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 WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor Empty
PostSubject: WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor   WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor EmptyMon Nov 27, 2017 12:22 am

Male Wrestlers
Faces in blue | Heels in red
Triple H [Commissioner]
Shawn Michaels [General Manager]

Male Wrestlers
Faces in blue | Heels in red
Adam Cole
AJ Styles
Baron Corbin
Brock Lesnar
Christopher Daniels
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Finn Balor
Frankie Kazarian
Hideo Itami
Johnny Gargano
Kassius Ohno
Kyle O'Reilly
Raymond Rowe
Tommaso Ciampa
Tyler Breeze
Tyson Kidd

Female Wrestlers
Faces in blue | Heels in red
AJ Lee
Cherry Bomb
Nia Jax
Peyton Royce

Tag Teams
Faces in blue | Heels in red
(The) Addiction [Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian]
Flips & Kicks [Kalisto & Hideo Itami]
(The) Kings of Wrestling [Cesaro & Kassius Ohno]
War Machine 2.0 [Rhyno & Raymond Rowe]

ROH World Champion: Vacant
ROH LionHeart Champion: Kyle O'Reilly
ROH Tag Team Champions: Vacant
ROH Women's Champion: Vacant

Last edited by Giggity Gopher on Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor   WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor EmptyMon Nov 27, 2017 12:24 am

Title History

ROH World Championship |
-- Currently Vacant

ROH LionHeart Championship |
-- Kyle O'Reilly [April Week 1-Present]

ROH Tag Team Championships |
-- Currently Vacant

ROH Women's Championship |
-- Currently Vacant

ROH World Championship Tournament Standings

1.) CM Punk - 2 Points
1.) Hideo Itami - 2 Points
1.) Kalisto - 2 Points
1.) Kyle O'Reilly - 2 Points
2.) Adam Cole - 0 Points
2.) AJ Styles - 0 Points
2.) Batista - 0 Points
2.) Brock Lesnar - 0 Points
2.) Cesaro - 0 Points
2.) Finn Balor - 0 Points
2.) Kassius Ohno - 0 Points
2.) Neville - 0 Points
2.) Raymond Rowe - 0 Points
2.) Rhyno - 0 Points
2.) TJP - 0 Points
2.) Tommaso Ciampa - 0 Points
2.) Tyler Breeze - 0 Points
2.) Tyson Kidd - 0 Points
3.) Baron Corbin - -1 Point
3.) Christopher Daniels - -1 Point
3.) Cody Rhodes - -1 Point
3.) Frankie Kazarian - -1 Point
3.) Johnny Gargano - -1 Point
3.) Sheamus - -1 Point

Last edited by Giggity Gopher on Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:54 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor   WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor EmptyMon Nov 27, 2017 2:47 am

Episode #1

Opening Segment - In-Ring Promo |
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk & Sheamus

Match #1 - Singles Match |
CM Punk vs. Sheamus

Backstage Promo |
Johnny Gargano & Baron Corbin

Backstage Promo |
Triple H, Shawn Michaels & AJ Styles

Match #2 - Triple Threat |
Emma vs. Naomi vs. Cherry Bomb

In-Ring Promo |
The Kings of Wrestling & War Machine 2.0

Match #3 - Tag Team Match |
Flips & Kicks vs. The Addiction

Backstage Promo |
Kyle O'Reilly & Cody Rhodes

Match #4 - Singles Match |
AJ Lee vs. Peyton Royce

Backstage Promo |
AJ Lee

Main Event - LionHeart Championship Fatal Fourway |
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Baron Corbin
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor   WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor EmptyMon Nov 27, 2017 5:47 pm

Episode #1 Results

Opening Segment - In-Ring Promo |
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk & Sheamus

Triple H and Shawn Michaels come out to introduce the show. Triple H talks about buying the company and his decision to start things a-new and bring Shawn in as the General Manager. He then says Shawn has some announcements about tonight's show. Shawn announces, first and foremost, that ROH will be introducing a new championship - the LionHeart Championship. The title is to be defended every week by its champion. He says the first Champion will be crowned tonight, in the main event, an elimination four-way between Kyle O'Reilly, Johnny Gargano, Baron Corbin and Cody Rhodes. He continues to say that the World Champion won't be decided tonight, but the process for finding him will begin. Shawn announces a points-based tournament with wrestlers getting two points per win and losing one point per lose. Come ROH's next Pay Per View, the two wrestlers with the most points will face off for the ROH World Championship.

Michaels is interrupted by CM Punk's music hitting. Punk makes his way to the ring and, after shooting a brief grin at Triple H, turns his attention to Shawn. He talks about how ROH is the company that helped mold him into who he is and he's not too happy with it being bought out by "Vince's doofus son in law". He says it falls onto his shoulders to keep the company what it always should be and that he'll do that by becoming the World Champion. Sheamus' music hits and out he comes, albeit choosing to stand on the stage. He says that he thinks it's great that someone of Triple H's talent and eye for business bought this company and turned it from a bingo hall circus to a legitimate empire. He says he'll take pride in representing Triple H and the company well as its world Champion. He also calls Punk fella a bunch of times.

