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 Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...

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Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... Empty
PostSubject: Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...   Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... EmptySat Oct 19, 2013 9:49 pm

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...   Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... EmptySat Oct 19, 2013 10:08 pm

It's dark. Candles dimly light the room. Not much can be seen, except pictures covering the walls, although what said pictures are of can't be made out. The whole vibe of the room is rather creepy. It's dead silent as the candles burn. This silence is broken in an instant with the sound of foot steps, growing from lighter to heavier. Suddenly, the camera finds itself being pulled off of the table it was perched on and lifted into the air before being spun around and revealing the face of the man that is holding it. The man is instantly recognized to be none other than former XWA World Heavyweight Champion Danny Diamond. He clears his throat before beginning to speak directly into the camera, with a calm, English accent..

Danny Diamond
"Hello, Revenge. My name is Danny Diamond. I'd like to welcome you to my, uhh...Well, I like to consider this place a sanctuary of sorts. It helps calm me when my nerves are going. Would you like to have a look around?"

He swings the camera around and begins walking with it, showing off the pictures that cover the walls a bit closer now, as they are now clearly visible.

Danny Diamond
"I must warn you, these pictures aren't for the faint at heart."

The pictures certainly aren't, as they show off brutality and gore at its finest. Varying from pictures of men and women, decapitated, to impaled and even set afire. One picture shows the charred remains of a dog. Danny stops walking and focuses the camera on this picture.

Danny Diamond
"Most of these pictures aren't anything personal to me. They're just nice little reminders of what kind of World we live in. This one, however...This is a reminder of what insanity can bring about. You see, for those who don't know, I suffered from a little condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Sharing my body was a sick little entity known as Mirage. When he would take control, I would do horrible, unspeakable things. I didn't have any control over what I would do, but I would be perfectly aware of what's going on as it happened. From crippling a man's wife to this...This is the charred remains of Roach Cooper's dog. Do you know what Mirage did? He tied up Cooper's wife and daughter, put this poor thing in a bag and then set fire to it whilst Roach's wife and daughter were forced to watch. I was just as helpless to watch what my body was doing as they were. All because Mirage wanted to get inside Roach's head. Needless to say, he did."

Danny continues moving on, as he points the camera at more gruesome, blood-filled pictures on the wall.

Danny Diamond
"Mirage has been gone for a few months now. I'm still not sure how I feel, being without him. On one hand, it's a great feeling to finally be released from his hold. On the other hand, it's like my passion is gone. I've taken a break ever since he left. I just haven't been motivated to wrestle. That is, until the past couple of weeks. I've hit the gym and gained roughly thirty pounds of pure muscle to get myself in the best damn shape I've ever been in. I was on top of the wrestling World at one point and then I let it all slip away because Mirage left. He made me do horrible things, but I always got the job done with him. I've been questioning myself. Can I be the best damn wrestler to ever step foot in the ring...Without him? I was always good. In fact, I was always great. But I didn't catch my big break until Mirage came around. Oh, look at this, look at this."

Danny stops in front of a glass case containing a mask inside it. The mask is a bisque color with two large black eyes and no other noticeable features.

Danny Diamond
"This was his mask. Whenever he came out, he would put on this mask. I'm still, to this day, not sure why that is. Did he feel my face was not worthy of representing him? Maybe he felt he needed no face. Or maybe he just thought it was creepy and used it to get inside people's heads. It is a creepy little thing. I don't know. All I know is it's pretty scary on the inside of that mask. All the blood I've seen flying towards my face, the darkness. Knowing that whenever that mask comes on, I'll have no control of what I do and not having a clue what it is I will do. It's just a scary time. But all of that is over. Never again will I be forced to cover my beautiful face with this atrocious thing. So, you may be wondering just why it is I chose to keep it, here, in my sanctuary. I don't know, really. I guess it just reminds me that everyone has a demon inside themselves and mine might have been the worst of all."

Danny spins the camera around to view his face once more. He licks his lips before clearing his throat.

Danny Diamond
"Well, I've given you all a little glimpse into my World. So, what now? Now...I return. I've accomplished the main goal everyone sets out for themselves on Vendetta; become World Heavyweight Champion. Now, I give myself this same goal for Revenge. I would do the usual trash talk, but I hardly know anyone on this damn brand. I'm not just going to talk down on somebody whom I know nothing about. I mean, am I a better wrestler than them? Probably. Do I look better than them? Most likely. Can I out-wrestle them? Yeah, that's probably the case. I don't know for certain because I've never seen most of them wrestle, but that's the fun of it. It'll be a challenge for me in the form of me not knowing just what to expect. At the end of the day, I'm going to be victorious. Without Mirage. I'm going to take this company and turn it on its head, flip it upside-down. I'm going to make my son Daniel proud of me, as I also will my deceased father. You know what they say, diamonds are forever. Heh...Diamonds are forever."

Danny lets out his signature grin before the video comes to a very sudden end.

Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... MJFR42R
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...   Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... EmptySat Oct 19, 2013 10:44 pm

Why didnt you use this for an actual match? It looks great lol.
I love how sick Mirage is made out to look cause of DD, great character.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...   Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... EmptySun Oct 20, 2013 7:25 am

I like this. So dark.

Though you could have used this for an actual promo in Revenge. Against someone. Like me.

Glad you joined Revenge. Danny Diamond is interesting.
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...   Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... EmptyThu Oct 24, 2013 10:45 pm

I thought about using this for an actual match, but then I was all "nah, hype video".

Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... MJFR42R
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Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself...   Promo) He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself... EmptyFri Oct 25, 2013 6:22 am

I assume you'll continue this after you get back. That is if you'll still be interested.
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