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 Complete 1/23 TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results *SPOILERS*

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Complete 1/23 TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results *SPOILERS* Empty
PostSubject: Complete 1/23 TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results *SPOILERS*   Complete 1/23 TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results *SPOILERS* EmptyFri Jan 09, 2015 12:28 pm

TNA Impact Wrestling
January 23, 2015

(1) Havok vs. Gail Kim. The match ends with Havok shoving the referee. She drags Gail Kim back to the ring and continues her attack, but the lights go out and Awesome Kong makes the save. They have another staredown and this time Havok tries to attack her, but her attacks have no effect. Kong clotheslines her over the top rope and stands tall.

(2) Koya def. Tigre Uno. Koya is the former Ring Ka King performer Mahabali Shera, who showed up briefly on an episode of Impact in November.

-James Storm, with the Revolution, cuts a promo about Matt and Jeff Hardy. Storm vs. Matt is announced for later tonight.


The competitors are as follows:

Robbie E
Jessie Godderz
DJ Zema Ion
Eddie Edwards
Davey Richards
Rockstar Spud
Crazzy Steve
Sam Shaw
Austin Aries

Aries, Magnus and Rockstar Spud all grab cases. The Beautiful People grabbed a case while nobody was looking, so it’s probably for one of the BroMans. The winners (and one loser) will be revealed later.

-Ethan Carter III and Tyrus come out. Ec3 talks about what they did to Borash last week, and calls him down. JB comes out with Rockstar Spud and actually attacks Carter with a microphone. Tyrus lays out Spud while EC3 continues to attack Borash, until Mark Andrews jumps the barricade and evened the odds. The heels backed off to end the segment. (Andrews is the season two British Boot Camp winner)

(4) Matt Hardy def. James Storm.

-The Revolution attacks Hardy after the match. Abyss grabs Janice (the 2×4 covered in nails) from under the ring, but Jeff Hardy runs out to save his brother. It’s going to be Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss in a Monster’s Ball match on the 1/30 show.

(5) Low Ki & Eric Young def. Kurt Angle & Bobby Roode. More distraction from BDC here. Low Ki pinned Roode after Young hit him with a steel chair.

-Bobby Lashley is out to the ring and he’s not happy. He demands the BDC return the TNA World Heavyweight Championship to him. Out comes Kenny King and Lashley told him to bring the belt out or he’d kick his ass. There’s a short match between the two until the BDC interferes (again) and attacks the champ. MVP has the title and is basically pretending to be world champion. Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle ran out to even the odds, and the babyfaces cleared the ring of the BDC to end the taping.
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Complete 1/23 TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results *SPOILERS*

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