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 Steve Austin Talks About Not Wanting to Lose to Brock Lesnar & Taking His Ball and Going Home

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Steve Austin Talks About Not Wanting to Lose to Brock Lesnar & Taking His Ball and Going Home   Empty
PostSubject: Steve Austin Talks About Not Wanting to Lose to Brock Lesnar & Taking His Ball and Going Home    Steve Austin Talks About Not Wanting to Lose to Brock Lesnar & Taking His Ball and Going Home   EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 1:16 pm

During his appearance on Chris Jericho's new podcast, Steve Austin discussed the time he "took his ball and went home" when WWE wanted him to lose to Brock Lesnar. Here is what he had to say…

"I handled the situation like a total ass. Jim Ross calls me while I'm laying in a hotel, and he told me creative wanted Brock [Lesnar] to beat me. I'm drawing stupid money right now. WWF has spent a lot of money getting me in this position. I've busted my ass getting me in this position. Guys that draw stupid money don't just happen overnight. So all the sudden you want me to do a job? I love Brock Lesnar; he's a monster. As soon as he walked through the door, we all saw massive potential in the guy. But for me to do a job for him, without any kind of build up – it's a PPV match with two or three weeks of people talking about it. And I said, if that's going to be the case, I won't be there … I was drinking a lot of whiskey and beer. We were running hard back then, and I just said 'piss on these guys' and I got on a plane and headed back to San Antonio. I should have showed up like a man, come up with a different solution; just show up, talk to Vince face-to-face, solve the problem in some way, and get through it like a grown man. I took my ball and went home. I handled it about as badly as I could, and that's my biggest regret in my career as a pro wrestler."

Read more at http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/306582/Steve-Austin-Talks-About-Not-Wanting-to-Lose-to-Brock-Lesnar.htm#eeZzfJms7DPGTQmT.99
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Steve Austin Talks About Not Wanting to Lose to Brock Lesnar & Taking His Ball and Going Home

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