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 Complete 13/2 Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers*

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Complete 13/2 Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers* Empty
PostSubject: Complete 13/2 Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers*   Complete 13/2 Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers* EmptySun Feb 02, 2014 7:59 pm

A really poor turnout with around 25 percent of the seats empty on all sides except the TV side. Fortunately, us Mancs are really loud so that won't be apparent on TV.

TNA Xplosion

1. X Division Champion Austin Aries defeated Kazarian.

TNA Impact Wrestling TV

The opening segment featured Dixie, Magnus, Rockstar Spud, and EC3 came out. Dixie cut a promo how she isn't scared of MVP. Magnus was next saying how he hated the north and Manchester. MVP and Samoa Joe interrupted and hyped the title match at Lockdown.

Gunner interrupted and said Manchester was tired of a paper champion and was cashing in his briefcase in seven days. Dixie said he forgot one thing and made a match for his case against EC3. MVP made it for both briefcases and a ladder match (Gunner has the TNA Title contract, EC3 has the tag title contract).

1. Gunner fought Ethan Carter III to a no-contest in a ladder match for the Feast or Fired briefcases. Magnus interfered. James Storm came out and evened it up. The faces cleared the heels. MVP came out and made it a tag match.

2. Gunner and James Storm defeated Magnus and EC3 in a ladder match for both Feast or Fired Briefcases. Magnus and EC3 nearly had the win but started bickering over who would climb the ladder. Storm clocked them both and then cleared the ring and retrieved the two cases.

3. Samoa Joe and The American Wolves beat Robbie E, Jessie, and Zema Ion in a six-man tag. The Wolves looked quick and exciting. Joe was SUPER over and got the win with the rear naked choke.

Next was an in-ring segment with Abyss, now without his mask. He called out Eric Young, who came out to big reaction. Abyss said he needed help and Young offered to help him. Abyss said he doesn't need his help, he needs someone who understands him and left.

4. MPV beat Rockstar Spud. A really short squash match. MVP won with his shining wizard boot to the face finisher.

5. Velvet Sky vs. Chris Sabin. Yes, it was a match. Velvet kicked him in the nuts after a lot of goading. He removed a cup and called her stupid she hit him with a low blow again and Velvet started beating on him. Some unknown big woman destroyed Velvet then locked her in a full Nelson, causing Velvet to go limp. Sabin celebrated and was carried out on his new ladies shoulders.

6. Mr. Anderson beat Bully Ray in a casket match. Bully was wearing a Liverpool football shirt to huge boos. Anderson dragged it off him and choked him with it. Anderson brought out a table. Bully hit a powerbomb through it and went to out Anderson in the casket, Anderson escaped and hit Mic check into the casket for the win.

7. Gail Kim (w/Lei'D Tapa) beat Madison Rayne in a non-title street fight. Short match. Every time Madison got the upper hand, Tapa stepped in, eventually giving the distraction so Gail Kim could hit Madison with the title belt and get the three count. This concluded the taping of the first show (though some of this may have been filmed out of sequence).
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Complete 13/2 Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers*

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