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 PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"

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Riley Williamson
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PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"   PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" EmptyMon Jul 14, 2014 3:18 pm

DUE: Saturday, July 19th at 11:59PM EDT.
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PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"   PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 10:08 am

Too lazy to be bothered with the details of his arrival, we find Vladimir Strife amidst the focal point on the arena as Vendetta returns from a commercial break. He stands there before the vociferous XWA faithfuls, microphone and hand hung at his side as he looks around their menacing faces and spiteful gestures in response to his savage assault of the former Heavyweight Champion a week ago. He begins to encourage them as their steam starts to run out, waving around a middle finger to further incite their anger. They begin to calm down again and the GodKing withdraws his antic, raising the microphone to his lips.
"I get it, I get it.. Some of you are a little less than enthused about what happened. Many of you care very dearly for Maddox Paine and I understand that, I really do. Here is this man who, until recently, represented the pinnacle of talent here in XWA. He held the highest honor in the land and came out here week after week to entertain all of you, his adoring fans. He's your hero, your brooding, dark knight, your savio... well, I guess that one's Rellim.. but, essentially, he's your Batman.."
"No, no, hear me out.. He's the big, silent, protector who comes down here to beat up the bad guys in the name of justice. You all flash you little bat signals, moan out about how unfair someone is and someone needs to fix this injustice so your precious little notions of this world where the good guy always magically somehow triumphs over the bad one aren't challenged, then he comes down to set it right for you again. So you cheer and you applaud and you dote and that's the routine and you love it. That is the way that you like the world to be, that you like for things to be in this company. It distracts you from the reality of the world where evil persists and justice is fleeting. And I understand that you all need that and you don't want that to change and the truth of the matter is... I don't want that to change either. I want all of you to enjoy that comfort. I want Maddox to be your hero and come in and save the day time and time again so you can cheer your hearts out, feel good about yourselves and the state of the world and sleep peacefully at night. I sincerely apologize that I interrupted that cycle."
Vladimir begins to pace as he pleads his side to the XWA universe.
"The thing is that Maddox WAS the champion. He is one of the best around here and well, you know, I had to make my statement a big one. I did not single out your hero to bring down your view of him or his status, but rather it was because of that view, that status, that it had to be him.  But there is a way in which we get what we want.. A path through which Maddox Paine still stands tall and mighty for all of you to cheer on and praise.. But there is only ONE path through which this is possible.. and it requires your help."
"I need you... all of you... to address dear Maddox. I need you to tell him that it's alright - you don't need justice this time. Just this once. Tell him to let it all go and just stay away from the Barbarian Lord.. to steer clear of my path."

A fresh chorus of jeers tells Vladimir all he needs to know of their thoughts on this idea. He shakes his head and lowers it in shame.
"Guys... look, you have to listen to me here. Maybe I'm just not making this clear enough. Maddox is your little hero.. once again, your Batman, if you will. You love and adore him and he 'protects' XWA. But this isn't 'Knightfall': I'm not just simply going to break Maddox down and he comes back for some big triumphant rally in the end. No, this is fucking 'Final Crisis'. I will destroy your hero; only all of the plot induced stupidity in the world won't fucking save him! Incidentally.. I may have hit the comic books a little hard in my time away from the ring..."
"Now, people, I have no problem doing what needs to be done, but this... this doesn't have to happen. Your little dark, silent protagonist is more than free to walk away from this intact. In fact, I can do one even better than that. If Maddox will come down here to this ring, I shake his hand and extend to him the opportunity to join me and become a warrior in the Army of the GodKing and grant him the same immunity that all others who do so are afforded. He can still fight for justice and your entertainment, even, so long as he does so baring my mark.."

As a familiar tune strikes up through the arena's speakers, Vladimir turns toward the entrance with a smirk, standing back calmly as he awaits to see what the Toughest of the Tough has to say about his offer.


The fans go into a frenzy of cheers for the first time in this entire segment. Without wasting any time, Maddox Paine and Eric Goodman fly out from behind the stage, looking to get a piece of the so-called "GodKing." They both make haste as they almost sprint down the ramp to get near Vlad. Maddox quickly climbs up the steps and steps into the ring through the middle ropes, however this time he's a little more careful. He knows just how dangerous Vladimir Strife is, and he doesn't want to keep his eyes off him. Luckily for him, Vlad has already gotten a mic for him and he doesn't need to worry about that. Strife tosses the mic to "The Titan" and Paine catches it in mid-air. His theme dies off as he is quick to speak.

Maddox Paine: "Vlad, Vlad, Vlad. You dumb son of a bitch."

