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 M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael

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M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael Empty
PostSubject: M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael   M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael EmptyMon May 26, 2014 12:26 pm

Due: Saturday, May 31st at Midnight (-5 EST)


M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael FJBloTX
M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael Rmt9lhM
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The Downward Spiral
The Downward Spiral

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M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael Empty
PostSubject: Re: M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael   M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael EmptyWed May 28, 2014 10:17 am


Azrael and Genero stare each other down, The Masked Man grinning at Niko. The Baked Bohemian however, isn’t as baked as usual – he lost his last two matches, one of them for the Intercontinental Title, the other he lost to a tranny. Suddenly, Genero explodes from his corner towards Azrael, lifting his  boot up hoping to hit him with a vicious Yakuza Kick. Unexpectedly, Azrael drops down to an indian sit position; dodging the kick in the process. Niko stops at the opposite corner, holding the ropes to stay steady. He looks at Azrael with a look of confusion, who simply waves at him with a grin.

Ted Cedar: A rather bizarre way to dodge a move.

Joey Miles: This fucker going Ghandi in the middle of a wrestling match. The fuck?

Azrael gets up to his feet, laughing as he does. However he fails to notice that The Wayward Wanderer has jumped onto the top of the ropes. Azrael turns around, only to be hit in the head with a springboard roundhouse kick. The Masked Man is knocked down, holding his head as he’s been hit by a strike akin to a flying baseball bat. Genero gets back up to his feet, catching his breath while leaning against a corner. After regaining some composure, he approaches the masked man, now on one knee. XWA’s Peculiar Pariah doesn’t let him get to his feet, as he hastily kicks Azrael’s back 5 times rapidly; each kick giving a surge of electrifying pain up his spine, causing him to bend his back. Genero rests for a bit, before giving one last vicious kick to the back of his opponent’s head,  knocking him down swiftly as the kick is heard around the Colonial Life Arena.

Ted Cedar: Did you hear the sound of that Joey!? Genero IS the best striker here in XWA!

Joey Miles: Still doesn’t change the fact that he lost to a fuckin tranny that’s for sure.

Ted Cedar: Give him some credit, he won the IC title tournament.

Joey Miles: Then he lost the IC title match. Shut up Ted!

Genero stares down at his opponent while catching his breath, looking rather calm now as he has the advantage. Genero approaches Azrael, getting him up to his feet. Before Genero can do anything else, Azrael rakes him in the eye, causing Genero to cover his eyes with his hands. Azrael then kicks him in the gut and wraps his arm around The Wayward Wanderer’s head, dropping him down with a DDT. A jolt of pain runs through Genero’s neck and head, as he lays holding his head on the ground. Azrael gets back up to his feet, stretching his back a bit from the kicks he received. Azrael then drags Genero’s body, putting The Wayward Wanderer’s neck on top of the bottom rope. The Masked Man steps Genero’s back, causing him to choke on the ring ropes. Genero gasps for air, slowly looking a little pale as the referee starts to count.





Azrael releases the hold as Genero gets away from the ropes trying to get some air. Referee Jack Hammer then scolds Azrael, who only looks at him with indifference. Azrael gets Genero up to his feet, then wraps his arm around Genero’s head. He puts Genero’s arm over his head then delivers a quick suplex, making XWA’s Peculiar Pariah clench his back from the sudden pain he feels on his spine. Azrael goes for the cover.




Azrael stands up and backs away to the farthest corner all while staring at The Wayward Wanderer, his eyes open wide like a predator stalking its prey. As Genero gets to one knee, Azrael rushes at him, looking to hit him with the shining wizard. Genero is aware enough of his surroundings and rolls away quickly, evading The Masked Man. Genero then gets to his feet and runs at Azrael, who faces his opponent only to be hit by a sick yakuza kick, dropping Azrael down to the mat as if hit by a truck. Azrael holds his head on the mat, as Genero stretches his back for a bit; trying to get his spine to feel a little bit better. This doesn’t last long however, as The Baked Bohemian runs at the ropes,  jumping at the middle rope, causing him to ricochet back and hit an awe-inspiring springboard moonsault. The Masked Man’s legs flail upward as Genero’s weight and the earth’s gravity work together to crash onto Azrael’s abdomen. Genero doesn’t give him any time to rest, as he gets Azrael to his feet and irish whips him toward the ropes. Azrael rushes back at Ginero, looking to take him out with a “Here’s Johnny” clothesline from hell. The Baked Bohemian has other plans for The Masked Man however, as he ducks under Azrael’s arm, before jumping up to hook one of his arms and grapevine the other with his leg. Ginero then uses all of his power to pull The Masked Man down to his other side, violently slamming him with a vicious crucifix driver. Azrael’s body jerks a bit from the sudden surge of pain that runs through his spine and neck; while Ginero keeps his body pinned down for the cover.




