niko on his back with another double leg takedown, scrambling over Niko hoping to pin him down in a mount and beat him senseless, Niko foiling the cultivated strikers plot however with a clever monkey flip.  Rather than crash across the canvas Ellis lands almost perfectly on both feet to the surprise of the crowd, stamping down on the mat ala The Hulk in celebration of his athleticism, only to realize Genero already bouncing off the ropes and dashing back at him to clobber him with a flying forearm!!  Morgan stumbles backward into the corner behind him, and Niko strikes while the iron is hot with forearm after forearm, willed on by the rowdy Baltimore crowd, the ever-nimble Genero flipping back into the centre of the ring only to close the distance by charging at Morgan with an explosive YAKUZA KICK!

Joey: “Oh shit, he kicked him the fucking head?!!”

Ted: “What a kick that was indeed… did you see Ellis Morgan land on both feet from that monkey flip by the way… that was impressive!”

Joey: “Sure did, he landed like a pussy!”

Niko celebrates with a hearty roar of triumph, generously received from the fans as they watch on to see what happens next, Morgan staggering from the corner only to clumsily fall along the ring ropes, square in the middle and Niko charges for yet another uppercut only to be FLATTENED in his tracks by a very English Shoulder Block.  Morgan picks Niko from the mat and shoves him at the corner of the ring, Genero stumbling from it uncomfortably right into a press slam which lifts Genero high from the mat, to be dropped upon the canvas chest first.  Niko gripes with his chest, kicking on the mat as Morgan barges over toward him, grabbing him from the mat and heaving from it with a firm grip of his neck and tights, ramming Niko right into the ring-post in the corner.  The corner of the ring shakes violently in testament to the raw power of the near three hundred pounder, and no sooner than Niko had eased to an about face in discomfort, Morgan mercilessly ploughed into him with shoulder thrusts, ripping Niko across the ring with an irish whip, sending Genero crashing into the opposite corner, only to look up as Morgan bulldozed into him with a tremendous SPEAR!


Ted: “He turned him inside out, every time Niko gets any momentum, this beast of a man just takes it from him in the most brutal fashion possible.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Niko has a broken rib after that thing!”

Niko drops to both knees, coughing up his own breath, Morgan grabbing hold of him and manhandling him into a stumbling lodgement between his thighs, heaving Niko high into the air yet Niko bell-claps Morgan at the peak of the obvious Powerbomb position to in fact turn the tide on Morgan, using Ellis’s own momentum to fling Morgan across the ring with a Hurricanrana!!!  The violent force of the flip is indeed impressive as Ellis Morgan flips through the air into a crash upon his back, and Niko Genero finds his bearings, taking a knee as he glares back at Morgan, who was crawling upon all fours and shaking his head, dashing toward him with a brutal knee lift to the side of the head!  Morgan rolls into the safety of the ring-ropes which catch him, yet Niko had already shot across the ring like a lightning bolt, driving Morgan in the temple once again in a second momentous knee-lift impact and Morgan is knocked through the ropes, crashing clumsily on the outside!  The fans gasp in amazement as “The Peculiar Pariah” takes a breath, not waiting for Morgan to recover, breaking into a full-blown sprint, reaching launching distance just as Morgan climbs to his feet, flying over the top rope with a corkscrew Plancha yet Morgan demonstrates brute strength, wrenching Niko back up into the air atop his shoulders for a FALLAWAY SLAM and Niko bounces from the top of the announce table, crashing across the floor.

Joey: “Sweet Jeezz- WHAT THE FUCK!!!”

(Audible mufflings and knockings)

Ted: “… HAS TORN MY HEADSET RIGHT OFF MY… even tell you if this is working or not at the… he could be seriously injured here, I can literally reach out and touch him right now!!”

Ellis Morgan swaggers around the turnbuckle completely disregarding the counting of the referee, marching to the beat of his own drum as he simply smirks back in response, then casually steps toward the announce table only Niko picks himself up from the floor, and dramatically flies from the top of the table with a diving Crossbody!  While Niko catches Ellis by complete surprise, bowling him over in fact, Morgan rolls backwards into a n impressive feat of strength, deadlifting Niko into a brutal Powerbomb right on the ring apron, Morgan seems to be genuinely surprised, far from his cocky self and ducks into the ring leaving Niko sprawled across the edge of apron, rolling inside just shy of the nine count, coughing and whatnot as he struggles to recover from Londoner’s brutality!  

Joey: “This is it… rack em’ up, rack em’ up rack em’ up!”

Ted: “Theres not really much left is there…”

The general feeling in the arena was a grim one as Ellis Morgan peels Niko from the mat squeezing his cheekbones and glaring right through him, bellowing like some angry giant as he clobbers Niko with a stiff forearm, unloading another, making sure Niko’s face was a right mess before lifting him high into the air and across his shoulders, “DROP HIM ELLIS! DROP HIM!!!” Chamberlain squeals in delight as Morgan stands dead centre of the ring grinning, taking his own sweet time.  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING DROP HIM?! DO IT!” Chamberlain stammers in a panicking tone, seemingly losing touch with his personal beasty for the moment and Morgan finally revolves Niko through the air… only to be suddenly, and violently spiked into the mat with a ridiculous tornado DDT!  Morgan hits the mat on his head and Niko scrambles to his feet, virtually collapsing as he claws for the turnbuckles, the crowd going batshit around him… “CLIMB KID… CLIMB YOUR ASS OFF!!!” cries Ted Cedar as Morgan slightly kicks out of sheer reflex, writhing on the mat and Niko stabilises himself, albeit it while grimacing, before launching from the turnbuckle and through the air, crushing down on Morgans chest with his devastating “SMOKED!” Double stomp! Niko collapses over Morgan and covers him..



Joey: “Youre fucking kidding me?!!”

Niko thrusts from Morgan into a roll across the floor, in complete disbelief as he looks back at the ref then at the crowd and screams “I DID IT! I’M KING OF THE WORLD!!” before S.Q.U.A.S.H come running in for a celebration and all that hoohah.

And the show goes on.

(wow... that was brutal on me to get out in time(?), good luck dude.)
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