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 Alec Baldwin’s MSNBC show axed

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Alec Baldwin’s MSNBC show axed Empty
PostSubject: Alec Baldwin’s MSNBC show axed   Alec Baldwin’s MSNBC show axed EmptyThu Nov 28, 2013 3:51 pm

Alec Baldwin and MSNBC are parting ways.

The net had put the “30 Rock” star’s late-night show “Up Late with Alec Baldwin” on suspension, after a video emerged of the host tearing into a photographer and allegedly letting rip with a gay slur.

Baldwin had suggested in recent days that he didn’t know whether the show would be returning – and now both the actor and the network have confirmed the demise.

“We are jointly confirming that Up Late will not continue on MSNBC,” MSNBC and Baldwin rep Matthew Hiltzik said.

MSNBC said “This is a mutual parting and we wish Alec all the best.”

Baldwin claims he didn’t use a gay slur, but is apologetic nonetheless.

“I never used the word f-ggot in the tape recording being offered as evidence against me,” he wrote in his Huffington Post column.

“I did not intend to hurt or offend anyone with my choice of words, but clearly I have—and for that I am deeply sorry”, he wrote on the MSNBC site. ”Words are important. I understand that, and will choose mine with great care going forward. What I said and did this week, as I was trying to protect my family, was offensive and unacceptable. Behavior like this undermines hard-fought rights that I vigorously support. I want to apologize to my loyal fans and to my colleagues at msnbc—both for my actions and for distracting from their good work. Again, please accept my apology.”

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Alec Baldwin’s MSNBC show axed

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