Shawn tells the two of them that they're making his job much easier because they've practically booked the opening match themselves. He says they both get a chance to earn some points in the tournament right now, as they'll be facing each other. He calls for a referee to come out and exits the ring. As Triple H goes to exit as well, he looks at Punk. While Punk grins at the commissioner, Triple H shows nothing but disgust on his face. He leaves the ring and an official comes down for the first match of the night.

Match #1 - Singles Match |
CM Punk vs. Sheamus

Back and forth match. Punk starts off with the early lead, but Sheamus takes advantage after he ducks under a Suicide Dive attempt, causing Punk to crash into the commentary team. After that, Sheamus dominates a lot of the match, occasionally using dirty tactics to regain control and shut down any comeback attempts from Punk. In the end, Punk manages to turn it around. He dodges a Brogue Kick attempt from Sheamus and quickly lifts him for the GTS to get the pin.

Winner: CM Punk

Backstage Promo |
Johnny Gargano & Baron Corbin

Johnny Gargano is backstage, being interviewed by whoever the fuck does interviews. He's asked about his LionHeart Championship match tonight and he says he's really excited to have this opportunity and he plans on making the most of it. He's also asked about the World Championship tournament and he responds, saying he'd love to hold both the LionHeart and the World Championships. A chuckle from off-screen is heard as Baron Corbin makes his way into the shot. He echoes Sheamus' earlier comments about how this place used to be a bingo hall circus and says that's the kind of Ring of Honor that Johnny Gargano belongs in. He says this Ring of Honor better suits someone like himself and tells Johnny he'd be better off packing his bags and finding a gymnasium to wrestle in.

Backstage Promo |
Triple H, Shawn Michaels & AJ Styles

Triple H and Shawn Michaels are talking backstage when they're interrupted by AJ Styles, who looks aggravated. Styles asks what they were thinking when they decided not to book him on the first re-branded Ring of Honor show. Triple H tells him to look at Shawn, since he handles that. He chuckles and walks away. Shawn goes to speak but AJ cuts him off and says he doesn't even want an answer because there's no way any answer could be justified. He demands to be booked next week and says Ring of Honor was the house that AJ Styles built. Shawn asks, wasn't that SmackDown? Styles responds that he's a very gifted carpenter. Michaels tells him he'll be booked next week. AJ says good and goes to walk away, when the camera turns to reveal Brock Lesnar standing there, with Paul Heyman. Brock and Paul look at AJ, Lesnar letting out the slightest of grins, before they walk off, leaving AJ behind.

Match #2 - Triple Threat |
Emma vs. Naomi vs. Cherry Bomb

Fairly even match, though a tad on the short side. All three women get a decent amount of offense in. Emma seems as though she's about to win as she has the Emma Lock applied to Cherry Bomb, but Naomi does a big diving Cross Body off the top rope, landing on top of the two of them. Cherry, having taken the most of it, rolls out of the ring and Emma gets up groggily, before being hit with Rear View. Naomi picks up the win.

Winner: Naomi

In-Ring Promo |
The Kings of Wrestling & War Machine 2.0

The Kings of Wrestling head to the ring to cut a promo. Ohno says they don't need the World Championship - though one of them will probably win it, anyway - as they're focus is on proving themselves to be the greatest tag team in the industry. He talks about Cesaro's Herculean-like strength and his own ability to KO anyone that steps into the ring with him. Cesaro says he's been involved with a lot of successful tag teams - his partnership with Sheamus, his partnership with Jack Swagger, his partnership with Tyson Kidd and so on - but the Kings of Wrestling will always be the Kings of Tag Team Wrestling. Cue the War Machine 2.0 interruption. From the stage, Raymond Rowe says he found somebody pretty similar to himself - big, powerful and destructive - in the form of Rhyno, and they may not have the history that Cesaro and Ohno have (he also works in a quick jab at the fact that Hero's still calling himself Kassius Ohno), but they don't need history to beat the bricks off of anyone in front of them. Rowe and Rhyno then run to the ring and brawl with The Kings of Wrestling. War Machine 2.0 get the upperhand but, after Cesaro pulls Ohno out of the way of a Gore attempt, they retreat. They talk trash from the ramp as Rhyno and Rowe stand tall in the ring.

Match #3 - Tag Team Match |
Flips & Kicks vs. The Addiction

Hideo and Kalisto start off with some early miscommunications in the match that allow The Addiction to take advantage. Most of the match is spent with Daniels & Kazarian cutting off the ring and tearing down Kalisto. It's a tag match, though, and there's always gotta be a hot tag. Once the hot tag happens and Hideo enters, things turn around for the team. A big tag match brawl breaks out, leading to Daniels being tossed onto the apron. Before he can get back in, Kalisto grabs him from in the ring and does an over-the-top-rope Salida del Sol, taking Daniels to the outside. Being distracted by that, Kazarian turns around to be hit with a Busaiku Knee Kick from Hideo, who pins him for the win.

