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 6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc

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I am Batman
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6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   Empty
PostSubject: 6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc    6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 2:24 am

DUE: Saturday, December 7th at 11:59 PM EDT (UTC -4 Hours)
-Intercontinental Championship-
-I Quit Match-

6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   JHalcvsDrake_zps59548417


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6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc    6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   EmptyFri Nov 29, 2013 1:36 am

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6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc    6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   EmptySat Dec 07, 2013 11:58 pm

The show comes back from cheap advertising plugs with Drake's music being cut, and the IC Champion himself standing in the middle of the ring. The official has the Intercontinental Championship in his hands, about to raise it as soon as the contender enters the ring to get the match underway, but JHalc merely stands outside with his mallet draped over his shoulder.

JHalc seems a bit reluctant to get inside the ring to start this off.

History would tell you the answer as to why Adam. JHalc has never won at Xtrememania.

JHalc steps up from the floor, and climbs up onto the apron, still with his weapon of choice over his shoulder. He walks along the ropes to the nearest corner and takes his hat off of his head, placing it on the ring post. With an eye to Drake he lifts his left leg over the middle rope and drops it into the ring. As he bends forward, to bring his body through, Drake snaps into action, yanking the title belt from the referee's hands and charging head on towards his rival.


Jay gets his left foot planted inside the ring and uses it to push himself forwards as Drake gets within a step of him. The veteran makes a move to get upright as Drake brings the belt up in his hands and starts to size Jay up on the run. The Jack of Hearts gets his right leg up and over the rope and into the ring, while keeping his balance. The champion lurches forward, swinging the title like a man possessed, but at the last possible second, JHalc goes down to all fours and the champion catches nothing but air. Drake goes off balance behind JHalc and is stopped only by the ropes. The rebound off of them causes him to lose grip on the title, and it drops to the outside of the ring. The challenger takes the mallet from his shoulder and places the head of it against the ground so that he can use the handle to get himself back to his feet. As soon as he does so, he turns, smoothly bringing up the weapon as he turns. Drake Dysfunction takes his first step back towards his opponent off the rebound of the ropes and attempts to turn, but almost loses balance. He doesn't duck, or move evasively as the mallet is in his blindspot as Jay turns. The contender continues to spin though, and leans back as the mallet comes around, swinging it baseball bat style towards the champion who has nowhere to go. Drake tries at the last possible second to get his hands up, but it is of no use. The mallet connects with the whole left side of his face and splinters into billions of pieces upon impact. Cameras flash as Drake snaps back from the impact and falls to his back on the mat. JHalc looks at the end of his most precious possession in disbelief that it had shattered so quickly.

What a way to kick this one off.

Drake should have just waited for the challenger. He had the high ground!

The Jack of Hearts and his mallet turned the tables on him though.

Jay looks at the broken weapon he has in hand, and then down to his stirring opponent. He had to give the champion credit, the man could take a hit in stride. Drake turns from his back, onto his stomach, and starts to push himself up from the mat. His challenger leans forward, with the handle of his weapon in his left hand, and places it under the jaw of his opponent. Jay reaches forward with his right hand and take hold of the broken end, before helping the champion up with the wooden handle pressed firmly against his windpipe. Jay nods to the official, who steps in immediately with a microphone in hand, placing it in front of their faces.

Say the magic words....

Go fuck yourself!

Drake bends his left arm at a ninety degree angle and drives his elbow back into the ribs of the man holding him captive. The unexpectedness of the shot forces all of the air out of Jay's lungs and causes him to hunch forward giving Drake all of the space that he needed to escape. The champion pulls the handle of the weapon from his gasping challenger's hands, and then turns around to face him, now holding the weapon. Jay falls backwards, still trying to gain his breath, but Drake could care less. Without hesitation he snaps forward, swinging with a calculated shot, and catching Jay in the temple in the temple with a baseball like swing of the handle. The Jack of Heart's head snaps away, with a large red welt already starting to appear before his head even hits the mat. Drake reaches down and grabs him by the head, pulling him back upright. JHalc sits on his knees, with a far away look in his eye as Drake brings the handle down a second time, in the same spot, this time cutting a line through the welt that sends drops of blood down Jay' cheek. Drake drops the handle to the mat and reaches forward again, pulling Jay into a front facelock and up to his feet. The champion hooks the challenger's arm around the back of his neck and then lifts him up into the air. For a moment, Drake lets him hang there, with the blood now rushing to his head, and increasing the flow from the cut on his cheek, and then the champ lets his legs fall out from under him, bringing the challenger down hard with a brainbuster.

