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 M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano

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M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano Empty
PostSubject: M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano   M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano EmptyMon Sep 22, 2014 8:06 pm

James Carlisle vs. Nate Insano

DUE: Saturday the 27th of September (11:59 PM EST)
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M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano   M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano EmptySat Sep 27, 2014 10:57 pm

The King Of Xtreme Tournament returns and with it comes the qualifying rounds, which brings the psychotic Nate Insano and equally deranged James Carlisle together in this hardcore environment.  Both James and Nate don’t bother with regular wrestling attire, dressed casually in jeans and shirts, expecting nothing more than to brutalize one another in heinous fashion, this was after all a hardcore rules, where anything and everything is legal.  The bell rings and Nate Insano heaves the table over his head and charges Carlisle with it, bellowing like a barbarian only “Damage” goes straight for the oncoming Nate with a kick to the gut, taking his Singapore cane and caning “The Insane One” across the abdomen yet again, Insano doubles over into James and the loud-mouthed pugilist rolls him up!  “ONE! TWO!” Ryu Sanu shouts, but Insano wriggles free, wincing back at Carlisle and making his way back onto both feet, barely standing only to be knuckle-fodder as he is set upon by a relentless Carlisle, james firing away with left hand after left hand, clobbering Insano back into the corner behind a relentless slew of offense.  Insano takes the first opening he can and comes back at James with a knee lift, grabbing him by the back of the head and sending him into a spinning crash against the turnbuckles, picking up his weapon of preference now, a table, and rushing James with it only James steals out of the way, turning and battering Nate across the back, inadvertently placing the table across the turnbuckles in a leaning fashion, James resorting to back elbow smashes to keep his much larger foe preoccupied, holding onto the ropes with his free hand for more effect then finally stunning Nate with a well-timed left hook.  The Not So Evil Genius grabs Nate and throws him to the mat, making yet another cover, his second attempt at landing the victory however Insano cocks his leg on the ropes, aborting the count.  James isn’t happy, visibly mouthing “DAMN IT!” as he crawls over and reaches for the Singapore cane once again, swinging at Insano like a madman, delivering three blows in a wild rage, pinning Nate once more.    “ONE! TWO!” Ryu Sanu proclaims but Insano shakes off the blows, persisting to defy punishment, which only makes James pissed, scooping Nate up however Insano tears himself upright just fine, lifting James right off the mat and into the air only to slam him against the table with a double leg slam!   While the table doesn’t break, the corner of the ring shudders and in a heartbeat Nate activates his most devastating weapon yet, impaling Carlisle with a RIPPER and the very integrity of the table disintegrates as Carlisle’s back breaks it completely in half!

Joey Miles

Ted Cedar
“Well at least a Ripper anyway, as Nate would lead us to believe but that came out of nowhere!”

Nate rolls onto his back, huffing and puffing, clearly branded by the viciousness of his opponent and that cane, clearly the only thing holding him back from going for the pin immediately.  “The Gore Machine” smirks, having pushed the first spear out of the production line,   using the cane as a crutch to find his feet as James spits timber chips out and groggily looks up at him, lethargically shaking his head as Insano becomes lost in his own deluded little world, grinning enthusiastically and raising the cane high yet Carlisle grasps hold of the ropes around him and pushes his boot forth in a burst of energy, catching Nate right between the legs.  Insano drops to his knees croaking in surprised shock and James grunts and huffs, clawing upon his feet with the assistance of the ropes, the hurting in his expression becoming a smug smirk as he snatches the cane from Nate’s hands, looking to clobber Nate with it however Insano comes out with a dick-punch now, evening the score and both men drop to the mat.  Moments of understandable nothingness pass, and both Carlisle and Nate finally pick themselves up on a somewhat level playing field, sluggishly turning to one another and swinging at each other like drunkards, James throwing a big windmill of a left hook.  Expecting as much, having already met Carlisle’s striking earlier, Nate simply steps backwards and weaves around the wild punch, pushing Carlisle aside.  James stumbles to a stop, turning back around with a smirk before screwing his face up in determination and swooping in to grab Insano yet again only “The Insane One” sidesteps around Carlisle almost effortlessly, this time delivering a swift blow to Carlisle’s ribcage and James stumbles to an abrupt halt, sucking in both oxygen and his own raging temper, chuckling sarcastically, turning back at Nate and waving his finger at him, only the Floridian powerhouse kicks him right in the gut before James can take another step, catching him off-guard into a lurch forwards before battering him to the mat with an ax-handle, cracking his neck in a completely composed manner.  Cheers echo from the crowd only to be answered with an intense glare from Nate, picking James up from the mat, leading Carlisle toward the corner yet James stops dead in his tracks, reaching up and feeling around Nate’s face blinded by his awkward positioning, finding Nate’s eye sockets and pushing his thumbs into them, forcing Insano to release him with a shrill cry of pain, “The Gore Machine” stumbles backwards into the corner and Carlisle, huffing and puffing, then charges at Insano and rams him into the turnbuckles good and proper with a forearm smash!  Having been clobbered against the corner, Nate sinks flat on his backside against the turnbuckles, and James doesn’t waste any time, rushing to the far corner and stepping off the turnbuckle before sprinting back toward the seated Nate for his cannonball senton however Insano is only barely able to escape to safety with a quick roll, and Carlisle crashes right into the turnbuckle post upside down, immediately recoiling back into a headstand before flopping on his face in pain, rolling back and forth clutching his tailbone.

