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 Disney plan live action Winnie The Pooh

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Disney plan live action Winnie The Pooh Empty
PostSubject: Disney plan live action Winnie The Pooh   Disney plan live action Winnie The Pooh EmptyFri Apr 03, 2015 8:24 am

Disney are planning a live-action remake of Winnie The Pooh.

The company are said to be working on a new adventure featuring AA Milne's iconic character following on from the success of their adapted fairytale 'Cinderella' starring Lily James.

Alex Ross Perry is on board to develop the film which hopes to give the old tale a new lease of life and will feature an adult Christopher Robin returning to the Hundred Acre Wood, reports Deadline.

Meanwhile, the studios live-action retellings have been well received to date, with Oscar-nominee Sir Kenneth Branagh having been called in to put his spin on the reinterpretation of the Cinderella fairytale.

The 54-year-old director has stressed the importance of making the new films markedly different from the original story.

He said: ''I did want to make a film that was about courage and about kindness and about a psychological modernity in the middle of this traditional story.

''The Cinderella myth continues to capture our imaginations.''
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Disney plan live action Winnie The Pooh

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