Ginero looks shocked, angry even, as he looks at referee Jack Hammer, holding up three fingers arguing that he had won the match. The referee ensures Ginero that it wasn’t, so The Baked Bohemian goes back to angrily paces towards Azrael, looking to go back to work on his opponent. Ginero gets behind Azrael, who is now on one knee, and wraps his arms around his waist. He drags The Masked Man near the ropes, before launching him over his head with an impressive german suplex that brings Azrael out of the ring and crashing into the barricade, neck first. Azrael lets out a screech of pain as he grips his neck tightly, experiencing something like an electric shock. Genero then puts his hands on the ropes and look on his opponent,  who struggles to get to his feet. Genero runs to the opposite side of the ring onto the ropes, then runs back to the side facing his opponent. He holds the ropes and jumps into the air, rolling so that his back will crash into his now standing opponent, hitting Azrael with a Tope Con Giro which sandwiches The Masked Man between the baricade and Ginero, almost flattening him. Azrael arches his back in pain, dropping to his knees, then down onto the mat. Referee Jack Hammer then starts to count. [1...]

Joey Miles: Holy shit! Genero is going wild!

Ted Cedar: What a match we are having here tonight! Genero being the most vicious we’ve ever seen after losing 2 matches in a row here on Vendetta 80! And this is just the first match of the night!

[2...] Genero is the first to his feet as he approaches Azrael, who is struggling to get to his feet. Genero then takes The Masked Man’s hand, irish whipping him towards the steel steps. Azrael however turns it around, causing Genero to crash into the steps shoulder first as the impact is heard throught the Colonial Life Arena. Azrael however has a crazed look in his eyes, his madness seemingly making him feel numb as he isn’t holding his neck. [3..] He approaches Genero and irish whips him onto the barricade, making Genero jerk his body forwards from the force given to his back, before resting onto the barricade. Azrael then rushes at The Baked Bohemian, kneeing him in the gut before wildly throwing punches and elbows at his head, each shot making Genero slowly drop to one knee as he looks dazed. Azrael starts to slowly grin again, before putting Genero between his legs. [..4] Azrael wraps his hands around The Wayward Wanderer’s abdomen, before lifting him up onto his shoulders and powerbombing him neck first onto the barricade. Genero feels a sudden surge of electricity shoot up his neck causing him to give out a shout of pain of his own. Azrael isn’t done, however, as he lifts Genero above his shoulders again and runs towards the steel steps, [5..] before slamming him onto them for a second vicious powerbromb.

Joey Miles: Two god damned lunatics fighting each other! What a treat. I love this job sometimes even if it means having to do commentary with a fatass like you, Ted.

Ted Cedar: Oh my God! This match is getting dangerous really quickly! And shut up, Joey.

Joey Miles: You know what else is quick? You in be-

Ted Cedar: I apologize on behalf of the XWA for the immaturity of my partner here.

Joey Miles: Gah, you really are no fun you fat fuck.

The Baked Bohemian jerks a bit before rolling off the steps, falling onto the floor as Azrael starts to feel the pain in his neck again, massaging it slowly. [6..] Azrael then pulls Genero by the neck and rolls him into the ring, before going for the cover.




Azrael simply laughs at his opponent, who still won’t give up. The Masked Man gets up to his feet and goes to the nearest turnbuckle, removing it’s ties and exposing the steel as referee Jack Hammer pleads with him to put it back. Azrael however just shouts at the official, making him back away and not interfere. The Masked Man throws the turnbuckle cover outside the ring, before turning to Genero, who greets him by jumping downwards, rolling on the ground and hitting Azrael with a Blood Shot (Koppu Kick) heard throught the arena. Azrael’s head stretches back before falling forwards on his belly. Genero then gets up to his feet, gripping his neck as a result from the things he’s endured – and will endure in this match.  He approaches Azrael, who’s still on the mat, and jumps into the air and flips, hitting him with a standing shooting star press. Azrael’s legs kick up from the impact, as Genero goes for the cover.




Genero attempts to go for the Blazing Sword (Elbow strike to the face of a seated opponent), backing away from his opponent and stretching his arms, waiting for his opponent to sit up. However, Azrael does not get up for a considerable amount of time, confusing Genero and the referee. Genero approaches Azrael, obviously growing impatient. He holds Azrael’s arm and pulls him to his feet, but as he does Azrael greets him with a vicious elbow to the side of the head, knocking  The Wayward Wanderer down instantaneously as if he was hit in the head with an iron pipe. Azrael then pulls Genero up to his feet, only to violently throw his opponent shoulder-first into the unforgiving steel of the ring post. The look in Genero’s face says it all as he slowly gets away from the ring post, gripping his shoulder from the pain. Genero turns around, only to be put down again by a lou thesz press by a charging Azrael. The Masked Man then follows this up with rapid fists and elbows onto his face. Genero flails around trying to get out while blocking his face from the strikes. Azrael then stands up and turns Genero’s body to have him lying on his belly. He walks up to the area near Genero’s legs, then wraps them around his foot. Azrael grabs both of The Wayward Wanderer’s hands with his own, pulling at them, causing Genero’s head to rise. Azrael then forcefully drives his opponent’s skull into the mat with a curbstomp. Azrael laughs, then pulls at Genero’s arms again and delivers a second curbstomp. As Azrael lets go of his opponent’s hands, he immediately uses them to grasp his head in pain from the stomps. Azrael rests for a bit while laughing, massaging his neck a bit. He then drags Genero to the exposed turnbuckle, which referee Jack Hammer is trying to fix. Azrael shouts at the offical to get out of the way and he does. Azrael rips the cover off the turnbuckle, as it hasn’t been tied up that well yet. He throws it out of the ring, then proceeds to bash The Wayward Wanderer’s head onto the exposed steel to his cold black heart’s content – which is, till his opponent bleeds, or gets knocked out, whichever comes first. A stream of crimson then starts pouring down The Baked Bohemian’s face, this making Azrael laugh maniacally. The Masked Man stops bashing his opponent’s head in, and throws him to the center of the ring. Referee Jack Hammer scolds Azrael again, but all the words the referee say just pass through The Masked Man’s ears.

