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 NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect

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NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect Empty
PostSubject: NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect   NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect EmptySat Jan 10, 2015 1:30 am

Cowboys: Run it. Simple as that. Take pressure off of Romo and hit the play action plays. Continue to pass protect well and give Tony time when he drops back. They need to keep Aaron Rodgers off the field and control the clock throughout the game, so the running game will go a long way. The offense will need to keep up with GB's explosive offense but need to avoid turning the ball over. On defense they need to move Aaron Rodgers in the pocket, force him to move around on his injured calf. They need to tackle well playing that Tampa 2 defense they do. Cobb and Nelson are good YAC WRs so tackling will be key and with Lacy running it, tackling should have a huge emphasis. Gang tackling Lacy will be key, tackling Lacy 1 on 1 is very difficult.

Packers: Get the run going, take advantage of Dallas' banged up LB group, Lacy is primed to have a big game and is key to taking pressure off of Rodgers. Running the ball will slow down the pass rush and allow their already talented Offensive Line to buy Rodgers time to throw down the field. With time, Rodgers can be lethal. Let him survive throughout the game. The Packers need to send some bitzes at Dallas as last week, the Dallas O-Line showed to have some trouble picking up blitzes, it will also help get some pressure on Romo. Can't allow Romo to get comfortable in the pocket. Turnovers will be key, Murray tends to fumble the ball, so if they can get one it can be a key play to win the game.

What I expect: I expect both teams to run the ball well, both offenses will succeed and it will be a high scoring game. Both teams will be up above the 30s. Don't expect too many turnovers, but at the end of the day, I expect Rodgers to win a close one in the final moments in the game. Who ever has the final drive will win the game. I think it's GB.
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Dragon Fx
Dragon Fx

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NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect Empty
PostSubject: Re: NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect   NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect EmptySat Jan 10, 2015 11:58 am

This one should be good. Packers undefeated at home & Dallas undefeated on the road Oh the DRAMA
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NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round: Cowboys at Packers: What to expect

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