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 John Cena Believes That The Rock Is The Most Successful WWE Superstar Ever

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John Cena Believes That The Rock Is The Most Successful WWE Superstar Ever Empty
PostSubject: John Cena Believes That The Rock Is The Most Successful WWE Superstar Ever   John Cena Believes That The Rock Is The Most Successful WWE Superstar Ever EmptyWed Jul 15, 2015 10:17 am

WWE star John Cena spoke with mtv.co.uk recently to promote the upcoming film, “Trainwreck,” which he appears in along with Amy Schumer.

In this short interview, he talked about making movies and how he now understands why The Rock left to go do movies full-time.

On his future in WWE:

“My life is with WWE. And at 38 years old I tell everybody I feel as strong and as good as ever. I think you can check out Monday Night Raw and watch any US Open challenge and my actions speak for themselves.”

On now understanding why The Rock left WWE to go do movies:

“When opportunities like this come up, I’m going to do it for the same reason that Dwayne has done what he’s done.”

“Him being such a success has just gotten more eyeballs on WWE and that’s my goal. So when opportunities like this come up, I’m going to go for it. But unlike Dwayne I won’t take a sabbatical to do so, I take nothing away from his accomplishments – he is the most successful WWE superstar ever.”

“A few years back I was just too ignorant to see his vision. It is amazing after beating somebody up, how much respect you have for them. But what he was doing was absolutely correct, for where he wanted to go – he’s there tenfold now.

“Hopefully I can ride a little bit on his wing.”
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John Cena Believes That The Rock Is The Most Successful WWE Superstar Ever

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