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 Slammiversary Announcement

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Slammiversary Announcement Empty
PostSubject: Slammiversary Announcement   Slammiversary Announcement EmptySat Apr 18, 2015 8:39 pm

Bob Ryder noted on Twitter that an official announcement about TNA Slammiversary is expected at some point during the upcoming week.

The company hasn’t broadcast a pay-per-view since Bound for Glory in October, and given that it was taped in Japan hours earlier, they haven’t done a live pay-per-view for the U.S. market since Slammiversary last June. TNA is finalizing plans for the show now, which need to be in place because the upcoming Impact taping in May will carry them into the show.

Although this is just pure speculation and we’ll likely know the date and location of the event in the coming days, the most likely date for Slammiversary is either June 21st or 28th. They are running four days of Impact tapings between May 8-11 which will put between 7-8 episodes in the tank. If they record a second show after the live edition of Impact Wrestling on May 8th, they’ll run out of TV just in time for Slammiversary on June 28th. If they don’t, they’ll make it to June 21st. Neither has any sort of competition from WWE.
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Slammiversary Announcement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slammiversary Announcement   Slammiversary Announcement EmptySun Apr 19, 2015 9:55 am

It's nearly fucking May and they still ain't announced where this is taking place? They need to stop leaving this shit so late...

Make it worth watching TNA <_<
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Slammiversary Announcement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slammiversary Announcement   Slammiversary Announcement EmptySun Apr 19, 2015 11:01 am

Knowing TNA they'd make this a TV special
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