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 M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)

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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty
PostSubject: M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)   M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) EmptyWed Mar 18, 2015 9:13 pm

Due March 30th, 2015 @ 11:59 PM EST

Triple Threat Match

XWA World Heavyweight Championship Match

Word Limit: 4,000 (One Post)

Three wrestlers compete under standard rules with the first competitor to achieve a pinfall or submission being declared the winner. No count-outs. No-disqualification. Victory must be achieved inside the ring.

Last edited by The Marvelous Myke Hunt on Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)   M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) EmptyWed Mar 25, 2015 10:08 pm

The sonance of the bell is heard ringing thrice as the match comes to an official start, called by senior official Jack Hammer. The three men slowly inch closer towards the center of the ring, staring a hole down one another. The audience is electric as the XWA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. Minkaro and Razor, in particular, appear to be targeting one another, as Dominik is the third wheel. That is until the champion and Xtreme turn their attention to the small Spanish superstar, attacking him simultaneously with a surprise Enzuigiri from Razor and Superkick from Minkaro! The arena is filled with jeers at the sight of the fan favorite being taken down early in the contest, Dominik rolling out of the ring afterwards. As soon as he's gone, Minkaro and Razor focus on one another, going at it with fierce and speedy closed fist punches. These blows don't last too long, as the Englishman drills Razor with a knee lift to the mid-section, catching him off guard. He proceeds to Irish Whip the former World Heavyweight Champion into the nearest corner of the ring. Following up on this, Minkaro dashes at one of his two adversaries, landing a quick, yet stiff running European Uppercut to the cornered Xtreme! Minkaro then darts off in the direction of the opposing corner, but, unbeknownst to him, Razor follows! As soon as Minkaro turns around, at the corner of the ring, he's drilled with a running Dropkick from "XWA's Savior"! Not missing a beat, Razor goes for an Irish Whip of his own, but instead of whipping Minkaro across the ring, he spins and whips him straight back into the corner he was just pulled out of, the champion crashing front-first into the turnbuckles.

Ted Cedar: "The action is off to a quick start in this match, as Dominik is taken out of the equation early on and Razor and Minkaro go at it."

Joey Miles: "Fuck yeah, this match has one less Mexican than it should've had from the start."

Hastily, Razor applies a Waist Lock and drags Minkaro a few feet back, looking for a German Suplex, but Minkaro begins fighting back with a few elbow shots directed at the side of his opponent's head. The audience jumps on their feet shortly after, as Dominik makes his presence felt in this match. From the apron, next to the corner of the ring, he leaps onto the top rope and springboards himself onto the rope on the other side of the corner, proceeding to back flip into a huge Double Springboard Moonsault Plancha dubbed the Salto De La Fe; Diveraz crashing down on both opponents! With the fans cheering the Spanish wrestler on, he pins the champion.



But Minkaro kicks out just after two!

Diveraz then quickly tries to pin Razor.


Tw—Razor kicks out at one and a half!

Diveraz slams his palms off of the canvas in frustration, but Minkaro is fast to get back on the attack. He grabs the short wrestler and tosses him into the corner of the ring, sending Diveraz's upper body through the middle and top turnbuckles and crashing shoulder-first into the steel post! With Dominik again out of the contest for the time being, Minkaro turns his attention back to Razor, whom is on a single knee, trying to get back up. The XWA World Heavyweight Champion yanks Razor back to his feet and applies a Front Facelock whilst hooking the arm of his foe across his shoulder. He lifts him into the air, ala Vertical Suplex, but doesn't drop him down immediately, instead opting to let the blood rush to the head of the California native. Eventually, Minkaro brings Razor down whilst swinging his arm around his chest in a Jackhammer style, completing his Destination Unknown maneuver and landing in a pin attempt!



Thre—Xtreme just manages to get the shoulder up in time!

Ted Cedar: "That destination ended up being a Jackhammer for Razor, but it wasn't enough to keep him down for the count!"

Joey Miles: "Minkaro went straight up Galdburg on that motherfucker and he still kicked out!"

Ted Cedar: "Who the hell is Galdburg?"

Joey Miles: "Copyrights, Theodore."

Despite not getting the pin, Minkaro realizes that Razor is out of it for now, so he pushes him out of the ring with his foot, before turning his attention to Diveraz, whom is seated in the corner, rubbing his shoulder as he's trying to recover from being thrown into the steel post. The champion yanks Diveraz back to his feet, nailing him with a rough elbow shot to the face and proceeding to push him up into a seated position atop the turnbuckle. Looking for something big to potentially put the match away, Minkaro ascends to the middle turnbuckle. He applies a Front Facelock, setting up for what appears to be a Superplex. Diveraz, realizing the danger he's currently in, begins fighting back with numerous punches to the ribcage of his adversary. After a couple shots, Minkaro's grip is loosened enough for Dominik to pull his head free. He then uses that free head to repeatedly ram into Minkaro's face, landing Headbutt after Headbutt, until "The Twisted Mind" falls off of the rope, fortunately landing on his feet on the canvas. Before Minkaro gets a chance to go after Dominik again, he's drilled with a very stiff elbow shot to the back of the head, courtesy of a recovered Razor Xtreme! He smirks at the downed Minkaro, before looking up just in time to see Dominik flying at him for a Cross Body attempt! An attempt is all it is, however, as Razor leaps into a Dropkick that plants his feet directly into the mid-section of the aerial Mexican! The fans let out a mixed reaction, mostly consisting of boos, as Xtreme goes for the cover.



