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 Stone Cold vs The Rock @ WM17

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Join date : 2014-01-30
Age : 25

Stone Cold vs The Rock @ WM17 Empty
PostSubject: Stone Cold vs The Rock @ WM17   Stone Cold vs The Rock @ WM17 EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 10:21 am

This match fueled my liking for Wrestling to a whole new level. This match is in my opinion, the best match that WWE ever wrote, and I must say it's a tough decision for me since there's a lot of great matches in WWE history (most of my favorites are in the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era). Plus the match itself is included in the most awesome and action packed WrestleMania (again, my opinion). I must mention too the promo, the promo for this match is waaay too intense, with the Limp Bizkit song playing while they show clips of the heating action towards SCSA and The Rock, you can't just help to get excited with the match that's going to happen next.

I could watch the promo for hours and hours and still get entertained. I freaking love it, the match, the promo, the WrestleMania it took in.

So, I want to ask you guys, do you think that this is a great match? Please discuss it with me! It's been a long time since I've talked about wrestling with other people, I think this is the time.
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Stone Cold vs The Rock @ WM17

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