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 Schwarzenegger would love to make True Lies 2

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Schwarzenegger would love to make True Lies 2 Empty
PostSubject: Schwarzenegger would love to make True Lies 2   Schwarzenegger would love to make True Lies 2 EmptyWed Mar 26, 2014 12:34 pm

He has a new “Terminator” coming, a sequel to “Twins” is in the works, and he’s attached to reprise Conan the Barbarian again. But before the day is done, Arnold Schwarzenegger says he’d also be keen on reprising one of his funnest roles from the ’90s, Harry Tasker.

“I would just as much love to do a sequel to TRUE LIES”, the 66-year-old, commenting on his upcoming “Terminator” reprise, tells Aint it Cool.

“True Lies” director James Cameron had toyed with the idea of doing a sequel to the 1994 hit prior to 2011 – but then terrorists took down the World Trade center, and suddenly a movie about a secret-spy tackling terrorists wasn’t appealing to him. So he let it rest.

Might Schwarzenegger’s comments spur Cameron to round-up the original cast – which also included Jamie Lee Curtis and Tom Arnold – for a tardy follow-up to one of his most entertaining films? The big man does seem to have some sway.

Meanwhile, it’s onto “Terminator : Genesis” for Schwarzenegger, and speaking to MTV, the big guy essentially confirms Moviehole’s report that the film will see Schwarzenegger reprising the ’1984′ version of his character – as well as other incarnations of it.

“Terminator deals a lot with time travel, so there will be a younger T-800, and then what that model does later on when it gets reprogrammed, and who gets ahold of him. So it will be all kinds of interesting twists in the movie, but I feel so good.”

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Schwarzenegger would love to make True Lies 2

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