Joey Miles – DENIED FATASS!!
Ted Cedar – James Carlisle looking for that cannonball and finding nothing but the ringpost!  That looked excruciatingly painful!
Joey Miles – Sitting with you on commentary is excruciatingly painful!
Ted Cedar – Let’s not go there with painful commentary, Joey!

Nate grins, his chest rising and deflating rapidly as he finds his breaths, clutching his own midsection with one hand as he fingers the ring ropes with the other, studying James as he picks himself up just beyond Carlisle’s scope of sight, charging at him and clobbering him with a running lariat which catches James just below the back of the neck, knocking him to the corner.  Nate keeps the pressure on the Best Seller, attacking the midsection with shoulder thrusts, Carlisle dizzily peels out of the corner and Nate bends his knees waiting in anticipation, scooping James up into a military press!   Elbowing his way to liberation, James drops to his feet behind Nate and turns the tide, heaving Nate into a fireman’s carry lift only Nate makes the escape as well, locking hold of Carlisle from behind with a facelock and suplexing James almost effortlessly, causing James to dramatically crash across the mat gut-first, rolling about the mat near that Singapore cane as Nate rolls him over and drops down for a cover, only to be viciously blasted on the top of the head, which audibly cracks, and Nate is sent packing in lala land, rolling beneath the bottom rope and dropping onto the mat outside the ring only to be whacked across the shins by Carlisle and the cane in a clearly despicable strategy!  Things finally take outside the ring, appeasing the hardcore rule enthusiasts as Carlisle shakes off the daze and stalks Insano, ignoring referee Ryu Sanu, who was throwing a fit about Carlisle’s tactics.  Nodding and replying “Uh-huh” at the ref, James steps Nate who’d sunk against the corner and gets right back to the midsection kicking, proceeding to stomp the proverbial ‘mudhole’ only Insano goes for the eye-gouge, which only further aggravates Ryu into a rule-stating fit.  “Argh, you fuc—“ Carlisle begins to snarl, tending to himself as Insano desperately rises, drilling him flat on his back with a quicj shoulder block!  Carlisle scrambles to his feet in surprise, only to be flattened again for his troubles as Insano magically finds his momentum.  “WHY CANT YOU JUST DIE!”  Carlisle screams, kicking backwards on his heels in retreat as he frantically fumbles on the crowd barricade, Insano scouts him on bended knee, the crowd predicting a RIPPER coming as they quickly stand to attention and Insano indeed charges, shifting gears into a full blown sprint toward James, who skips over into the crowd and Nate crashes right into the security structure shoulder first, James stepping on a steel chair from the other side of the wall, grabbing hold of Nate in an inverted facelock and pulling him up only to cruelly drop his head right onto the barricade with an innovative WRITERS BLOCK Ace Crusher, while not completing the move, the impact alone obliterates Nate’s unconscious and James adds salt to the wounds, slingshotting the barricade to crush Nate with an impactful splash!



Ring Announce Chick
“Your winner… JAAAAMES CARRLISLE!!!”

James groggily raises his arms high in victory, and crawls to his feet, tapping his temple proudly and the show goes on.
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M4 | King of Xtreme Round 1; Hardcore Match | James Carlisle vs Nate Insano

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