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 ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen

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StraightEdge Rurouni
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StraightEdge Rurouni

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ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen Empty
PostSubject: ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen   ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 10:49 pm

Can Madsen Take Out the Legend?
Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen
RP Limit: 5000 words
Due Date: September 11, 2013 11:59 CST (GMT - 6)
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I am Batman
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ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen Empty
PostSubject: Re: ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen   ME: Nick Legend vs. Alex Madsen EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 12:02 am

Yeah so, sorry this sucks major balls. Tyler's no showing and I don't have much time to write. Plus, I figured I'd get some part of the story ahead.

He sits in a room. Or should it be “They”? The room is split in half with lighting. Half the room is dark, half the room is lit. Nick sits in the middle of the split, half his body being shrouded in darkness while exactly his other half is in the lit area. He begins to speak.

Nick Legend: “Tonight, we show them why WE’RE number one….”

Nick Legend: “But, let’s try to do it while putting on a show…”

He says each sentence with a completely different tone.

Nick Legend: “SCREW the show, we go in there and simply take Alex Madsen out!”

Nick Legend: “But, this is still a family show. As such, we should control the way we behave…”

Nick Legend: “How about we don’t? How about we go out there and cause… chaos?”

Nick Legend: “Fine. Whatever you say. I guess it’s time to put up or shut up. We are one now, and as such, we will work together.”

Nick Legend: “In that case… how about a name change?”

Nick looks up a bit.

Nick Legend: “To what?”

Nick Legend: “Well… since we are one now, I suggest we become… Nick Zayvin!”

Nick Legend: “Sounds a lot better than Seth Legend…. Let’s go out there and kill it, then.”

Nick Legend: “Alex Madsen does not stand a chance…”

The crazed man stands up and walks to the door, preparing for his match.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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