Thr—Two and a half is as far as the official gets!

Ted Cedar: "Excellent reversal there by Razor, catching a mid-air Domnik with that beautiful Dropkick."

Joey Miles: "Fuck a fly swatter, we got a spic swatter!"

Ted Cedar: "..."

Joey Miles: "That would've pissed Dean off. I miss Dean."

Razor gets back to his feet and surveys the area, noticing that both men are currently down. As an idea formulates in his head, he pulls Diveraz back to a vertical base and tosses him into the nearest corner of the ring, that being the one he just leaped off of. He immediately lands a very loud Knife Edge Chop that echoes throughout the arena, along with a resounding "WOO!" from the fans. The American wrestler follows this up with a second chop and then a third, each one garnering the same response from the audience and turning Dominik's chest a bright red. Putting his focus back on Minkaro, Razor lifts the champion back to his feet and Irish Whips him directly into Dominik. The two men clash, with Minkaro quickly spinning so he meets back-to-front with Diveraz, as Razor walks to the opposing corner of the ring. He raises a single fist into the air, garnering boos from the capacity crowd in Manhattan. After readying himself, the Hall of Famer runs towards his two opponents, going for a cornered Big Boot, but Minkaro is quick to jump out of the way. Diveraz isn't as fortunate, being drilled with the sole of Razor's boot directly in his jaw and dropping him down to the canvas! Before Xtreme can capitalize, the World Heavyweight Champion pulls him backwards into a roll-up, looking for the victory to retain his title!



Thr—Razor pushes himself out of the roll-up at two and a half!

Following the kickout, the two wrestlers shoot back to their feet. It's Minkaro whom manages to take control first, as he spins into a Discus Clothesline that practically decapitates Razor! The audience lets out a loud "OOO!" as the shot echoes throughout the arena and Minkaro goes for the cover, again.



Th—Razor gets his shoulder up in time!


Ted Cedar: "Minkaro damn near took Razor's head off with that Discus Clothesline!"

Minkaro pulls himself back up to a vertical base, as Razor tries to recuperate by rolling to the ropes and resting there. Realizing he won't be a threat for the foreseeable future, the champion turns his focus away from Xtreme and onto Diveraz, whom is getting back to his feet in the corner of the ring. As soon as Dominik is vertical, Minkaro rushes into him, connecting with an Elbow Smash directly to the cheek of the small Spanish superstar. "The Lone Wolf" follows this up by Irish Whipping his opponent into the opposing corner of the ring. He rushes in towards Dominik, landing a running Shoulder Thrust to his mid-section! Looking to continue gaining momentum, Minkaro Irish Whips Dominik again, this time into the corner of the ring he was just in. He then dashes towards the one-time XWA World Heavyweight Champion, looking for a second Shoulder Thrust, but, this time, Dominik sees it coming and somersaults directly over Minkaro, rolling onto his feet behind him. Minkaro is able to stop himself before crashing, as he turns around and notices Diveraz running to the ropes. As Dominik rebounds off of them, Minkaro speeds towards his foe and they leap into the air, simultaneously, connecting with Cross Bodies in the center of the ring! The audience pops for the crash as both men land laid out next to each other. Suddenly, Razor makes his presence known again as he runs to the ropes, leaping into a springboard and landing a Moonsault, the Xtremesault, onto both men! Despite their dislike of Razor, the audience can't help but cheer for the excellent maneuver, as Xtreme pins Dominik.



Thre—Dominik kicks out just in time!

Razor quickly pins Minkaro.



Th—But Minkaro kicks out a tad bit quicker than Diveraz!

Ted Cedar: "Just when you thought Razor was out of it, he makes a huge statement with that Xtremesault to both opponents! But it wasn't enough to pin either man."

Joey Miles: "Well grease my nuts and call me Toucan Sam, they both kicked out of the Xtremesault? Son of a bitch."

Razor slams his palm off of the canvas repeatedly as a way to vent his frustrations at the fact that the match didn't end right there, despite him trying to pin both opponents. He gets back to a perpendicular base, looking at his downed opponents and then out at the crowd. His angry expression turns to a sly grin, as he yells out, "Razor's Edge!" The fans boo, knowing what Razor is about to do; his finishing Go To Sleep dubbed the Razor's Edge! The question is, who will be the one to take it? The answer is made apparent rather quickly as Minkaro is the first to begin getting up. As he uses the ropes to reach his feet, the champion doesn't appear to have a clue that Xtreme is stalking him. Once he's standing, Razor quickly spins him around and raises him into a Fireman's Carry, the audience's boos getting louder in the process. Just as Razor gets ready to hit the move, Dominik gets back to his feet. "The Rated Y2X Superstar" sees this, however, and sharply kicks the small man in the groin. Dominik, albeit in tremendous pain, does not drop. So, naturally, Razor decides to take him down another way. Showcasing incredible strength for a man of his size, Razor lifts Dominik onto his shoulder, atop Minkaro, raising both men for the Razor's Edge! The fans, despite their hatred for Razor, cheer for the strength he's showcasing, but Dominik manages to wriggle free and slide down behind Razor. He gets a little payback by landing a low blow of his own, kicking Razor with as much force as possible in the groin! Unlike Dominik, Razor actually does drop from the low blow, releasing Minkaro as he does so.