Winners: Flips & Kicks

Backstage Promo |
Kyle O'Reilly & Cody Rhodes

Kyle is backstage, warming up for the main event, when he's approached by Cody Rhodes. Cody says that the other two in their match aren't Ring of Honor wrestlers. They've never competed in this company before. He compares them to himself, when he first debuted with ROH, but says unlike him, they don't have the talent and the flare for a place like this. Rhodes says Kyle is a natural born competitor, especially in a place like ROH. He says that because they have ROH in their blood, they should team up to take out Baron and Johnny and then, when it comes down to the two of them, they can show the crowd a real Ring of Honor-style fight. He extends his hand for a handshake. Hesitant at first, Kyle accepts the handshake, receiving a smile from Cody in response. He pats Kyle on the shoulder and says to give them a show tonight, before walking off.

Match #4 - Singles Match |
AJ Lee vs. Peyton Royce

Peyton dominates the early portion of this match, consistently going for pinfall attempts to try to win things before they really got going. AJ manages to stay in it, through the early onslaught, and begins to mount a comeback, trying to out-wrestle her opponent. The match ends up spilling to the outside courtesy of a Cactus-style Cross Body from AJ, taking both herself and Peyton out. Royce regains control on the outside and beats AJ down a bit, occasionally rolling into the ring to break the referee's count. Lee almost makes a comeback, but a Spinning Heel Kick from Peyton floors her. Royce heads back into the ring to attempt a count out win, but AJ makes it back in just in time. Royce dominates for a bit more, before AJ reverses an Irish Whip rebound lift into the Widow's Peak, forcing Peyton to submit.

Winner: AJ Lee

Backstage Promo |
AJ Lee

After returning from a commercial break, AJ is backstage being interviewed. She's asked if she knows how the Women's Champion will be decided. AJ says she doesn't know what the plan is, but she knows she's gonna be the one taking the title. She's asked about Naomi's win early in the night and if she thinks Naomi could be a threat to her chances of becoming the champion. AJ praises Naomi's performance but says that she single-handedly carried the WWE's women's division (oh shit, company name dropping) long before anyone started claiming they started a revolution. She says, just as she carried the division in WWE, she'll carry it here.

Main Event - Elimination Fatal 4-Way (ROH LionHeart Championship) |
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Baron Corbin

The match is hectic from the beginning, with two separate fights getting started at the get-go; Gargano and Cody, Baron and Kyle. In the early portions of the match, it seems the pact Cody made with Kyle earlier was being upheld. They don't go after one another at all and even, in a few instances, double teamed their opponents. Such a double team is what leads to the first elimination of the match. Kyle almost got eliminated, as Baron catch him for an attempt at the End of Days, but before he could finish swinging Kyle, Cody springboarded off of the ropes into a Disaster Kick that caught Baron flush, causing him to drop Kyle. Landing near Baron's foot, Kyle quickly picked his ankle and took him down, applying an Ankle Lock. Cody stomped on Baron's head and upper body repeatedly as Kyle kept the hold applied, eventually forcing him to tap out. The two then targeted Johnny, who tried to fight back as best he could, but to no avail. After beating him down for some time, Cody barks orders, telling Kyle to lift him to his feet. As Kyle goes to grab Johnny, however, Cody quickly grabs him from behind and sets up for the Cross Rhodes, turning his back on Kyle. As he goes for the spin, Kyle manages to stop the momentum and transition into a Guillotine Choke, turning the tables on Cody and forcing him to tap out for the second elimination.

By this point, Johnny had just got up and the two stare each other down. They begin the final stretch of the match with some back-and-forth grappling. The remainder of the contest is very even between the two, with both men getting big offense in. A series of strikes happens with both men refusing to drop, but when Kyle goes for a palm strike, Johnny catches it and transitions behind Kyle, into a Full Nelson, looking to land a Full Nelson lifted and dropped into a Reverse STO, but as he lifts and turns Kyle, O'Reilly lands a sharp kick to the mid-section, cutting him off. He quickly applies a Front Chancery and lifts Gargano into the air, bringing him down on his head with a snap Brainbuster for the pin to win the match. Kyle celebrates with the LionHeart Championship post-match, but offers Gargano a mutual respect handshake, which Johnny accepts.

Winner: Kyle O'Reilly
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Age : 32
Location : Arlington, Texas

WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor   WWE 2K18 Universe: Snoop's Ring of Honor EmptyMon Nov 27, 2017 6:32 pm

Episode #2 Card

Opening Segment - In-Ring Promo |
Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman & AJ Styles

Match #1 - Tag Team Match |
The Kings of Wrestling vs. Flips & Kicks

Backstage Promo |
Shawn Michaels & The Women's Division

Match #2 - Singles Match |
Neville vs. Tyson Kidd

Backstage Promo |
Adam Cole

Match #3 - Singles Match (LionHeart Championship; Cody Rhodes on Commentary) |
Kyle O'Reilly ©️ vs. Tyler Breeze

In-Ring Promo |
CM Punk & Batista

Backstage Promo |
AJ Lee, Naomi & Peyton Royce

Match #4 - Singles Match |
AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin

Backstage Promo |
Johnny Gargano

Main Event - 6-Woman Tag Team Match (Women's Championship Qualifier) |
AJ Lee, Naomi & Peyton Royce vs. Emma, Natalya & Nia Jax
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