Drake Dysfunction seems to have snapped a little bit.

Jay must have knocked something lose with that mallet.

It seems all Jay did was piss him off.

Drake turns over onto his stomach, and raises up his hand. The referee puts the microphone into his palm and steps away, knowing he can't do anything but watch this match. Drake puts the microphone right into the cut on Jay's cheek before talking.

What about you? Give up yet?

[laughing] I thought my jokes were bad....

Jay's attitude only fuels the fire inside Drake. He lifts the handle of the microphone up, and then brings it down hard into the same place the handle shots had connected. The dribbles of blood were quickly becoming a stream. The fans let out a collective wincing sound, and Drake brings it down again. The champion slides his legs up and cradles, Jay's head in his lap before bringing the microphone down a third and final time.

What about now? I can do this all night!

Who taught you how to hit people.... your husband?

Drake brings the microphone down into the wide open cheek of his prey one more time. The force of the blow causes the top of the microphone to separate from the handle, and roll away from the duo in the ring. Drake looks at what remains in his hand, and instantly realizes that he can't win with just that. He shoves JHalc's upper body away from himself and stands up, making a beeline to the ropes, and sliding under to the outside.

Apparently we are going to be joined at ringside by Drake Dysfunction.

Shut up and give me a microphone.

Cedar, not wanting any trouble, points to the two microphones in the middle of the table. Drake takes the first and tosses it into the ring. He reaches down for the second but thinks better of it as his eyes move to behind the announce table where there are several folding chairs. Drake takes a look to the ring, where Jay is turned over and on all fours, and decides to go for the chair instead of the second mic. He clambers past the announce duo and grabs two of the chairs. He turns back towards the ring to find that Jay still hasn't been able to get himself up. Wanting to capitalize, Drake throws the first of the two chairs into the ring. The sudden sound that it makes when it hits the mat brings JHalc back to his senses. He looks up to see his opponent, with a chair in hand, coming towards the ring, and is immediately up on his feet. Jay takes off running towards Drake as the latter lifts his chair and tries to slide into the ring. This works in the favor of the Jack of Hearts as Jay slides on the ring mat and baseball slide kicks the chair back into Drake's face.

And just like that Jay is back in this thing!

Drake too a little too long getting back into the ring and it cost him.

Jay is slow getting up, hobbling on his bad leg and wishing he hadn't used both feet on the slide. Drake is on his back outside the ring, but his stirring gives his opponent little time to plan his next move. Seeing the chair that got thrown into the ring, JHalc moves to it, and picks it up. Drake is now on one knee, starting to push himself up from the floor, and Jay unfolds the chair, sitting it a few feet from the ropes and directly behind where Drake is standing. His his prey gets up, the challenger takes off running to the other side of the ring, and then rebounds back towards his chair. Camera shots catch the maneuver frame by frame as Jay steps to the flat of the chair, then up over the back rest, before finally landing on the top rope. Drake turns around, only a moment before Jay leaps off, and is helpless to get out of the way of the senton. Jay flips and lands flush across Drake's torso, riding him straight into the thinly padded ground to the resounding applause of the fans.

Jay hasn't been able to get into the air in recent weeks with that bum right wheel.!

I think he is trying to end this before that becomes a factor.

The Jack of Hearts stands up, and stops at the announce table, grabbing the second microphone off of the desk.

What about now. huh? Do you quit?

JHalc doesn't even bother holding the microphone out to his opponent, it was a rhetorical question anyways. Instead, he swings the microphone in the same manner that Drake had demonstrated to him and clocks his opponent in the cheekbone, cutting through the skin and cracking the microphone to pieces all in one swing. Drake's head snaps back and he falls back to the floor. The challenger smirks, knowing that he has made sure that the playing field stays leveled. Though now, it is his turn to look for something to use to hurt his opponent. He finds it, in the form of a table. He spots it sticking out from under the ring skirt, and pulls it free. Moving quickly, he raises the legs on the far side from the ring and then leaves the table sitting half erected. He turns back to his opponent, and finds that Drake is rising. This, he simply cannot let be, JHalc shuffles back to him and throws a punch, only for Drake to deflect it, and raise his bloodied face to meet his challenger's gaze. Drake throws a punch of his own, and rocks Jay with it. Drake responds in turn, with the fans now cheering every blow from Jay and booing any sign of life from Drake. JHalc shoots his hand up, and lands an open palmed thrust to Drake's throat which stops him from being able to counter. When the champion backpedals to catch his breath, the challenger follows and strikes again, this time with an open handed slap to the cut open cheek of the champ. Drake spins around, feeling his face catch on fire from the shot. He instinctively wants to turn and run directly at his opponent, but thinks better of it. Instead, he raises his hands up to his face and continues to stumble away. Jay pursues him to the timekeepers area where Drake spins on his heel, another microphone in hand and blasts the challenger with it in the side of the head. Showing a consistent lack of durability this one also breaks apart, leaving Drake with nothing to obtain his opponent's acquiescence.