Ted Cedar: "Diveraz with the low blow! Dominik isn't a big man, by any means, but add his weight to the weight of Minkaro and Razor just showcased some pretty damn impressive strength."


Diveraz wastes no time in capitalizing, as he hops onto the ring apron and then ascends the turnbuckle. While Razor is down, and he rolls onto his back, Minkaro begins getting up, unbeknownst to Dominik. By the time "The Taco Bell Warrior" makes it to the top turnbuckle, Minkaro steps onto the middle rope and attacks him with punches to the face. It becomes a battle on the ropes, as Diveraz responds with punches of his own. Just when it looks like the champion will take the advantage, Dominik blindsides him with a surprising kick to the side of his face, stunning him long enough for Diveraz to slam his head into the top turnbuckle! With a metaphorical light bulb going off in his head, Dominik wraps his arms around the mid-section of his opponent, whom is bent over. The Mexican wrestler somersaults off of the top turnbuckle, taking Minkaro with him in a top rope Canadian Destroyer, dubbed the Español Destructor; Minkaro's head being driven directly into the ribcage of the downed Razor! "This Is Awesome" chants begin throughout the arena.

Ted Cedar: "I have to agree with the crowd, this is awesome! What a match and it isn't over yet!"

Joey Miles: "This is what the XWA World Heavyweight Championship is all about, Theodore. Straight up killing mofos for it."

The three gladiators of this contest are down. Razor is almost rolled into a ball with his arms pressed against his ribs, as Minkaro lies with his arms against his head. Meanwhile, Diveraz is simply out of it, his limp body lying on the canvas, unmoving. Now would normally be the time Jack starts a count that could end in a draw, but being as there are no such things in this style of triple threat match, everyone is forced to wait for someone to get up. Eventually, the chants from the crowd die down as Razor rolls out of the ring, looking for a bit of a reprieve as he lands on the floor outside of the ring. Dominik and Minkaro both begin getting up inside the squared circle, the smaller, Spanish superstar being a tad bit quicker than the current World Heavyweight Champion. Once he's standing, Diveraz notices "The Twisted Mind" nearing his feet and quickly leaps into a Dropkick that catches him in the lower back. This sends Minkaro stumbling through the ropes and hitting the floor outside of the ring, going straight passed where Razor landed. Diveraz makes his way over to the side of the ring nearest to where Minkaro is and latches onto the top rope, readying himself to vault to the outside! Minkaro gets vertical and sees Dominik leaping over the rope, quickly moving out of the way. Fortunately for Dominik, he managed to turn his body in mid-air and land on the ring apron, facing the ring. Before he can even contemplate what to do next, "The Mystic Midget's" foot is grabbed by Minkaro, whom attempts to yank him off of the apron. However, Dominik holds onto the top rope to prevent himself from being pried off and then snaps his foot forward, causing his opposition to go face-first into the apron! Minkaro dizzily stumbles backwards, as Dominik looks to fly, leaping backwards, twisting and contorting his body into a Corkscrew Moonsault from the apron onto Minkaro, with absolutely no help from the ring ropes! Fans applaud the effort of Dominik and the incredibly athletic move, as the two 2WWF League of Legends members crash to the floor.

Ted Cedar: "Dominik showcasing right there just why he's one of the most athletic wrestlers in this company."

Joey Miles: "Fucking Mexican contortionist ass motherfucker."

Dominik is, naturally, back to his feet first. He stands with a bit of a limp, appearing to have tweaked his leg ever-so-slightly on the fall. Before he has a chance to do anything, Diveraz is blindsided by an elbow to the side of the head courtesy of the third competitor in this match, Razor. "XWA'a Greatest Of All Time", as Razor likes to be called, drags Diveraz over to the commentary table where Ted and Joey sit, proceeding to ram his face into the covering of the table. He lets the Spanish superstar slide down to the floor, holding his head in pain as he does so, before tearing the covering off of the table. The fans let out cheers for this, despite their hatred for Razor, because the commentary table is getting involved in the match. Xtreme grabs one of the two small television monitors, this one being Joey's, and tosses it to the side. He then grabs Ted's monitor and holds onto it with both hands, targeting Dominik. Once the short wrestler is back to his feet, he is instantly dropped again with a shot to the cranium with the monitor! As the loud crack is heard of the monitor meeting Dominik's head, he lies on the floor, damn near unconscious. Razor drops the monitor, but then grabs the wire connected to it and shifts his focus to the champion, whom is trying to get back to his feet. Xtreme sneaks up behind Minkaro, wrapping the wire around his neck and choking him with it! The fans boo for the blatant choking, despite not particularly being fans of Minkaro, simply because Razor is in full control. While the former champion chokes Minkaro, the camera shows Dominik, blood having poured all over his face from a wound in his forehead where the monitor struck him! Once Razor is finally done choking the life out of Minkaro, he releases him and then picks the monitor back up. He climbs onto the commentary table and, with both hands, raises the monitor into the air. A grin going from ear to ear appears on Razor's face, as he looks out at the booing crowd and then down at his opponents.

