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 Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal

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Riley Williamson
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Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal Empty
PostSubject: Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal   Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal EmptyFri Jan 03, 2014 7:56 am

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards won’t be back at the next set of WWE NXT tapings and they aren’t going to be offered a contract.

Apparently Triple H didn’t want t sign them after their tryout because of their size. The feeling is they are loaded with guys who aren’t big that can go so the mentality coming out of these tryout camps is that WWE is looking for guys who can headline WrestleMania in five or ten years.

A lot of people went to bat for Richards and Edwards with the feeling they should get a deal and several people pushed for them to go straight to the main roster. It’s said Triple H made the decision not to sign them after the NXT tapings where they lost to The Ascension.
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Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal   Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal EmptyFri Jan 03, 2014 10:04 am

I call BS face palm
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I am Batman
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Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal   Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal EmptyFri Jan 03, 2014 8:54 pm

Yeah That articles like these love to stir up rumors.


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Dragon Fx
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Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal   Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal EmptyFri Jan 03, 2014 9:24 pm

I can believe this Funny
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Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal   Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 2:44 am

If it's true, its too bad. Davey Richards one of the reasons I watched ROH a few years back.
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I am Batman
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PostSubject: Re: Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal   Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 2:48 am

^ He's like the only reason I cared about PWG for a short while. Mainly cause I marked for the DR Driver/DR Driver II, but yeah.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
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Why Triple H Isn’t Offering Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards a Deal

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