These two have destroyed every microphone we have at ringside. How is this thing gonna end?!

Drake threw one into the ring, and that is where he is going to have to send his opponent in order to win this one.

Jay falls away from his adversary after absorbing the shot from yet another microphone. He stays on his feet all the way to the ring, where he falls against the apron. Drake follows him, and grabs the chair that was kicked into his face on the way to his hunched over opponent. Jay tries to slide back into the ring, and positions himself exactly where Drake wants him. The champion takes a swing at the Jack of Hearts' lower back with the chair, and causes him to cry out in pain. With the second shot, Drake aims for the injured knee, which gets him an even louder scream. Drake sets the chair on the mat and goes to work unlocking the knee brace from Jay's leg. It turns out to be short work, as this has all been done in both of their previous meetings. JHalc tries to scurry away, but Drake hooks his boot and pulls him back to where his leg is under the rope. He climbs up onto the apron and stabs the backrest of his chair down against Jay's spine. This gives him the time that he needs to grab the boot of the injured leg and hook it around so that it is stuck under the bottom rope but looped to be overtop of the middle. With his opponent trapped, he swings the chair to the trapped leg and the crowd collectively boos at the tactic. Drake looks down to see that Jay's hand is only inches from the microphone.

Grab it and tell them all that you give in.

Jay doesn't move, and draws another swing of the chair from his opponent through his inaction. He reaches out his hand to grab the microphone but doesn't bring himself to actually touch it, drawing yet another shot to his unprotected leg. Finally, Jay grabs it, and pulls it closer to his face so that he can talk, but doesn't utter a single word. At this, Drake becomes unhinged, blasting at JHalc's knee shot after shot after shot, until he can't hold the chair anymore and drops it outside the ring. He frees Jay's leg from the trap and steps into the ring. As he does, Jay turns on his back and swings hard, nailing Drake with the side of the microphone and breaking the last one at ringside.

And there goes the last one.

Jay tries to use the distraction as a means to get away, and tries to scurry, but Drake grabs him by the foot as he goes, and pulls him back towards the ropes. Jay reaches out for anything to stop him from being pulled back into the trap and catches one of the legs of the chair he used to get air moments ago. It is of no use though, as Drake leaps up and elbows him to the mat, stopping him from getting a good grip on it.

It looks like the champ has everything under control.

Drake is able to get up to his feet, but somehow he manages to pull Jay with himself in tow. The Jack of Hearts doesn't fight being dragged back to his feet either. The champion his grip on his opponent's head and is surprised to find that the challenger is still able to stand on his own. He tests his footing with a quick right hand, that catches Jay in the jaw, but doesn't knock him back to the mat. The Jack of Hearts takes a swing of his own, but it is little more than just a swipe in Drake's general direction that misses sloppily. Seizing his opportunity, Drake pushes forward, as he turns his shoulder to Jay. He reaches back and locks in the three quarter facelock that normally leads right into the Dysfunctional Hell, but stops short of leaping into the air and bringing his opponent down. Instead, the cameras catch him eyeing the turnbuckles. Drake wrenches Jay's head between his arms, assuring his grip, and then takes two brisk steps before stepping up to the bottom turnbuckle with his left foot. The right follows on the second turnbuckle, and then back to the left for a touch on the third as he tries to turn his opponent around for a more impactful maneuver. However, his opponent seems to find the rest of his life just as Drake steps on the top turnbuckle. JHalc pushes forward will all of his weight, or more likely, his legs give out on him and he falls forward into the turnbuckle. Drake gets seated on the top rope, but refuses to let go of his opponent's head to avoid being pushed off to the table below. In doing so, he only makes his position worse. Jay falls down, and Drake bends backwards off of the turnbuckle. His boots save him from falling as they catch on the bottom of the turnbuckle, but they only help to put him into the tree of woe. The champion releases his hold and tries to push Jay away to free himself, feeling helpless.