Ted Cedar: "Pure arrogance right there, folks. I don't think there's a man in this company who is as cocky as Razor."

Joey Miles: "It's not arrogance if you can back it up, Theodore. Then it's called confidence."

M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) MJFR42R
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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)   M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) EmptyThu Mar 26, 2015 8:06 pm

Monitor in his grip, Razor spends just a few seconds to look into it, admiring the view of himself in the miraculously still working device. Tossing it to one side, he has a choice now of which of his opponents to focus on as this match continues. This decision is made in a manner that shows the confidence that he is feeling, as he shouts out in a sing song voice “EENIE MEENIE MINEY MOE, FUCK IT I PICK MINKARO.” Grabbing the defending champion by the hair, Razor is offered little resistance as he drags him across the arena floor, and rolls him into the squared circle, where he soon joins him by sliding under the bottom rope. Showing small signs of recovery, Minkaro reaches his hand out to the canvas before him, attempting to crawl away from the danger. Unfortunately for him, he is too slow to avoid a fierce kick to the ribs that causes him to rear up to his knees, hands instinctively moving towards his gut to nurse the pain. Another kick from Xtreme follows, this time to the spine, causing Minkaro to roar out in pain. A second kick swiftly follows, which leads to a running dropkick after Razor hits the ropes. This dropkick sees Minkaro sink down to the mat, barely moving. The time appears to be running out for the Lone Wolf to keep his title, and the sand in the hourglass is surely down to a few grains as Razor Xtreme rolls him onto his back, in order to wrap his arms around the legs of Minkaro, before twisting him into The Xtreme Walls.

For a while there is no reaction from Minkaro to the torturous submission that he is currently in, almost as though the pain has caused him to zone out momentarily. When his brain finally catches up with his nerves, he lets everybody know his opinion on the situation with a screech of “OH JESUS FUCK THIS HURTS.” His hand plummets towards the canvas, stopping only inches away as he realises what contact would mean. This brief flash of willpower appears to be of very limited supply, as his hand drops dangerously close to the canvas once again, before once again being halted. A close-up on Minkaro’s face shows his eyes moistening with tears, as the pain threatens to overwhelm him. Such is the agony that he is currently suffering, Minkaro has no way of escaping the move, as any escape plan would involve taking his mind off the excruciating pain that he is in, an impossible task as the Californian twists his spine into yet more unnatural positions. It is fortune then, for Minkaro and everybody viewing the match who doesn’t want to see Razor win (everybody viewing the match, in other words), that there is a third participant in this contest. Dominik Diveraz, even now wiping blood from his eyes as the wound on his forehead threatens to blind him, has dragged himself up onto the apron, and is clutching the top rope. Razor manages not to hear the roar of the audience in response to this, such is his focus on forcing Minkaro to submit. He is therefore taken completely by surprise when The Taco Bell Warrior springboards off the top rope, wrapping his arm around Razor’s neck as he does so, and bringing him down in a Bulldog.

Razor’s face thudding into the canvas is accompanied by a yelp from Minkaro as 225lbs of humanity lands very heavily on his ankles. Even Dominik does not come out of the exchange unscathed, as his back hits the ring with a crash, as he was forced to perform the bulldog with haste in order to avoid seeing Minkaro tap out. In spite of this, he forces himself to sit up, before crawling over to Razor and rolling him onto his back so that he may cover him. One…two…and Razor manages to force his shoulder up! With a grunt of annoyance, Dominik again crawls across the ring, this time rolling Minkaro over and covering him instead. One…two…thr…no! Minkaro is just able to kick out before the referee’s hand can complete its descent. “HIJO DE PUTA” bellows Dominik to nobody in particular, as he resigns himself to rising to a vertical base and seeing which of his opponents joins him in standing first. To the surprise of nobody it’s the one who hasn’t been in the Xtreme Walls. Another wipe of his brow to prevent blood from dripping into his eyes, and Dominik turns to face The Highest Level. Although the pair are incredibly well versed in the art of technical wrestling, the time for that in this match has longed since passed, and Razor swings a ferocious foot towards the calf of his opponent. Dominik allows the kick to make contact, his refusal to dodge it almost becoming a taunt as he responds with a kick of his own, a “anything you can do, I can do better” moment.

A cheer from the crowd accompanied the kick from Dominik, just as a boo accompanies the next one from Razor. The shout of pain from Dominik turns into a laugh, one that sees a look of shock appear on Razor’s face, as mirth was not the reaction he had hoped to gain from his action. A second kick from Dominik quickly follows, causing Razor Xtreme to hop across the ring. Spotting an opportunity to advance his attack, Diveraz chases Razor and delivers another kick. This bizarre pursuit continues for a short period, until Razor finds himself in the corner of the ring, with nowhere to run to. Here, Dominik delivers a kick to the gut of the former XWA World Champion, before lifting him onto the top rope. A stern backhand slap to the side of the face to ensure that his adversary is not about to fight back, and Dominik ascends to the top rope to join him. In a move that the fans know as Dragón Torcido, Dominik wraps his legs around the head of Razor Xtreme before flipping backwards, sending Razor flying in a Top Rope Hurricanrana. However, in an incredible display of agility, Razor leans forwards even as his body is being propelled, and manages to land on his feet in the centre of the ring. Any sense of achievement that he feels after this athleticism is quickly erased by Minkaro crashing into him with his trademark Spear.