With that single statement, the crowd once again raises the roof of the place. 

Maddox Paine: "You have absolutely no idea what you have gotten yourself into. You see, there's a reason I'm so feared backstage and so feared in general. I do what I say I am going to do. I may have suffered a few setbacks when I lost my title to Hitman Alex twice, but I learn from my mistakes. You don't really expect me to sit here, accept the beating you gave me last week, and just live it down? No."

Maddox shakes his head. 

Maddox Paine: "But you did get my attention. See, I have no excuse for what happened last week. I underestimated you and I paid the price for it. I shouldn't have taken you for granted. See, I'm used to dominating through people. I'm used to plowing everyone in my way down into a pile of dust and not worrying about them. I'm not used to being on the receiving end. But make no mistake, I will not take you for granted ever again."

Maddox takes another short pause. 

Maddox Paine: "You think you have an advantage due to the fact that you're so experienced. But I only see it as you being old. As an old man, there isn't much you have left to give. You might have more experience than me, but I'm not scared of you. I'm damn sure that I am a lot tougher than you, and I am more than willing to prove it."


Maddox Paine: "You see, Vlad. I'm not the kinda guy you wanna mess with. I'm not a self-destructive drug addict with a troubled past. I'm not a person who's been through horrible stuff. I'm not a person who has family issues or some sort of "deep, dark background," I'm NOT a relatable character. I'm an ass-kicker. I'm a destroyer. I am the fastest of the fast, the strongest of the strong, and the toughest of the tough. You don't fear me like everyone else, and I like that. It makes it all the more satisfying when I pound your face into the dirt and show you why you SHOULD be."

Maddox drops his microphone and gets right into Vlad's face. 

Vladimir grins at the moxy of the younger man, stroking his chin as he considers his sentiments.  

"Well, can't say I didn't offer.."

With that, the GodKing throws a hard slug into the jaw of Maddox, taking him back a step. The Toughest of the Tough returns fire, a fistfight of the titans striking up, each rattling the skull of the other with traded blows. After a few of them, Vladimir suddenly ducks under a big one, burying his fist into the stomach of his nemesis. Paine lurches forward as the boos begin to sound off from every corner of the arena and Vlad steps in behind him, bringing down a huge forearm across his spine. His back arches as things begin to look bad for the former XWA Heavyweight champion. As he prepares to go to work on the larger man, a sudden catches him across the chin, courtesy of Eric Goodman. The blow dazes the Barbarian Lord, but this provides plenty enough of an opening as Maddox turns back to face him and swoops in, thrusting his shoulder into Vlad's gut and lifting him up. He slams the Romanian down to the canvas with a thunderous spinebuster and raises back up into the air, flexing his muscles and rallying the fans behind him. 

Before the attack can continue any further, Strife abandons the ring, rolling out of it to safety. He glares over the two men, arm against his lumbar as the crowd goes wild. While Maddox motions for him to get back in the ring, Eric takes up a microphone to address the Czar of Scars.

"Vladimir, you may have faced many men.. but you've never faced the toughest of the tough, the strongest of the strong, and the fastest of the fast! If you want a fight, a war, you don't need to look any further. Quit running your mouth and resorting to cheap tactics and man up! Revolutionary Wars, 'GodKing'.. if you want some, come get some!"

The fans again explode into cheers as the prospect of these two stars in a contest is put out there. Vladimir reaches into the ring just enough to grab the microphone he'd lost in the scuffle and brings it to his lips.

"How could I say no to an offer like that? No more of this interference though.. The little pet goes in a cage and stays there during the match and we've got a deal.."

Eric laughs at Vladimir comments.

"You honestly think that's going to save you? I have no problem spending a little time in a cage if it means getting to see Maddox beat you to a pulp. You're on!"

With an agreement and a date set in place, Maddox and Eric leave the ring, clearing the ring for Dereck Walter and the match about to take place. As Vladimir takes back to the ring and begins to warm up, he wears a sick smile, begging speculation that he may have gotten precisely what he was hoping for, despite his pleads to save Maddox.

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I am Batman
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PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"   PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 11:01 am

Awesome ending, I look forward to our match! Big Grin!


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The Downward Spiral
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PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"   PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 11:17 am

Fucking awesome, guys.
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Methylated Spirit
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PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"   PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 1:17 pm

Learn2Code Loser
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PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled"   PROMO | Vladimir Strife and Maddox Paine - "Untitled" EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 1:33 pm

The Methploited wrote:
Learn2Code Loser

I typed it up in gmail and it did that when I copied and pasted. I keep trying to edit but it doesn't show in the edit window.
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