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 Rey Mysterio Explains Why He Did Not Return To WWE

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Rey Mysterio Explains Why He Did Not Return To WWE Empty
PostSubject: Rey Mysterio Explains Why He Did Not Return To WWE   Rey Mysterio Explains Why He Did Not Return To WWE EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 11:11 am

Rey Mysterio recently appeared on the PodNasty Wrestling Podcast to talk about various topics. Down below is an excerpt in which Mysterio commented on why he decided to join Lucha Underground instead of returning to WWE.

“This is the style that I grew up (in), the style that I started training, this is my base, my fundamental,” Mysterio said.

“I never dreamed of going to WWE or WCW, my dream was always making it to CMLL because AAA didn’t exist back then. And then, next thing you know AAA started, the opportunity came.

“My base was always high-flying. I always wanted to get the opportunity to show the world what I can do. So there was no other company out there that was displaying that but Lucha Underground. When I saw the first season, I was blown away.”

You can listen to the entire podcast here:

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Rey Mysterio Explains Why He Did Not Return To WWE

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