Pushing himself back up to his feet, ignoring the temptation to pin Razor there and then, Minkaro continues his charge across the ring, this time focusing on Diveraz who is using the turnbuckles to pull himself back up after the rough landing his knees took. This leaves him as a prime target for Minkaro, who drives his shoulder into the small of the Mexican’s back. Grabbing the ropes either side of his foe, Minkaro repeats this shoulder thrust to the spine twice more, before hooking his arms around Dominik’s waist and bringing him overhead in a German Suplex, bridging so that he can hold onto the move, pulling Dominik Diveraz up with him. The Bionic Technician realises that he has the opportunity for a two for the price of one deal here, as he manoeuvres himself so that he has his back to the fallen Razor Xtreme, before executing another German Supex, this time releasing the hold and sending Dominik flying onto Razor in an inadvertent moonsault. Pushing himself back up to a vertical base, Minkaro strides over to the ring ropes to yell at the fans: “DID YOU SEE THAT? GOD, I’M GOOD!” his celebrations are quickly cut short when he hears the referee, and the capacity crowd, yelling “ONE!” He turns, and just about manages to stomp on the back of Dominik’s head at the count of two in order to break up the pin that he himself accidentally created.

Reaching down and grabbing Dominik’s shoulder, Minkaro pulls the smaller man up to his feet with force, and whips him across the ring to the ropes. He crouches in preparation for the return journey, but soon looks up in surprise when one does not occur. Spotting Diveraz has managed to stop himself by grabbing the top rope as he hit it, Minkaro growls in frustration before charging across the ring. This proves to be a poorly thought out plan of attack, as Dominik dives forwards feet first, connecting with Minkaro’s ankles with a Basement Dropkick that sends the Englishman head-first between the top and middle ropes. The roar from the crowd is almost deafening as they realise what Dominik has in mind. The cheers are quickly replaced by boos as Diveraz’ momentum is halted by Razor Xtreme, who ducks down and propels him up into the air by grabbing him by the hips and pushing upwards. Divarez drops down onto Razor’s shoulders, whose intended Pop-Up Powerbomb never comes to be, as MexiMelt manages to counter it with a Hurricanrana that sends Razor to join Minkaro on the ropes. Returning swiftly to his feet, Dominik Divarez finally gets to complete his journey across the ring, bouncing off the ropes on the side opposite to his two opponents, before returning and gripping the top and middle ropes beside the pair, allowing his legs to swing through, catching them both in the face in the 619, his tribute to Rey Mysterio.

Landing on the apron, Dominik is presented with the sight of two long-haired athletes staggering about in the centre of the ring. Even he, with all the pressure on him and the prize at stake, has to laugh at the image of them holding onto each other’s shoulders to try and stop themselves from falling over. Focusing himself, Divarez leaps forwards, springboarding off the top rope and towards his opponents, connecting with both of their chests with a foot each, in a Front Dropkick. All three men briefly lay on their backs, but even before the referee has had a chance to check on them, Dominik is back on his feet after a kip-up! Whilst the landing was not the smoothest ever seen, due to him stumbling slightly as a result of the blood still dripping down into his eyes, the fact that he is still able to perform such agile moves is almost a gauntlet being thrown down to his opponents, a question of “I can still do this, can you?” The question is answered first by Minkaro, who returns to his feet with a kip-up of his own, very nearly falling straight back over, but managing to stay vertical. Dominik is swift to move towards the Brit, who holds up both hands, nodding over towards Razor. Keeping a wary eye on Minkaro, Dominik grins, and the two look to the third man in the match, waiting to see if he can make it three for three in the kip-up series. The crowd gets behind this idea with a “kip-up Razor” chant, complete with rhythmic hand-clapping. Razor’s response to this is to raise his head slightly, snarl “fuck off” and roll under the bottom rope and to the arena floor.

“Kip-up Razor” is hastily replaced by “fuck off Razor,” as the fans show their disapproval at The Rated Y2X Superstar’s refusal to participate. Inside the ring, Dominik Diveraz and Minkaro look for a moment as though they’re about to attack one another, before both men in unison rush to their side of the ring furthest from Razor, bouncing off the ropes, and Domink flies through the ropes, taking Razor down with a suicide dive. Minkaro, meanwhile, had grabbed the top rope just after bouncing off it, halting his progress across the squared circle, and allowing the Mexican to do all the work. So it’s nice to see Minkaro fitting in in America. Deftly ducking out of the ring, Minkaro sneaks around it, knowing full well that it won’t be long before Dominik is back to his feet. Indeed, the San Luis Potosi native forces himself up, dragging Razor by the hair with him. This is Minkaro’s cue to act, and he does so by sprinting around the ring, diving towards both men in his second Spear of the night. This is partly successful, as the move flattens Razor, but Dominik had spotted him coming in the monitor that Razor had tossed aside earlier (still working, clearly modelled on the Nokia 3310). Grabbing the monitor quickly, Dominik uses it to crack Minkaro across the back of the head as The Twisted Mind was pushing himself back up.

