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 Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT

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Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT Empty
PostSubject: Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT   Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT EmptyThu Dec 26, 2013 11:08 am

According to F4WOnline.com, former ROH talents Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards were initially brought into WWE NXT for a tryout, and officials liked what they saw from the two then the idea would be for them to return to NXT to work events during the first few months of 2014.

If everything went accordingly for the two after that point, then a deal might potentially be offered for them to remain with NXT.

There is also speculation that TNA might be making a play to bring the former American Wolves into the company. During Richards' farewell speech at the last Pro Wrestling Guerrilla event, he made reference to "heading to Orlando," and while it is expected that he and Edwards will work NXT again in the beginning of the new year, that has yet to be confirmed.
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT   Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT EmptyThu Dec 26, 2013 11:09 am

I was shocked as all fuck when I saw them in NXT. They put on a good match with The Ascension, too.

Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT MJFR42R
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Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT   Why Richards & Edwards Were Brought Into NXT EmptyThu Dec 26, 2013 11:55 am

i thought they had a short term deal?
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