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 Xbox Live Marketplace Renamed

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Xbox Live Marketplace Renamed Empty
PostSubject: Xbox Live Marketplace Renamed   Xbox Live Marketplace Renamed EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 12:06 pm


Microsoft has officially rebranded the Xbox Live Marketplace as the Xbox Games Store, effective immediately.

Joystiq asked Microsoft about the reasons for the switch and was told, "That's right, [Xbox Live Marketplace] is now called the Xbox Games Store, and will sit alongside the Xbox Music Store and Xbox Video Store.

"This is to make it easier for consumers to find content both on Xbox 360 today and Xbox One when it launches in November."

he Xbox Live Marketplace launched at the same time as the Xbox 360 in November 2005. Given the recent changes made regarding the Xbox Video Store and the Xbox Music Store however, we're not massively surprised at this decision.

It's not the only change to hit the store this week; on Monday, Microsoft implemented its long-discussed plan to retire Microsoft Points and bring in regional currencies across the board.
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Xbox Live Marketplace Renamed

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