This sends Minkaro onto the announce table in front of him, laying chest down in front of a hastily retreating Joey Miles and Ted Cedar. Deciding he can take out two birds with one stone here, Dominik grabs Razor Xtreme by the wrist, dragging him up and shoving him onto the table on top of Minkaro, facing upwards. Knowing that he has to act fast, Diveraz rushes back into the ring, where he climbs to the top rope. Everybody in the arena is now on their feet, but this is a fact that will mean little to Dominik as he focuses on the task at hand. Pausing momentarily, to ensure that neither of his opponents have moved from the table, he takes to the skies, soaring through the air and driving both Minkaro and Razor through the announce table with a devastating Frog Splash! Dominik’s tribute to Eddie Guerrero (he is clearly in the mood for paying tribute tonight) leaves all three men in a broken heap, none of them moving. A “holy shit” chant swiftly spreads around the building like wildfire as Jack Hammer stands for a few moments with his hands on his head, as even he is stunned by the lengths that these men are willing to go to in order to win, or keep, the XWA World Championshp. Even without his order, paramedics are rushing down to ringside to assist the three men, as it is almost guaranteed that one of them will be unable to continue after such a move.
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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)   M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) EmptySun Mar 29, 2015 8:29 pm

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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)   M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) EmptyTue Mar 31, 2015 9:26 pm

With all three men completely out of it, the fans are left to take control of this match. They do so by beginning a "This is awesome!" chant, which resonates throughout the entire arena, as even kids who before this great match didn't know what "awesome" meant begin to chant "This is awesome!" Miles and Ted are left with no table, much to their surprise - as it's usually the Spanish commentator's table that is destroyed. One has to believe there had to be some sort of bias on the part of Dominik Diveraz there. All three men are caught in the rubble that was formerly the announcers' table and all the doctors can do is work their best to make sure none of them die in this match. Three stretchers are brought out almost immediately, as more doctors than one would think XWA employs begin to charge out of the back. The fans begin to suddenly turn their cheers to boos as they don't want this match to end this way. Or is that why they were booing? That is answered in the form of Razor Xtreme managing to roll off to the side, as it's revealed in the instant replay that he did indeed take less of the impact, and instead Dominik crashed predominantly onto Minkaro. Razor smiles as he lays on one knee near the steel steps and he holds his cheek, which has a small cut on it now.

Cedar: "Oh my god! Razor is up! That opportunistic slob rolled slightly out of the way and Minkaro took most of the damage! Just look at the smug arrogance on his face!"

Miles: "Why does everything you say HAVE to sound like the most cliche bullshit ever? Get some character, dammit. That said, that was just brilliant. Razor bode his time and he is now reaping the rewards, that's what a true champ does, Teddy."

Razor fights through the pain that this difficult match has brought him and he grabs the lighter man by the arm, not wanting to use energy to pull the heavier man, and he begins to drag Dominik out of the rubble, much to the dismay of the paramedics who beg him to let them do their work. Razor almost sociopathically ignores the orders of the doctors and drags the dead weight - which wasn't very much weight to begin with - into the ring. He lifts Dominik by the head and then presses him into the ring under the bottom rope before rolling in to follow. He makes sure Dominik is away from the ropes as he hooks both legs for a pin. Although Jack Hammer would love to make sure the Mystic Midget and the current world champ Minkaro are ok, he has a job to do, and that job right now is prioritized by the pinfall, which he drops to count.




Nope. Unfortunately for Razor - and much to his dismay - the tough Mexican warrior is not done fighting, as he kicks out. Although this angers Razor, this causes the fans sitting at ringside to cheer very loudly. With Minkaro still outside the ring, completely unconscious in that rubble with doctors tending to him, and Dominik completely out of it inside the ring, Razor opts to shake whatever anger he has out and continue his assault. He quickly bends over and makes sure Dominik is completely on his belly before he somewhat-quickly limps towards the ropes to the right of the "Taco Bell Warrior" and bounces off slowly them before dropping a huge right knee directly to the forehead of the shortest competitor in this match - making sure his black kneepad causes as much damage as possible to the Mexican warrior while also making sure to exert as little bit of energy as possible. This move was almost just a sort of 'break' for the Rated Y2X former IC champ as he looks to try and recover a bit. He then slowly works his way back up to his feet before turning to eye the top rope. He realizes he has one more trick up his sleeve which he has yet to attempt in this match. He works his way out onto the apron - making sure to step out carefully through the middle rope and then he walks to the corner. He quickly begins his symbolic ascension as he steps one foot, followed by another, up onto the top rope. The time that he takes to recover, however, works both ways. So as soon as he has worked his way up to the complete top, Dominik has worked his way up to his feet as well. Almost as if fueled by anger and passion, Dominik quickly charges to the rope where Razor is and he begins to climb it, making sure to deliver a big club to the head of the self-proclaimed "Greatest of All Time."

Cedar: "We are about to see a fight here, and considering all the damage Dominik Diveraz has done to both competitors off that top rope, I'd be scared if I were Razor!"

Miles: "Please. If I were Dominik, I'd just give up now. Razor has kicked his ass in this match, if I were him I'd just lay on the mat and accept the loss before I got hurt even more!"

Cedar: "The difference between you and Dominik is that Dominik is a true warrior!