Drake just hung himself on the turnbuckle!

Jay's spaghetti legs couldn't hold the champ up in the air for the turn.

Jay pushes himself away to freedom. He slides away from Drake finding the steel chair in the center of the ring before he looks back. Drake is trying to do an inverted sit up as there is no freeing his foot the easy way. The Jack of Hearts looks away from his opponent and back to the chair. He laughs, his front teeth on the bloody side of his face also soaked in blood. He brushes away at his eye and then grabs a hold of the chair. He places the legs of the chair on the mat and then uses it as a crutch to stand up. As he does, he reaches up towards the ceiling and the crowd erupts. Almost immediately, a microphone starts to descend from the rafters.

The Jack of Hearts is back on his feet!

And now he has a microphone too!

Drake sees the microphone falling from the arena ceiling and tries frantically to get up, knowing that what is going to follow isn't going to be good for him. Just as he gets the furthest up in the sit-up that he can manage, his opponent steps forward, ignoring the microphone and having his smile twist into a scowl. He takes a few large steps with the chair as a crutch for his right side and then swings it with both hands, crushing Drake in the side of the head with the chair and forcing him back into a full inverted position. Drake doesn't give up though. He sees that Jay is off balance after the shot, with his right leg unwilling to hold his weight. He tries to sit up again, but Jay comes up with the chair backhanded and whacks Drake on the back swing as he falls down to a knee. Drake falls again, with his back hitting hard against the turnbuckles. His legs are starting to go numb, and the pressure in his head is rising with every beat of his heart that he is inverted. Jay again places the chair at his right side, and puts his weight on it to stand. He reaches out and takes a hold of the microphone, pulling it in to his face.

It seems like we do have one that isn't broken....

He hobbles on the chair over to the corner where Drake hangs, with the chair in one hand and the microphone in the other. He tugs at the microphone cord and gets more slack for the line so that it can dangle down near the face of the soon to be former champion. Making sure that he can be heard, Jay yells down at him.

Tell them what they came here to hear you say!

Not gonna happen...

Jay releases his hold on the microphone cord and takes the chair back into both hands. First, he holds it by the sides and drives it into the champion's ribs. Drake's upperbody swings a bit, with his head almost skirting across the ring mat. Jay let's the chair slide through his hands so that he is holding it by the legs and then lifts it up behind his head, bringing it down hard across Drake's kneecaps where they bend around the top rope. He almost loses his balance, but quickly lowers the chair back down to the mat and leans on it. He grabs the swinging microphone cord and dangles it in front of Drake's face.

How about now?

When I get down I'm gonna--

Jay yanks the microphone out of the way again, and jerks the chair up, hitting his opponent flat across the chest with it. Drake swings back and smacks the bottom turnbuckle with the back of his neck, and then sways forward, only for Jay to bring the chair down against the top of his chest. Again the champion swings back and hits the turnbuckle, and again The Jack of Hearts brings down the chair, this time in a golf club style swing that catches Drake across the bridge of his nose and draws heavy boos from the crowd. Out of breath, JHalc puts the chair down and lowers the microphone to the floor right next to Drake's head while the champion takes a few swings at him that miss. He doesn't ask any more questions. Instead, without any further prompting, he stands and swings the chair, first at the knees of his opponent, and then at the quads. Drake screams out in pain as people in the arena are starting to turn away from the violence. JHalc swings again, this time catching Drake in chest. The champion brings his arms up to his chest to protect himself, but they drop after absorbing the next shot from the chair.

stop...i... quit... stop...

Jay grabs the cord of the microphone and pulls it up a little so that he can speak to it.

What was that?

You heard me.... stop... just stop...

Jay drops the microphone and hits Drake another time in the chest, this time jamming the top of the chair into the champion's ribs.




Laura Watts stands up from her chair next to the time keeper and grabs the championship belt. She climbs the steps as two ringside officials help Drake down off of the turnbuckle. Laura steps through the ropes and hands the belt to JHalc in exchange for his microphone.

"Here is your winner...and NEWWWWW XWA Intercontinental Championnnn...The Jack of Hearts...JAYYYYYHALLLLLCCCCC!!!"
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc    6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc   EmptySun Dec 08, 2013 12:02 am

Nate has informed me that he has computer issues and is no showing as well as taking a short break. I will try to give Jay feedback since he wrote a legit match.


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6.) Intercontinental Championship Match - Drake Dysfunction (c) vs. JHalc

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