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 Complete WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results for 5/21 *SPOILERS*

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Complete WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results for 5/21 *SPOILERS* Empty
PostSubject: Complete WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results for 5/21 *SPOILERS*   Complete WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results for 5/21 *SPOILERS* EmptyWed May 20, 2015 12:41 pm

WWE Smackdown TV Taping SPOILERS
Air Date: May 21, 2015

wwe smackdown-Roman Reigns comes down to start Smackdown, and the crowd gives him a great welcome. He cuts a promo about Payback and the very brief reunion of the Shield, but ultimately didn’t get the job done and he’s still not World Heavyweight Champion. Reigns says he intends on competing in the June Money in the Bank ladder match… and here comes Dean Ambrose, to talk about how he doesn’t need a briefcase because he’s got the title shot at Elimination Chamber.

-Kane comes down to kill everyone’s buzz. He informs Reigns he won’t be in the MITB match because he lost at Payback. Worked really well for Ambrose, didn’t it? He tells him to take the night off, and books Dean vs. Bray Wyatt for tonight’s main event.

(1) The Lucha Dragons def. Los Matadores, The Ascension, Cesaro & Tyson Kid in a four-way match. WWE tag team champions The New Day was out on commentary, as were the Prime Time Players. Packed house around ringside for this one.

-Lana and Dolph Ziggler do their flirty thing backstage.

(2) Dolph Ziggler def. King Barrett. Lana was out there for him as manager.

-Paige comes out. She informs everyone that “this is my house” (in case you hadn’t heard yet), and that she’s still the official #1 contender for the Divas title. Naomi and Tamina come out to double team her, but Nikki Bella makes the save. Didn’t Paige just take her out on Raw?

(3) R-Truth def. Stardust. Poor Stardust.

(4) Curtis Axel & Damien Mandow def. Adam Rose & Heath Slater.

(5) Dean Ambrose def. Bray Wyatt. There’s all kinds of interference from J&J Security and Seth Rollins. Roman Reigns – who apparently did NOT take the night off – makes the save. Rollins manages to bail and stares down Ambrose from the ramp to end Smackdown.
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Complete WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results for 5/21 *SPOILERS*

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