Diveraz fights almost with pure instincts. Just like a savage tiger throws its fierce claws to its' prey, Dominik throws his equally-fierce right hands to the skull of Xtreme. He then realizes that if it worked before, it should again, as he quickly stands on the top rope with both feet, looking to repeat a move he has already done in this match - the top rope hurricanrana. The fans begin to cheer as Diveraz quickly panders a bit before leaping into the air and wrapping both of his legs around the head of his fellow number one contender, attempting to fling him completely overhead into the ring. Unfortunately for him, Razor is ready for it this time, and he grabs on for dear life by tangling his feet against the ropes. Diveraz keeps his very tight grip around Razor's neck, almost a big dangerously, as the Rated Y2X competitor quickly uses his upper body strength to pull the midget back up onto his shoulders before the bigger man almost launches the smaller man off his shoulders flat towards the center of the ring with a release powerbomb! The fans go "ooooh" as that move was definitely not safe and could have caused serious damage to Dominik! The 225 pounder takes a second to catch his breath on the top rope before he works his way to his feet. He stands high above the crowd and both competitors, much like he pictures he stands above everyone else period - in his mind. He looks down as he notices that Minkaro has been successfully put on a stretcher along with a neck-brace and is being carted out of the arena. As the camera focuses on it, fans all around begin a loud boo. Razor simply looks down at him and chuckles before shaking his head left and right. He then raises both hands in a "devil's horn" pose and yells "I AM THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!" before leaping off the top rope at full velocity and flailing his right arm about and crashing right against the chest of his completely decimated opponent, Dominik Diveraz. Although he semi-hurts himself on the landing, he is too pumped with adrenaline to care. The man who takes most of the impact is then quickly pinned by his attacker.




NO! Once again, Dominik manages to somehow get the shoulder up! The fans give him a very loud cheer to show their appreciation.

Miles: "Diveraz is just not going to give up, is he? I thought Mexicans always quit everything? GOD DAMMIT!"

Cedar: "Until every single last breath is drawn, Diveraz will not give up!"

Razor pounds his forehead against the mat, showing some really big-time frustration for that kickout. Meanwhile, Minkaro is being carted up on the ramp. But as the paramedics are almost up to the end of the ramp, the fighting world champion raises a hand and begins to choke one of the doctors, almost instinctively. The paramedics begin to panic, but once Mink realizes who he is choking, he shoves him back as he simply rolls to the side and falls off the stretcher - receiving many cheers from the fans. Razor notices the "Metal Machine" marching down the ramp - or uhh... stumbling instead. As Minkaro is wobbly-legged and falls over. He gets back up but is only able to walk a little more before he drops to one knee and begins to crawl. Razor simply laughs at his opponent as he turns his attention back to Dominik Diveraz. Xtreme quickly gets up to both feet before once again in this match - yelling "RAZOR'S EDGE!" and pressing both hands around his mouth to make sure every fan in the arena can hear it. It's evident they can by the enormous amount of boos he receives from this hostile crowd. He quickly bends over and picks up the unconscious Dominik and raises him up onto his shoulders. He begins to throw him up, however the crafty aristocrat manages to contort his body in mid air and grab a hold of Razor's head with both hands, presses his knees against the chest of Razor, and drops backwards as hard as he can, hitting the other number one contender of his match with a devastating and beautiful "Matanza" - as he counters Razor's finisher with his own!

Cedar: "MY GOD! He just hit him with that damn Matanza right in mid air!"

Miles: "Is that even fair? I feel like it's cheating. Probably cause he's Mexican and they all cheat. I bet Riley was Mexican."

Razor is completely out of it now, and all the crafty Mexican has to do is get his body on top of his in order to win this match. Minkaro crawls outside the ring, biding his time. The "Mystic Midget" quickly - almost out of instinct - jumps up and drapes a single arm around Xtreme's body, hoping to get the win here. As soon as Jack Hammer drops down to begin the count, the world champ is almost woken up - as if hit by some sort of energy boost.




Minkaro breaks it up! He slid in at the last second and dropped a huge double axe handle to Dominik to break up the count. The fans give an enormous mixed reaction that resonates throughout the arena. The world champ doesn't wait, as he quickly picks Dominik off the ground and begins to hit him right in the face with repeated forearms, almost stiffing him as he drives each unforgiving right forearm square to the upper left-cheek of the Mexican number one contender. Minkaro relentlessly unloads his anger with each blow before finally dropping him down. He stands straight up and then grabs his hair back with both hands, trying to get a moment to breathe. He then eyes the opportunistic Razor Xtreme - who he does not want to leave to heal again, and he decides to take some frustration out on him too. He quickly pulls him up by the hair and then drags him viciously towards the corner before propping the lifeless body up against the turnbuckle. He mouths "You think you can take my title away? You really think that's going to happen?" and then he begins to mercilessly slap him across the chest with insanely fast - and equally powerful - knife edge chops, courtesy of his dominant right hand. He slaps and slaps and slaps, one, two, three, four. Hammer marvels at this in unease, as it's quite an uncomfortable spectacle - however there isn't anything he can do about it due to the rules of a triple threat match. None. Razor screams and shouts and winces, but he has to accept every unforgiving slap. The world champ only stops his vicious assault because his hand begins to hurt. Although, Razor drops down and sits against the corner, so Mink realizes he can use another part of his body to assault Razor - and that's even sicker than it sounds.

Miles: "Is someone going to stop this, or are they going to allow Minkaro to MURDER someone on TV?"

Cedar: "It seems like you just love kissing the asses of the Xtreme brothers, don't you? I sure won't miss that."

