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 Dolph Ziggler Speaks on His Concussion

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Dolph Ziggler Speaks on His Concussion Empty
PostSubject: Dolph Ziggler Speaks on His Concussion   Dolph Ziggler Speaks on His Concussion EmptyThu Dec 26, 2013 11:16 am

In a new interview conducted for The Washington Times, WWE star Dolph Ziggler had the following to say regarding the concussion that cut short his World Title run:

"I’m sitting at home with a pounding headache, and I’m thinking I’m going to lose this one opportunity that I was basically never supposed to have," Ziggler said. "Then slowly over the next two or three weeks, my headaches weren’t going away, and then I’m, 'Wow, let’s put that on the back burner, I need to see if I can ever wrestle again.'

At week three, [still] a consistent 24-hour headache, I may never be able to get in to the ring again. If I do, I don’t know if I could fall down, be as crisp as I was, and I’m nervous about hitting my head or anything like that. Luckily, very slowly but surely, everything came back into order. I picked up right where I left off, and unfortunately the title was very shortly out of my hands. Even though you love this business, it doesn’t always love you back. It’s always about timing, [and] that was my one shot to prove to the world that I could actually be a Heavyweight Champion."
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Dolph Ziggler Speaks on His Concussion

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