Ted Cedar: Genero is bleeding! Azrael is a psychopath!

Joey Miles: Thanks Captain Obvious, fat fuck.

Azrael then goes for the cover




Azrael seems rather entertained, and proceeds to get down to an indian sit position, aligned to his downed opponent who’s lying on his belly. Azrael then pulls Ginero by the hair and lifts his head up, staring his opponent in the eyes surrounded in crimson.

Joey Miles : Just end the fucking fight already, are you seriously going to talk again!? It’s easier to kick someone’s ass than make someone drink the Kool-Aid, you know!

Azrael :  Another loss for you, Voltron boy! Did you really expect to win the IC title? Look at you! Just going around and having fun, you claim you just want to amaze! Well, what the hell was it with what you did with Dolmeth? Your greed took the better of you! Now look, you’re on a losing streak. And looks like this will add to it.

Azrael then gets to his feet and starts laughing, turning his back on his opponent; which would prove to be a terrible mistake, as when he turns back he gets hit in the face with another Blood Shot (Koppu Kick) from a rolling Ginero. Azrael gets knocked down, as Ginero gets to his feet and rests at a corner catching his breath. He then climbs the ropes slowly, his opponent still out cold. The fans start cheering wildly as they know what’s coming next.

Ted Cedar: Ginero’s going to steal this! He breaks his streak of misfortune!

Joey Miles: Stupid masked idiot wouldn’t just finish the match, now this stoner’s going to win.

Ginero then jumps off the top rope and lifts his knees up, looking to stomp his feet at his opponent for his SMOKED! (diving foot stomp) finisher. Azrael however rolls out of the way just in time, as Ginero lands on his feet past his opponent. Before Ginero has time to turn around, Azrael hastily gets to his feet and jumps at The Baked Bohemians back, wrapping his legs around his opponent’s abdomen. He pulls his opponent’s left arm with his right, making his opponent’s arm in front of his neck. Azrael then puts his hand behind Ginero’s head and pushes, choking  The Baked Bohemian with his own wrist in the Devil’s Knot (body scissors camel clutch). Ginero’s face has a look of panic, as he drops to both his knees, soon dropping on his belly as the air is choked out  of him, like a snake constricting its dinner.

Ted Cedar: It’s all over for The Baked Bohemian here!

Ginero soon passes out, refusing to tap. Referee Jack Hammer then lifts Ginero’s arm to check if he’s still concious, only for The Wayward Wanderer’s arm to fall down 3 times.


Laura Watts: Here is your winner, Azrael!

Azrael however, won’t let go of his hold. He keeps choking Ginero, but then referee Jack Hammer screams at Azrael to leave the ring. The Masked Man releases his opponent then slides out of the ring laughing.

Ted Cedar: Another impressive victory from Azrael here tonight! And what a match, great things are in store for the rest of the night ladies and gentlemen!

Joey Miles: He almost lost though, fucker can’t keep his mouth shut.

Ted Cedar: Though the bottomline is, he did win. He may be sick, but he’s effecti- WHAT’S HE DOING!?

Azrael suddenly slides back into the ring, and grabs referee Jack Hammer from behind, he puts the officials’ arm over his head, and hooks his leg. He then flips the referee 180 degrees then drops him on his head for the Hush Piledriver! (Omega Driver), knocking the official out as a surge of pain shoots through his neck. Azrael cradles the official’s arm in his hands for a while, before sliding out of the ring and going back backstage, laughing as he does; his theme blaring over the PA system.

Ted Cedar: Well that was a little, uncalled for.

Joey Miles: That’s the best thing he’s done his whole career! That referee has been preventing extreme brawls from happening since, ever!

Ted Cedar: You really need to be committed to some asylum

Joey miles: And you’re a fat fuck who will probably have ritualized sex with a few elephants after this match. Fuck you.

XWA then cuts to commercial break.


If Caine no-shows, can someone still give me feedback, pweaaase :3
Kudos to anyone who gets the reference in Miles' last line. Wink wink!
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M1 | Niko L Ginero vs. Azrael

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