Miles gets silent, remembering that David Michaels is going to sit next to him for the next few years - or so he thinks. Meanwhile, Minkaro begins delivering the same sick right-forearm shots that he was dealing to Diveraz a few seconds ago to the other number one contender for his title, but he does so while Razor sits. Xtreme is forced to take every single one of those blows, as Minkaro releases. Although he throws forearms, some of those turn to sharp elbows, which causes Rated Y2X to get busted open due to a wild elbow grazing him against the skull! Minkaro doesn't care that Razor is bleeding and decides to deliver a more direct approach to taking his opponent down, as the world champ then changes from chops, forearms, and elbows, to straight up fists - nailing away some balled up forms of anger right to Xtreme's busted-open forehead. Although the fans are loving this, there are some people who have seen enough.


Or at least, two of them, as the fans instantly begin to boo for the figures marching quickly down the ramp. Maddox Paine - the enormous, bulking Titan of a man, and Eric Goodman - the sneaky and conniving but less athletically gifted man. Both march rapidly down the ramp, Maddox with an intense and angry look on his face, and Goodman with an indifferent stare at the ceiling, ignoring the massive amounts of boos around him. Minkaro is inside the ring and he looks out, realizing his fate isn't very good, as the man who calls himself a "God Amongst Men" marches down, eyeing him directly. Minkaro asks him to come inside, he signs it with both hands, but he didn't have to, as Paine intended to do that anyway. The World Champ knows he is in huge trouble, as he is beaten and bruised and there is no way he is going to be able to challenge this humongous and talented monster of a man. But he won't quit without a fight. It's almost futile, as Paine leaps up onto the apron beautifully, landing both feet up - and he quickly steps foot into the ring. Mink tries to rush him before he is fully in, but the clubbing blows do almost no damage to the completely healthy former world heavyweight champion. "The Titan" almost easily shoves the relatively small man backwards, driving him into the mat. As soon as Mink stands up, Maddox makes him wish he hadn't, as he charges at full force and drops him down with an enormous lariat. Mink drops onto his back and rolls out of the ring, as he landed near the ropes off that insane lariat that almost decapitated him.


Miles: "DO YOU HAVE TO YELL IN MY FUCKIN' EAR? What does it look like they're doing? They're obviously out here to do their job and protect Razor Xtreme, and that was a beautiful lariat."

Razor can barely see past the caked blood, but Eric Goodman stands outside the ring and begins to pat his shoulder and urge him on, which causes him to chuckle. Maddox Paine towers over Dominik Diveraz, who is groggy and up on one knee. Razor is barely awake, but he knows he doesn't have to do much now. Maddox is in charge. And boy is he in charge. Paine looks down at Diveraz, who will not stay down. "The Titan" eyes a hole in the eyes of Dominik, who quickly leaps like 50 times his height into the air and slaps Maddox across the face! Maddox doesn't take kindly to this as he quickly and angrily stuffs the head of the little man between his legs and raises him up high, looking to decimate his former rival. As soon as Dominik hits his shoulders, he ties his legs around the much, much larger man's head and scissors him before flying backwards on momentum, sending Maddox flying face-first into the turnbuckle with a headscissors counter to the Titan Bomb! Maddox hits the turnbuckle and Dominik rolls to the other side. The Mystic Midget quickly decides to charge back at full speed, not wanting to waste a single second in capitalizing, but unbeknownst to him, Paine is already fully recovered. As soon as Diveraz started sprinting back, he was flattened by an insanely fast and insanely powerful Striking Spear, that left him almost like roadkill on a street, but in the middle of the ring.

Miles: "I just love it. That HAD to hurt. A LOT."

Maddox then bounces up instantly, not caring about the insane amount of boos he is receiving. He quickly raises the already-dead body of Dominik up and presses his head between his legs again before raising him high up onto his shoulders and then dropping him down really hard while sitting down to execute a full and perfect Titan Bomb! Razor begins to use the ropes to slowly get to his feet, but he is incredibly groggy. Maddox gets up off the ground and eyes Razor, telling him to hurry and recover without having to say a single word. However, behind Maddox, the crafty world champ has slid into the ring, and he takes less than second to hit a home-run. Almost literally, as he swings at the back of Paine's head with a wooden bat that he pulled from under the ring while Paine was distracted with Diveraz! Maddox drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring. Even the full impact of a bat to the head wasn't enough to take him out for good, but it did somewhat of a job, as Paine is groggy and outside the ring. Before Mink can capitalize, Eric Goodman leaps up onto the apron, trying to score by attacking the champ. Big mistake, as Minkaro notices and he swings the bat right into the stomach of Maddox and Razor's evil manager, knocking him square off the apron as he holds his stomach. However, that was more than enough of a distraction for Razor, who waits behind Mink. The world champ turns around and his number one contender swings a huge right leg, catching him right in the cranium with a signature right-legged roundhouse kick! Mink loses almost all life that he had inside of him and he drops the bat on the mat. But before he falls down, Razor is ready and he picks the groggy world champ up onto his shoulders quickly. The fans begin to boo, as they know what's coming next.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)   M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat) Empty

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M7) Minkaro (C) vs. Dominik Diveraz vs. Razor Xtreme (XWA World Heavyweight Championship | Triple Threat)

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